Au Revoir Les Enfants

Amanda Ross
EDU 505
“Au Revoir les Enfants” takes place in
1944 during the German occupation of
France. At an all boys boarding school
near Paris, a young boy named Julien
(le narrateur) tries to lead a normal
childhood while war carries on in the
world around him. One day, a new
student, Jean Bonnet, arrives at the
school. Jean Bonnet and Julien are an
unlikely pair but soon become friends.
As their friendship evolves, great
secrets begin to surface about
their pasts and new mysteries unfold
about their futures.
After research and viewing the film, your final
goal will be to write a detailed film critique
As part of the process, you will be required to
complete the following CHECKPOINTS:
CHECKPOINT 1: Create a “Fiche d’identite”
for at least 2 of the following main characters
from the film: Jean Bonnet, Julien, Pere Jean,
or Joseph the worker
CHECKPOINT 2: Research Louis Malle (le
realisateur) and his intentions while making
the film. Create a list of interview questions to
ask Louis Malle about his film
During the occupation of
France, all persons were
required to have
identification (les
papiers/les fiches
d’identite) on them at all
times. The Gestapo could
demand to see these
articles at any time.
Why might they want to
check the identity of a
French citizen?
Create a “Fiche d’identite” for at least two of the main characters listed:
Julien Quentin, Jean Bonnet, Pere Jean, Joseph the Cook
By using the links below, you can find examples of authentic cards to guide
WWII Memorabilia
Carte d'Identite
Carte d'Identite Juif/Juive
« As you know, the story Au revoir les
enfants is personal to me. The film is
very close to what I lived through.
But it became an amazing thing:
after having written the first scene
and made some checks (…) I realised
that there were certain differences,
as over 45 years, my imagination had
taken the beginning and my
memories had grown. »
-Louis Malle
Use the following links to research Louis Malle and create an
interview of at least ten questions that you would ask him.
Please list any extra videos or websites you use to source
Louis Malle Biography
Louis Malle Biography and Filmography
Louis Malle Bio
Critique du Film
Hampton Roads Critique
New York Times Review
Think about what role the
color of the film images,
the music and other
features play throughout
the film. You may also
wish to include: symbolism,
connection to historical
events, self-reflection.
After reading
through several
reviews, use the
“Film Review
Writing Frame” (on
the next slide) to
map out your
Film Review Writing Frame
Once you have
completed the
outline, critique
away! Allons-Y!
What is the film
J’ai regardé un film qui s’appelle
What kind of film is
C’est un
What do you think
of it?
et c’est
Who are the main
Les personages principaux sont
What is the film
Le film commence
A la fin du film
What is the best bit
about the film?
Le meilleur du film est
If you meet the
director what will
you say?
What ages is it
suitable for?
Si je rencontre le réalisateur je vais,
Would you
recommend this film
or not?
Je peux recommander ce film (√)
A mon avis, le film est convenable pour les personnes âgées de
parce que c’est
Je ne peux pas recommander ce film (X)
Rubric for evaluation of all CHECKPOINTS and
FINAL project
U.S. Government "Why We Fight: Divide and Conquer" Excerpt:1943 - The History Channel Video Link (2)
Au Revoir Les Enfants Bande Annonce: 1987 (3)
WWII Memorabilia, Carte d'Identite, Carte d'Identite Juif/Juive (6)
Louis Malle photo (7)
Louis Malle Biography, Louis Malle Biography and Filmography, Louis Malle Bio (8)
Critique du Film, Hampton Roads Critique, New York Times Review (9)