Essay on family - Sociology at Girton

Writing an essay
Writing an essay
Engage your audience
State your contention
Preface your arguments
Writing an essay
 We live in a world that is fast-paced, ever-changing and
adaptable. Some would say this is a good thing. But in this
modern world, our traditional values are being compromised.
Our ideas about family are changing and not for the better.
There is wide debate about whether the nuclear family ideal
should remain our single most important family structure. I
believe it should. The nuclear family is by no means dead – it
is alive and well and we need to preserve it. We need to ensure
we honor this institution for generations to come by pointing
out the long tradition attached to marriage and children, that
economically our country benefits from the nuclear family
structure and that traditional families have a positive impact
on broader Australian society as a whole.
Writing an essay
Body Paragraphs
Topic sentence
Link to contention
Writing an essay
Body Paragraphs
Since industrial times, we have aspired to the nuclear ideal
because it is logical to organise ourselves in nuclear family
units. Thompson (2005) says that ‘nuclear families are the
single most important sociological institution of our time.
Without the nuclear family, Australian society would lack
both identity and character.’ What Thompson means is that
our sense of identity as Australians is shaped most
fundamentally by growing up in families with a mother and
father present, and with siblings. Australian culture is very
much about families and the traditional household. Without
this, we are not just changed individuals but a changed nation.
Therefore, the future of Australian society relies on continuing
the family tradition and keeping the nuclear ideal strong.
Writing an essay
Re-state your contention
Sum up your arguments
Lasting impression
Writing an essay
The nuclear family is the single-most important family
structure in Modern Australia. We need the nuclear family
to endure, despite our changing attitudes and diverse
views. For the economic benefits it brings to Australia,
nuclear families must remain fundamentally important.
Marriage and children are essential to our happiness as
individuals and as part of the nation. These traditions give
us identity and dreams to aspire to, and help us to give
back. We need to forget our modern obsession with
technology, change and pace and just remember how
important the traditional idea of ‘family’ is.
Writing an essay
Linking words
When introducing a speaker;
eg. [Thompson] says that…, comments that…, makes
the point that…, points out that…, argues that…,
states that…, asserts that…, suggests that…, puts
forward the idea that…, shows that…
When explaining what a speaker has said;
eg. What [Thompson] is saying is that…, What [he]
means is…, In other words…, To put this simply…,
This comment suggests…, This shows how…
Writing an essay
Linking words
To link sentences [and in some cases, paragraphs];
Yet…, however…, while…, on the other hand…, in contrast
to…, similarly…,
Consequently…, subsequently…, as a result of…, owing to…,
because of…,
Additionally…, in addition to…, also…, furthermore…,
Finally…, on a final note…, in summary…, in conclusion…,