Unit 10

Unit 10
Is Science Dangerous?
• Discuss and write down the words or
expressions that occur to you when you read
the word “science”.
• Civilization, enlightenment, knowledge,
power, progress, prosperity, advancement,
• Superstition, backward, ignorance
History of science
• Nicolaus
(1473~1543): the
sun as the center
of the universe
History of Science
• Galileo (1564~1642)
Theory should be
established on the
basis of observation
Doctor Frankenstein
• The arrow was embedded in the tree.
• The idea was embedded in her mind.
• The joy of family reunion was embedded in
the festival.
Tree of Knowledge
• The use of animals ion scientific
tests raises some difficult ethical
• The lawyer said that the doctor’s
behavior had not been ethical.
come into play
• His influence came into play when he
approached the local government.
• Who knows what forces come into play
when these decisions are made.
come into effect 生效
come into being 产生
• What distinguishes between science and
knowledge and understanding : science
application of knowledge : technology
give rise to
• These bad conditions have given
rise to a lot of crimes.
• Privileged gives rise to abuse of
power and corruption.
Renaissance 文艺复兴时期
• (p. 5) The social obligations that
scientists have, as distinct from
those responsibilities they share
with all citizens (such as
supporting a democratic society
and taking care of the rights of
others), come from them having
access to specialized knowledge of
how the world works that is not
easily accessible to others.
Analyze the structure of the sentence
Sentence structure:
• the social obligations … come from …
that scientists have
as distinct from those responsibilities
they share with all citizens
such as supporting a democratic
society and taking care of the
rights of others
• them having access to specialized
knowledge of … (they have access to
how the world works
that is not easily accessible to others.
• Their obligation is to make public
any social implications of their
work and its technological
applications, and to give some
assessment of its reliability.
Analyze the structure of the sentence
• Their obligation is to make (sth.) public
any social implications of their work
and its technological applications,
and to give some assessment of its
• dispassionately: reasonably and calmly
We should judge his behavior
In this critical moment, the leader has
to make decisions dispassionately.
passion: A powerful emotion, such as love, joy,
hatred, or anger.
passionate: adj. 充满热情的
• (p.7) eugenics: n.优生学
• euphonic: adj. 语调好的, 音调上的, 好
• euphemism: n. 委婉语
'Pass away' is a euphemism for 'die'.
• porn- (prostitute) + graph (write)
• Newspapers print sensational and
unjustified headlines, such as the
“Frankenstein foods” idiocy
surrounding genetically modified
organisms in the United Kingdom.
surrounding: prep. about
Similar words:
judging by
• (p.10) Indeed, for the public sector the
expense of the applications of genetics
and molecular biology can open up
difficult choices: new medical
treatments, requiring complex
technology, cannot be given to all.
Paraphrase the sentence:
If we apply genetics and molecular biology in our
life, there will be problems:
public sector: public life in the society
(p.11) So what dangers does genetics
pose to society? “Bioethics” is a growth
industry that purports to address this
question, but one should regard this field
with caution, as bioethicists have a vested
interest in finding difficulties. Nevertheless,
it has made some valuable contributions,
including advice on experiments on human
embryos in the United Kingdom and on the
rights of fetuses. But advances in genetics
raise few new ethical issues — there are no
new ethical issues in relation to the current
hysteria over cloning.
Work out the logic of the paragraph:
• Why does the author not believe in
Ethical issues will not be new ones.
Bioethicsists play a role when there is a new
ethical issue.
Bioethicists play no role.
• (p.12) Some of the common fears
about cloning are little more than
science fiction at present
• science fiction: not reality (metaphoric use)
• It is amusing to watch moralists swing from
denying that genes have an important effect on
intelligence or behavior to saying that a cloned
individual’s behavior will be entirely determined
by the individual’s genetic make-up.
• Key words in the structure: swing
from … to…
Translation from English to Chinese
• “OOOF!” Using your mouse, you heave a
data file across the screen—a couple of
gigabytes of data weighs a lot. Its rough
surface tells you that it is a graphics file.
Having tipped this huge pile of data into a
hopper that sends it to the right program,
you examine a screen image of the forest
trail you’ll be hiking on during your vacation.
Then, using a gloved hand, you master its
details by running your fingers over its
forks and bends, its sharp rises and falls.
Later you send an e-mail to your beloved,
bending to the deskpad to attach a kiss.
• “哇!”你可以用鼠标在电脑屏幕上拖出一个
dispassionately implication reverberate
blameworthy confidentiality enlightened
appropriate proscribe
• 1. He has such a deep affection for his first
lover that even after 20 years her name
reverberates with beautiful memories
still __________
in his mind.
• 2. Officials of various ranks who abuse
appropriate public property for
power and __________
personal advantage are subject to legal
dispassionately implication reverberate
blameworthy confidentiality enlightened
appropriate proscribe
• 3. For the time being, to observe
____________ in this controversy is
the wisest and most reasonable
approach for dealing with its associated
• 4. Although almost everyone would say
__________ that education is of prime
importance, there are few graduates
attracted to the job of teaching.
dispassionately implication reverberate
blameworthy confidentiality enlightened
appropriate proscribe
• 5. During the period of economic
recession, daily necessities were in
short supply and had to be rationed
• 6. Wide reading, especially of in-depth
historical studies, will enable one to
enlightened opinions and
possess ___________
points of view about humanity and
dispassionately implication reverberate
blameworthy confidentiality enlightened
appropriate proscribe
• 7. Drug related crime is rampant in
some regions although drug trafficking
proscribed by law.
and drug abuse are _________
• 8. The attempt and offer to carry out
cloning experiment on human being is
blameworthy and can hardly find any
consensus among the public.
dispassionately implication reverberate
blameworthy confidentiality enlightened
appropriate proscribe
• 9. The discovery and disclosure of the
confidentiality of the detective’s
identity stirred a shocking reaction in
the defense department.
• 10. No matter what he said to you, his
manner showed an ____________
did not actually agree with the proposal.