Your Political Ideology: Where Do You Stand? Political Ideology: A consistent set of beliefs and values about the proper purpose and scope of government. 1. Visit the following webpages and take the quizzes. Answer all online quiz questions as truthfully as possible. Copy your responses in the appropriate locations below. Print your results. Website #1: IdeaLog - This website helps you understand the differences in two ideological categories: Liberal vs. Conservative and Libertarian vs. Communitarian/Authoritarian. Complete the 3 parts: Introduction, Tutorial, and Self-Test. As you read through the Introduction and Tutorial, describe the major differences between Liberals and Conservatives and between Libertarians and Communitarians. After answering the Self-Test questions, copy your “smiley-face” location on the chart below. What does a “Liberal” believe? What does a “Conservative” believe? What does a “Libertarian” believe? What does a “Communitarian” believe? Based on your understanding of U.S. government and politics, do you agree with the findings of this quiz? Why or why not? Website #2: Pew Research Political Typology Quiz - This website details your ideology based on a series of 20 statements. Choose the statement that you MOST agree with. You may not agree with either, but choose the best one! At the bottom, enter your information and click the “See Where You Fit” button. After submitting your quiz, answer the questions below: A) Based on your responses, what group label are you part of? _________________________. B) Explain at least five generalizations of your political typology group label. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Do you agree with the findings of this quiz? Why or why not? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2: You will introduce yourself and present your findings to the class in a 2-3 minute presentation on Monday/Tuesday. Discuss the following topics during your presentation: 1. State your name and when you will turn (or turned) 18. 2. Why are you taking this class & what do you expect/request from your classmates this year? 3. On a scale of 1-5 on political/issue awareness (with 5 being high), where would you rate yourself? What political topics interest you and would you like to know more about and/or discuss this year? 4. According to the first quiz, where do you fit? Do you agree with this result? 5. According to the second quiz, where do you fit? Do you agree with this result? Part 1 and Part 2 Grading Rubric A B C D F Part 1 (Website Quizzes & Worksheet) Completed all parts of assignment with good detail Completed all parts of assignment with basic detail Completed at least half of assignment with good detail Completed at least half of assignment with basic detail Did not complete at least half of the assignment Part 2 (Presentation) Presented findings with good detail and reference to Part 1 Presented findings with some detail and reference to Part 1 Presented findings on a basic/surface level with some reference to Part 1 Little effort given to presentation and little reference to Part 1 Did not present when called upon