Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion

By: Ronnie Fecso, Beth Ann
Johnson, Mickaela Cummings,
and Emily Parr
Islamic Beliefs
of the Afterlife
• Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment – a day when the
world is destroyed and Allah ( there main god) must judge the
• Until the Day of Judgment those who are dead stay in their
graves, but they can tell where they are going to end up – those
who are destined for Hell feel pain, those who are destined for
Heaven – feel peace
• Judgment is determined by the deeds done in a lifetime
• Heaven also call the garden is a place filled with spiritual
• Hell also called Jahannam has seven doors – the door you
take depends on the severity of your bad deeds
• Allah can rescue people from Hell is he chooses
• It is believed that hell is where souls are made ready to go to
Location of
Islamic Belief
• Muslims holy city is Mecca – many Muslims make pilgrimages
• Most Muslims are found in the middle east , but they are all over
the world
Founder of Islam
• Born in Mecca, Arabia around
570 AD
• Had a vision about becoming
God’s prophet from an
• He would preach about
different topics to his neighbors
• Preached about restraining
from polytheism, immortality
and materialism
• Only had 40 followers at first
• Both he and his followers
experienced serious punishment
for what he was teaching
• Traveled to Yathrib, they were in
need of a leader and suggested
• Mecca city leaders found out and
went to war against the Muslims
Holy Books/Key
• Important source for practices,
ways and laws
• Created in the first three
centuries of Islamic history
• Two parts
– The tradition and the authorities
that would relay the tradition
• Means “recitation” in Arabic
• Is a perfect record of the words
spoken by Angel Gabriel and
• Mostly written in first person plural
• Created after the death of
Muhammed around 632 AD
• Divided into 114 surahs, or
Key Writings
• Six Articles of Faith
One God
The Angels of God
The books of God
The prophets of God
The Day of Judgment (or afterlife)
The supremacy of Gods will
• This is everything that a Muslim must
believe in
• They must follow this guideline
Origins of Islam
• Can be traced back to 7th century
• Prophet Muhammad introduced Islam after
angelic experience
• He dictated Qur’an the holy book
• God ->Angel->Prophet Muhammad
• Origin is controversial
Key Beliefs and Practices
Beliefs in Allah as the one god and only god and the Qur’an .
Beliefs in the Prophets Adam, Ibrahim (Abraham), Musa (Moses), Dawud
(David), Isa (Jesus).
Muhammad is the last prophet and the one that will come back to save the
Salat is the obligatory Muslim prayers performed five times each day.
Praying together in a mosque helps Muslims to realize that all humanity is one
and that all are equal in the sight of Allah.
Muslims must clean before they pray. They perform a ritual washing called
Once a year the Hajj, when all Muslims gather together before the Kaaba to praise
Allah together.
Ramadan, the 9th month of the yeah
“Origin of Islam- Quranic Revelation.” All About Religion. 2011. 9/15/11 http://www.
"The Afterlife in Islam - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the
facts on the world's religions.. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2011. <
"BBC - Religions - Islam: Basic Articles of Faith." BBC - Homepage. 2011. Web. 18 Sept. 2011.
"BBC - Religions - Islam: Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca." BBC - Homepage. Mar. 2009. Web. 18
Sept. 2011. <>.
"BBC - Religions - Islam: Jihad." BBC - Homepage. 2009. Web. 18 Sept. 2011.
"BBC - Religions - Islam: Salat: Daily Prayers." BBC - Homepage. 2009. Web. 18 Sept. 2011.
Islam - ReligionFacts." Religion, World Religions, Comparative Religion - Just the Facts on the
World's Religions. Blue Host, 2004. Web. 15 Sept. 2011.