THE EFFECTS OF DIETARY FAT INTAKE ON RESTING ENERGY EXPENDITURE AND BODY COMPOSITION A Thesis Presented to the faculty of the Department of Kinesiology California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Kinesiology (Exercise Science) by Nichole Mi Hui Eytcheson SPRING 2012 © 2012 Nichole Mi Hui Eytcheson ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii THE EFFECTS OF DIETARY FAT INTAKE ON RESTING ENERGY EXPENDITURE AND BODY COMPOSITION A Thesis by Nichole Mi Hui Eytcheson Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Roberto Quintana, PhD __________________________________, Second Reader Wendy Buchan, PhD ____________________________ Date iii Student: Nichole Mi Hui Eytcheson I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this thesis is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Michael Wright, PhD Department of Kinesiology iv __________________ Date Abstract of THE EFFECTS OF DIETARY FAT INTAKE ON RESTING ENERGY EXPENDITURE AND BODY COMPOSITION by Nichole Mi Hui Eytcheson Statement of Problem Whether changing from a high-fat diet to an isoenergetic, low-fat, high- complexcarbohydrate diet results in thermogenic benefits is controversial. Brief dietary interventions and failure to account for the potential influence of body-fat distribution on energy metabolism could have confounded the interpretation of previous studies. The success of individuals who lose weight by changing from high fat diets to low-fat diets has prompted numerous, well-controlled studies of this phenomenon. The literature regarding a thermogenic effect of low-fat, high-CHO diets reveals conflicting evidence. The present study was designed to answer the following questions; 1) Does dietary fat restriction increase the caloric need to maintain weight? 2) Does lowering the fat intake in the diet affect resting energy expenditure (REE)? 3) Does dietary fat restriction affect body composition? Methods Sixty-four healthy post menopausal women were recruited to the study and enrolled in four cohorts of 16 participants every 4 months. Each cohort went under 3 dietary v interventions over a 4 month period. Dietary intervention involved a 4-month long eucaloric controlled-feeding that was designed to reduce the fat intake stepwise to 15% of the daily energy intake. Bioelectrical impedance (BIA) was used to assess body composition and provide values for FFM and FM. REE was collected using indirect calorimetry and calculated using the Weir equation. Data were expressed as means + standard deviations (SD). Results The four dietary interventions did not alter REE (p=.979). There was a trend for an increased respiratory exchange ratio with the low-fat diet (p=.067). Although the controlled-feeding phase was designed by calculated, computer generated analysis to deliver 35%, 25% and 15% of the energy intakes from fat, laboratory and chemical analysis of the diet showed that the actual dietary fat intakes were 31%, 23% and 14% respectively. There was a significant difference in body weight (0.9 kg) between baseline and after the 35% fat diet (p=0.0003), no significant change between the 35% and 25% fat diet (0.05 kg, p=0.218), and no significant change between the 25% fat diet and the 15% fat diet (0.05 kg, p=0.156). During the eucaloric feeding as dietary fat decreased from 31 % to 23% to 14 %, the energy cost of weight maintenance increased from 8724+1281 kJ, to 8946+ 1310 kJ, and to 9122+ 1365 kJ, respectively. These increases were significant (+223+400 kJ, p< 0.02 and +398+638 kJ, p < 0.0001 ). There was a significant decrease in body fat (kg), fat mass (kg), and fat free mass (kg) after the 35% fat eucaloric feeding (p=0.033, 0.0008, 0.0001) respectively. There was no significant vi difference between the 25% fat (p=0.297, 0.224, 0.419) and 15% fat feeding (p=0.079, 0.147, 0.177). Conclusions Reached Our results demonstrate that restriction of fat intake increases the energy cost of weight maintenance (ECWM), has no effect on REE or RER, and caused small differences on FM, FFM, and BF. Given the evidence that carbohydrate is 25% less efficiently utilized by the body, one could speculate that a person could consume 25% more calories in CHO than fat without gaining weight. While the study also failed to demonstrate any change in REE, this suggests that the increase in energy expenditure must likely occurs post-prandially. While the study controlled for body composition using a eucaloric diet, decreases in FFM, FM, and BF were observed. In summary, the present study supports that low-fat intake increases the ECWM and reduces body lipid stores. It appears that low-fat intake can improve risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as dyslipidemia, decreases risk of diabetes and obesity, and results in weight loss without food deprivation. Therefore, it seems prudent to suggest restriction of dietary fat especially in an obese post-menopausal female population. _______________________, Committee Chair Roberto Quintana, PhD _______________________ Date vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank and acknowledge not only the people who helped me to complete this thesis, but supported me in the process. The completion of my Master’s course work along with this thesis would not have been attainable without everyone. I would like to thank my family, teachers, and friends for all your support. First, and foremost, I would like to thank my parents. Without their love, support and guidance I know I would not have accomplished all that I have today. I strive to be the best because of you, and I thank that you instilled the importance of education in me since I was a little girl. Thank you so much for believing in me and helping me attain all my aspirations. You are the best parents and have given me the opportunity to be my best. I love you so much! To my fiancé, thank you for helping me make it through the long hours of commuting, studying, and countless hours working on my coursework and thesis. You have made my life so much easier being there and supporting me through it all. I cannot thank you enough for keeping me level headed and the encouragement you have given me throughout the process. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t thank you for all that you are. To the faculty, Dr. Roberto Quintana and Wendy Buchan, your guidance and support throughout this thesis has been more than I can ask. In the midst of my busy life, you have helped attain my degree and for that I will be forever grateful. I am lucky to have found such great faculty support in this program. I cannot say thank you enough! viii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgments…………………………………………………………………… viii List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………. xii List of Figures…………………………………………………………………………xiii Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION …………….. ………………………………….……………... 1 Statement of Purpose………………………………………………………….. 3 Significance of Thesis………………………………………………………… 3 Definition of Terms…………………………………………………………… 3 Limitations……………………………………..………………………………4 Delimitations………………………..………………………………………….5 Assumptions……………..……………………………………………………..5 Hypotheses……………….…………………………………………………….5 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE……………………………………………………... 6 Resting Energy Expenditure Methodology…………………………………… 6 Effects of Fats and Carbohydrates on Resting Energy Expenditure………….. 7 Increase in Caloric Need on a Low-Fat Diet…………….……………………11 No Increase in Caloric Need on a Low-Fat Diet….…………………………..12 Macronutrient Composition…………………….…………………..………...14 Body Composition on a Low-Fat Diet…….……………………………….…15 Summary……………………….……………………………………………..17 3. METHODOLOGY……………….………………………….………………….. .19 Subjects…………………….………………………………………………….19 Experimental Design………………………………………………………….20 Data Analysis………………………………………………………………....24 4. RESULTS……………………………………………………………………..…. 25 Resting Energy Expenditure and Respiratory Quotient…………………........25 Changes in Nutrient Intake……………………………………………………25 ix Energy and Dietary Fat Intake………………………………..…………….25 Energy Cost of Weight Maintenance………………………..……………...26 Changes in Weight…………………………………..……………………...26 Percent Body Fat, Fat Mass, and Fat Free Mass…………………...……….27 5. DISCUSSION…………...……………………………………………………….37 Future Research………….…………..…………………………...…………40 Conclusion……………….…………………..…………………...…………41 REFERENCES………………………………………………………………..…… .42 x LIST OF TABLES Tables 1. Page Table 1. Changes in weight, percent body fat, daily energy intake, resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, fat mass, and fat free mass during eucaloric restriction of dietary fat intake……………………….28 2. Table 2. Differences in analysis of dietary energy, fat, and carbohydrate of the same 7 day menu cycles by Hazelton Laboratories, Nutritionist IV, and Nutrition Data Systems…………………………………………….29 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figures 1. Page Figure 1. Effects of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) with dietary fat restriction………………………..……………………………………......31 2. Figure 2. Effects of Respiratory Quotient (RQ) with dietary fat restriction………………………………………………………….….......32 3. Figure 3. Effects of Body Weight (BW) with dietary fat restriction. …....33 4. Figure 4. Effects of Fat Free Mass (FFM) with dietary fat restriction..….34 5. Figure 5. Effects of Fat Mass (FM) with dietary fat restriction…………..35 6. Figure 6. Effects of Body Fat (BF) with dietary fat restriction………......36 xii 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction The health benefits of adopting an isoenergetic, low-fat, high- complexcarbohydrate diet are controversial. From the patient’s perspective, an ideal treatment of obesity would permit generous food intake and yet result in the loss of body fat without the discomfort and inconvenience of exercise. Although pharmacologic approaches toward increasing energy expenditure are under investigation, modifying the diet composition to achieve the same goals has more inherent appeal. The success of individuals who lose weight by changing from high fat diets to low-fat diets has prompted numerous, well-controlled studies of this phenomenon. High-carbohydrate, low-fat diets have been shown to reduce energy intake (Lissner, Levitsky, Strupp, Kalkwarf, & Roe 1987) and confer thermogenic benefits. Not all studies have found benefits, as measured by weight loss (Leibel, Hirsch, Appel, & Checani, 1992) or increased energy expenditure (Abbott, Howard, Ruotolo, & Ravussin, 1990) in response to low-fat, high-carbohydrate, isocaloric diets, however. Prior research has suggested that low-fat, high-carbohydrate (CHO) diets increases weight loss (Abbot et al., 1990; Astrup, Buemann, Christensen, Madsen, 1994; Barrett-Connor, Friedlander, 1993; Cunningham, 1980). In fact, for weight loss purposes, low-fat intake is as effective and more satisfying when compared to diets maintaining the usual fat intake and restricting the amount of food (Astrup et al., 1994). There are two factors that support this claim. First, CHO-rich foods have lower caloric density, and 2 therefore, a larger volume. This leads to a natural restriction of energy intake without the discomfort of food deprivation. Secondly, High-CHO foods may be thermogenic. While the energy cost of depositing dietary fat in the adipose tissue is minimal, dietary CHO needs to be first converted to triglycerides for storage. The energy cost of this process is approximately 25% of the energy obtained from CHO (Hegsted, Ausman, Johnson, Dallal, 1993). Therefore, when the same amount of energy is as CHO, instead of fat, 25% less energy is deposited in the adipose tissue. Between these two explanations the former has gained a wider acceptance. Although the latter explanation has a solid biochemical foundation, it remains controversial. The literature regarding a thermogenic effect of low-fat, high-CHO diets reveals conflicting evidence. Several studies have demonstrated an increase in the energy cost of weight maintenance with low-fat diets (Barrett-Connor & Friedlander, 1993; Hegsted et al., 1993; Leibel et al., 1992). Other studies have failed to find any change in energy expenditure on low-fat diets (Lissner et al., 1987; Martin, Su, Jones, Lockwood, Tritchler, Boyd, 1996). Given the biochemical basis for an increase in energy expenditure with high-CHO, low-fat diets, further research is needed to establish the reason for such equivocal findings. Therefore the body of evidence indicates that there are likely benefits of a low fat with regard ECWM, body composition, and REE. If we are able to demonstrate that low dietary fat intake can increase the energy cost of weight maintenance, and induce beneficial body composition changes this would clarify the efficacy of a low fat diet in a post-menopausal female population. 3 Statement of Purpose The present study was designed to answer the following three questions; 1) Does dietary fat restriction increase the caloric need to maintain weight? 2) Does lowering the fat intake in the diet affect resting energy expenditure (REE)? 3) Does dietary fat restriction affect body composition? Significance of Thesis Prior research has examined the impact of resting energy expenditure and body composition on a eucaloric diet, but few studies have assed the relationship in postmenopausal women. Additionally, no study has examined the relationship of energy cost of weight maintenance, resting energy expenditure, and body composition in postmenopausal women, both obese and non obese. Definition of Terms Amenorrhoea: No menstruation for more than 9 months (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary). Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA): A technique to estimate body composition based on the difference in electrical conductive properties of various tissues. Body Composition: The relative amount of fat-free mass and fat mass of the body. Body Mass Index (BMI): Describes relative weight for height, and is calculated by dividing body mass in kilograms by height in meters squared (Expert panel on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight in adults, 1998). Fat Mass (FM): A measure of the amount of lipid content of the body. Energy Cost of Weight Maintenance (ECWM): Energy intake required to maintain body weight and prevent weight loss. 4 Fat-Free Mass (FFM): A measure of the total body mass, including water, protein and mineral content of the human body. Respiratory Exchange Ration (RER): The ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced to the volume of oxygen consumed in respiration over a period of time. Resting Energy Expenditure (REE): The resting daily energy expended in a fasted state under a neutral environment (Sims & Danforth, 1986). Limitations 1. Fitness level (measured by VO2 max) and its effects on REE were not controlled. 2. Physical activity levels were not controlled. 3. The REE coefficient of variation using indirect calorimetry is 3.6% 4. Diet interventions were not randomized and the order effects of dietary manipulation were not controlled. 5. The study was not blinded. Therefore, the subjects and investigators were aware of the daily treatments. Delimitations 1. The impact of family influence was not monitored. 2. Subjects were limited to the Sacramento area. 3. Subjects were limited to females. 4. Subjects were limited to postmenopausal women between the ages of 43 & 81. 5. ECWM values were adjusted monthly prior to the beginning of each dietary intervention period. 5 Assumptions 1. Subjects adhered to the pretest instructions prior to laboratory testing. 2. Each subjects’ REE test reflected their true REE. 3. Participants were honest about self-reported activity levels. 4. Subjects’ weight gain or loss is due to changes in an energy source from carbohydrate, fat, or protein. Hypotheses 1. Total caloric need (ECWM) will not change in response to a reduced dietary lipid composition of an eucaloric diet. 2. A reduction in dietary lipid composition of an eucaloric diet will not alter body composition. 3. A reduction in dietary lipid composition of an eucaloric diet will not alter REE 6 CHAPTER 2 Review of Literature The prevalence of obesity in the adult population in American society has reached epidemic proportions (World Health Organization, 1998). As a result of the obesity epidemic, researchers around the world have begun to look at the effect of resting energy expenditure and body composition. REE comprises 75% of our daily energy expenditure, therefore researchers are looking to individuals to see a relationship between obesity and lower resting metabolic rates, in hopes of prescribing a low-fat diet to induce weight loss and a decrease in body composition. This chapter provides a description of resting energy expenditure and reviews the effects of energy cost of weight maintenance and body composition on a low-fat diet. Resting Energy Expenditure Methodology Resting energy expenditure (REE) is the number of calories utilized at rest and makes up two-thirds of all the energy expended in one day. The term REE is commonly used interchangeably with resting metabolic rate (RMR) and basal metabolic rate (BMR). Resting energy expenditure represents the largest percentage of an individual’s daily energy expenditure which is why many researchers have been interested in REE adaptive responses to different dietary and physical activity interventions. A reduction in body weight can be achieved by decreasing caloric intake or to increase physical activity expenditure to induce a negative caloric deficit (Hill, 2006). With dietary restriction, an appropriate and accurate caloric deficit must be calculated for 7 a successful weight loss program. This can be done with knowledge of an individual’s REE. An accurate method to measure REE is utilizing indirect calorimetry (Compher, Frankenfield, Keim, Roth-Yousey, 2006). Effects of Fats and Carbohydrates on Resting Energy Expenditure Brehm, Seeley, Daniels, D’Alessio (2003) designed a randomized, controlled trial to determine the effects of a very low carbohydrate diet on body composition and cardiovascular risk factors. Subjects were randomized to 6 months of either an ad libitum very low carbohydrate diet or a calorie-restricted diet with 30% of the calories as fat. Anthropometric and metabolic measures were assessed at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. Fifty-three healthy, obese female volunteers (mean body mass index, 33.6 ± 0.3 kg/m2) were randomized; 42 (79%) completed the trial. Women on both diets reduced calorie consumption by comparable amounts at 3 and 6 months. The very low carbohydrate diet group lost more weight (8.5 ± 1.0 vs. 3.9 ± 1.0 kg; P < 0.001) and more body fat (4.8 ± 0.67 vs. 2.0 ± 0.75 kg; P < 0.01) than the low fat diet group. Mean levels of blood pressure, lipids, fasting glucose, and insulin were within normal ranges in both groups at baseline. Although all of these parameters improved over the course of the study, there were no differences observed between the two diet groups at 3 or 6 months. Based on these data, a very low carbohydrate diet is more effective than a low fat diet for short-term weight loss and may increase resting energy expenditure (Brehm, et al. 2003). The energy to metabolize fats and carbohydrates may affect weight loss in this ad libitum carbohydrate group and caloric restricted fat group. The possibility that differences in the 8 macronutrient composition of the diet alter energy expenditure bears further investigation. Volek, Sharman, Gómez, Judelson, Rubin, et al. (2004) looked to compare the effects of isocaloric, energy-restricted very low-carbohydrate ketogenic (VLCK) and low-fat (LF) diets on weight loss, body composition, trunk fat mass, and resting energy expenditure (REE) in overweight/obese men and women. 15 healthy, overweight/obese men and 13 premenopausal women were prescribed two energy-restricted (-500 kcal/day) diets: a VLCK diet with a goal to decrease carbohydrate levels below 10% of energy and induce ketosis and a LF diet with a goal similar to national recommendations (%carbohydrate:fat:protein = ~60:25:15%). The authors discovered that dietary energy was restricted, but was slightly higher during the VLCK (1855 kcal/day) compared to the LF (1562 kcal/day) diet for men. Both between and within group comparisons revealed a distinct advantage of a VLCK over a LF diet for weight loss, total fat loss, and trunk fat loss for men (despite significantly greater energy intake). The majority of women also responded more favorably to the VLCK diet, especially in terms of trunk fat loss. The greater reduction in trunk fat was not merely due to the greater total fat loss, because the ratio of trunk fat/total fat was also significantly reduced during the VLCK diet in men and women. Absolute REE (kcal/day) was decreased with both diets as expected, but REE expressed relative to body mass (kcal/kg), was better maintained on the VLCK diet for men only. Individual responses clearly show the majority of men and women experience greater weight and fat loss on a VLCK than a LF diet. This study shows a clear benefit of a VLCK over LF diet for short-term body weight and fat loss, especially 9 in men. A preferential loss of fat in the trunk region with a VLCK diet is novel and potentially clinically significant but requires further validation. These data provide additional support for the concept of metabolic advantage with diets representing extremes in macronutrient distribution (Volek et al. 2004). Brehm, Spang, Lattin, Seeley, Daniels et al. (2005) reported that obese women randomized to a low-carbohydrate diet lost more than twice as much weight as those following a low-fat diet over 6 months. The difference in weight loss was not explained by differences in energy intake because women on the two diets reported similar daily energy consumption. They hypothesized that chronic ingestion of a low-carbohydrate diet increases energy expenditure relative to a low-fat diet and that this accounts for the differential weight loss. Fifty healthy, moderately obese (body mass index, 33.2 ± 0.28 kg/m2) women were randomized to 4 months of an ad libitum low-carbohydrate diet or an energy-restricted, low-fat diet. Resting energy expenditure (REE) was measured by indirect calorimetry at baseline, 2 months, and 4 months. Physical activity was estimated by pedometers. The thermic effect of food (TEF) in response to low-fat and lowcarbohydrate breakfasts was assessed over 5 h in a subset of subjects. The lowcarbohydrate group lost more weight (9.79 ± 0.71 vs. 6.14 ± 0.91 kg; P < 0.05) and more body fat (6.20 ± 0.67 vs. 3.23 ± 0.67 kg; P < 0.05) than the low-fat group. There were no differences in energy intake between the diet groups as reported on 3-day food records at the conclusion of the study (1422 ± 73 vs. 1530 ± 102 kcal; 5954 ± 306 vs. 6406 ± 427 kJ). Mean REE in the two groups was comparable at baseline, decreased with weight loss, and did not differ at 2 or 4 months. The low-fat meal caused a greater 5-h increase in 10 TEF than did the low-carbohydrate meal (53 ± 9 vs. 31 ± 5 kcal; 222 ± 38 vs. 130 ± 21 kJ; P = 0.017). These results confirm that short-term weight loss is greater in obese women on a low-carbohydrate diet than in those on a low-fat diet even when reported food intake is similar. The differential weight loss is not explained by differences in REE, TEF, or physical activity and likely reflects underreporting of food consumption by the low-fat dieters (Brehm, et al. 2005). Abbot et al., (1990) studied the effects of fat and carbohydrate on resting energy expenditure. They determined a high-dietary fat intake may be an important environmental factor leading to obesity in some people. The mechanism could be either a decrease in energy expenditure and/or an increase in caloric intake. To determine the relative importance of these mechanisms they measured 24-h energy expenditure in a whole body calorimeter in 14 nondiabetic subjects and in six subjects with non-insulindependent diabetes mellitus, eating isocaloric, weight-maintenance, high-fat, and highcarbohydrate diets. In nondiabetics, the mean total 24-h energy expenditure was similar (2,436 +/- 103 vs. 2,359 +/- 82 kcal/day) on high-fat and high-carbohydrate diets, respectively. The means for sleeping and resting metabolic rates, thermic effect of food, and spontaneous physical activity were unchanged. Similar results were obtained in the diabetic subjects. In summary, using a whole body calorimeter, researchers found no evidence of a decrease in 24 hour energy expenditure on a high-fat diet compared with a high-carbohydrate diet. 11 Increase in Caloric Need on a Low-Fat Diet A review by Bray and Popkin, 1998, found 28 intervention studies where subjects were asked to reduce dietary fat without energy restriction. There was an average weight loss of 1.6 g/day for each 1% reduction in dietary fat. The meta-analysis reports an unpublished study by Astrup, indicating that in 15 of 16 identified studies, reducing dietary fat led to a greater, yet modest decrease in body weight (2.5 kg, 95% confidence interval 5 1.5–3.5 kg, P , 0.0001) compared with the control groups. There were significant positive correlations between the reduction in dietary fat and amount of weight loss (r = 0.37) and between initial body weight and weight loss (r = 0.52) (Bray & Popkin, 1998). These results could be explained by the mechanism of a higher metabolic cost to convert carbohydrate to lipid stores. Carbohydrates are more thermogenetic. The energy cost to deposit dietary fat into adipose tissue is minimal, whereas dietary carbohydrates must first be first converted to triglycerides for storage. This energy cost may be the reason weight loss is observed on a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. Horton, Drougas, Brachey, et al. (1995) overfed lean and obese men 50% of their energy requirement either as CHO or fat. When the excess energy was provided as CHOcalories, CHO-oxidation and energy expenditure increased, with a net of 75-85% of the excess energy used for storage. Fat overfeeding did not stimulate either fuel oxidation or energy expenditure, resulting in the storage of 90-95% of the excess energy. Astrup et al. (1994) demonstrated that when isocaloric diets containing 20%-fat verses 50%-fat are administered, each for 3 days, there was a 4% increase in daytime energy expenditure on the low-fat diet (8,090 kJ/d to 8,401 kJ/d) and an +11 g/day fat deposition. On the high- 12 fat diet day time energy expenditure did not change (8,034 verses 8,086 kJ/d) and the fat deposition was larger (+19.6 gm/d). Interestingly these changes were observed only in post-obese women, but not in the never-obese controls. There might be a change in metabolism in obese verse non obese subjects, but this bears further investigation. No Increase in Caloric Need on a Low-Fat Diet With some studies supporting an increase in ECWM on low-fat diets, there are also several reports of no change. Roust, Hammel, & Jensen (1994) did not show any change in body composition, overnight energy expenditure, REE or fat oxidation between the 42%-fat (to stabilize weight) and 27%-fat diets in a 4 week intervention. This brief dietary intervention could confound their interpretation. This study also did not use a very low-fat diet, although the change was large. In addition, only the overnight REE, but not the 24-hour total energy expenditure, were measured. Hill, Sparling, Shields, & Heller, (1987) compared the effects of 60% CHO verses 60%-fat diets for 7 days each and found that while there was no change in the energy expenditure, there was a change in the nutrient oxidation, which reflected the dietary composition. Lean & James (1988) investigated lean, obese and post-obese women on high CHO (3% fat and 45 % CHO) versus low CHO (40% fat and 12% CHO) diets and found no significant difference in total 24 hour energy expenditure between the diets or groups but a significantly higher thermal effect of food on the high carbohydrate versus the low carbohydrate diet (5.8% vs. 3.5%, respectively). Abbott et al. (1990) also found no difference in 24 hour energy expenditures in 14 Pima Indians on a 20% versus 44% fat diet (2,436 + 103 vs. 2,359 + 82); however, an increase in the 24 hour RQ was noted with the shift from dietary fat to 13 dietary CHO. Again Abbott had a small number of subjects which may have limited the statistical power to report a significant increase in the ECWM. Stubbs, William, Coward, & Prentice (1995) demonstrated that when diets containing 20%, 40% and 60% fat were compared, there was a direct relationship between the fat and energy intakes. While there was no change in measured energy expenditure, 20%-fat and 40%-fat diets caused weight loss, relative to the 60%-fat diet. Since weight loss leads to a lower lean body mass, this may lower resting energy expenditure and limit weight loss reported. While these studies did not show an increase in the ECWM on low-fat diets, this inconsistency in results may be explained by differences in study design. Some differences in study designs included different dietary composition, liquid diets versus solid foods (both amounts and types of fats & carbohydrates used), different endpoints measured, small number of subjects in some studies, and different subject composition (different ages, body compositions and background diets). Prewitt, Schmeisser, Bowen, Aye, Dolecek, Langenberg, Cole & Brace (1991) showed that when 18 women were switched from a 37%-fat diet to a 20%-fat diet for 20 weeks, ECWM increased by 19% (7515 + 140 vs 9083 + 373 kJ/day) and these women lost 2.8% body weight despite efforts to maintain weight. Leibel et al., (1995) investigated diets rich in fat that may promote greater deposition of adipose-tissue triglycerides than do isoenergetic diets with less fat. This possibility was examined by a retrospective analysis of the energy needs of 16 human subjects (13 adults, 3 children) fed liquid diets of precisely known composition with widely varied fat content, for 15-56 d (33 +/- 2 d, mean +/- SE). Subjects lived in a metabolic ward and received fluid 14 formulas with different fat and carbohydrate content, physical activity was kept constant, and precise data were available on energy intake and daily body weight. Isoenergetic formulas contained various percentages of carbohydrate as cerelose (low, 15%; intermediate, 40% or 45%; high, 75%, 80%, or 85%), a constant 15% of energy as protein (as milk protein), and the balance of energy as fat (as corn oil). Even with extreme changes in the fat- carbohydrate ratio (fat energy varied from 0% to 70% of total intake), there was no detectable evidence of significant variation in energy need as a function of percentage fat intake. Macronutrient Composition Sacks, Bray, Carey, Smith, Ryan et al. (2009) randomly assigned 811 overweight adults to one of four diets; the targeted percentages of energy derived from fat, protein, and carbohydrates in the four diets were 20, 15, and 65%; 20, 25, and 55%; 40, 15, and 45%; and 40, 25, and 35%. The participants were offered group and individual instructional sessions for 2 years. The primary outcome was the change in body weight after 2 years in two-by-two factorial comparisons of low fat versus high fat and average protein versus high protein and in the comparison of highest and lowest carbohydrate content. The authors concluded that a reduced-calorie diet results in clinically meaningful weight loss regardless of which macronutrients they emphasize (Sacks, et al. 2009). Body Composition on a Low-Fat Diet The idea of body weight regulation implies that a biological mechanism exerts control over energy expenditure and food intake. This is a central tenet of energy homeostasis. However, the source and identity of the controlling mechanism have not 15 been identified, although it is often presumed to be due to gastro-intestinal adipose endocrine signaling areas of the brain governing appetite, satiety, and energy homestasis. In a recent study, Blundell, Caudwell, Gibbons, Hopkins, Naslund, King, and Finlayson (2011), using a comprehensive experimental platform, investigated the relationship between biological and behavioral variables in two separate studies over a 12-week intervention period in obese adults. All variables have been measured objectively and with a similar degree of scientific control and precision, including anthropometric factors, body composition, REE and accumulative energy consumed at individual meals across the whole day. Results showed that meal size and daily energy intake (EI) were significantly correlated with fat-free mass (FFM, P values < 0·02-0·05) but not with fat mass (FM) or BMI (P values 0·11-0·45) (study 1, n=58). In study 2 (n=34), FFM (but not FM or BMI) predicted meal size and daily EI under two distinct dietary conditions (high-fat and low-fat). These data appear to indicate that, under these circumstances, some signal associated with lean mass (but not FM) is related to selfselected food consumption. This signal may be postulated to interact with a separate class of signals generated by FM. This finding may have implications for investigations of the molecular control of food intake and body weight and for the management of obesity (Blundell, et al 2011). In a study by Noakes, Keogh, Foster, and Clifton (2005), researchers wanted to evaluate the effects of a diet with a high ratio of protein to carbohydrate during weight loss on body composition in overweight women. The subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 isocaloric 5600-kJ dietary deficit interventions for 12 wk according to a parallel 16 design: a high-protein (HP) or a high-carbohydrate (HC) diet. One hundred women with a mean (±SD) body mass index (in kg/m2) of 32 ± 6 and age of 49 ± 9 y completed the study. Weight loss was 7.3 ± 0.3 kg with both diets. Subjects with high serum triacylglycerol (>1.5 mmol/L) lost more fat mass with the HP than with the HC diet ( ± SEM: 6.4 ± 0.7 and 3.4 ± 0.7 kg, respectively; P = 0.035). They concluded that an energy-restricted, high-protein, low-fat diet provides nutritional and metabolic benefits that are equal to and sometimes greater than those observed with a high-carbohydrate diet. It is important to note that a limitation of this study is that a HP diet is the least efficient macronutrient. These diets induced more weight loss initially due to fluid loss but the body adjusts by retaining more body water and hence higher FFM. Summary In summary, the literature suggesting that low-fat, high-carbohydrate (CHO) diets promoting weight loss are supported by the thermogenic effect of low-fat, high-CHO diets. In fact, for weight loss purposes low-fat intake is as effective and more satisfying when compared to diets maintaining the usual fat intake and restricting the amount of food. While the energy cost of depositing dietary fat in the adipose tissue is minimal, dietary CHO needs to be first converted to triglycerides for storage. The energy cost of this process is approximately 25% of the energy obtained from CHO (Hegsted et al., 1993). Therefore, when the same amount of energy is as CHO, instead of fat, 25% less energy is deposited in the adipose tissue. In most studies reviewed, macronutrient composition had no effect on REE. When body composition was effected, it was noticed in the obese population. This might indicate that changes in metabolism are occurring in 17 an obese verses non obese population. Given the biochemical basis for an increase in energy expenditure with high-CHO, low-fat diets, further research is needed to establish the reason for such controversy in the literature. 18 CHAPTER 3 Methodology The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of dietary fat restriction on the energy intake required to maintain body weight, and weight loss (ECWM). The study also investigated resting energy expenditure (REE), and body composition, including FM, FFM, and BF, in post menopausal women. Subjects Sixty-four healthy post menopausal women were recruited to the study after signing the informed consents approved by the Institutional Human Investigation Committee of the University of California, Davis. All participants were examined by the principal investigator and chemistry-20 panels were obtained during fasting. Individuals with diabetes mellitus, liver or kidney disease, or who had plasma triglyceride above 2.82 mM/L or LDL-cholesterol above 4.26 mM/L were excluded. Menopause was defined by at least 9 months history of amenorrhea or surgical removal of both ovaries. Only women who were menopausal or taking continuous hormone replacement therapy were included. Women on cyclical hormone replacement were excluded. Twenty-four women used hormone replacement; 14 estrogen only, and 10 combination of estrogen and progesterone. The dose of the hormones and all the other medications or supplements remained unchanged throughout the study. The physical activity levels were maintained and monitored by activity questionnaires. Four women were excluded from the study during the controlled feeding phase due to non-compliance. Eight women failed to 19 complete the four month protocol. The remaining 56 (age = 58.4 ± 7.7 years, Mean+S.D.) completed the entire study. Upon re-evaluation of the study, complete data was obtained from 38 subjects (age = 59.2 ± 9.1, Mean+S.D.). Experimental Design Four cohorts of 16 participants were enrolled every 4 months. Each cohort went under 3 dietary interventions over a 4 month period. Dietary interventions were administered in a sequential order. Pre and post testing were administered at the beginning and end of each dietary intervention. Dietary Intervention Dietary intervention involved a 4-month long eucaloric controlled-feeding which provided all the food. The study was designed to reduce the fat intake stepwise to 15% of the daily energy intake. Participants’ diet prior to the study was defined as “the habitual diet.” The habitual diet was determined by having participants keep a 7 day food diary, which was reviewed with a dietitian. For the eucaloric controlled-feeding, participants ate their dinners, 5 days a week at the study site, and received their breakfasts, lunches, snacks and weekend meals in pre-packaged form as take-outs. The food was prepared in 7-day menu cycles in the study kitchen. The ingredients were weighed to the nearest gram. The trays were inspected to assure complete consumption of the food. Participants were required to return any unconsumed food and record any foods eaten not provided by the study. They were to call the study coordinator immediately if any food was lost or missing which would be replaced. After entering the study participants consumed a 35%fat diet during the first four weeks. The goal was to bring all the participants to the same 20 fat intake level and adjust the energy intake to maintain weight as a preparation to low-fat diet phases. During this period, the initial energy intake was individualized based on each subject’s resting energy expenditure (measured by indirect calorimetry) and multiplied by a factor based on their physical activity level (estimated by physical activity questionnaire). The physical activity questionnaire was a sheet of paper that asked subjects to document their physical activity each week. Subjects were weighed 5 times each week and the energy content of the diet was adjusted when weight varied by more than 1 kg, from the entry level, in order to maintain the initial body weight. After stabilizing the weight and energy intake during the 35%-fat period, participants were switched to a diet containing 25%-fat for six weeks, and then 15%-fat for another six weeks. Participants kept daily records of any additional dietary intake of uneaten foods. Non-compliance was defined as more than 1% of calories altered from the experimental diet on more than one occasion. Alcohol was not included in the diet. One alcoholic drink per week was permitted as long as the intake was recorded in the food diary. The majority of women did not consume any alcohol. Food from an entire week during each diet period was homogenized and sent to the Hazelton Laboratory (Madison, WI) for analysis. Actual fat contents of the diets were reported as 31%, 23% and 14%, and carbohydrate contents as 53%, 60%, and 67%, respectively. This was compared to analysis of the 7-day diet cycles analyzed by a registered dietitian on both Nutrition Data System (NDS 93, University of Minnesota) and Nutritionist IV. 21 Body composition Bioelectrical impedance (BIA) was used to assess body composition and provide values for FFM and FM. BIA is a simple, inexpensive, and noninvasive method of measuring body composition (Gallagher & Song, 2003; Segal, Van Loan, Gitzgeral, Hodgdon & Van Itallie, 1988). BIA assessed body composition in the past absorptive state by passing 800 μA alternating current at 50 kHz from the right hand to the ipsilateral foot while the subject remained supine (Biostat 1500, British Isles, BioAnalogics-HMS1000, Beaverton, OR). Sigal et al. (1998) found that the estimation of FFM by BIA was reliable, and the precision of the measurement increased when population specific equations were used. Heyward & Wagner (2004) suggest the use of the following equations published by Segal et al. (1988): FFM [FFM = 0.00091186 x height2 (cm2) – 0.001466(impedance) + 0.2999 x body weight (kg) – 0.07012 x age (years) + 9.37938], FM [FM = weight (kg) – FFM], and percent body fat [percent body fat = FM (kg)/weight (kg) x 100]. The multiple correlation coefficient between densitometrically determined FFM which predicted by BIA is 0.93 and the standard error of estimate (SEE) was 1.95 kg for FFM (Chapman, Bannerman, Cowen, & Maclennan, 1998). The correlation between densitometrically determined percent body fat and predicted percent body fat was 0.91 and the SEE was 3.18% (Segal et al., 1988). 22 Physical Activity For the duration of the study, exercise activity was kept constant and monitored by a physical activity questionnaire that asked subjects to document the physical activity they participated in daily. At baseline and during the 8 months of the study, each subject kept a daily diary of activity type, duration, intensity, and frequency. The study coordinator (a registered dietitian and exercise physiologist) reviewed these diaries monthly. If there was any deviation from initial activity levels, the study coordinator counseled the subject to resume her normal activity, which was fully accomplished. Deviations in activity during the study primarily resulted from illness or changes in the weather, which did not last for prolonged periods of time before the women resumed their previous activity level (1 week). During the course of the study, there were no significant changes in exercise activity. Assessment of Resting Energy Expenditure and Respiratory Quotient The subjects were asked to arrive in lightweight, indoor clothing. Light blankets were made available to those that requested them. Prior to testing, subjects rested for 30 minutes while lying on a treatment table in a thermoneutral environment that was quiet and dimly lit. During this time, subjects refrained from listening to music, watching television, readying, or other activities. REE was measured in the fasting state, before breakfast, after 30 minutes of rest. REE was collected for 10 minutes by continuous indirect calorimetry with a ventilated hood system (Applied Electrochemistry/Thermox, Pittsburgh, PA). The gas analyzer was calibrated before each procedure with a calibration gas of 16% O2, 4% CO2, and balance 23 N2. The pneumotach was calibrated and VO2 and VCO2 were measured each minute. As suggested by Compher el al. (2006), the initial five minutes were discarded. Five minutes of steady state were averaged and used to derive REE. Steady state was defined as a period of five consecutive minutes during which the coefficient of variation (CV) for VO2 and VCO2 were < 10% (Compher et al., 2006). The VO2 and VCO2 during the steady state with the lowest CV were then used to calculate REE with the Weir equation (Weir, 1949). The Weir equation is as follows: REE (kcal/min) = [(1.1(VCO2/VO2)]+3.9) x VO2] (Weir, 1949). Data Analysis Data were expressed as means + standard deviations (SD). The dependent variables REE, RER, and body composition values were analyzed with respect to dietary intervention by analysis of variance with repeated measures. Significant main effects or interactions were analyzed by Tukey’s Post-hoc test. A P-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. All the analyses were carried out using Statistica 5.5 for windows (StatSoft Inc, Tulsa, OK). 24 CHAPTER 4 Results Resting Energy Expenditure and Respiratory Quotient The primary question of this study was if there was an effect of dietary fat intake on resting energy expenditure during a eucaloric intervention. REE did not significantly change with respect to dietary intervention (p=.979) (Figure 1). There was a trend for respiratory exchange ratio to increase with a reduction in lipid composition of the eucaloric diets (p=.067) (Figure 2). Changes in Nutrient Intake Although the controlled-feeding phase was designed by calculated, computer generated analysis to deliver 35%, 25% and 15% of the energy intakes from fat, laboratory and chemical analysis of the diet showed that the actual dietary fat intakes were 31%, 23% and 14% respectively. The corresponding carbohydrate intakes were 53%, 60%, and 67% of the daily energy (Table 2). Energy and Dietary Fat Intake At the entry, the self-reported energy intake was 6896+ 1726 kJ, while at the end of the 31%-fat period the energy intake required for weight maintenance was 8724 + 1281 kJ, or 116+16 kJ per kg. The difference between the actual and self reported energy intakes represented an under-reporting of 1828+445 kJ/day. The magnitude of underreporting correlated weakly with the degree of obesity (r = 0.309, p < 0.04). 25 Body weight correlated strongly with ECWM (r = 0.77, p < 0.0001). The initial self reported dietary fat intake had a stronger relationship with the body weight (r = 0.321, p < 0.01) than with the poor relationship it had with self reported energy intake (r = 0.263, p < 0.05). In addition, when compared with lean women, obese women consumed higher amounts of fat (36.6+6.6% vs 29.4+6.7%, p < 0.0005). Taken all together, these findings suggested that self-reported food records are more useful in the assessment of dietary fat intake than the energy intake. Energy Cost of Weight Maintenance During the eucaloric feeding as dietary fat decreased from 31 % to 23% to 14 %, the energy cost of weight maintenance increased from 8724+1281 kJ, to 8946+ 1310 kJ, and to 9122+ 1365 kJ, respectively. These increases were significant ( +223+400 kJ, p < 0.02 and +398+638 kJ, p < 0.0001 ). At the end of the metabolic feeding phase 29 women required an increase in the energy intake ( +770+592 kJ), and 20 women did not (-154+269 kJ). All the obese subjects belonged to the first group (+895+528 kJ). Changes in Weight During the eucaloric phase, weight and body composition slightly (~% approx.) decreased with each feeding. There was a significant difference in body weight between baseline and after the 35% fat diet (p=0.0003), no significant change between the 35% and 25% fat diet (p=0.218), and no significant change between the 25% fat diet and the 15% fat diet (p=0.156) (Figure 3). 26 Percent Body Fat, Fat Mass, and Fat Free Mass There was a significant reduction in body fat, fat mass, and fat free mass after the 35% fat eucaloric feeding (p=0.033, 0.0008, 0.0001) respectively. There was no significant difference between the 25% fat (p=0.297, 0.224, 0.419) and 15% fat feeding (p=0.079, 0.147, 0.177) (Figure 4, 5, 6). 27 Table 1. Changes in weight, percent body fat, daily energy intake, resting energy expenditure, respiratory quotient, fat mass and fat free mass during eucaloric restriction of dietary fat intake (Mean + S.D., n = 38). WEIGHT (kg) BODY FAT ENERGY INTAKE 35%-FAT 25%-FAT 15%-FAT 78.9+22.8* 78.6+22.7 78.4+23.0* 30.3+9.4 30.1+9.4 29.8+9.7 8724+1281 8946+1310* 9122+1365* 1414.7+283.9 1426.7+328.8 1423.7+299.6 (kJ/day) REE (kcal) RER 0.82+0.09 0.83+0.07 0.84+0.07 FAT MASS 25.8+15.0* 25.5+15.0 25.3+15.2* FAT FREE MASS 53.1+8.3* 53.0+8.4 53.0+8.4* Note. (*) indicates significantly different between groups, P<0.05. Table 2. 28 Differences in analysis of dietary energy, fat, and carbohydrate of the same 7 day menu cycles by Hazelton Laboratories, Nutritionist IV, and Nutrition Data Systems. 35% Fat Menu Hazelton Energy Fat Carbohydrate Protein Cholesterol Fiber (kJ) (gm) (gm) (gm) (mg) (gm) 1571 52.9 205.7 68.6 161 14.3 1665 63.7 208.9 68.2 202 13.8 1748 67.9 205.6 78.7 322 12.1 Energy Fat Carbohydrate Protein Cholesterol Fiber (kJ) (gm) (gm) (gm) (mg) (gm) 1500 38.6 224.3 65.7 134 17.2 1603 45.2 238.7 68.1 157 17.7 1747 44.2 263.9 79.2 166 12.4 Laboratories Nutrition Data Systems Nutritionist IV Hazelton Laboratories Nutrition Data Systems Nutritionist IV 29 Hazelton Energy Fat Carbohydrate Protein Cholesterol Fiber (kJ) (gm) (gm) (gm) (mg) (gm) 1629 25.7 272.9 77.1 120 17.1 1607 27.1 274.9 73.9 138 19.1 1749 31.4 286.4 86.7 286 12.6 Laboratories Nutrition Data Systems Nutritionist IV 30 1600 * 1550 * Resting Energy Expenditure (kcal) * 1500 1450 1400 1350 1300 1250 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 1. Effects of Resting Energy Expenditure (REE) with dietary fat restriction. (*) indicates not significantly different from baseline , P>0.05. 31 0.88 * 0.87 0.86 * * Respiratory Quotient (RQ) 0.85 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.81 0.80 0.79 0.78 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 2. Effects of Respiratory Exchange Ratio (RER) with dietary fat restriction. (*) Indicates trend, P=0.06. 32 90 88 * * * 86 84 Body Weight (kg) 82 80 78 76 74 72 70 68 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 3. Effects of Body Weight (BW) with dietary fat restriction. (*) indicates significantly different from baseline, P<0.05. 33 57 * * * 56 Fat Free Mass (%) 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 4. Effects of Fat Free Mass (FFM) with dietary fat restriction. (*) indicates significantly different from baseline, P<0.05. 34 34 32 * * * 30 Fat Mass (%) 28 26 24 22 20 18 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 5. Effects of Fat Mass (FM) with dietary fat restriction. (*) indicates significantly different from baseline , P<0.05. 35 0.35 0.34 * * * 0.33 Body Fat (%) 0.32 0.31 0.30 0.29 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.25 Baseline 35% Fat 25% Fat 15% Fat Dietary Intervention Figure 6. Effects of Body Fat (BF) with dietary fat restriction. (*) indicates significantly different from baseline , P<0.05. 36 CHAPTER 5 Discussion This study was designed to evaluate the effects of dietary fat intake while controlling ECWM and to investigate the effects of dietary fat restriction among postmenopausal women. Our results demonstrate that a restriction in fat intake increases the ECWM. Dietary fat restriction has no effect on REE or RER, and decreases were found in FM, FFM, and BF despite a large significant increase in ECWM calories. We observed that as dietary fat intake decreased from 31% to 23% and to 14%, the daily energy requirement increased by 223+400 kJ and 398+638 kJ. At the end of the 31%-fat diet daily energy requirement was 8724 kJ, providing 2706 kJ from fat. When the fat intake was reduced to 23% and 14% respectively, relative contribution of fat calories decreased to 2007 kJ and 1221 kJ per day. When compared to the 23%-fat and 14%-fat diets, 31%-fat diet provided 698 kJ and 1483 kJ more energy from fat. These findings are supported by previous research that found carbohydrates that are used to synthesize lipid are 25% less efficient (Hegsted et al., 1993). One could speculate that a person could consume 25% more calories in CHO than fat without gaining weight. If these differences in fat-calories can be replaced with an equivalent amount of CHO calories, the increases in energy requirement would be 233 kJ/day during the 23%-fat, and 494 kJ/day during the 14%-fat diets. These predicted values were similar to the actual increases in caloric intake seen in our study. Another antidotal observation is that all the women who required an increase in caloric intake to maintain ECWM were obese. 37 This could suggest that obese may process macronutrients differently than normal weight post-menopausal women. Our study clearly demonstrated an increase in the ECWM in proportion to the amount of fat reduction and increase in CHO. While our study failed to demonstrate any change in REE, this suggests that the increase in energy expenditure must occur during the day and likely post-prandially. Further controlled research looking at 24-hour energy expenditures with post-prandial values compared, more variations in fat intake, with whole foods and a variety of genetic backgrounds need to be done to fully explain the inconsistencies seen in this area. Brehm et al., (2003) did not find any differences in REE when comparing a high fat to high carbohydrate diet. They concluded that the macronutrient makeup of a diet does not affect REE. However, we feel there is sufficient evidence to support both an increase in the ECWM and when consumed ad-libitum a decreased caloric intake due to the lower nutrient density with very low-fat diets leading to the weight loss associated with low-fat diets. Previous studies have suggested the importance of RER adjusting for the oxidative rates in metabolism (Rising, Tataranni, Snitker, Ravussin, 1996). Although there was not a significant change in RER (p=.067), we observed a trend. After the first eucaloric feeding, RER dropped to correlate with the amount of fat in the diet. As we decrease the amount of fat, RER increased to match the fat oxidative rates. This trend was expected to show the body’s adjustment to the amount of fat and carbohydrate being oxidized. This supports that low fat diets require more energy to maintain body weight. 38 This is important because if we utilize less fat and our metabolic rates decrease with age, it can contribute to an increase in obesity (Rising et al., 1996). While we tried to maintain body weight and control for body composition using a eucaloric diet, decreases in FFM, FM, and BF were observed. FFM decreased from baseline to the end of the 15% fat intervention by 0.6% which was significant (p=.001). FM similarly decreased by 1.3% along with a decrease of 0.8% in BF. This demonstrates that by decreasing the proportion of fat to carbohydrate macronutrients it allows subjects to eat more and still lose weight. While we increased the intake of calories to prevent further weight loss to maintain body weight, the decrease in body composition was significant. Therefore, there must be a mechanism to explain the change in weight. Our first prediction is that we did not account for the efficiency of macronutrients in the diet. It is more costly for the body to process carbohydrates. This energy difference equates to about 25% of carbohydrates consumed that must be broken down and metabolized in order to be stored as lipid in the body. This increase cost of metabolizing carbohydrates may represent the amount of weight loss that occurred in our study. There could have also been an error in calculating the eucaloric diet, or an error in calculating the additional calories needed to maintain body weight, or physical activity might not have been monitored accurately. All of these factors could lead to an error in maintaining body composition. Future Research There are some areas of our study that could be improved. Our study was very well controlled for diet by sending our food samples to Hazelton Laboratory to be 39 analyzed. The most important implication for future studies is to look at post prandial values. We collected resting energy expenditure after 12 hours fasting. With the results of our study indicating that there is not a significant change in REE, differences could be occurring during the day post prandially. Also, it is important to note that by maintaining a eucaloric diet, we did not control for how the calories are being processed metabolically. This could explain the predicted mechanisms of the weight loss that occurred in our study. Additionally physical activity levels could have been monitored directly than by a recall survey questionnaire. While we obtained physical activity logs from the subjects to account for the calories being burned, directly monitored physical activity would be more accurate . We could also improve our body composition data collection. In this study we used BIA to calculate body composition. The new gold standard is the DEXA (Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry). While it is extensively used for the assessment of body composition and is considered valid and reliable, it is large and expensive. Another area our study could improve is the length of the study. The first dietary intervention was 4-weeks, the second was 6-weeks, and the last dietary intervention was 6-weeks. Although this may be sufficient time, additional long term studies might yield different results. Conclusion In summary, the present study supports that low-fat intake increases the ECWM, causes less efficient storage of energy, and decreases in body weight. However, there are other benefits of low fat caloric diet. High fat intake increases the risks for coronary artery disease and certain types of cancer, both related to and independent of obesity 40 (Wadden, Foster, Stunkard, Conill, 1996). On the other hand, low-fat intake can improve risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as dyslipidemia, and results in weight loss without food deprivation. 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