Unit 2 Political Ideologies Lab Project

GOPO Online Political Quizzes – 2014
Following the directions below, you are going to take a number of “quizzes” to find out where you
stand politically in relation to the two major parties and current elected officials. Have fun!
Where do you fit? The Political Party Quiz
Take the quiz at: http://www.people-press.org/political-party-quiz/
Describe your results in the following areas:
o Overall:
Economic Issues:
Social Issues:
Describe how you compare to the other demographic groups. (You will need to click on each
group to see the results.)
Which political party (if any) is the most aligned with your views?
Take the quiz at: http://www.people-press.org/typology/quiz/
Read over your results and briefly describe the group including the information in the areas of
“What They Believe” and “Who They Are.”
Do you think you fit the above description? Why or why not?
Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
Take the quiz at: http://www.blueeyedtex.com/politics/PoliticalQuiz/
What was your score (0 – 40)? ________
Which individual was closest to your score? _______________________
Research the above person and briefly describe his/her beliefs and political party affiliation.
In the most recent Presidential Election (2012), which candidate most aligned with your
Take the quiz at: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/candidate-match-game
After completing the quiz, move the slide scale on left to determine which issues are more or
less important to you. Then click on “Finish With My Answers.”
According to the survey, what are your percentages that you align with each candidate?
What about the argument that the spectrum is more than just a line?
Take the quiz at: http://www.politicalcompass.org/index
Click on “Take the Test” on the left.
Scroll down to your results and write down the coordinates you received:
Putting it all together…
Look at your results on all the surveys. Were you more likely to align with Democratic Party, the
Republican Party or neither?
Which issues did you have the strongest opinion about?
If you could make a law about an issue (in one of the surveys or not), what would it be?