Chapter 9 - Muncy School District

Chapter 9
Career Planning
9-1 Career Opportunities
Occupation- task or series of tasks that is
performed to provide a good or service
Career- goal for work that is fulfilled
through an occupation
Your current career goal is to complete
your schooling and get ready for the
Career planning- process of
studying careers, assessing yourself
in terms of careers, and making
decisions about a future career
The Career Planning Process
Personal Assessment
Determine interests and values
Identify talents and abilities
Employment market analysis
Geographic influences
Business and economic trends
The Career Planning Process
Application process
application form
resume and cover letter
Interview process
Prepare for interview
Follow-up activities
The Career Planning Process
Employment acceptance
Salary and financial factors
Organizational environment
Career development and
Practice career success behaviors
Develop strong work relationships
Your Study of Careers
Too often, a career choice is not
made until full-time work begins
This is too late, especially if training
and education are required
It is important to view learning
about careers as a life-long activity
Tentative career decision- subject to
change as new information is
Career Training
Many careers required education and
training beyond high school including:
Two-year schools- community or junior
Four-year colleges and universities- public
and private
Private business schools- court reporter,
computer tech, medical assistant, etc.
Consider the cost of further
schooling as an investment in your
This schooling will help you earn a
higher wage.
Many ways exist to help finance
your education.
Many financial aid programs are
provided by schools including:
Student loans
Work-study programs
Some financial aid programs are
based on your academic record.
Others are based on financial need.
Why is it important to follow
each of the six steps in the
Career Planning Process?
Print and Media Sources
Occupational Outlook Handbookinformation on hundreds of occupations
Job duties
Working conditions
Education and training requirements
Advancement opportunities
Employment outlook
Career World- includes careers of
the future
Encyclopedia of Careers and
Vocational Guidance- basic
information about many
Newspaper Help Wanted Ads- an
idea of jobs in demand and what
skills and training are needed
Online Sources
Web sites are available to help with
career planning.
A search may be performed to
gather information about: resumes,
effective interviewing, creating a
career portfolio
Informational Interview
Informational interview- planned
discussion with a worker willing to
help you learn about their work, the
preparation needed for the career,
and the person’s feelings about
their career
Help you gain insight into what
really happens in a career
Questions to ask during an
informational interview include:
How did you get your current job?
In what ways do you find your work most
satisfying? What are your main
What tasks and activities are required in
your work?
What are the most important
qualifications for working in this field?
What advice do you give a young person
who is thinking about this type of work?
Job shadow- spending time with a
worker for a day or week to learn
about their occupation
Business Contacts
Networking- talking to other people about
their jobs
Advantages of networking:
Contacts not limited to people you know
Every person you meet is a potential
contact for career information
The contacts in your network when you
start work as well as later in life
What are the main sources of
career information?
In-Class Activity>>
Review Figure 9-2 on page 205
of your textbook then answer
the following questions.
Which of the career areas
shown interest you? Do you
think you should limit your
career exploration to these
areas? Why or why not?
Geographic Influences
Mobility- willingness and ability to
move where jobs are located
Locational unemployment- jobs are
available in one place but go
unfilled because qualified persons
live elsewhere and are unwilling to
Economic and Industry Trends
Careers with the most potential are
influenced by economic trends.
Consumer demand
Changing demographic trends
New technology
What factors affect the career
areas that will be in demand in
the future?
Complete questions #1-3 from page
5 of your packet.
Your career planning activities
should start with a self assessment
of your interests, values, & abilities.
These three areas will help you
better you better understand the
careers are best for you.
Provide a basis for your
employment goals and possible
career paths.
People with strong social tendencies
bay be best suited for work
interacting with people.
If you enjoy investigating, a career
in research should be considered.
Values- things important to you
You can begin to look at your values
by answering some questions:
Is it important for me to earn a lot
of money?
Am I mainly interested in work that
provides a service for others?
Is it important for me to have
occupation that others think is
important even if I don’t really care
for it?
Do I want an occupation that is very
challenging and may require
additional schooling?
Would I be willing to start in a job
that pays a lower salary than
another job if that job was more
challenging and offered better
opportunities for future
Do I consider investing money in
education or training as important
as spending for other things?
Talents and Abilities
Talents- a natural, inborn aptitude
to do certain things
Ability- being able to perform a
mental or physical task
You can learn about your abilities
Evaluating the grades you got in the
classes you have taken
Which classes were easiest
Which classes have been the most
If you are weak in a certain area,
take classes that will improve that
If you are weak in a certain area,
take classes that will improve that
Work to strengthen your weak
areas before you go to full-time
What is the difference between
an interest and a talent?
Work-Study Programs
Cooperative education combines
school with work-related
These programs provide an
occasion to develop a variety of onthe-job skills.
You will also learn to interact in
work settings.
Internships- work experience in
organizations while learning about a
Common internships include:
accounting, finance, and marketing
Applying for an internship is similar
to applying for a job.
Part-Time Employment
Summer and part-time work can
provide valuable experience.
Work experience will allow you the
chance to see if you enjoy a
particular career field.
Part-time work helps you make
Volunteer Activities
Community service can help you in
gaining career experience and
improving work habits.
Helps with
organizational skills
making career contacts
School Activities
Class assignments can provide
work-related experiences.
Example: Research and
communication skills are developed
when you prepare reports or oral
Working on team projects offers
you a chance to interact with others
which is a vital skill
School clubs and organizations can
result in a range of valuable skills:
goal setting
delegating responsibility
Of the listed methods for
obtaining employment
experience (work-study, parttime, volunteer, school), which
one do you feel is the most
beneficial for career planning
and why?
The Media
Newspaper Want Ads are a common
starting point in a job search
Many newspapers post employment
ads on their Web sites
Some newspapers have partnered
with career Web sites with
searchable databases of current
Personal Contacts
Let as many people as possible
know that you are looking for a job.
School counselors can be very
Relatives, friends, neighbors will be
good sources for job leads.
Business Contacts
You should visit a business and ask
about their openings.
Some businesses post help wanted
signs in their windows.
Some retail businesses including
restaurants accept applications
Employment kiosk- apply online for
a job
Located in large stores
You can also use: phone books,
business directories, and Web sites
to locate business contact
Career Fairs
Often held at schools or community
Allow you to contact several
potential employers in a short
period of time
Government Employment
Local and state government
employment offices give information
about available jobs.
Supported by tax money
Employment offices can provide upto-date information about the job
They can help you look for full-time
and part-time work
What are the main sources of
information about available
Please complete the Assessment
Questions at the end of the packet.
9-3 Applying for Employment
The application process may start in
many ways
Fill out application you received
from the employer
Complete an online application form
Submit a resume and cover letter
Personal Data Sheet
The application process begins by
preparing a personal data sheetsummary of your important job
related information
It should list your
Work experience
Having a complete data sheet will
ensure you have all necessary
information to fill out an application.
Application Form
Application form- asks for
information related to employment
Gives the employer standard
information for each job applicant
The form will likely ask you for
Social security number
Work experience
The job you’re applying for
Filling out the application form
should be viewed as your first job
Follow directions carefully
Print answers neatly
Answer all questions completely
See page 216, Figure 9-3 for an
Resume- tool that provides
information about you to a potential
A resume usually includes the
following sections:
Personal information- name,
address, phone, email
Career objective- personal
employment goal
Education- schools attended, dates,
degrees, programs of study
Experience- work and volunteer
with dates and responsibilities
Career-related honors and other
activities- awards, school and
community involvement
Be sure your resume is presented in
a professional manner
No errors
Fits on one page
Be honest about qualifications
Use action words that demonstrate
what you have achieved
Career Portfolio
Career portfolio- tangible evidence
of your abilities and skills
A career portfolio may include the
following items:
Resume, cover letter, and answers
to sample interview questions
Sample reports, presentation
materials, and research findings
from school projects
Sample reports, presentation
materials, and research findings from
school projects
Web site designs, creative works
from school activities or previous
employment such as ads, packages,
and promotions
News articles of community activities
or other experiences in which you
have participated
Letters of recommendation
Of the five sections of a resume,
which one do you feel is the
most important in getting a job?
Cover letter- expresses your
interest in a specific job
Think of it as a sales letter for the
purpose of obtaining an interview.
draw attention and interest
build desire to meet you
urge the reader to invite you for an
A cover letter usually includes three
main sections: introduction,
development, and conclusion
Get the reader’s attention
 Indicate the reason for writing
Refer to the job or type of
employment you’re interested in
Give a summary of your
 Mention the name of the person
who referred you to this
Highlight background and
experience that specially qualify you
for the job
Refer the employer to your resume
for details
Summarize information about your
experiences and training
Connect your skills and background
to specific organizational needs
Designed to request action
 Ask for the opportunity to
Include contact information, phone
numbers, times you’re available,
and email
Close the letter with how you
can benefit their organization
Targeted Letter
Targeted application letter- quick
summary of ability to meet the
needs of an organization
Sent instead of standard resume
and cover letter
Includes a list of major skills
What is the purpose of a cover
Online Applications
In addition to the basic application,
you may be asked some preliminary
questions to determine your
suitability to the available position.
When posting your resume
online or sending it by email:
 Use a simple format
Avoid bold, underline, italics, and
Do not use attached files that
may be difficult to open
Cyber Interviewing
Many organizations hold screening
interviews using video conferencing.
Others require applicants to post
preliminary interview responses
Sample e-interview questions
Would you rather have structure or
What approach do you use to solve
difficult problems?
How is the Internet used in the
job application process?
Please complete the assessment
questions at the end of the packet.
9-4 Securing a Job
Employment interview- two-way
conversation in which the
interviewer learns about you and
you learn about the job and
Before you Interview
Prepare for an interview by
obtaining more information about
the potential employer and the job
for which you are applying.
Questions you might ask during an
interview include:
What training opportunities are
available to employees?
What qualities do your most
successful employees possess?
What new opportunities are your
company considering in the next
few years?
Successful interviewing requires
Record yourself so you will answer
questions smoothly and completely.
Prepare concise answers for specific
questions you may be asked.
Ask friends to help you practice
your interview skills.
Make a good first impression.
Arrive on time.
Dress appropriately.
Go alone to the interview even if
someone else is providing your
During the Interview
The person who interviews you
wants to find out things about your:
Use of language
General ability for the job
Behavioral interviewing- include
situations or questions to see how
you react under pressure
Avoid talking too much, but answer
each question completely using
good eye contact.
Thank the interviewer for the
opportunity to discuss the job and
your qualifications.
Some employers use preemployment tests to screen
Pre-employment test- include
assessments for keyboarding, word
processing, calculating
After the Interview
Within a day or two, send a follow
up letter- expresses appreciation for
the opportunity to interview
Even if you don’t get the job this
letter will make a positive
impression for future consideration
Evaluate your interview
Try to remember questions you
were not expecting or not prepared
to answer.
Write notes in areas where you
need improvement.
Be patient after the interview.
It may take several weeks for the
company to make a selection.
What actions should be taken
when preparing for an
employment interview?
Salary and Financial Factors
The type of work and experience
will determine your rate of pay.
Common employee benefits include:
insurance, vacation time, retirement
Additional employee benefits
include: free parking, on-site fitness
centers, and discount gym
Ask what benefits and services will
be available to you and how much
you will be asked to pay.
Part-time and seasonal employees
may or may not be offered benefits
Organizational Environment
While the financial elements of a job
are very important, also consider
the working environment.
Leadership style
Dress code
Physical workspace
Social atmosphere
Advancement potential training
programs should be assessed.
Some companies pride in promoting
from within and provide career and
personal growth opportunities
What factors should a person
consider when accepting a job?
Job Success Strategies
As you prepare for your first day of
work, remember the following:
Ask questions
If you do not understand directions,
have them repeated and listen
You will probably make mistakes.
Be sure to learn from each mistake
and avoid repeating it.
Avoid complaining
If you seem to have more work
than you can handle, talk to your
Honor the time for breaks
Don’t abuse rest periods and lunch
breaks by extending the time limit.
Consider your appearance
Dress neatly and be well groomed
Be on time
Arriving late or leaving early is poor
Be friendly with everyone
 Respect your co-workers and
learn to get along.
 Show you are dependable
 Do quality work that is
completed on time.
Sloppy work or work turned in late
affects others.
Follow the rules
If a rule seems unfair or
unreasonable, discuss it with others
and find out why it was created.
Mentor- experienced employee who
serves as counselor to a person
with less experience
Offer advice related to work
assignments and career guidance
Leaving a Job
 When the time comes to leave a
job, it is important to depart on
good terms.
 Give at least a two week notice
Write a letter of resignation
 Include
the last day you will be
Try to finish all of your current
If incomplete, leave a note
explaining to the next person
where to begin.
If there is an exit interviewemployer asks questions about
your work, be constructive and
Let co-workers know that you
appreciated the opportunity to work
with them.
How does a mentor assist less
experienced employees?
Please complete the Assessment
questions at the end of the packet.