(skills) English Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Content Objective Today I will identify the theme of a story by differentiating theme from the plot, the tone, and the subject of a story. Today I will locate story elements of “Recitatif” by identifying parts of the plot, subject, and tone of the story. Today I will determine a theme in “A Smart Cookie” by explaining my citation from the vignette. Today I will determine the theme in “Recitatif” by giving an example from the text and explaining my choice. 1960’s, Desegregatio n, Theme, Clarifying FL: -Students get out notes and copy theme definitions -Use theme/”Recitati f” PPT -Hand out notecatcher/wr ksht -Practice finding theme with video “Boundin” FL: -use Theme/”Rec” PPT to Review theme -Hand outNotecatchers -use ppt to show “Zax” story and find theme Today I will identify the theme of “Papa who Wakes Up Tired in the Dark” and justify my choice by underlining the phrases from the text that support the theme. FL: -Use Theme/”Rec” PPT to remind how to find theme -Hand out Cisneros Text -Students read “Papa” and identify theme and support by underlining FL: Use Theme/”Rec” PPT to remind how to find theme - Hand out Cisneros text -Students will identify the theme and support it by citing an example from the text. FL: -Have students get out their STL role sheets and look at their theme discoveries -Use Theme/”Rec” PPT to go over definition of “Recitatif” - Reconsider the clues to discover theme - Make concluding thoughts about which girl is white and which is black - Have a group discussion about why Morrison (assessments) You do never tells us (answers are in the Blue book) – try to get to a conversation about stereotyping English 1960’s, Desegregatio n, Theme STL: “Recitatif” 203-211 -use theme/”Rec” ppt to preteach “Recitatif” -if there is time - show 1960’s segregation video – emphasize main points (in ppt) -Read aloud first couple pages of “Recitatif” -Hand out role sheets - students read in groups 203-211 STL: “Recitatif” 211-219 -Use Theme/”Rec” PPT to Clarifying Act I in “Rec” and review 201-211 -Initial Race Prediction of Twyla and Roberta -Pre-teach Jimi Hendrix -Read aloud or summarize 211213 -Students read 213-219 and begin finding plot, subject, and theme with role sheets STL: “Reciftatif” 219-225 STL: “Recitatif” 225-227 -Use PPT -Use PPT clarifying Clarifying strategy for Act strategy to IV review Acts II and -Continue III discussion of race -Continue -Students read discussion of 225-227 and girls’ races finish identifying -Remind about plot, subject, desegregation/pi tone, AND cketing from Lit. THEME with role Monday sheets -Read aloud or summarize first couple pages of Act IV -Have students read until 225 and continue identifying plot, subject, and theme with role sheets STL: “Recitatif” -Students break into their groups and fill out the group discussion sheet using everyone’s individual role sheets Reading questions Stuff Theme/Recitati f PPT -story elements visual notecatcher -1960’s video (in ppt) -STL Role Sheets Content Objective - PPT STL Role Sheets - PPT STL Role Sheets Cisneros Texts/ass ignment - PPT STL Role Sheets Cisneros Text/assi gnment - PPT STL Role Sheets Blue STL book Today I will recognize key events of the Civil Rights Movement by clarifying terms from The Century for Young People. Today I will determine the tone in MLK’s “I Have a Dream” speech and justify my answer using examples from the text. Today I will compare MLK’s and Malcolm X’s speeches by differentiating among their tones, purposes, and strategies. Today I will recall what I know about Paul Lawrence Dunbar to determine his purpose in writing the poem “Sympathy.” Today I will examine Dunbar’s and Angelou’s purposes in writing their poems to compare and contrast the two texts. Literacy Grammar DGP- DGP- DGP- DGP- DGP- DGP sentence notes Literacy Reading strategies Questioning RS: -Use Civil Rights/Literacy PPT to review terms from “Little Things are Big” -Read from RS: “I Have a Dream” -Use Civil Rights/Literacy PPT to do an overview of MLK - Use PPT to play/show RS: “The Ballot or the Bullet” -Use Civil Rights/Literacy PPT to do an overview of Malcolm X RS: “Sympathy” -Use Civil Rights/Literacy PPT to do an overview of Dunbar -Play/Read “Sympathy” RS: “Still I Rise” -Use Civil Rights/Literacy PPT to do an overview of Dunbar -Play/Read “And Still I Rise” -Students use Behavior and responses Century for Young People pgs 97-103 using PPT to give context and add a visual (can cut if you want) excerpt from MLK “I Have a Dream” -students use reading showcase notecatcher to determine tone -Play/Show excerpt from Malcolm X’s “The Ballot or the Bullet” -Students fill out note-catcher – comparing MLK and Malcolm X -Students use reading showcase notecatcher to determine Dunbar’s purpose the poem reading showcase note-catcher to compare and contrast -students answer “concluding question” on their note-catchers LC:SSR: -Students silently read (can catch up on “Recitatif”) LC: DATA -Hand out data center articles and Data notecatcher – make sure every student get the same from Mon. -Students finish writing GIST statements -If time – get with others with the same article and compare GIST statements to prepare to teach to classmates LC:SSR -Students read silently(catch up on Recitatif) LC: DATA -Hand out articles and Data notecatchers which should be completed -break students into jig-saws groups -hand each group a timeline of sig. Civil Rights events -students will “teach” each other about their article (event) by sharing GIST statements -students will write the event and GIST -Students use reading showcase notecatcher as you read Literacy Reading strategies, synthesis of data LC: DATA: -Hand out Data Center articles and notecatchers -Students work on writing GIST statements from article Answered questions/Reading Logs statement on their timelines Stuff -DGP notes and handout -Data Center articles - ReadingShow note-catcher for the week -Data notecatcher for the week -Civil Rights/Literacy PPT -DGP notes and handout - ReadingShow note-catcher for the week -Civil Rights/LiteracyPP T -DGP notes and handout -Data Center articles - ReadingShow note-catcher for the week -Data notecatcher for the week -Civil Rights/LiteracyPP T -DGP notes and handout - ReadingShow note-catcher for the week -Civil Rights/LiteracyPP T -DGP notes and handout -Data Center articles - ReadingShow note-catcher for the week -Data note-catcher for the week -Civil Rights timeline -Civil Rights/LiteracyPPT