Summarizing the Psychological

Finding the
for the IEP
5 Sections:
1. Evaluation/assessment results
Parent concerns
Impact of Disability
Data about the student:
1. Psychological assessment data
Group test scores
Other test results or data (attendance, discipline info)
Current Grades
Progress data (toward previous IEP goals or RTI goals)
• Psychological Assessment data is gathered at least every 3
• Initial (“current” for 3 years)
• Re-evaluation (“current” for 3 more years)
• Re-evaluation may consist of:
 examination of current data about a student
 new evaluation/formal testing (if not enough current data)
 How long would this information be relevant for the IEP PLOP Eval
 Always include results for up to 2 years.
 After that= IF results are still relevant to IEP, you may include them
but must also include a statement explaining why they are still
 After 3 rd year, there may be newer assessment information. Look!
Test results are deemed as RELEVANT:
Sample: NAME’S most recent eligibility was determined on
3/6/13. NAME was found eligible for ser vices in the categor y of
Moderate Intellectual Disability. Although NAME’S test results are
more than two years old, information regarding intellectual ability
and adaptive behavior skills is still useful for understanding
present functional needs.… (continue with summar y of useful info) .
Test results are deemed not relevant: (RARE)
Sample: NAME’S most recent eligibility was determined on
________ (inser t date). NAME was found eligible for ser vices in the
categor y(ies) of ___________ (inser t type of eligibility) .
 Packet of current information is gathered and examined.
 New formal testing is NOT needed.
 Sample statement for PLOP:
NAME’s (fill in student’s name) most recent redetermination
was completed on ______________ (date). He/She is eligible
for special education services in the category(ies) of
_______________________________________. Fill in
applicable area(s).
Where do I find it in SEMS?
Some students will have current (within three years) formal
individual psychological test reports.
 Initial placements (new to special education).
 Re-evaluations (where formal testing was needed to continue
 Transfer students where information from the previous system
was not suf ficient.
Where do I find the eligibility report in SEMS?
Where will I find the psychological report in SEMS?
Where will I find the psychological information in SEMS?
 Must contain a SUMMARY of important information from the
psychological/eligibility report.
 One to two paragraphs at the most.
 Be sure the summary is understandable to the reader.
 Avoid educational jargon.
 Explain meaning of any numbers.
 Do NOT copy the entire psychological!
I’m a
Not a
How do I find the
information in the
p s yc h o lo g i c al
All Disability Categories:
 Intellectual ability
 Academic achievement
Disability Specific:
 What is the information
needed for that
For example:
 LD: Processing
 BD:
 MID/MoID: Adaptive
behavior info.
 Test Name
 Test Date
 Domains
 Domain scores, ranges, and/or deficit areas
 Score explanation
 Tests no more than two years old (unless you explain why still
 Results of the psychological evaluation given on _____ (date)
show that NAME is functioning in the ___________ range of
intellectual ability based on ______ (name of test).
 In the area of academic achievement, results of the ____ (name
of test) on ____ (date) showed _____ for
Reading (basic skills, fluency, comprehension?)
Math (computation, reasoning/word problems?)
Written Expression
 Disability specific information summary (include date, name of
test or tests given).
 Other important information summary (where appropriate)
(include date, name of test or tests given) .
Most psychologists
will include a
somewhere in the
ndations portion of
the report that
summarizes their
key findings.
If you do not find
such a paragraph,
you will have to go
to the actual Test
Results section and
dig deeper to get the
needed information.
In this sample
p s yc h o lo g i c al
report, the
s u m m a r iz i n g
t h e r e l eva n t
findings was
e a s i l y l o c a te d
in a section
“ S u m ma r y.”
(see area in
In this example,
t h e p s yc h o l o g i s t
has included a
paragraph that
summarized the
f i n d i n g s a f te r
about eligibility
requirements in
(see circled
 If you have located a paragraph that summarizes the impor tant test
findings, you may have most of the impor tant information you need for
this section of the PLOP.
 However, remember that GA DOE also wants us to include the dates and
names of the tests that were given. You will need to refer to the test
results subheading of the psychological repor t or to the eligibility
repor t to get that information.
 Of cour se, you should also read through the entire psychological repor t
and eligibility repor t.
 There will be more details and back ground information which will be
helpful in under standing the student.
 If you have questions about something in the repor t, consult with the
school psychologist.
What if I cannot
l o c a te a s u m m a r y
paragraph in this
Yo u w i l l h av e to
dig deeper by
g o i n g to t h e
a c t u al T E S T
R E S U LT S s e c t i o n
of the report and
look at each
r e l eva n t a r e a .
Read the psychological:
Read the eligibility:
 Divided into sections.
 Find the Student Data
 Locate the Headings.
 Find the Decision
Making tab.
 Focus on “Test Results”
 Find the Eligibility tab.
Summary sentence:
 Results of the
individual psychological
evaluation given on
3/14/13 show that
NAME is functioning in
the average range of
intelligence, as
measured by the WISCIV.
Summary sentence:
 Results of the
individual psychological
evaluation on
2/19/2013 show that
NAME is functioning in
the below average
range of intelligence,
as measured by the
Eligibility Report:
Summary Statement:
 Results of the individual
psychological evaluation
on 2/22/12 were variable
but indicate that NAME
usually functions in the
low average to well below
average range of
intelligence, as measured
I’m a
Not a
I t r i e d to
summarize the IQ
te s t i n g b u t I a m
not sure it is right.
A s k yo u r l e a d
te a c h e r, D P F o r
s c h o o l p s yc h o l o g i s t
for feedback.
Summary Sentences:
 NAME was given the KTEA II and TOWRE on 2/27/13.
NAME showed average
academic achievement in
the areas of math
computation, basic reading
skills and comprehension,
and oral language. Math
reasoning skills were below
average. Written expression
and reading fluency were
significantly below average.
Summary Sentences:
 Academic testing via the
KTEA -II and WIAT-3 on
1/12/13 revealed that NAME
is working on a late second
grade level for reading
comprehension (far below
present grade placement of
sixth grade). Her written
expression skills are on an
early third grade level. Math
computation and reasoning
skills were late fourth grade
level. Reading fluency was a
strength, on a late fifth
grade level.
Eligibility Report:
Summary sentences:
 On 2/24/12 NAME was
given the KTEA -II AND
GORT-5. NAME showed
low average academic
achievement in the
area of math
computation. Reading
and math reasoning
skills were below
I’m a
Not a
I t r i e d to
summarize the
a c a d e m i c te s t i n g
but I am not sure it
is right.
A s k yo u r l e a d
te a c h e r, D P F o r
s c h o o l p s yc h o l o g i s t
for feedback.
Autism Definition:
 Aut i s m i s a deve lopm ent al
di s a bilit y, g e n e rally ev i dent be fo re
a g e t h re e , t h a t a dve r sely a f fe c t s a
s t ude n t ' s e duc a t i on al pe r fo rm a nc e
a n d s i g nific ant ly a f fe c t s
deve lopme nt al ra te s a n d
s e q uen ces, ve rba l a n d n o n - verbal
c o m m unic at ion a n d s o c i al
i n te ra c tio n a n d pa r t i c i pa t ion . Ot h e r
c h a ra c te rist ic s o f te n a s s oc iate d
w i t h a ut i s m a re un us ua l re s po nses
to s e n sor y ex pe ri e nc es,
e n g a gement i n re pet i t ive a c t i vit ies
a n d s te re ot y pic al m ovement s a n d
re s ist a nc e to e nv i ronmen t al c h a n g e
o r c h a n ge i n da i l y ro uti n e s.
St ude n t s w i t h a ut i s m va r y w i de l y i n
t h e i r a bi l ities a n d be h av ior.
Autism Specific Info:
 Developmental levels
 Communication skills
 Social Skills
 Note any unusual
responses, resistance
to change, etc.
 Re s u l t s o f t h e p s yc h o lo g i ca l ev a l ua t i o n o n 1 / 24 / 1 3 s h o w t h a t N A M E i s c u r r e n t ly
f u n c t io n i n g i n t h e r a n g e a s s o c i a te d w i t h a m i l d i n te l l e c t ua l a b i l i t y ( b a s e d o n K A B C I I ) ; h o w ev er, r e s u l t s m ay n o t a c c u r a te l y r e f l ec t o p t i ma l a b i l i t i e s d u e to te s t i n g
b e h av i o r s .
 A c a d e m ic a c h i ev em e n t te s t i n g w a s c o m p l ete d o n 1 / 16 / 1 3 u s i n g t h e W I AT - 3 .
Re s u l t s s h o w e d av e r a g e b a s i c r e a d i n g s k i l l s b u t d e f i c ie n t p e r fo r m a n c e f o r r e a d i n g
c o m p r e h e n s i o n . M a t h a n d w r i t te n ex p r e s s i o n s k i l l s w e r e b e l ow av e r a g e to
b o r d e r l in e .
 N A M E s h o w e d a m o d e r a te to s ev e r e l a n g u a g e d i s o r d e r i n c l ud i n g d i f fi cul t ie s w i t h
p r a g m a t ic l a n g ua g e s k i l l s a s m e a s u r e d b y t h e TO L D - P 3 a n d i n f o r ma l o b s e r va t i o n s
b y t h e S L P o n 1 / 1 0 / 1 3 . B A S C - 2 b e h av i o r r a t i n g s c a l e s c o m p l ete d b y t h e te a c h e r
a n d p a r e n t i n J a n u a r y 2 01 3 w e r e s i g n i fi c a n t f o r hy p e r a c t iv i t y, i n a t te n t i o n ,
a t y p i c a l it y, a n d s o c i a l p r o b l em s b o t h a t s c h o o l a n d a t h o m e . A d a p t i v e b e h av i o r
r a t i n g s o n t h e A B I b y t h e te a c h e r a n d p a r e n t i n J a n u a r y 2 01 3 w e r e b e l ow av e r a g e
b o t h a t h o m e a n d a t s c h o o l , w i t h c o m m un i ca t i o n a n d s o c i a l s k i l l s r e p o r te d a s
e s p e c i al l y w e a k .
 Re s u l t s o f t h e G i l l i am A u t i s m R a t i n g S c a l e f r o m Fe b r u a r y 2 01 3 w e r e s i g n i fi c a n t ;
N A M E w a s n o te d to h av e ex t r em e d i f fi cul t y w i t h c h a n g e s i n r o u t i n e b o t h a t h o m e
and at school.
Deaf/Hard of Hearing
 A student who is deaf or
hard of hearing is one
who exhibits a hearing
loss, whether permanent
or fluctuating, that
interferes with the
acquisition or
maintenance of auditory
skills necessary for the
normal development of
speech, language, and
academic achievement.
D/HH Specific Info:
 Degree of hearing loss
 Speech/language
communication skills
 Re s ul t s o f t h e ps yc h ologic al eva lua t ion o n 4 / 16 /1 2 s h ow t h a t N AM E i s
fun c t i o ning i n t h e ave ra ge ra n g e o f i n te llec t ual a bi l it y fo r n o n - verba l s k i lls;
ve rba l i n te llec t ual a bi lit ies we re s i g nifi ca nt ly de l ayed ( ba s ed o n WISC - IV ) .
 Aca de m ic a c h i evement wa s a s sessed o n 4 / 16 /1 2 us i n g t h e K TE A - II; re s ults
s h owed fa r be l ow ave ra ge s k ills i n t h e a re a s o f re a di ng s k i lls, re a di n g
c o m pre he nsion , w ri t te n ex pre s sion, a n d m a t h re a s oning, o n a k i n derg ar te n to
e a rl y fi r s t g ra de l evel ( c o m pare d to pre s e n t g ra de pl a c e men t o f 4 th g ra de ) .
M a t h c o m put a t ion wa s a re l a t ive s t re n g t h, o n a bo ut a m i d - t h ird g ra de l evel.
 Audi o lo gic al eva l uat ion by H e a d & N e c k Spe c i a lt ies o n 1 / 10 /1 3 s h owed a
m o de ra te to s evere bi l a teral h e a rin g l o s s.
 B a s e d o n i n fo rmal o bs e r vat ion a n d fo rm a l te s t i ng by SLP o n 1 / 1 3 /1 2, N AM E
us e s a c o m bina t ion o f s i gn l a n gua ge, l i p re a di ng, a n d o ra l l a n gua ge to
c o m m unic ate. Ora l l a n g uage te s t i ng v i a t h e TOLD - P 4 a n d TOP L - 2 s h owed
s i g nific a nt we a k n esses i n l i stening c o m pre h ensio n, o ra l ex pre s sion , a n d
pra g m a t ic l a n gua ge s k ills.
EBD Definition
An emotional and behavioral disorder is an
emotional disability characterized by the
following: (1) an inability to build or
maintain satisfactor y interpersonal
relationships with peers and/or teachers. For
preschool-age children, this would include
other care providers, (2) an inability to learn
which cannot be adequately explained by
intellectual, sensor y or health factors, (3)
consistent or chronic inappropriate type of
behavior or feelings under normal conditions,
(4) displayed per vasive mood of unhappiness
or depression, or (5) displayed tendency to
develop physical symptoms, pains or
unreasonable fears associated with personal
or school problems.
A student with EBD is a student who exhibits
one or more of the above emotionally based
characteristics of suf ficient duration,
frequency and intensity that it/they
interfere(s) significantly with educational
per formance to the degree that provision of
s p e c i a l e d u c a t i o n a l s e r v i c e s i s n e c e s s a r y.
Students may show external behavior
problems and/or experience internal
emotional problems.
EBD Specific Info:
 Emotional
 Behavioral problems
 Discuss duration,
intensity, frequency.
 Results of the psycho -educational assessment on 5/15/13 showed that
NAME has low average overall intellectual ability (based on Stanford Binet IV).
 On 5/7/13, academic achievement was tested via the K TEA -II. Results
were deficient in both math and written language, on an early to mid fir st grade level (compared to present grade placement of 5 th grade).
Reading skills and comprehension were below average on a mid - to
late-fir st grade level.
 Results of BASC -II behavior rating scales completed by NAME’s teacher
and parent in April 2013 showed significant dif ficulties with non compliance, acting out behaviors and verbal aggression as well as
significant levels of anxiety. The parent rating scale also was
significant for depression. Classroom obser vations (in March and April
2013) as well as informal projective assessment (on 5/15/13 by the
school psychologist) also indicate some significant
emotional/behavioral issues.
Intellectual Disability
 Intellectual disability
refers to significantly
subaverage general
intellectual functioning
which exists concurrently
with deficits in adaptive
behavior that adversely
affect educational
performance and is
manifested during the
developmental period.
Specific Information:
 Adaptive behavior skills
 NAME’s most recent individual psychological evaluation was
completed on March 15, 2012. Results showed that his overall
cognitive ability was in the range of a moderate intellectual
disability (based on WISC-IV and K-BIT-2).
 Academic testing (3/15/12) showed that NAME was functioning
at about an early first grade level for reading and spelling and on
about a mid-first to second grade level for math on the WRAT -4
(compared to present grade placement of 8 th grade).
 NAME’s adaptive behavior skills are also significantly below
those of a typical 14 -year old based on parent and teacher
completed ABAS-II ratings in March 2012. Communication and
daily living skills were noted to be especially weak while social
skills were a relative strength for NAME.
Orthopedic Impaired
 Orthopedic impairment
refers to students whose
severe orthopedic
impairments af fect their
educational performance to
the degree that the student
requires special education.
Such impairment may be
due to a birth defect, a
disease (such as bone
tuberculosis), or some other
cause (such as cerebral
palsy or muscular
OI Specific Info:
 Medical information
about the orthopedic
 Information about the
student’s movement
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 3/15/13 show that NAME is
functioning in the slow learner range of intellectual ability (based on
 In the area of academic achievement, results of the PIAT -R given on
3/15/13 showed below average to borderline skills in math, reading,
and written expression.
 According to a physician’s statement from Dr. J. D. Smith dated
1/1 2/13, NAME is diagnosed with muscular dystrophy and is confined
to a motorized wheelchair. Informal obser vations in the classroom in
Jan 2013 as well as teacher repor ts showed that NAME is able to grasp
objects with his right hand and can print his name using a pencil with
pencil grip, but handwriting is slow, laborious, and he is easily
fatigued. He can use an adaptive computer keyboard and mouse for
most written assignments. Oral language skills were age appropriate,
based on informal obser vation by SLP in Feb. 2013.
OHI Definition:
 Ot h e r h e a lt h i m pa irment m e a ns
h av ing l i mite d s t re n gt h , v i t alit y o r
a l e r t n ess i n c l uding a h e i ghte ned
a l e r t n ess to e nv iro nment al s t i m uli,
t h a t re s ul t s i n l i mited a l e r t n ess
w i t h re s pe c t to t h e e duc a t i on al
e nv iro nment , a n d t h a t: ( 1 ) i s due to
c h ro n ic o r a c ute h e a l t h pro bl e ms
s uc h a s a s t h ma, a t te n t i on de fi c i t
di s o rder o r a t te n t i on de fi c i t
hy pe ra c t ivit y di s orde r, di a bete s,
e pi l epsy, o r h e a r t c o n di t ion,
h e m ophilia, l e a d po i sonin g,
l e ukemia, n e ph ri tis, rh e um a t ic
feve r, a n d s i c kle c e l l a n e mia; a n d
To urette Syn dro m e , a n d ( 2 )
a dve r sely a f fe c t s a s t ude n t ' s
e duc a t i o nal pe r fo rm a nc e.
OHI Specific Info:
 Medical diagnosis
 Limitations/Effect(s) of
the health problem
 Results of the psychological evaluation on April 1 , 2013 show that
NAME is functioning in the below average range of intellectual ability
(based on the WISC -IV results).
 Academic achievement was evaluated on 3/14/13 using the K TEA -II
and TOWL -4. NAME per formed below grade level in all areas. Reading
skills and comprehension were his weakest areas, on about a second to
third grade level. Math was an area of relative strength, on about a
four th grade level. Written expression skills were on a third to four th
grade level.
 According to a physician’s statement from Dr. Henr y Jones dated
7/1 2/13, NAME is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder which results in limited aler tness to a significant degree.
 Results of BASC -II and ADDES -3 behavior rating scales completed by
the parent and teacher in Februar y 2013 showed significant problems
for inattention, hyperactivity, and distractibility both at home and at
SDD Definition:
SDD Specific Info:
 Th e te rm s i g nific ant deve lopmen t al
de l ay re fe r s to a de l ay i n a c h i ld’ s
deve lopme nt i n a da pt i ve be h av ior,
c o g n it ion, c o m munic at ion , m oto r
deve lopme nt o r e m ot ional
deve lopme nt to t h e ex te n t t h a t , i f
n ot prov i de d w i t h s pe c i al
i n te r ven tion , t h e de l ay m ay
a dve r sely a f fe c t a c h i ld’ s
e duc a t i o nal pe r fo rm a nc e i n a g e a ppro pri a te a c t i vit ies. Th e te rm
do e s n ot a ppl y to c h i ldre n w h o a re
ex pe ri e ncin g a s l i ght o r te m po ra r y
l a g i n o n e o r m o re a re a s o f
deve lopme nt , o r a de l ay t h a t i s
pri m a rily due to e nv iro nment al,
c ul t ura l , o r e c o n omic di s a dva nt age
o r l a c k o f ex pe ri e nc e i n a g e
a ppro pri a te a c t i vit ies.
 Adaptive behavior skills
 Communication skills
 Motor skills
 Social/emotional skills
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 11/2/12 show that
NAME performed in the below average range of intellectual
ability on the KABC-II. However, results may have been affected
by test behavior and may not reflect optimal abilities.
 In the area of academic achievement, results of the TERA -3 and
TEMA -3 (given 11/2/12) showed far below average performance
for both reading readiness and math readiness.
 Significant delays were noted on ABAS -II adaptive behavior
rating scales completed by the parent and daycare teacher in
October 2012. Developmental Profile -II and TOLD-P 4 results
from Oct. 2012 showed that communication skills were
significantly delayed. Motor skills and social/emotional skills
were rated as age appropriate on the DP -II.
SLD Definition:
S p e c i fi c l e a r n i n g d i s a b i li t y i s d e f i n e d a s
a disorder in one or more of the basic
p s yc h o lo g i c al p r o c e s s e s i nv o l v e d i n
understanding or in using language,
s p o ke n o r w r i t te n , t h a t m ay m a n i fe s t
i t s e l f i n a n i m p er fe c t a b i l i t y to l i s te n ,
t h i n k , s p e a k , r e a d , w r i te , s p e l l o r d o
m a t h e m a t i ca l c a l c ula t i o n s . T h e te r m
i n c l ud e s s u c h c o n d i t i o n s a s p e r c e p t ua l
d i s a b i l it i e s , b r a i n i n j ur y, m i n i ma l b r a i n
d y s f un c t io n , d y s l ex ia a n d
d ev e l o p me n t a l a p h a s i a . T h e te r m d o e s
n o t a p p l y to s t u d e n t s w h o h av e l e a r n i n g
p r o b l em s t h a t a r e p r i m a r i l y t h e r e s u l t
o f v i s ua l , h e a r i n g o r m o to r d i s a b i li t i e s ,
i n te l l e c t ual d i s a b i l it i e s , e m o t i o n a l o r
b e h av i o r al d i s o r d e r s o r e nv i r o n m en t al ,
c u l t ur a l o r e c o n o m i c d i s a d va n t a g e .
SLD Specific Info:
 Information about
Eligibility Report
(Student Data Tab)
Psychological Report
 Processing information
may be mixed in with
the IQ subtest results.
 There also may be
individual test results
specific to processing.
For example: VMI, CTOPP,
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 3/15/13 show that NAME is
functioning overall in the average range of intellectual ability (based on
 Academic achievement was assessed on 2/1 2/13 via the WIAT -3 and
K TEA -II. Results showed average achievement for math computation
and oral language skills. Math reasoning skills were low average.
Reading skills, reading comprehension, and written expression were
significantly delayed, on about a mid -second to third grade level
(compared to present grade placement of 6 th grade).
 Testing on 3/15/13 showed processing deficits in auditor y
discrimination (CTOPP -2), organization (WJ -III Concept Formation
subtest), and visual -motor integration (VMI -5). Memor y skills, both
shor t-term and long-term, were relative strengths, as shown on Long Term Retrieval and Shor t -term Memor y subtests of the WJ -III.
Speech/Lang Definition:
Speech/Lang Specific Info:
 Speech or language impairment
refers to a communication
disorder, such as stuttering,
impaired ar ticulation, language
or voice impairment that
adversely af fects a child’s
educational per formance. A
speech or language impairment
may be congenital or acquired.
It refer s to impairments in the
areas of ar ticulation, fluency,
voice or language . Individuals
may demonstrate one or any
combination of speech or
language impairments.
 Type of communication
 Articulation skills
 Language skills
 Fluency information
 Voice information
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 3/15/13 show that
NAME is functioning in the average to low average range of
intellectual ability (KABC -II).
 Academic achievement was evaluated on 3/15/13 using the
KTEA -II. Results showed average skills in math, low average
skills in reading comprehension, and below average
performance in basic reading skills and written expression.
 The SLP conducted speech/language assessment using the
Joliet, T-MAC, TOLD-P 4 and informal speech samples on
3/2/13. Results showed a moderate to severe articulation
disorder and a mild to moderate language disorder. Voice and
fluency were age appropriate.
TBI Definition:
 Tr a u m a t i c B r a i n I n j u r y ( T B I ) r e fe r s to a n
a c q u i r e d i n j u r y to t h e b r a i n c a u s e d by
a n e x te r n a l p hy s i c a l fo r c e , r e s u l t i n g i n
to t a l o r p a r t i a l f u n c t i o n a l d i s a b i l i t y o r
p s yc h o s o c i a l i m p a i r m e n t , o r b ot h , t h a t
a d v e r s e l y a f fe c t s t h e s t u d e n t ' s
e d u c a t i o n a l p e r fo r m a n c e . T h e te r m
a p p l i e s to o p e n o r c l o s e d h e a d i n j u r i e s
resulting in impairments which are
i m m e d i a t e o r d e l aye d i n o n e o r m o r e
areas, e.g., cognition, language,
m e m o r y, a t te n t i o n , r e a s o n i n g , a b s t r a c t
thinking, judgment, problem solving,
s e n s o r y, p e r c e p t u a l a n d m oto r a b i l i t i e s ,
p s yc h o s o c i a l b e h av i o r, p hy s i c a l
f u n c t i o n s , s p e e c h , a n d i n fo r m a t i o n
p r o c e s s i n g . T h e s e i n j u r i e s m ay i n te n s i f y
pre-existing problems in these areas as
we l l . Re s u l t i n g i m p a i r m e n t s m ay b e
te m p o r a r y o r p e r m a n e n t i n n a t u r e .
TBI Specific Info:
 Medical information
regarding injury
 Information about
 Information about any
impaired skills
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 8/15/13 show that NAME is
currently functioning in the borderline range of overall intellectual
ability; there was a significant degree of subtest scatter indicating
strengths and weaknesses (based on WISC -IV).
 Academic achievement testing was completed on 8/15/13 using the
WIAT-3. Results showed below average skills for listening
comprehension, reading comprehension, math calculation, and written
expression. Oral expression and math reasoning skills were average to
low average. Basic reading skills were average.
 According to a medical repor t dated 7/22/13 from Dr. Sam Surgeon,
NAME had a closed head injur y as a result of an automobile accident.
Current results of the WISC -IV show deficits in working memor y (WMI),
attention (PSI), and reasoning skills (PRI). BASC -II behavior rating
scales completed by the parent and teachers in August 2013 show
significant problems with inattentiveness and poor adaptability.
Blind/Visually Impaired
 A student with a visual
impairment is one whose vision
inter feres with functioning in a
regular school program or, for
preschool-age children, in
learning tasks. Examples are
students whose visual
impairments may result from
congenital defects, eye
diseases, or injuries to the eye.
Visual impairment is
determined on the basis of a
current examination by an
ophthalmologist or optometrist .
VI Specific Info:
 Medical information
related to the visual
 Functional limitations
resulting from the
visual impairment
 Results of the psychological evaluation on 3/15/13 show that
NAME is functioning in the low average range of intellectual
ability (based on Verbal sections of the WISC -IV).
 Academic achievement was assessed on 3/15/13 using the
BASIS and WIAT-3. Results showed average skills for oral
language. Math, reading, and written expression skills were
below age/grade expectations.
 Results of the eye report from Dr. Sharon Shaw dated 1/12/13
showed 20/200 vision in the right eye with best correction and
20/90 vision in the left eye with best correction.
 Results of the low vision and functional vision assessments
completed on 3/14/13 show that NAME is able to read 32 font
enlarged print. NAME can distinguish all colors but is sensitive to
bright lights and has a limited field of vision (20 °).
I’m a
Not a
I t r i e d to
summarize the
disability specific
information but I
am not sure it is
A s k yo u r l e a d
te a c h e r, D P F o r
s c h o o l p s yc h o l o g i s t
for feedback.
I’m a
Not a
W h a t i f I h av e a
student who is
e l i g i b le i n m o r e
than one
c a te g o r y?
H o w w o ul d I d e a l
with that?
 Summarize the IQ and academic information.
 Summarize the disability specific information for primary area
of eligibility.
 Summarize the disability specific information for other area(s)
of eligibility.
 (No need to repeat information on IQ and academics)
Results showed that NAME’s overall cognitive ability was in the
range of a moderate intellectual disability (based on WISC -IV and
KBIT-3 3/15/12). (IQ results)
Academic testing (on WRAT -4 3/15/12) showed that NAME was
functioning at about an early fir st grade level for reading and spelling
and on about a mid -first to second grade level for math (compared to
present grade placement of 8 th grade). (Academic results)
NAME’s adaptive behavior skills are also significantly below those of
a typical 14-year old (Parent and teacher ABAS -II March 2012).
Communication and daily living skills were noted to be especially
weak while social skills were a relative strength for NAME . (Primar y
eligibility specific info)
Speech/language assessment (on 3/10/12 via Joliet and TOAAL -4)
showed a moderate to severe language impairment. Ar ticulation,
voice and fluency were within normal limits. (Secondar y eligibility
specific info)
1.Attached IN THE “Attach files to Student info” section at the bottom of the
FORMS Manager in SEMS. (where most will be located)
2.Under Tracker Office “Specialist Evaluations” section. (other place to check)
 Related services such as OT, PT, O&M, etc. are not separate
categories of eligibility.
 They are merely related services that a student might require
to access their education.
 OT/ PT or other related service persons would discuss their
evaluation results in their part of the PLOP.
 You do NOT need to summarize the OT or PT results in the
summary of individual test results which you must compose
for the PLOP.
 Sometimes, the school psychologist includes additional
evaluation results which may NOT pertain to the category of
eligibility but which (1) were used to rule out other areas of
eligibility or which (2) may be educationally relevant.
 Example 1= a report on a student who is SLD may also
contain results about behavior rating scales or adaptive
behavior to rule out emotional or intellectual disabilities.
 Example 2= a report on a student who is SLD may also
contain information about medical conditions (such as ADHD)
which also af fect school performance.
 Re s ul t s o f t h e ps yc h ologic al eva lua t ion o n 3 / 1 5 /1 3 s h ow t h a t N AM E i s
fun c t i o ning ove ra ll i n t h e ave ra ge ra n g e o f i n te llec t ual a bi l it y ( ba s ed o n WJ - III) .
 Ac a de m ic a c h i evement wa s a s sessed o n 3 / 2 / 1 3 v i a t h e K TE A - II a n d WIAT- 3 .
Re s ul t s s h owed ave ra ge a c h ieveme nt fo r m a t h c o m put a t ion a n d o ra l l a n g uage
s k ills. M a t h re a s onin g s k i lls we re l ow ave ra ge. Re a di n g s k ills, re a di n g
c o m pre he nsion , a n d w ri t te n ex pre s sion we re s i g nific ant ly de l aye d, o n a bo ut a
m i d - sec ond to t h i rd g ra de l evel ( c o m pa red to pre s e nt g ra de pl a c e ment o f 6 th
g ra de ) .
 Te s t i n g o n 3 / 1 5 / 1 3 s h o w e d p r o c e s s i n g d e f i c i t s i n a u d i to r y d i s c r i mi n a t i o n ( C TO P P 2 ) , o r g a n i z a t i o n ( W J - I I I C o n c e p t Fo r m a t io n s u b te s t ), a n d v i s ua l - m oto r i n te g r a t i o n
( V M I - 5 ) . M e m o r y s k i l l s , b o t h s h o r t - te r m a n d l o n g - te r m, w e r e r e l a t i v e s t r e n g t h s , a s
s h o w n o n l o n g -Te r m Ret r i ev al a n d S h o r t - te r m M e m o r y s u b te s t s o f t h e W J - I I I .
 Re s ul t s o f B ASC - II be h av ior ra t i n g s c a l es c o m pleted by t h e te a c h e r a n d pa re n t
i n Fe brua r y 2 01 3 di d n ot i n di c ate a ny a re a s o f s i g nific ant di f fi c ult y. AB I
a da pt i ve be h av ior ra t i n g s c a l es fro m s c h o ol a n d h o m e ( Fe b. 2 01 3 ) s h owe d a g e a ppro pri a te s k ills.
Results of the psychological evaluation on 3/15/13 show that NAME
is functioning overall in the average range of intellectual ability
(based on WJ-II). Academic achievement was assessed on 4/10/13
via the WIAT-II and KTEA -II. Results showed average achievement for
math computation and oral language skills. Math reasoning skills
were low average. Reading skills, reading comprehension, and written
expression were significantly delayed, on about a mid -second to third
grade level (compared to present 6 th grade placement). Testing on
3/15/13 showed processing deficits in auditor y discrimination
(CTOPP-2), organization (WJ -III Concept Formation subtest), and
visual-motor integration (VMI -5). Memor y skills, both shor t -term and
long-term, were relative strengths, as shown on Long -Term Retrieval
and Shor t-term Memor y subtests of the WJ -III. Results of BASC -II
behavior rating scales completed by the teacher and parent in Apr.
2013 did not indicate any areas of significant dif ficulty. ABI adaptive
behavior rating scales from school and home (Apr. 2013) showed age appropriate skills.
Thanks for your attention!