Assumpta Parreño NPLQCD Collaboration HYP-XInternational conference of hypernuclear physics, JPARC, Ibaraki, JAPAN Sep. 14- Sep. 18 2009 Former member: Paulo F. Bedaque (Maryland) Silas R. Beane New Hampshire William Detmold William & Mary Former member: Ellisabetta Pallante (Groningen) Huey-Wen Lin U of Washington Kostas Orginos Assumpta Parreño Martin J. Savage William & Mary Barcelona U of Washington Tom Luu Livermore Aaron Torok André Walker-Loud William & Mary Indiana First principle QCD calculation Quantifiable uncertainties Possibility of study processes which are not accessible experimentally Examples of the impact of few body lattice simulations: • Evolution of a supernova (NEOS) • Nuclear structure calculations • Hadronic parity-violation Hypernuclear physics (structure and decay) 3 NPLQCD, Nucl. Phys. A 794 (2007) 62-72 PANIC 2008, 9-14/11/08, Eilat 4 4 Study of the baryonic interactions in the strange sector with LQCD provide complementary information to experiment (LN, SN, LL, SS, XX, …) In the low energy regime, around half of the pion production theshold… In general, YN data show large error bars and absence of true low-energy cross sections 5 Study of the baryonic interactions in the strange sector with LQCD provide complementary information to experiment (LN, SN, LL, SS, XX, …) In general, the analysis of data presents: Poor statistics Effective range parameters fit to data highly correlated LN: What is safe to say? There is not L-hyperdeuteron (S-hyperdeuteron?) Consistency of potential models with hypertriton data (b.e., spin) a (1So ) 0, a (1So ) a (3S1 ) a 0 (3S1 ) The theoretical study of YN interactions is hindered by the lack of experimental guidance. 6 PANDA at FAIR SPHERE at JINR • Anti-proton beam • Double L-hypernuclei • g-ray spectroscopy • Heavy ion beams • Single L-hypernuclei MAMI C HypHI at GSI/FAIR • Electro-production • Single L-hypernuclei • L-wavefunction • Heavy ion beams • Single L-hypernuclei at extreme isospins • Magnetic moments Jlab • Electro-production • Single L-hypernuclei • L-wavefunction FINUDA at DAFNE • e+e- collider • Stopped-K- reaction • Single L-hypernuclei • g-ray spectroscopy J-PARC • Intense K- beam • Single and double L-hypernuclei • g-ray spectroscopy for single L BNL • Heavy ion beams • Anti-hypernuclei • Single L-hypernuclei • Double L-hypernuclei J. Pochodzalla, Int. Journal Modern Physics E, Vol 16, no. 3 (2007) 925-936 7 p p K+ L p (COSY, Jülich) g d K+ L n Balewski et al. EPJA 2 (1998) Hinterberger, Sibirtsev, EPJA 21 (2004) Gasparyan, Haidenbauer, Hanhart, Speth, PRC69 (2004) Gasparyan, Haidenbauer, Hanhart, PRC72 (2005) Gasparyan, Haidenbauer, Hanhart, K. Miyagawa (CEBAF, ELSA, JLAB, MAMI-C) Reconstruct the elastic two-body amplitude via the invariant mass dependence of the production amplitude in the region where the YN momentum is small. K - d nL g Gall et al., PRC42 (1990) Gibson et al. BNL report No. 18335(1973) Gibbs, Coon, Han, Gibson ,PRC61 (2000) a(1S0 ) -0.15 -5.0 a(3S1 ) -1.3 -2.65 Our (NPLQCD) first study of hyperon-nucleon interactions: Ref: “hyperon-nucleon interactions from Lattice QCD” Nucl. Phys. A794 (2007) 62-72 Idea: write down the effective theory for the hyperon-nucleon interaction at low energies (below the pion production threshold) 9 a ( S0 1 LN LL C0 2 1 S 0 1 S 0 SL C0 - 3 4 3 g SL g A LN 2 f 2 2 SL C0 LN 2 m m2 m 1 S 0 2 3 g SL g A2 LN 2 3 4 2 m 6m2 3m3 2 4 f 4 2( m Extract LECs 2 2 1 S 0 LN 2 3 r ( S0 C SL 0 1 S 0 LN 8 LL C0 1 S 2 2 0 3g SL g A LN 3 9 m 8m SL C0 3 2 f 2 6( m 1 Result of the LQCD simulation 1 2 3g SL g A2 LN 6 3 23 2 m 28m2 7m3 4 4 f 4 12( m 10 LQCD is a non-perturbative implementation of Field Theory, which uses the Feynman path-integral approach to evaluate transition matrix elements The starting point is the partition function in EUCLIDEAN space-time Imaginary time: t i τ -Sgluon nonlocal term which contains the fermionic contributions 11 Quarks Discrete space-time Use a discrete action Gluons Evaluate a path ordered exponential between neighbour sites space-time lattice b 0 continuum action {U } 1 Sg (U) 1- Re(Tr(P (x))) 3 x, ˆ )U (x ˆ )U (x) P (x) U (x)U (x 12 The starting point is he partition function in EUCLIDEAN space-time Z dU (x) dd e ,x -S g (U )-S f (, ,U ) x dU (x) det(D(U) D(U))e -Sg (U ) ,x S f D(U) Correlation functions: 1 O Z 1 -S g (U ) dU (x) O( ,U) det(D(U) D(U)) e D(U) ,x (main numerical task) (huge integration: 8x4x6x12x6x12 x # space points) Montecarlo Integration 1 -S (U ) det(D(U) D(U)) e g P(U) Z Euclidean action for real and positive actions e-S weighting factor ≈ Probability (positive definite quantity) 13 Basic algorithm: 1. Produce N gauge field configurations {U} with probability distribution P(U) 2. Evaluate: N 1 1 O lim OU i , N N D(U i ) i1 Solve a linear system of equations: Present L ≈ 2.5 fm b ≈ 0.1 fm mq ≈ ms/2 Procedure D (U)[m] D(U)[m] Condition number ≈ 1/m Aproaching nature EFT Configurations (MILC) L b mq Compute propagator s ∞ 0 mu,dphys Compute correlators Sets of configurations used in our MIXED simulations b (fm) L (fm) m (MeV) mK (MeV) no. conf x no. src 203 x 32 ml=0.030 ms=0.050 0.125 2.5 591 675 564 x 24 203 x 32 ml=0.020 ms=0.050 0.125 2.5 491 640 486 x 24 203 x 32 ml=0.010 ms=0.050 0.125 2.5 352 595 769 x 24 203 x 32 ml=0.007 ms=0.050 0.125 2.5 291 580 1039 x 24 b (fm) L (fm) m (MeV) mK (MeV) no. conf x no. src 283 x 96 ml=0.0062 ms=0.031 0.09 2.5 320 560 1001 x 7 283 x 96 ml=0.0124 ms=0.031 0.09 2.5 446 578 513 x 3 LS3 LS3 Dimensions x LT (L5 = 16) Dimensions x LT (L5 = 12) 403 x 96 ml=0.0062 ms=0.031 (L5 = 40) 0.09 2.5 230 539 109 x 1 403 x 96 ml=0.0062 ms=0.031 (L5 = 12) 0.09 2.5 234 540 109 x 1 2+1 flavors Domain-Wall valence quarks on staggered sea quark configurations 15 Extracting masses Lattice simulations Evaluation of vacuum correlation functions: 1 (t )2 (0) 0 1 (t )2 (0) 0 1 (t )2 (0) 0 1 (0) e - Hˆ t at large t 2 (0) 0 0 1 (0) En e - Ent En 2 (0) 0 n 0 1 (0) E0 E0 2 (0) 0 e - E0t , as t lowest energy eigenstate from the exponential decay energies Ensure that the (asymptotic) exponential dominates the correlation function Ex: C (t ) x (t, x ) (0,0) , - (t , x ) u (t , x )g 5d (t , x ) a bT c pi (t , x) abc di (t , x ) ( d (t , x ) C g 5 u (t , x ) ) mass One-baryon correlator: C A (t ) x n † n - EA A(t , x ) A (0,0) C A e t C A e - M At n 2-baryon correlator: n † † - E AB n C AB (t ) A(t , x ) B(t, x ) B (0,0) A (0,0) C AB e t C AB e - E ABt x,y Energy shift: n DE = EAB – MA -MB C AB (t ) n - DE n t G AB (t ) C e Ce - DE t C A (t ) C B (t ) n 17 generalized effective mass plots M eff ,t J C(t) 1 log M 0 tJ C(t t J ) (statistical average over measurements on an ensemble of configurations) proton clover on clover, 203x128, antiperiodic BC in t direction smeared-point, 1194 conf 18 DE p 2 M A2 p 2 M B2 - M A - M B below inelastic thresholds obtained from the simulation 2 p 2 L2 S 2 4 j L j 1 - 4 L 2 j - 2 u.v. regulator 1 1 2 - r0 p a 2 1 p 2 L2 p cot ( p) S 2 L 4 19 channel isospin isospin projection quark content strangeness Ln 1/2 -1/2 uuddds -1 S -n 3/2 -3/2 udddds -1 LL 0 0 uuddss -2 S S 2 2 uuuuss -2 X0X0 1 1 uussss -4 not considered in the present work channel isospin isospin projection quark content strangeness mixing X0n 0 0 uuddss -2 LL X0n 1 0 uuddss -2 S0L X0p 1 1 uuudss -2 S L X -n 1 -1 udddss -2 S -L 20 NPLQCD, Nucl. Phys. A794 (2007) 62-72 Ln MILC 203x32 L = 2.5 fm b ~ 0.125 fm G AB (t ) DE G AB (t 1) - ( M N M L - 2 m - mK ) t signal-to-noise ratio ~ N conf e 1S 1S 0 0 1S 0 contamination from excited states m = 350 MeV m = 490 MeV 3S 1 m = 590 MeV 3S 1 3S 21 1 NPLQCD, Nucl. Phys. A 794 (2007) 62-72 PANIC 2008, 9-14/11/08, Eilat 22 22 Anisotropic (bs > bt) clover lattices higher resolution in the time direction i.e. better study of noisy states • 292500 sets of measurements • 1194 gauge configurations of size 203 x 128 produced by the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration • anisotropy parameter ξ=bs/bt=3.5 • spatial lattice spacing of bs=0.1227 ± 0.0008 fm ADVANTAGES • Mπ ≈ 390 MeV No mixed-action calculation: we used the same fermion action used in the gauge-field generation to compute the quark propagators clover on clover Faster than our previous MA simulations DW on staggered (4-D clover compared to 5-D DW fermions) Clover discretization keeps corrections O(b) Clover discretization does not have a lattice chiral symmetry… systematic uncertainties in the properties/interaction of baryons? 23 Mπ = 390.3(0.7)(0.3) MeV MN = 1163.9(1.8)(0.6) MeV MS = 1283.7(1.6)(1.0) MeV MK = 546.0(0.6)(0.2) MeV ML = 1252.4(1.6)(0.3) MeV MX = 1356.1(1.4)(0.2) MeV EN(1/2-) = 1610(06)(11) MeV ES(1/2-) = 1727(06)(06) MeV EL(1/2-) = 1679(05)(02) MeV EX(1/2-) = 1825(6)(5) MeV NPLQCD, Phys. Rev. D79 (2009) 114502 24 Prof. T. Hatsuda- HAL QCD Coll talk at Chiral Dynamics 2009 (Bern) (Note different scale) clover on clover m2≈ 0.15 GeV2 ongoing work 25 (no anihilation diagrams) CB (t) Pij r r r r (t, x )Bi (t, y)(0,0)B j (0,0) eff ,B C (t) 1 ,B log nJ C ,B (t nJ ) r r x ,y E C(SS) - aC(SP) X0 NPLQCD, arXiv:0803.2728v1 [hep-lat] 26 # Wick contractions to form the correlation function is naively Nu! Nd! Ns! the cheapest 3-baryon system would be X0X0n, with 3! 2! 4! = 288 Wick contractions The LLS0 requires 63 contractions but the signal is less clear due to the difference in Ns (Note that the triton, with Nu=4 and Nd=5 requires 2880) 27 energy splitting GX 0X 0 n (t) CX 0X 0 n (t) CX20 (t)Cn (t) -E A0 e X 0X0n t 28 1. How does the noise-to-signal scale in hadron correlators? 2. How to distinguish between scattering states and bound states? 29 Fermilab Jlab Franklin - Cray XT4 LBNL INT U Washington U Illinois NSF-LLNL 30 in memory of Prof. Cornelius Bennhold Over the years, Cornelius' thorough vision of the field, together with his open minded attitude and generosity in offering advise, has guided scientists through unexplored and imaginative research paths, leading to the present impressive knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms governing the decay of hypernuclei. 31