Unit 2 Review

Ethnocentrism is the belief that your country/culture is the best.
Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners.
A Democracy is a government in which the people elect their
representatives (A government for the people).
Unalienable rights (as stated in the Declaration of Independence)
are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Why did Thomas Jefferson write the Declaration of
•List of complaints against Great Britain
•To say that the United States was its own country, free of Great
A tax on goods between countries is also known as a tariff.
Weakness of the Articles of Confederation:
•Weak federal (national) government
•Federal government could not coin money
•Federal government could not collect taxes
•No Executive (President) or Judicial (Supreme Court) branches
•Only 1 vote per state
How did the Constitution differ from the Articles of Confederation?
•Strong federal government
•Federal government could coin money
•Federal government could collect taxes
•Defined the role of the Executive (President) and Judicial
(Supreme Court) branches
•Votes based on population included
Northwest Ordinance:
Why did Shay’s Rebellion occur?
•Farmers upset about property tax
•Marched on Springfield, Mass.
•Showed the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Explain the 3/5 Compromise:
For every 5 slaves, 3 counted for population/taxation
Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist:
•Strong central government
•Supported the Constitution
•Weak central government (Wanted power for states)
•Wanted the Bill of Rights for Constitution
The New Jersey Plan.
•Proposed equal representation for each state
•This was preferred by smaller states because . . .
•They did not have a big population
•They did not want to be bossed around by bigger states
•States that agreed with this plan include:
•Smaller, less populated states like New Jersey & Delaware
The Virginia Plan.
•Proposed proportional representation (Meaning that
representation of each state in Congress is based on
•This was preferred by larger states because . . .
•They believed that they should have the most power
since they had the most people
•States that agreed with this plan include:
•Larger, more populated states like Virginia and
This led to the Great Compromise (or Connecticut
The state of Connecticut had a solution to the problem:
The government would create a Bicameral Legislature
(Also known as two houses)
House of Senate
Each state has 2 members
House of Representatives
Number of members is based on population
Executive Branch
This branch is the President & Cabinet. Responsibilities of this branch
•Enforce the laws
•Grant pardons (President and Governors)
Judicial Branch
This branch is the Supreme Court. Responsibilities of this branch
•Judicial Review
•Interpret the laws
•Legislative Branch
•This branch is the Congress. Responsibilities of this branch include:
•Make laws
•Ratify treaties
•Declare war
List 3 examples of checks and balances:
•Legislative impeaches the Executive
•Executive appoints judges and justices
•Legislative approves judges and justices
Electoral College
•Is responsible for electing the President
•Electoral votes for each state are decided by
•270 votes to win
Bill of Rights
To amend something means to change it
Amendment 1:
•Freedom of Speech
•Freedom of Assembly
•Freedom of Religion
•Freedom of Petition
•Freedom of Press
Amendment 2:
•Right to bears arms
Amendment 3:
•No quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4:
•Protects from unreasonable searches and seizures
Amendment 5:
•Guarantees trial by jury
•Protects from double jeopardy
•Government must pay you for land they take
•Due process (Must have a fair trial)
•Protects you from testifying against yourself
When Washington came into office, he had to set
examples of precedents. People learned how to be
president by following his lead. Precedents set by
•Saying “So help me God” after inauguration
•Mr. President
•2 terms
Whiskey Rebellion:
•What was the problem?
•Whiskey (a form of payment in the west) was being taxed.
•Who dealt with it?
•George Washington and the Federal Government (& army)
•What was the result?
•The army crushed the rebellion
•Showed the strength of the Federal Government
Factions are groups with different views
These factions, caused by the differences between Jefferson and
Hamilton, started the first two political parties in the United
States. They were the Federalists and the DemocraticRepublicans.
The Federalists believed:
•In a strong central (federal) government
•Factories for the economy
•Elite in control
The Democratic-Republicans believed:
•In a weak central government (Wanted strong state gov’t)
•Farms for the economy
•Thought the common, well-educated person could make
A strict interpretation of the Constitution means
Doing exactly what the Constitution says, and nothing more
The Democratic-Republican party would be more likely to take on
this point of view
A loose interpretation of the Constitution means
Doing things the Constitution does not specifically say
The Federalist party would be more likely to take on this point
of view
The Elastic Clause, or Necessary and Proper Clause of the
•Allows the federal government to make laws that they think
should be made for the good of the country
Give two examples of how the Elastic Clause was used in the
•Louisiana Purchase
•Creation of the National Bank (Hamilton)
John Adams was a member of the Federalist Party. Therefore, he
believed that he government should . . .
Be powerful and run by the elite
Legislation passed during the Adams Administration:
Alien Act
•The President could deport (kick out) immigrants or throw them
in jail
Sedition Act
•The President could limit the rights of U.S. citizens who spoke
against the President/Federalists.
While Adams was president, the U.S. wanted to stay neutral, and
not get involved in any conflicts between France and England. Two
examples of this are the Jay Treaty and the XYZ Affair.
Also, John Marshall was the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at
this time. Marshall was a Federalist, and therefore believed that
the government should . . .
Be powerful (A strong central government and weak state
Thomas Jefferson was elected in 1800.
He ran for president against Aaron Burr and the election was a tie!
Therefore, the House of Representatives got to decide who would
become president.
What was decided and by whom?
Hamilton lobbied for Jefferson and the House of Representatives
picked Jefferson
What happened in 1804 because of this election?
A duel between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Hamilton
was shot and killed.
In 1803, Jefferson bought Louisiana
He said that he was allowed to buy it because of the Elastic
Clause in the Constitution
Explain the travels of Lewis and Clark
Hired by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory and
find a Northwest Passage (Water route to the Pacific Ocean).
They were helped by York (slave) and Sacagawea (Native
Tecumseh (what were his goals?)
Shawnee leader, wanted to unite Indians to fight against the
Who did the Native Americans side with in the War of 1812?
The British
Causes of the War of 1812:
•Interfering with trade
•Great Britain inciting Indian attacks on the frontier
Who were the War Hawks?
Democratic-Republicans from the south and west who wanted
to go to war with Great Britain.
What is significant about the Battle of Fort McHenry?
Francis Scott Key wrote the “Star Spangled Banner,” which
became the national anthem. Also important American victory.
Why was the Battle of New Orleans ironic?
It occurred after the treaty that ended the war
Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812, signed in Belgium
Andrew Jackson
Emerged as a war hero, especially at Battle of New Orleans
The Monroe Doctrine:
Stated that European countries could not cross into the Western
Hemisphere to colonize North or South America (U.S. would see
this as a threat)
Indian Removal Act
Forced Indians to move west of the Mississippi River
Worchester v. Georgia
Georgia said it was unconstitutional to make Indians move west of
the Mississippi. Andrew Jackson did not care.
Specie Circular
Must use gold & silver to buy land. Not good for the economy.
South Carolina did not want to follow the national tariff.
Government passed Force Bill, nullification repealed.
Bank War
Jackson fought against the National Bank, took money and gave it
to state and private banks.