October 15 - Cowell College


Cowell College Student Senate

Cowell Conference Room

October 15 th , 2015 8:00 PM

Guests: Faye Crosby, Tyler Pupp, Caloryl Golz, Rick Takeuchi, Tony Evans, Joyce Huang, Jeremy Benitez,

Cameron Turner, Marina Warren, Héctor Navarro, Kaiena Canlon, Austin Lastra White, Alex Andelidis,

Sarah Davidson, Justin Togomitsu

Senate Selectpersons: Tori Votino, William Garvey, Hannah Meyer, Bryna Haugen, Isidro Naranjo, Nikki

Santiago (Edgar Esparza), Nima Agah (Gabriel Brown), Samantha Brito, Alexandra Machuca, Paulina

Cradeur, Alexandra Dami, Imari Reynolds, Rajvi Brahmbhatt, Shiron Drusinsky, Alice Malmberg, Jose


Agenda: Nikki moves to approve the agenda; Isidro seconds; Agenda approved by consensus.

Minutes: Isidro moves to approve the minutes; Nima seconds; Minutes approved by consensus.

Treasury Report:

Senate Programing: $1,800

General Assistance: $8,313.00/year or $2,771.00/quarter


Scholars and Accounting Society: The Scholars and Accounting Society started last quarter and is the first accounting club on campus. The organization is requesting $100 for flyers to promote events and media usage for event presentations, such as projectors and projector screens. Next event will be to bring in a local firm to allow students to network in professional environment. Aims to provide students the ability to connect with people from firms, and to hear about real life business experience. Their first event had about 40 to 50 people in attendance; their second event had about 20 or more attendees. Only been funded by Oakes, but looking to other college Senates

Campus Micro-Aggressions: Led by Dr. Christie Byrd (cmbyrd@ucsc.edu), in the psychology department, this project seeks to gage school racial climate. Then, after gathering their intended data, they can compare universities and compare locations on campus such as classrooms, buses, and dining halls. A microaggression is an unintended discrimination either verbal or physical. This group has devised an app that helps report and educate UCSC community about macroaggressions. Users of the app, in the UCSC community, can report microaggressions all around the campus. The app also supports a data base of microaggressions to help educate. Funding would go to outreach hoping to help spread the word about the app. Funding also goes to the payment of app users.

Sign up by Oct. 30 at [http://microreport.youcanbook.me]

Senate Procedures: Senators with positions, who cannot make meetings, should report to the Chair.

Yielding: the act of passing when you come up stack. Yielding can be used to avoid repetitive comments or ideas. The Chair must be the one to call on you if you wish to speak. Senators are all free to leave at any point during the meeting if they believe the meeting is running too long or if you’re uncomfortable with the amount of time being added.

Review of Robert’s Rules: Robert’s Rules are used to maintain a professional environment, keep the Senate organized, and make efficient use of time.

Constitution and Bylaws: Each member of the assembly has the right to address the entire

Senate. Any assembly member may make motions, but only selectpersons can second a motion.

All motions must be passed, tabled, or withdrawn from consideration. Discussion is allowed before a motion is made and after it is seconded. Amendments to a motion are allowed after the motion is seconded. All motions and amendments require a simple majority to pass. Make a motion before explaining why you think its good idea. A senator doesn’t have to agree with a motion to second, a second means that a motion deserves to be discussed. Senators vote on amendments, then the motions as a whole.

Debating a Motion: Discussion must be addressed to the Chair, and must relate to motion under consideration.

Quorum: at least 50% of selectperson present at a senate meeting. Without quorum, no substantive actions may be taken.

Senators who wish to speak will be put on stack and then called on by the Chair.

Call the Question: Can be used if a debate is over time or has gotten off topic to move the

Senate to an immediate vote. Requires 2/3rds vote to approve.

Postponing a Motion: The consideration of a motion can be postponed if more information is required or if time should be given to allow voting member to consider to motion.

Voting: Votes can be taken either by the raising of hands or an expression of “yay” or “nay”. A voter may abstain if they have a direct personal interest in the motion.

Privileged motions: “I call for the orders of the day”. Can be used to return the Senate to the approved agenda. Requires a 2/3rds vote to ignore the call.

Point of privilege: Senator can request the speaker to speak up, request side conversations stop, or request a window be open if the room is too hot.

Recess or Adjournment: Either recess or adjournment can be called for at any time during a meeting.

Point of Information: Senators may request facts concerned with the business at hand.

Point of Order: Senators can express concern that Senate is breaking the Constitution, Bylaws,

 or Roberts Rules.

Parliamentary inquiry: Senators can ask questions regarding current Roberts’s Rules and how they apply to what is going on.

Above and Beyond: Aside from voting Senators can form committees, request to be on agenda, or simply bring food.

Faye Crosby (Cowell Provost):

Finances: Provosts search for funding, services and resources. Provost also network with alumni. Many alumni provide funding and expertise, in the form of teaching classes, such as a personal finance class, a trust class, and a Constitution class.

Endowment: Money in a bank, which is invested in companies, and gains interest. Cowell can then use a percentage of the interest for opportunities. At the Founder’s Dinner an alumnus was excited by the

First Years Honors Program, and wrote a check for a $55,000 endowment for the program. However, the program needs $2,500,000 endowment in order to properly continue the program.

Eloise Pickard Gallery: Possesses only a small endowment, of about $4,000 to keep and maintain the gallery. Cowell Press, a space in which students can learn letter pressing, at the Provost’s house has a larger endowment. Administration is discussing the possibility that the Cowell Press move to the current

Gallery space, and gallery move to Press space. The new Gallery could become a space where artist in residence to work with students. Currently, the Gallery costs $36,000 to maintain in its current space,

but moving it to the new location could reduce cost to $5,000 in new space with student curator instead of professional curator.

Commencement Speakers: Johnathan Franzen, author of the novel Purity, is an honorary fellow of

Cowell. Mr. Franzen gave a commencement speech a few years ago. His name recognition helps raises the status of UCSC and Cowell. The Provost has begun working to find new 2016 Keynote speaker. Trying to get student input on the selection process.


Scholars of Accounting Society: Appears to be a valuable resource, however the organization seemed new. Some Senators found the lack of an advisor and the lack of a budget disconcerting. In the process of finding an advisor. Lack of finalized budget is concerning.

Hannah motions to fully fund Scholars of Accounting Society $100 from General Assistance; Nikki seconds;

Funding would go to a project on November 12 th , 2015.

Nikki calls the question; Jose seconds; “Call” passes by consensus.

Motion Vote: Motion passes 13-0-5


CPC (Carolyn Golz): Provost Faye Crosby is retiring at the end of the year. CPC is now looking for candidates. Looking for student input on the candidates. Selection process is open only to internal personnel with leadership or administrative experience. Then, ability to work with students and faculty is judged. The final decision is made by Richard Hughey, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate

Education and a committee of both Cowell and Stevenson administration.

Cowell Coffee Shop: Faces a large deficit at the end of every year. Pulls funding from Cowell and takes money from other repairs. Discussing the possibility of handing management to Dinning services; could greatly reduce costs and hopefully reduce deficits. The College 8 coffee shop was put under Dinning services management and was later convert into a ow successful ice cream shop.

Input for new occupation of space: something similar to Banana Joes.

Brynna motions to add 5 minutes; Rick seconds; Motion passes 13-1-15

Late night source of food. Variety of foods.

Nikki motions to table the discussion to next week; Hannah seconds; Motion passes 13-2-4.

SCOC (Nikki): SCOC is the organization that other campus organizations go to be provided with student input. Any student can apply to give input to various organizations on campus. A sample application can be found on SCOC website.

SUA: Grassroots training funding was approved by Cowell senate, but the Chair of the organization came back asking for more funds. SUA only funded the original amount. USSA will cover the rest of the cost.

A new parliamentarian was appointed. SUA internship are open for student applications.

Cool Campus challenge: A fun challenge to reduce UC carbon footprint. UCSC can win public recognition and students can win individual prizes.

This year’s SUA budget was presented. A funding request for the Student of Color Conference was discussed.

Student of Color Conference: This year the conference is held at UC Berkeley and UCSC plans to bring 80 students. Total budget is $14,557.4, but $11,000 is covered by a UCSC SOCC budget line item. Another

$1,000 can be added if SUA agrees. SOCC is requesting $3,557.4 or $2,557.4 from SUA to cover the rest of the costs. Funding goes toward travel and hotels in Berkley. The conference is open to students from all UC campuses, and consists of a 2 day period of workshops for students of color. Application process still open.

Officer Report: President Proposal to change constitution and bylaws. Survey for housing open house

Oct 29 th .

Internal president: Presentation on sexual assault on campus, in association with SHOP.

Hannah moves to add 2 minutes to vote on SOCC; Isidro seconds; Motion passes 13-0-3.

Straw poll is held to gage Senate’s willingness for SUA to fund SOCC.

Final Business:

Committee Formation: At any point during the year Senators can form committees for the benefit of

Cowell. The Senate Chair should be contacted and the formation of the committee should be put on the agenda. Once a committee is formed, a chair is established, and then the committee is open to new members.

Selectperson Poetry: A new selectperson can read their poem. Then selectpersons can propose a word that represents that they feel represents the poem.

Alex Dami is “eeeaarrrrrrghh” [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIaFtAKnqBU].

Bryna Haugen is “real”.

Rick Takeuchi is “pork-q-perfect”.

Cowell Entertainment Co-Op: An e-mail was sent out for Co-Op volunteers to staff entertainment Co-Op.

Co-Op may open Monday October 19th. Training starts Saturday October 17th 12-1 PM and 1-2PM, training continues at the same times on Sunday.

Adjournment: Nima moves to adjourn; Isidro seconds; Adjournment passes by consensus.
