Warm up 6/8 Which three elements make up most of the mass of most biological molecules? Coming events: 6/8 Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 6/7 Why is it important to pay attention during class and to complete assignments to the best of your ability? Coming events: 6/6 QUIZ: Biological Molecules 6/7 Revisit Quiz/ Retake Quiz /Cell parts notes/ activities 6/8 Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 6/6 Identify the following models of carbohydrate, lipid, or protein. Coming events: 6/6 QUIZ: Biological Molecules 6/7 Revisit quiz / Cell parts notes/ activities 6/8 QUIZ: Biological Molecules / Cell parts assignment 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Assignment • List 13 cell parts (organelles) that are found in plants and describe the function of each organelle. • Due Friday Warm up 6/5 How is photosynthesis different from cellular respiration? Coming events: 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 Review Biological Molecules QUIZ: Biological Molecules Cell parts notes/ activities Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Carbohydrate (ring structure) Lipids (triglycerides) Proteins ( polypeptide) Warm up 6/4 Name one of the biological molecules and explain how it is used in living things. Coming events: 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 presentations Review Biological Molecules QUIZ: Biological Molecules Cell parts notes/ activities Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 6/1 No Warm up. Coming events: 6/1 Presentations 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 presentations Review Biological Molecules QUIZ: Biological Molecules Cell parts notes/ activities Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 5/25 Describe 2 ways that your body maintains an internal environment. Coming events: Thurs: Working on posters (characteristics of living things) Fri 5/25 Presentation of posters / Video: Shape of Life Tues 5/29 Presentation of Posters / Notes: Biological Molecules Wed 5/30 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Thurs 5/31 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Friday 6/1 Presentations (work time if needed) 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 presentations Review Biological Molecules QUIZ: Biological Molecules Cell parts notes/ activities Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 5/24 Describe an example of humans demonstrating one of the characteristics of life. Coming events: Thurs: Working on posters (characteristics of living things) Fri 5/25 Presentation of posters / Video: Shape of Life Tues 5/29 Presentation of Posters / Notes: Biological Molecules Wed 5/30 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Thurs 5/31 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Friday 6/1 Presentations (work time if needed) 6/4 6/5 6/6 6/7 6/8 presentations Review Biological Molecules QUIZ: Biological Molecules Cell parts notes/ activities Cell parts notes/ activities 6/11 Worktime cell parts ppt 6/12 worktime cell parts ppt 6/13 Presentations 6/14 Presentations 6/15 Final check out Warm up 5/23 List as many characteristics of life as you can think of without looking it up. Coming events: Today Begin working on posters (characteristics of living things) Thurs: Working on posters (characteristics of living things) Fri 5/25 Presentation of posters / Video: Shape of Life Tues 5/29 Presentation of Posters / Notes: Biological Molecules Wed 5/30 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Thurs 5/31 PPT Project work time (biological molecules) Friday 6/1 Presentations (work time if needed) Warm up 5/22 Describe one fact from the research that you conducted in yesterday’s class. Today: Science 15 minute research activity: Characteristics of Life Choose 1 of the characteristics of life and complete the concept map about that characteristic of life. Then present to the class. Warm up 5/21 What is a sceintific question that you have always wanted to find the answer to? Today: Science 15 minute research activity Warm up 5/17 No warm up today Today: Project Presentations Notes: 7 wonders of the Solar System /Planets Mini- quiz Warm up 5/15 No warm up today Today: Project Presentations Notes: Solar System /Planets Mini- quiz Warm up 5/11 P.O.W.E.R. W= Willing to Accept What does “Willing to Accept” mean? Today: Project Presentations Video: Solar System /Planets Video reflection quiz/essay Warm up P.O.W.E.R. 5/10 O= Open Minded What are some ways we can be open minded ? .Today: Project work time This week: Thurs / Friday: Project Presentations/ Demonstrations Warm up 5/9 Explain how radiometric dating works. Today: Introduction to short-term group project This week: Wed: Notes: volcanoes / Quiz Group work time on project Thurs / Friday: Project Presentations/ Demonstrations Project work time Warm up 5/8 What do scientists conclude the age of the earth to be? Today: Video / Notes: Radiometric aging Quiz: radiometric aging Introduction to short-term group project This week: Tues: Notes: radiometric aging/ Quiz Introduction to project. Wed: Notes: volcanoes / Quiz Group work time on project Thurs / Friday: Project Lessons/ Demonstrations Quiz • 1.) How do scientists use radiometric dating? What is it that they try to find out? • 2.) How does radiometric dating work? (explain the process) Group Project • Your group will plan a 5 minute lesson / demonstration that teaches the class about your group’s topic. • Your group will make one of the following visual aids: -3 dimensional model to explain your topic. -A bulletin board (at least 3ft by 3ft) to explain your topic • Topics: Any topic found in Chapters 22-26 • Share/ Present your topic on May 10th or 11th Warm up 5/7 What is a super moon? How is it different from an average moon? Today: This week: Video: “Earth Story” Monday: Video: Earth Story Video discussion / mini-quiz Tues: Introduction to project: Wed: Group work time Thurs / Friday: Project Lessons Warm up 5/2 What caused the super desert to formon Pangea? Today: Final run on Chemical car Video segment: Fearless Planet :Earth Story Mini Quiz p.708 #1-9 This week: Tues: Section 22.6 + Final work time to fix up/ build/ plan for final run of chemical car Wed: Final run of chemical car! Thurs/ Friday: Final write up of chemical car report + Begin “Earth Science project”. Warm up 5/1 How did scientists use seismic waves to figure out that the inner core is solid? Today: Video segment: Fearless Planet :Earth Story Groups work on car / reflect on how they have improved the car 22.5 writing assignment 22.6 assignment : p.696 #1-7 This week: Tues: Section 22.6 + Final work time to fix up/ build/ plan for final run of chemical car Wed: Final run of chemical car! Thurs/ Friday: Final write up of chemical car report + Begin “Earth Science project”. Warm up 4/30 What does the theory of plate tectonics say? Today: This week: 22.4 writing assignment Tues: Section 22.6 + Final work time to fix up/ build/ plan for final run of chemical car Video: Geology Wed: Final run of chemical car! 22.5 assignment Thurs/ Friday: Final write up of chemical car report + Begin “Earth Science project”. 22.5 Assignment (4/30) • Describe how faults and folds form in the Earth’s crust. What causes them to form? • What happens along a fault before an earthquake? • What happens along a fault during an earthquake? • Describe what each of the following earthquake scales measure: Richter Scale, Moment Magnitude wave scale, Modified Mercalli Scale. • Where are most earthquakes located? • Explain how scientists have used seismic waves to map the Earth’s interior. Warm up 4/27 What are the three types of rock and how are each formed? Today: Quiz preview Quiz Assignment Quiz topics • Three main layers of Earth • Why is Earth’s cores solid ? • Three rock types and how they are formed • Rock Cycle (draw the rock cycle and label the processes) 4/27 Assignment Ch 22.4 due 4/30 • On a piece of lined paper: explain the following concepts in complete sentences: • Describe the theory of plate tectonics. • What evidence is there of continental drift? • What causes the continents to drift? • What evidence is there of sea floor spreading? • What is a subduction zone? • Define divergent boundary • Define convergent boundary • Define transform boundary • What processes cause mountains to form? Warm up 4/25 What is a mineral? (see page 665) Today: Rock collection / ID Work on book questions Warm up 4/23 Did your chemical car go the entire required distance? (20 ft) If it did: tell us how you set up your car. If not: What went wrong? Today: Textbook research : Earth/ Space science Physical Science Research topic 4/23/12 • 1.) What is geology? – What does uniformitarianism mean? – Describe 5 careers in earth/space science 2.) Describe each of the three layers of the Earth -What is is made of? -Depth/thickness -Temperature Warm up 4/17 No written warm ups this week! (OAKS testing WED, THURS, FRI) Today: All-Class OAKS PRACTICE TEST Possible assignment: (likely not..if practice test goes well with on task discussion and student attention….NO OFF-TASK TALKING) ***p.859 #11-25 due today*** Physical Science Warm up 4/12 How much heat energy would you need to you heat up 100g of water from 35oC to 45oC? (Note: specific heat of water is 4.18) Today’s lesson: Review of practice problems Write up draft of your Experiment Design report . (individual) Typing up experiment design draft Physical Science Warm up 4/10 Write the formula for calculating specific heat. (see page 477) p.483 #1-10 due at the beginning of the period Notes / Discussion: measuring heat procedures p.477 #1-5 math practice due today SHOW EVERY STEP p.478 #1-11 due at the beginning of WED Physical Science Warm up 4/9 In which direction does heat naturally flow? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Presentations and work time p.483 #1-10 do it now in groups/share Tuesday : Chemical Cars trial #2 Mini-Quiz Calorimeter challenge (Friday) Presentations Groups prepare chemical car for trial #2 Book assignment: p.484-485 explain each of the 4 concepts due Tuesday Mini-Quiz (4/9/12) • 1.) Give an example of thermal conduction taking place in your life. • 2.) Give an example of thermal convection taking place in your life. • 3.) Give an example of thermal radiation taking place in your life. Physical Science Warm up 4/5 No written warm up this week. Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Presentation work time Presentations Writing assignment Upcoming events: Chemical Cars trial #2 Writing Assignment (4/5/12) Write a paragraph about one of the following topics/ subtopics. Explain as much as you know about the topic without looking it up. • Electricity – Conductors – Insulators – Circuits – Electron flow • Heat/ Thermal Energy – Molecular motion – Conduction – Convection – Radiation Chemical Car update • Type a reflection: • How did your group’s chemical car function during trial #1? • -What aspects worked well? • -Did anything go wrong? • -What was the biggest weakness of the original design? • What modifications will/did your group make for trial #2 Physical Science Warm up 3/19 When a pendulum swings, where does have: Most GPE, Least GPE Most KE, Least KE Previous lesson: Quiz Today’s planned events: Quiz make-up Article reviews Writing assignment Upcoming events: Writing Assignment due 3/20 (see pages 445-457) (50 points) • You will explain (include formulas) what each of these physics concepts are and describe a specific example of that concept in action: • Potential energy (stored in chemicals) • Gravitational potential energy • Kinetic Energy Energy conversions • Conservation of Energy • Use your best writing to explain these concepts and give examples. Some extra points will be given for helpful drawings that help explain the concept. Physical Science Warm up 3/15 What is the formula for kinetic energy? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Engineering Design Project: progress presentation 15.1 study guide : Forms of energy due Thurs. Notes: Energy Mini Quiz: Energy Upcoming events: Forms of Energy NEXT TRIAL: March 22nd In the parking lot! Topics for Quiz : Forms of Energy 3/16/2012 • You will need to be able to: • • • • • • Identify examples of different forms of energy Identify situations with high/low KE/GPE Know formula for KE Solve problems related to KE Know formula for GPE Solve problems for GPE 1 On the illustration below label the area where the ball has the most GPE, least GPE, most KE and least KE KE practice problems • Object with a mass of 5 kg has a velocity of 2 m/s . What is the KE of the object? Physical Science Warm up 3/13 What is the difference between kinetic energy and potential energy? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Engineering Design Project: progress presentation Engineering Design Project: progress presentation Notes: Energy Mini Quiz: Energy Upcoming events: Forms of Energy NEXT TRIAL: March 22nd In the parking lot! Physical Science Warm up 3/12 From Friday…what kinds of designs/procedures worked the best in all of the trials that you observed? Previous lesson: Vehicle trials Today’s planned events: Engineering Design Project: progress presentation Upcoming events: Forms of Energy Work time to plan/ alter vehicle. NEXT TRIAL: March 22nd In the parking lot! Physical Science Warm up 3/9 How did the vehicle practice runs go? Successes/ Challenges Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Vehicle practice runs or Vehicle trials Video Engineering Design Project: Work time to plan/ alter progress presentation vehicle. Upcoming events: Forms of Energy Physical Science Warm up 3/5 How do you calculate momentum? (see page 375) Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Tuesday: Progress Engineering Design Project: presentation work time progress presentation work time Wednesday: Progress presentations Engineering Project Progress Presentations • Your group will prepare a power point presentation that explains the following: Background research: chemical reaction of vinegar and baking soda Background research: factors that speed up reactions Background research: frictions in vehicles Background research: reducing friction A labeled diagram or picture of your vehicle. An explanation of how your group built the vehicle. -general steps -materials -reasons for choosing those materials Predict the distance that the vehicle will travel Physical Science Warm up 2/28 List 4 types of friction. Today’s planned events: -Poster due today Test make up -p.356 vocab due today -p.362 #1-8 due Tuesday at Poster (10 pts E.C. if beginning of the period done today): Types of Friction Notes: frictional forces Mini-quiz (open-notes): p.356 vocab and 20pts p.362 #1-8 due Tuesday at Engineering groups: plan beginning of the car / short write due today. period Previous lesson: Upcoming events: Newton’s laws of motion Friday Unit Quiz: Forces, Friction, Newton’s Laws Chemical Car trial #1 will be Friday , March 9th. Mini quiz • • • • • • • • • • 1.) Define friction 2.) Define static friction 3.) Give an example of static friction 4.) Define sliding friction 5.) Give an example of sliding friction 6.) Define rolling friction 7.) Give an example of rolling friction 8.) Define fluid friction 9.) Give an example of fluid friction 10.)Describe one way to reduce one of the types of friction mentioned in an example from above. Physical Science Warm up 2/27 What is friction? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Article Reflections Test make up Newton’s laws of motion Poster (10 pts E.C. if done today): Types of Friction p.356 vocab and p.362 #1-8 due Tuesday at beginning of the period Physical Science Poster: Types of friction • Make a poster that illustrates and defines each of the following types of friction: • • • • Sliding friction Fluid friction Rolling friction Static friction • Also on your poster write a short description of the event that takes place in your illustration. Explain ways that you could reduce the friction that is present in each event. Physical Science Warm up 2/23 What was the most difficult question / topic that you have encountered recently? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: State Test Assignments passed back Newton’s Laws Work time on assignments p.356 vocabulary p.362 #1-8 p.363 vocabulary p.369 #1-7 Physical Science Warm up 2/16 What is the definition of a force? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Revisit past tests: Go over every answer Notes: Forces Practice problems for test retakes Writing assignment: Forces Worksheet: Forces due Tuesday Upcoming events: Feb 21, 22: OAKS testing….. BIG Extra Credit possible. In-Class Writing Assignment 2/16 • Write a short story that involves objects in the following situations: • An object will stay at rest until unbalanced forces act on it. • An object in motion will remain in motion unless an unbalanced force acts on it to slow it down or change its direction • An object’s speed is reduced by friction. Physical Science Warm up 2/16 What is the definition of a force? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Revisit past tests: Go over every answer Test Retakes. Practice problems for test retakes Those finished early can QUIELTY work on other things. (FYI) Upcoming book assignments are: (FYI) These will be assigned day by day over the next week or so….just advanced notice in case you want to work ahead. p.356 define “vocabulary” words due 2/24 p.362 #1-8 due 2/24 p.363 define “vocabulary” words due 2/27 p.369 #1-7 due 2/27 p.372 define “vocabulary” words due 2/28 Upcoming events: Feb 21, 22: OAKS testing….. BIG Extra Credit possible. Physical Science Warm up 2/15 What is terminal velocity? Previous lesson: Revisit past tests: Go over every answer Practice problems for test retakes Today’s planned events: Test Retakes. Those finished early can QUIELTY work on other things. (FYI) Upcoming book assignments are: (FYI) These will be assigned day by day over the next week or so….just advanced notice in case you want to work ahead. p.356 define “vocabulary” words due 2/24 p.362 #1-8 due 2/24 p.363 define “vocabulary” words due 2/27 p.369 #1-7 due 2/27 p.372 define “vocabulary” words due 2/28 p.377 #1-7 + writing in science due 2/28 Upcoming events: Thursday: Homework returned Feb 21, 22: OAKS testing….. BIG Extra Credit possible. Physical Science Warm up 2/14 What is terminal velocity? Previous lesson: Revisit past tests: Go over every answer Practice problems for test retakes Today’s planned events: Test Retakes. Those finished early can QUIELTY work on other things. (FYI) Upcoming book assignments are: (FYI) These will be assigned day by day over the next week or so….just advanced notice in case you want to work ahead. p.356 define “vocabulary” words due 2/24 p.362 #1-8 due 2/24 p.363 define “vocabulary” words due 2/27 p.369 #1-7 due 2/27 p.372 define “vocabulary” words due 2/28 p.377 #1-7 + writing in science due 2/28 Upcoming events: Thursday: Homework returned Feb 21, 22: OAKS testing….. BIG Extra Credit possible. Solving Story Problems • • • • 1.) Write down the correct formula 2.) Fill in the numbers from the story 3.) Show all calculations 4.) Use the correct units Physical Science Warm up 2/13 What gas is released when vinegar and baking soda are mixed together? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Quiz: Motion, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration Engineering Design scoring guide Late Feb: OAKS testing Video discussion/notes: Bill Nye “motion”… discuss how it relates to engineering project Engineering design time Progress check Physical Science Warm up 2/10 What is the definition of motion? Previous lesson: Group Review Activities Today’s planned events: Quiz: Motion, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration Upcoming events: Monday: Revisit Tests Grade Update Late Feb: OAKS testing Introduction to Engineering Project Video discussion/notes: Bill Nye “motion”… discuss how it relates to engineering project Physical Science Warm up 2/9 Write the formulas for calculating speed, velocity, and acceleration. Previous lesson: Tues: Collect Assignment Notes : Acceleration due today In-Class writing assignment due today Acceleration worksheet due at the beginning of class Wed. Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Group Review Activities Friday: Quiz: Speed, Velocity, Acceleration Introduction to Engineering Project Monday: Revisit Tests Grade Update Late Feb: OAKS testing • Speed Study Hints for Quiz Motion – Formula for calculating speed: distance/ time – Practice problems : 10miles / .25 hr = 40 mph • Velocity – Difference between speed and velocity: distance/ time but it includes velocity – Formula for calculating velocity: distance / time – Practice problems • Acceleration – – – – – Definition of acceleration (multiple ways to accelerate) Formula for calculating acceleration Acceleration to due to gravity Terminal velocity Practice problems Chemical Car • Speed Study Hints for Quiz Motion (answers) – Formula for calculating speed – Practice problems • Velocity – Difference between speed and velocity – Formula for calculating velocity – Practice problems • Acceleration – – – – – Definition of acceleration (multiple ways to accelerate) Formula for calculating acceleration Acceleration to due to gravity Terminal velocity Practice problems Physical Science Warm up 2/7 Sarah drives her car 25 m/s. Is this an example of speed or velocity? Explain your answer. Previous lesson: Collect Assginment Notes due Writing assignment Today’s planned events: Collect Assginment Notes : Acceleration due today Upcoming events: Friday: Experimental Engineering project In-Class writing assignment due today Late Feb: OAKS testing Assignment: Poster Acceleration worksheet due at the beginning of class Wed. Physical Science In-Class Writing Assignment 2/7 due by the end of the period2/7 • Create a short story in which the characters demonstrate speed, velocity, and acceleration. • Below the story, solve each speed, velocity, and acceleration example from the story with the correct formula. (show all calculations!) Example story (don’t use this one!) • John ran from the High School to his house to get the DS that he forgot. John ran 2 miles in 10 minutes. Then John walked to his friends house who lived 100 yards to the west of his house. It took John 1 minute to walk to his friend’s house. • Speed= 2miles/10min= .2 miles/min • Velocity= 100yards/ 1min = 100 yards/min west • Acceleration = (100 yards/min – 0 yds/min ) / 1 minute = 100yds/min/min Physical Science Warm up 2/6 How is speed different from velocity? Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Collect Assginment Collect warm up assignments Notes due Quiz: Reaction Rates Writing assignment Assignment: Section 11.2 worksheet due at the beginning of class on Assignment: Poster Monday. Experimental Engineering project Late Feb: OAKS testing Physical Science In-Class writing assignment 2/6 (due by the end of the period) • Describe the differences between speed and velocity. • Describe a scenario that illustrates the difference between speed and velocity. Physical Science Warm up 2/3 Give an example of a chemical reaction that is sped up by a catalyst. Previous lesson: Assignment 2.13: p.215 #1-8 due @ beginning of the period Today’s planned events: Collect warm up assignments Upcoming events: Quiz: Reaction Rates Experimental Engineering project Grade update Review for quiz Assignment: Section 11.2 worksheet due at the beginning of class on Monday. Next week: Unit 2.2 Motion Late Feb: OAKS testing Assignment 2.22 Poster: Speed, Velocity, Acceleration • Create a poster using the paper provided. • You will make at least three illustrations that demonstrate: • Speed • Velocity • Acceleration • You will explain the definitions of: • Speed • Velocity • Acceleration Physical Science Warm up 2/2 Describe 3 ways to slow down a chemical reaction. Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Signed syllabus due Assignment 2.13: p.215 #1-8 due @ beginning of the period Assignment 2.12 due at the beginning of class. Notes: p. 213-215 reading notes Assignment 2.13: p.215 #1-8 due Thurs @ beginning of the period Grade update Review for quiz Upcoming events: Friday: Quiz :Reaction Rates/ Equilibrium Physical Science Warm up 2/1 What kinds of observations tell you that a system is in chemical equilibrium? Previous lesson: Assignment 2.11 due at the beginning of class. Notes: reaction rate / equilibrium Today’s planned events: Signed syllabus due Assignment 2.12 due at the beginning of class. Notes: p. 213-215 reading notes Assignment 2.12 (Equilibrium) due at the beginning of class Wednesday. Upcoming events: Assignment 2.13: p.215 #1-8 due Thurs @ beginning of the period Thurs: 2.13 due at beginning of period. Review activities Friday: Quiz :Reaction Rates/ Equilibrium Test Review Topics • Explain what chemical equilibrium is. • What observations would allow you to conclude that a chemical system is in equilibrium? • Describe how each of these factors affect the speed of chemical reactions: – – – – – Temperature Surface area Concentration Catalysts Stirring In class assignment (2/1) due (2/1) For each factor write down how it affects the speed of chemical reactions and write 1 example mentioned in the text book. Temperature Surface area Stirring Concentration Catalyst Physical Science Warm up 1/31 Using descriptions of molecular movement, explain why increasing concentration of reactants will increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Previous lesson: Overview of syllabus Notes: Factors affecting reaction rate In-class writing assignment due today Assignment 2.11 due Tuesday at the beginning of class. Today’s planned events: Assignment 2.11 due at the beginning of class. Notes: reaction rate / equilibrium Assignment 2.12 (Equilibrium) due at the beginning of class Wednesday. Upcoming events: Wed: Signed syllabus due at the beginning of class. Assignment 2.12 due. Thurs: Review activities Friday: Quiz :Reaction Rates/ Equilibrium 1/31 PHYSICAL SCIENCE In-Class Writing Assignment (due 1/31 at the end of the period) • What is chemical equilibrium? • Think of the chemical reaction that you wrote about yesterday. What observations would make you conclude that the chemical reaction is in equilibrium? • Make a simple series of illustrations that show the stages of a chemical reaction • Reactants being mixed • The chemical reaction in process • Chemical equilibrium Physical Science Warm up 1/30 List 1 factor that affects reaction rate and explain how to change that factor to speed up a chemical reaction. Previous lesson: Today’s planned events: Upcoming events: Overview of syllabus Tuesday: Notes, writing assignment Notes: Factors affecting reaction rate Wed: Signed syllabus due at the beginning of class. In-class writing assignment due Thurs: Review activities today Assignment 2.11 due Tuesday at the beginning of class. Friday: Quiz :Reaction Rates/ Equilibrium 1/30 PHYSICAL SCIENCE In-ClassWriting Assignment (due 1/30 at the end of the period) • Describe a simple experiment that could test 1 factor that affects chemical reactions. • Explain the manipulated and responding variables. • Explain how you plan the measure the responding variable. • Explain how you plan to control the other factors (variables) that may affect the chemical reaction.