15th Air Mobility Operations Squadron AMD WAY AHEAD Lt Col DeMarco DIRMOBFOR Future Ops/Strategy 15 AMOS/CC MASTERMIND Ethos! OVERVIEW The Problem The Program The End State Let’s Crawl “The AOC is fundamental to what makes us great as an Air Force… If you have a group of airplanes but you don't have an AOC, you don't really have an air force. You have a flying club." -- Lt. Gen. Ronald E. Keys, deputy chief of staff for air and space operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, MASTERMIND Ethos! 2 The Problem “How should the AMD be structured to support the future direction of the Air Force and the Joint Community” In a snapshot: What should the AOC/AMD and Air Mobility Operations Squadrons look like in 2017? Three targets to achieve that goal: developing and fusing technology, training and managing command and control workers, and standardizing the centers. -- Lt. Gen. Ronald E. Keys, deputy chief of staff for air and space operations, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, MASTERMIND Ethos! 3 Assumptions 2017 Assumptions The USAF will get smaller; we will have less people…theaters will not have enough Airman to man AOC at greater than day to day levels Technology should increase capability The US will remain globally engaged • “Rumsfeld braces for more violence in Iraq: Says insurgency could endure ‘for any number of years,’ perhaps until 2017,” Associated Press, 26 June 2005 . AOC will be integrated in a greater and more synergistic way with our Joint partners Military budget will get smaller MASTERMIND Ethos! 4 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 5 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 6 The Program Adjust AMD team names: Problem: The name Air Mobility Control Team does not adequately explain what the team does. By DoD definition: air mobility is the rapid movement of personnel, materiel and forces to and from or within a theater by air. This includes both airlift and air refueling. MASTERMIND Ethos! 7 MAF C2 AMD Sustainment AMD AMOCC/AMD 18 AF/TACC MASTERMIND Ethos! 8 The Air Mobility Division provides effects-based planning, execution, and assessment of theaterassigned airlift, air refueling, and aeromedical operations in support of the Combatant Commander. MASTERMIND Ethos! 9 The Program AMC AMD CONOPS for AOC Standardization 15th AMOS has authored an AMOS CONOPS Continue effort with 21 AMOS for approval from AMC Develop annexes for each theater PAOC USAFE CAOC HTACC AFSOUTH AFNORTH MASTERMIND Ethos! 10 The Program Present to AMC/CV or CC for approval and signature Update annually at AMD Summit Rewrite every 3 years MASTERMIND Ethos! 11 The Program AMD Organization: The courage of our Airmen to push beyond the existing technical horizons and battle the status quo is a hallmark of our Air Force. MASTERMIND Ethos! 12 “Infused or Matrixed” operations ALDO/TDO Tanker MAAPers Strategists Ops Plans Future Ops Strat AMD ISRD Mobility IN CAF Centric Integral to Ops in AOC All work together thru the ATO cycle Works internal to the AOC Works External with CDDOC USTC, TACC, JMC, etc MASTERMIND Ethos! 13 Is there more than one type of AMD? AMOS AMD Sustainment AMD AMOCC/AMD Reachback/Distributed AMD MASTERMIND Ethos! 14 AMD Phases Hostilities begin Or…event occurs Phase I - III Phase IV Occupation? Mature Theater AMD Life Cycle Combat Centric Rapid Deployment -Airbase opening -Bed down -Initial Requirements -HUMRO -Air Bridge AMOS AMD Requirements predictable Bed down complete Bases open Airbridge down Steady State Adapt to the CFACC Adapt to the CFACC Sustainment AMD CAOC Today MASTERMIND Ethos! 15 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 16 The Program C2 Warrior Culture Develop our Mid-Level Captains for AOC/AMD Leadership • 5 Week FTU at HRT • Informal Contract to serve an AOC Tour within 1 year of course completion CAOC/CENTAF JCS-Level Ex AMOS Assignment TACC 7th AF HTACC USAFE, PACAF, SOUTHAF, NORTHAF These are our future AMD Chiefs, AMOS/CC and DIRMOBFORs MASTERMIND Ethos! 17 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 18 The Program Future REACHBACK Operations Every Theater is different, Every AMD is different What does the War Fighter need? Some Theaters may operate through REACHBACK AMOS AMD-LE AMD Chief And AMD deputy ALCT Chief ARCT Chief AMCT Chief AECT Chief Probably some systems types REACHBACK to either the AMOS/AMD or TACC MASTERMIND Ethos! 19 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 20 REACHBACK Fully supporting air operations centers with sufficient numbers of trained personnel and expanding the "reachback" capabilities to evaluate data collected by unmanned aircraft and orbiting satellites would also dramatically increase joint capabilities --Gen Duncan McNabb MASTERMIND Ethos! 21 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 22 The Program Single AMOS PBD 720 Cuts and impacts 2 Squadrons = 225+ Airmen • Could save 45 Airmen with a Single Squadron of 180 The AMD Center of Excellence • Assist HQ AMC in leading the AMD effort on a Global scale Future thought/Mobility War Plans Experts IG Augmentation Theater SAV Training and Stan/Eval for the USAF Testing C2 systems TACC/XOP liaisons and integration • While serving in JCS Level Exs and Theater Augmentation MASTERMIND Ethos! 23 The Program Global Engagement in light of PBD-720 TDY Rates: • 15 AMOS = 137 • Airlifters = 126 • Tankers = 138 We are all busy and getting busier 1 Year CAOC Assignments Associate AMOS USAF AMD SEI Holders MASTERMIND Ethos! 24 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 25 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 26 The Program The JOINT Arena DDOC and Theater Enterprise Deployment and Distribution (TED2) They engineer and manage the machine-to-machine interfaces that allow the Combined Air Operations Center (CAOC) to command an aircraft to change its target set in mid-mission while a satellite guides delivery of a munition to a precise coordinate. They will continue to tighten the linkages among and between our air, sea, and ground forces. Our Airmen will continue doing what they do best for the Joint Team – dominating air and space. MASTERMIND Ethos! 27 MASTERMIND Ethos! 28 TED2 Function System Source Air / Surface Manifest DGATES AMC Airlift C2 GDSS AMC Airlift Quick-Turn MX GO81 AMC Collaborative Tool IWS AMC/USTC E-mail Outlook Intelligence SIPR NIPR Type X Web-Based X Web-Based X Web-Based X X Web-Based AMC X X Web-Based PCI3 AMC X ITV / TAV GTN USTC X X Web-Based ITV / TAV SMS USTC X X Web-Based ITV / TAV RFITV Army X Web-Based Log Plans & ITV BCS3 SDDC X Thick Client RFID/ITV EEDSK/PDK SDDC X Wireless or LAN Surface Load Planning ICODES SDDC X Stand Alone MASTERMIND Ethos! X Web-Based 29 JIPRL The JDDOC will: Collect, validate, analyze, prioritize and synchronize all intratheater airlift requirements. Manage the Joint Integrated Prioritized Requirements List (JIPRL) analyzing for theater workload and prioritization. Serve as an Information Fusion Cell gathering data and reports for analysis and dissemination. Provide scheduling and execution oversight for the purpose of ensuring and reporting timely requirement closure. The Air Mobility Division will: Define Theater Capability with respect to assigned airlift resources. Plan and schedule all intra-theater airlift missions for movement of intra-theater requirements in accordance with theater and ATO priorities. Provide C2 for missions in execution. Track mission requirements to ensure timely closure. MASTERMIND Ethos! 30 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 31 The Program AMD Structure MAF C2 Culture Codify AMD-LE REACHBACK Single AMOS Associate AMOS Joint Integration Budget Savings AMCT ALCT AMD ARCT AECT Support Team MASTERMIND Ethos! 32 Program Partners The way ahead is a program or enterprise solution with a myriad of players A1 A3 A5 A6 A9 USTRANSCOM 15/21 AMOS AMWC TACC MASTERMIND Ethos! 33 Strategy "the practical adaptation of the means placed at a general’s disposal to the attainment of the object in view." In Moltke's formulation, military strategy is clearly a means to political ends. Liddell Hart arrives at this short definition of strategy: "the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy." MASTERMIND Ethos! 34 Strategy Strategy is that which top management does that is of great importance to the organization. Strategy refers to basic directional decisions, that is, to purposes and missions. Strategy consists of the important actions necessary to realize these directions. Strategy answers the question: What should the organization be doing? Strategy answers the question: What are the ends we seek and how should we achieve them? George Steiner, a professor of management and one of the founders of The California Management Review, is generally considered a key figure in the origins and development of strategic planning. His book, Strategic Planning [2], MASTERMIND Ethos! 35 Strategy Henry Mintzberg, in his 1994 book, The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning [3], points out that people use "strategy" in several different ways, the most common being these four: Strategy is a plan, a "how," a means of getting from here to there. Strategy is a pattern in actions over time; for example, a company that regularly markets very expensive products is using a "high end" strategy. Strategy is position; that is, it reflects decisions to offer particular products or services in particular markets. Strategy is perspective, that is, vision and direction. MASTERMIND Ethos! 36