Syllabus for Fiction and Film

Fiction and Film
Students will have the opportunity to develop literacy and analytical skills through the close examination of significant
film texts. Students will learn the language of film and essential film techniques in order to appreciate and explore the
unique expressive abilities of this type of storytelling. This information will be combined with more familiar literary
concepts (theme, symbolism, character, irony, etc) to analyze the ways in which film is both similar and different from
written texts.
The course will be organized by film genres. Within each genre, two films will be viewed, compared, and analyzed. By
the end of the course, students will view films with a critical and knowledgeable eye that will enhance their
understanding and enjoyment of the art form. An effort will be made to provide viewings of both older, classic works
and more recent award winning films.
During the nine week course, students will complete the following:
 Critical Analysis of Film
 Movie Response Journals
 Guided Discussions
 Annotation of a Screenplay
 Comparison between short story and film
 Independent Film Review: Project and Presentation
Films are chosen based on their placement as the top movies of their genres according to the American Film Institute. Possible
viewings include:
Intro to Film: Cinema Paradiso, R
Classic Suspense: Hitchcock’s Psycho, R, The Rear Window, PG, The Birds, PG 13
Romantic Comedy: The Philadelphia Story, NR, Sleepless in Seattle PG
Coming of Age / Rebellion: Rebel Without a Cause, PG 13, West Side Story, NR, Sixteen Candles, PG
Epic: Gone with the Wind, G, Schindler’s List, R, Star Wars, PG, Life is Beautiful, PG 13
Courtroom Drama: Twelve Angry Men, NR, A Few Good Men,R, Anatomy of a Murder, NR, Philadelphia, PG 13
Musical: Singing in the Rain, G, Moulin Rouge, PG-13, Chicago, PG-13, Les Miserables, PG 13
Fantasy / Sci-Fi: Invasion of the Body Snatchers, PG, It’s a Wonderful Life, NR, Jaws, PG, ET, PG
Historical Fiction: Boy in the Striped Pajamas,PG-13, Glory, R, Saving Private Ryan, R
Sports: The Natural, PG, Moneyball, PG-13, The Hoosiers, PG
Dystopian Society: The Truman Show, PG-13, The Hunger Games, PG-13
While time prohibits us from enjoying all of the films on this list, please sign if you approve ALL of the above choices for
your child’s viewing:
Parent Signature:
If there are any films that you do not want your child to view and discuss, please list them here or on the back of this
sheet. When the film is shown and discussed, your child will be sent to the library with an alternative assignment: