Constitutional Convention Cornell Notes


The Constitutional Convention

Copy the following notes.


Government Types

Guess?? (K) Actual (L)



Representative Democracy

Direct Democracy

Articles of Confederation Notes

Quick Review

 Declaration of Independence

 Second Continental Congress

 Approved July 4, 1776

 The Articles of Confederation

 1777, our first constitution

 Weak federal government

Shay’s Rebellion, 1786-1787

The Constitutional

Convention begins

1787 - Philadelphia

Delegates from all the states invited to a convention to improve the Articles of

Confederation, which were not working

Only RI didn’t attend

55 Delegates attended

Leaders of the Convention

May 25, 1787 Independence Hall, Philadelphia

An extraordinary group of men

 55 men

 Well-educated

George Washington was asked to preside (lead) over the convention.

James Madison kept notes of the discussions and is often called “The Father of the Constitution.”

The men who wrote the Constitution are called the “Founding


All the participants in the Convention were wealthy, white, males.

Leaders of the Convention

Benjamin Franklin

 81, oldest delegate

George Washington & James Madison

 Both would become president

Thomas Jefferson & John Adams

 Both were in Europe

Patrick Henry

Prominent Virginian

He was invited but did not attend; he was against the convention-“smelled a rat”

The Boss

The Founding Fathers

Issues that divided the

Nation’s leaders

 The power of the federal government. Would the states or the federal government have the most power?

 Representation in Congress (How many members on Congress would each state get? – small ( less populated )states wanted equal representation, large states (more populated) wanted it to be determined by population of the states

 Slavery – How would slaves be counted? Would the slave trade continue?

Procedures of the Convention

 Each state was only allowed one vote

Majority votes from all states made decisions

All discussions were a secret! Why…?

 This way, delegates could speak freely, without worry about how the public would react

 Everyone knew that failure would mean disaster!

Two Opposing Plans


Virginia vs. New Jersey

The Virginia Plan

James Madison

Called for a new national government. Threw out the Articles of Confederation

Three separate branches of government. – a legislative branch, executive branch, and judicial branch

 Bicameral legislature (2 houses), determined by population

 More populated states like the plan, small states don’t.

New Jersey Plan

 William Patterson

 3 branches of government

 Legislature - has one house.

 Each state gets one vote.

 Small states like the plan, the large states hate it.

 There would have to be a compromise.

Two Opposing Plans

 What was the big issue?

 How representation in Congress would be decided

 Larger /more populated states wanted more power, smaller/less populated states wanted equal power

The Great Compromise

A way of resolving disagreements in which each side gives up something but gains something else

Roger Sherman of Connecticut came up with the answer…a compromise

 Legislature would have two houses (parts):

House of Representatives and a Senate

 Bi Cameral House - based on the population of state

2 year terms

Favored more populated states

 Senate - two senators per each state

Equal representation

6 year terms

Favored Less populated states


The Southern states refused to approve the

Constitution unless slavery continued.

At this time, there were 550,000 enslaved African

Americans, mostly in the South

 It was a terrible compromise to make, but the

Northern states had no choice if they wanted a Constitution.

 3/5 Compromise - Made each slave worth

3/5 of a vote in deciding numbers in House of Representatives--Controversy over counting slaves as a part of the population…

 Congress can not ban the slave trade until 1808.

The Three-Fifths Compromise

The conflict was finally resolved…

 Three-Fifths Compromise

 Every 5 enslaved persons would count as 3 free people

 Used for representation in Congress & figuring taxes



Another compromise

How to elect a president?

Some say… “Let Congress pick!”

Others say… “Let the people choose!”

The compromise…

 Electoral College

 A group of people would be chosen by each state to choose the President

 Each state given a certain number of votes, determined by their representation in Congress


 September 17, 1787, finished up the Constitution

 Delegates signed it, said the Constitution would become the law of the land when…

 9 out of 13 states ratified (approved) it

 So everyone in the entire United States of America loved the Constitution and every state ratified it immediately and we all had a big party and we all lived happily ever after, right…?


A Divided Public

 Some people liked the Constitution, others did not

Federalists = supporters of the new constitution & a strong federal government – Federalist Papers

Who wrote ‘em?

 Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, & John Jay

 Anti-Federalists =those against the constitution and a strong federal govt.

– they wanted a Bill of Rights

 Federalism = A form of government in which power is divided between the federal (national) government and the states

Reaching an Agreement

 AntiFederalists wanted to add…

 The Bill of Rights

 The Federalists promised to do so, and did

 New Hampshire, 9th state to ratify

June 21, 1788

The Constitution went into effect

The last state to ratify…?

 Rhode Island, 1790





Bill of Rights


Power of




Madison, Jay


Patrick Henry

Strong: provide protection


Weak : focus on states


Eventually Without a doubt!!!!

Wealth/industrial common/farmers

Lots Little - no Kings!

Out the Door Ticket

1. What is a form of government in which power is divided between the federal (national) government and the states?

2. What did the Anti-Federalists want to add to the Constitution?

3. Who was the father of the Constitution?

4. The Anti-Federalists thought that the supremacy gives too much power to whom?

5. What was one argument against the Constitution by the


6. What was one argument for the Constitution by the Federalists?
