Internet Timeline -

The Internet beginnings
It was with the time-sharing of IBM computers in the early
60’s at universities, people would share the same computer
for their tasks. Sputnik! Also helped the internet to be more
than a pipe dream, the Russian satellite was launched in
1957, President Eisenhower formed ARPA to advance
computer networking and communication.
It was in the early 1960’s that people saw the great potential
in allowing computers to share information. J.C.R. Licklider of
MIT (Often referred to as the Father of the Internet), who
first proposed a global network of computers (Galactic
Network) in the year 1962, who later moved onto DARPA to
research it. It was Mr Lawrence Roberts of MIT who first
connected a Massachusetts computer with a computer in
California in 1965, done over dial-up telephone lines.
The internet beginnings
The Internet, back then known as ARPANET
was brought online in the year 1969. It
initially connected four computers at
universities in the US (UCLA, Stanford
Research Institute, UCSB, and the University
of Utah). The early internet was used by
scientists and computer experts, as it was an
extremely complex system back then. The
internet was also initially funded by the
government, so it was limited to research,
government and educational use.
Who was the first to use the Internet?
Domain Name System (DNS) introduced
Charley Kline at UCLA sent the first packets on ARPANet as he
tried to connect to Stanford Research Institute on Oct 29,
1969. The system crashed as he reached the G in LOGIN!
The internet beginnings
As things like FTP and Email became standardized,
regular people could begin to understand how to use it,
thus websites began cropping up everywhere. As more
library's and university's became online it got harder
and harder to keep track of. A significant event
happened in 1989 though, Tim Berners-Lee and others
proposed a new protocol for information distribution,
the World Wide Web. It happened in 1991, it was
based on hypertext, a system of embedding links in text
to link to other text.
It was the 1990’s that the internet really blew up. Tim
Berners-Lee helped to invent the World Wide Web. He wrote
a hypertext proposal (see next slide), the proposal was the
solution to the technology that would allow collaboration
between the physics community. He coined the term “World
Wide Web”, writing the first World Wide Web server called
“httpd.” He also wrote the first ever version of the
“HyperText Markup Language” or HTML for short. In October
of 1994, Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web
Consortium, or W3C. The consortium develops technologies
that help lead the web to it’s full potential and is still going
strong even today.
The Internet
exploded into
the mainstream
the release of the
first popular web
browser Mosaic
in 1993.
“This proposal concerns the management of general information about
accelerators and experiments at CERN. It discusses the problems of loss
of information about complex evolving systems and derives a solution
based on a distributed hypertext system
This was the first image of the very first browser made
by Tim-Berners-Lee on the NeXT computer.
Today, they are many, many forms of technology that regularly use the internet. A computer hooked up
to the internet is usually the norm in todays households. We also complain about the internet ‘being
slow’ (ok then, me!), although only 15+ years ago it was dial up! Ahhh how I loved that sound. I was
only young back then but I still remember connecting to the internet for the first time. Everywhere you
look today, everyone has websites, businesses to even the regular home user. The internet is so
accessible, they is even Wi-Fi Hotspots now where you can go, connect wirelessly and you’re on the
internet. Who knew the internet would explode the way it has! Well, Tim-Berners-Lee, I suppose.
Here is a short list of what comes to my mind when I think of what technology today uses the internet:
Mobile Phones
Portable devices I.E iPad, laptops, handheld gaming consoles
Gaming consoles / multiplayer
Vehicle Navigation
Podcasts / Online music
Education / Online Books, Kindle
Online Videos / Youtube
Social Networking / Facebook / Twitter
E-Commerce / eBay / Amazon
The future
Seen as the internet has come such a long way in such a short space of time, we have to wonder: what will the
future hold. One thing that worries me is the censoring of the internet. Its happening right now, some for good,
others for bad. In my research I found something I didn’t know, British Telecoms (BT) internet traffic pass
through a service called “Clean Feed” which is provided data by the “Internet Watch Foundation” (IWF), this
service is used to identify pages of indecent photographs of children, displaying as a ‘URL Not Found’ error!
Certainly a very good thing, but did you know it? I certainly didn’t, I wonder what else they can censor without
us even knowing? In the US, the Department of Defence stops people from accessing certain IP addresses! Also,
in march 2007, Turkey blocked access to! According to Wiki: “The ban was met with widespread
protests and lifted two days later. YouTube was blocked again on 12 March 2008 with decision no 2008/251,
which was then soon lifted. Another YouTube block was put in place on 5 May 2008 following two court
decisions; the block was lifted on 30 October 2010.”! In Pakistan, the government has even blocked blogs on!
It is worrying to think that soon, the internet could be so censored you can’t even do daily activities on it.
Taken from Widipedia:
According to a small-sample survey conducted in 2008 by Nikolaos Koumartzis, an MA researcher at
London College of Communication, the vast majority of UK based internet users (90.21%) were
unaware of the existence of CleanFeed software. Moreover, 60.87% of the participants stated that
they did not trust British Telecommunications and 65.22% of them did not trust IWF to be
responsible for a silent censorship system in the UK.
Simple Internet Timeline
(Of the things I thought big events)
1957 - USSR launches Sputnik, first artificial earth satellite. In response, US forms the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the following
year, within the Department of Defense (DoD) to establish US lead in science and technology applicable to the military
1962 - J.C.R. Licklider & W. Clark, MIT: "Galactic Network concept encompassing distributed social interactions
1965 - ARPA sponsors study on "cooperative network of time-sharing computers“ TX-2 at MIT Lincoln Lab and AN/FSQ-32 at System Development Corporation
(Santa Monica, CA) are directly linked (without packet switches) via a dedicated 1200bps phone line; Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) computer at ARPA later
added to form "The Experimental Network"
1969 - First packets sent by Charley Kline at UCLA as he tried logging into SRI. The first attempt resulted in the system crashing as the letter G of LOGIN was
entered. (October 29)
1972 - Ray Tomlinson (BBN) modifies email program for ARPANET where it becomes a quick hit. The @ sign was chosen from the punctuation keys on
Tomlinson's Model 33 Teletype for its "at" meaning (March)
1977 - THEORYNET created by Larry Landweber at Univ of Wisconsin providing electronic mail to over 100 researchers in computer science (using a locally
developed email system over TELENET)
1978 - TCP split into TCP and IP (March), Possibly the first commercial spam message is sent on 1 May by a DEC marketer advertising an upcoming presentation of
its new DECSYSTEM-20 computers.
1982 - DCA and ARPA establish the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), as the protocol suite, commonly known as TCP/IP, for
1984 - Domain Name System (DNS) introduced
1991 - World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer. First Web server is, launched in Nov 1990 and later renamed
1992 - Number of hosts breaks 1,000,000!, The term "surfing the Internet" is coined by Jean Armour Polly
1993 - InterNIC created by NSF to provide specific Internet services: (:sc1:)
* directory and database services (AT&T)
* registration services (Network Solutions Inc.)
* information services (General Atomics/CERFnet)
My Thoughts
Looking back through the history of the internet, it is amazing to
think how a few people came up with an idea that completely
revolutionised the world as we know it. What would we have
without the internet? I’d like to not even think about it! I use the
internet so much I take it for granted. I wonder if Charley Kline at
UCLA who sent the first packets thought “This is useless” when he
failed to connect while reaching the G in LOGIN, what if he gave up!
Everything is the internet today, you can practically live in your
home without ever needing to leave it again with a computer and
an internet connection! Buy your items, food, clothes online, pay
your bills, even work at home! Plus with the internet and
technology ever expanding, I imagine soon “The Matrix” would be a
reality! Just jack into the nearest Internet Hub (or Wireless haha)
and read the latest emails, check out your item progress on eBay all
within your mind. Hey, anything is possible, right?
Well, no actually. Breathing in space for an example!