Arden's family tree

My Genealogy
PowerPoint Project
This is my project for my genealogy class. In it I have a
picture of my family tree, pictures of family members, and
interviews where I asked people in my family questions
about them in their lives. Below is the link to the beginning
of my project.
My Genealogy Project
My Family Tree
Shane Romana
The Genographic Project
My MotherWhen my mother was younger, she liked to play board games with her brothers and
with her parent when they weren’t busy. Monopoly was her favorite, but then video
games came out and board games sort of stopped. In high school evidentially the
fashion was the bigger the hair, the cooler you were. In school the only after school
activities that she did were volleyball and swimming. When she was younger her
friends included Alleghany (?), Katy Stid, Stephanie and Shannon Butler (identical
twins), and Bill Lindich. She was born in Springfield, Ohio on September 2nd of
1968. When she moved to Chicago when she was 1, her bedroom was in the attic. For
a while there was an insect issue but afterwards she loved it!!! Her favorite activity
was to watch movie and go to the theatres with her friends. Reading or riding her
bike was fun but they weren’t her preferable choice. Her childhood heroes from
when she was younger were Kristy McNickel, Caroline Keen, Queen Elizabeth the
2nd, and Judy Blume. A lot of the music she liked when she was young was either
bland rock or 60’s classic rock including the Who and Bob Dylan. Her full name is
Andrea Renan Hudson. They chose her middle name because Renan was the name
of a family friend. I guess her parents just liked the name Andrea. For a while she
was a tomboy so her nickname was Andy. Her favorite toy/game was a board game
that presented a murder mystery and asking the game yes or no questions you could
figure out who did it. She was born in Ohio because that’s where her parents met.
When she was born she, her parents, and her older brother lived in an apartment on
the 3rd floor. She liked it but her parents did not. Some of the things that run on her
side of the family are pale skin, bad teeth, and sort of weird noses. She didn’t really
have any chores other then the normal stuff. Her least favorite was cleaning her
room though. She and her mother would always get into big fights about it.
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See Birthplace
My Father•
My dad’s full name is Braedan Flanders Hegberg. They named him Braedan
because his dad wanted him to have a distinctive first name. Nobody calls him
Braedan though. He doesn’t even introduce himself to other people like that. What he
considers basically his real name is Brady. When he was younger his favorite pass
time was definitely fishing. His childhood heroes were Gandalf, Einstein (HE’S A
GEEK!), and the Human Torch. A physical trait that sometimes runs in our family is
blonde hair, but that’s only sometimes. When he was younger his best friends were
Conrad Kunz and Brian. He was born in Edina, MN on April 15th, 1968. When he was
younger he and his friends played games like kick the can, bike jumping, and Pong.
His favorite toy was a toy tractor because he lived on a farm and he liked to pretend
that he was a farmer. In school he was in band, marching band, the math team, pingpong team, and also track. Because he lived on a farm he had a lot of pets including
two sheep named Janet and Lamb chops, a squirrel named Ricky Ticky, a mouse and
a horse whose names are both unknown. He went to elementary school at
Countryside Elementary. His first job was being a cashier at a sore called Fred’s
Grocery when he was 16. School for him was bad, good, difficult and sometimes he
was just indifferent. His best subject was English, while his worst was math. His
mother is artistic, outspoken, and sometimes seems a little OCD. His dad is sporty,
well-traveled, and can fall asleep anywhere whatever he’s doing (which isn’t always
good because he builds houses and does construction). My dad’s chores were
basically normal and his least favorite was shoveling the snow.
See Birthplace on Map
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See Photo
See House
My LifeMy full name is Arden Marian Hegberg. My parents selected Arden because that is the name of a friend of
the family and they really liked it, and Marian because that is my great-grandma’s name. Before I was born
my parents didn’t want to know what gender I was so that called me Bradina. I was born in Minneapolis,
Minnesota on 10/30/97. When I was little I loved board games. I would always cheat at Candy land. My
favorite toy was my bat mitten set. I never got even reasonably good but I still had a lot of fun. When I was
little there was nothing that I wanted to do more then go swimming. I didn’t care when, and I didn’t care
how cold it was, I would get in the water. So far in my life I’ve done basketball, soccer, tennis, the math
team, drama, and a class on Pompeii. When I was really little my childhood hero was the Crocodile
Hunter. I had a poster of him in my room but then he died and I was really sad. The way that my dad got
the house that I had when I was born and still have now, is that it belonged to my grandma and when she
moved to New Mexico she gave it to him. The house is sort of big. It has 13 rooms. The basement has two,
the attic has one, the top level has five rooms, and the lower level has 6. I remember I used to have a really
big closet, but to make the bathroom bigger we made it a lot smaller. My dad and I have a lot of fun
together. He’s nice, funny, cool, sometimes embarrassing or weird, and definitely completely insane! My
mom is super cool and fun but she is also amazingly embarrassing. My sisters act super weird and my
brother likes to jump on me (usually my stomach or face). When I was little some of my friends were
Emma Reilly, Natalie Tufvesson, and Amy Canavan. I don’t really know what my favorite type of music
is. I like some Weezer, Paramore is usually cool, and I like almost all of the Beatles songs. One thing I
know abut my last name is that people that have it or have married into it are part of what’s called the
Haiyy family. There is actually a few castles in Europe that I could stay in for free because I’m part of this
family. I think my earliest childhood memory is from my third birthday. The lighting was really low so I
was already pretty freaked out and when they started singing happy birthday that didn’t really help. I
started screaming and crying so it wasn’t fun.
See Birthplace on Map
Go back to Family Tree
What I learned from this class
Listen to me play “Let It Be” on the piano
Go Back to Famiy Tree
Go Back to Information
about Arden
My third birthday
Me and a llama
Me as a baby.
My mom and me.
Me and a baby llama.
Me on my first day of kindergarten
Go Back to Family
My Great Grandparents
Marian and Robert.
This picture was taken
in November, 1949.
This picture was taken
in an airport in Iceland.
She was in Iceland because
she was on her way to
My Mom, Andrea
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Go Back to Andrea’s Information
This is my Half-sister, Ally, when she was
two years old, but she is now ten.
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This is a picture of
Grand dad on his
wedding day
This is my Grand dad
at Christmas a few
Years ago.
My Grand dad then…..
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And now….
Back to Information about John
My Grandmother-
This is my Grandma
holding me as a baby
My Grandmother’s full name is Valerie Ann Versen. She was named this because her
wanted all of her children to have French names. She never had a nickname unless
Val counts. She was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota on June 3rd, 1950. The house
that she lived in was old and beautiful. The thing she remembers most is the upstairs
attic window because her sisters would always throw stuff out of it like the baby crib.
Her earliest memory would be when she was little and her sisters were swinging her
so hard she almost hit the ceiling on the Johnny-Jump Up. Her sisters are Susanne
and Minnette. When they were kids they were quite “diabolical” as my Grandma
says, and by the stories she’s told me they were. When she was a kid she was dreamy
and so extremely shy she ran away from the other kids and was terrified of everyone.
She definitely preferred doing stuff by herself. She, her sisters, and their friends
would all play games outside like tag, red-rover, ice-skating, slide, statue maker, and
her sisters terrifying her was her sibling’s favorite. Her favorite item was a
phonograph record until she accidentally lit it on fire trying to suffocate some flames
inside her waste basket. Before that though, she loved listening to music on it! Her
favorite thing to do was to be alone and go down to the swamp to just look at it or
anywhere in nature. For sports she swam and ice-skated because she was to shy to
participate in any contact sports. In the 50’s black and pink were the cool colors for
girls. When she was in her teens it was button down shirts, skateboarding, and doing
that dance move the “Twist”. Her hero was her 6th, 7th, and 8th grade teacher, Mrs.
Sectun. Her favorite songs when she was little were “How Much is That Doggie in the
Window”, Musicals like My Fair Lady and South Pacific, and Thumbelina. Her first
job was at the Quality Bookstore, and she loved it!
See Birthplace
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Go back
to Brady’s
This is my dad, Brady
Go to
He loves taking
pictures like this
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Family Tree
Go Back to Brady’s
This picture is of my dad’s house that I have lived in all my life on 19th street.
The Genographic Project
The Genographic Project is a project being done by National
Geographic. Below is a link to the website. In it is a lot of
information about where people started, when, what they were called,
and what kind of people they were.
– The Genographic Project website
Back to Family Tree
In this class I have learned some fun information about human
migration. I learned:
Neanderthals were human but some parts of their
bodies are different than normal human’s.
that the word genealogy derives from the Greek word
“genea” meaning descent.
The San culture were called the Bushmen because to
get food they mostly gathered stuff that was growing
around them.
The earliest proof of human settlement is in New
Guinea, and is from about 40,000 years ago.
Scientists are still perplexed by the first human settlers
in Australia because no other species of primates or
humanoids are found there.
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Go Back to Arden’s Information