Wednesday 2-20-2013

Wednesday 2-20-2013
Warm Up: 500m Row, shoulder and overhead movement mobility (check the posters in the
---------------------------------------------------------------------------SKILL: "Pull Ups"
Pull Ups are a basic functional movement we all aspire to be able to do well. In this session we
are going to focus on kipping technique and CTB pull ups for advanced athletes.
3:00 Basic kipping pull up technique discussion
3:00 Practice kipping pull ups (with bands if needed)
5:00 Complete the following:
o Beginner: 4 sets of 8 kipping pull ups (unbroken with bands)
o Intermediate: 4 sets of 12 pull ups (unbroken, bands if needed)
o Rx: 4 sets of 15 (unbroken, no bands)
o Elite: Chest to Bar, 4 sets of 12-15 unbroken.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------WOD: AMRAP 7:00, Rest 3:00, AMRAP 7:00:
9 Front Squats (100/65, no racks)
6 Burpees (jump over the bar)
~ Rest ~
Thursday 2-21-2013
Warm Up: 800m Run, mobility (check posters)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------SKILL: "Deadlifts"
Deadlifts and squats are probably the two most functional movements for humans! Deadlifts will
definately be in the open competition (and every other competition or CrossFit workout you can
find). Todays skill session is going to focus on perfecting your technique at about 50-60% of
your 1RM for unbroken sets of 8-12 reps.
2:00 PVC drills
2:00 Deadlifts with the bar
2:00 Deadlifts with 135/95 (scaled as needed), focus on perfect form is unbroken sets of
6:00 - 4 sets of deadlifts at 50-60% of 1RM (recommended not to exceed 225/155)
o Beginner: 4 sets of 12 unbroken reps
o Intermediate: 4 sets of 12 unbroken reps
o RX: 4 sets of 15 unbroken reps
o Elite: 4 sets of 15-21 unbroken reps
---------------------------------------------------------------------------WOD: Complete for reps, 4:00 for each round, 2:00 rest between:
1. Run 400m
Max Wall Ball
o Rest 2:00
2. Run 400m
Max Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
o Rest 2:00
3. Run 400m
Max Box Jumps (24"/20")
o Rest 2:00
Friday 2-22-2013
Warm Up: 500m Row, Mobility
---------------------------------------------------------------------------SKILL: "Cleans"
Olympic weight lifting breeds power, coordination, strength, and just plain looking awesome.
Cleans and snatches will definately be in the Crossfit open competioin and are a skill we all
should master. Again in this session we will focus on the medium weight and slightly higher rep
3:00 PVC Cleans
3:00 Bar Power Cleans
3:00 Bar Squat Cleans
6:00 - 4 sets of 8-12 power cleans at various recommended weights, all sets unbroken
(weights don't rest on the floor)
o Beginner: 4 x 8 reps @ 75/55
o Intermediate: 4 x 10 @ 95-115/65-70
o RX: 4 x 12 @ 135/95
Elite: 4 x 12 @ 165-185/105-115
---------------------------------------------------------------------------WOD: AMRAP 10:00
12 Overhead Squats (45/35)
10 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
Saturday 2-23-2013
8:00 WOD:
WOD 1: AMRAP 8:00
8 Kettlebell Snatch (4 each hand 70/44, below the knee)
Run 100m
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------WOD 2: AMRAP 8:00
8 Back Squats (135/95)
Run 100m
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------9:00/10:00 Free WODs:
AMRAP 7:00
10 Lunges
5 Burpees
Shuttle Run 30' x 2 D&B
~ Rest 3:00 ~
AMRAP 7:00
10 Squats
8 Sit Ups
Shuttle Run 30' x 2 D&B
~ Rest 3:00 ~
AMRAP 7:00
20 Calorie Row
Plank for 30 seconds
Sunday 2-24-2013
Warm Up: 500m Row, PVC pass throughs, mobility
---------------------------------------------------------------------------SKILL: "Muscle Ups"
10:00 in training and technique
10:00 practice (used banded and toe-muscle ups to scale a MU)
Note: if people cannot do even 1 pull up or ring dip they should work on those skills first.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------WOD: Complete for time: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 reps of:
Ring Dips
Power Cleans (135/95)
3 x Double Unders (30, 27, 24...)
Notes: Scaling is A: 45/35 B: 95/65 C: Rx