What are Curricula and Methods?

What are Curricula and Methods?
• Non-Human Aspects of the Delivery System:
– Syllabi and Training Course Outlines
– Courseware and Training Aids
– Learning Media (Passive and Interactive)
– Simulator and Aircraft Platforms
Flying is Physical and Mental
• Learn from proven methods developed for
training elite athletes:
– As much as 90% of success due to mental factors
– 75% mental training and 25% physical training is
far more effective than 100% physical training
– Quality of Methodology vs. Quantity of Training
• Motivation vs. Rote Actions
Flying is Physical and Mental
• Mental / Imagery Aspect (75%):
– Syllabi and Training Course Outlines, Courseware
and Training Aids, Learning Media, Simulation
• Physical Aspect (25%):
– Training in an Aircraft
• “The cockpit is a lousy classroom”
• Flight-line methods remain largely aircraft-centric
Some Questions to Ask Ourselves
• Are current curricula and methods being
implemented efficiently and effectively?
• Have integrated training curricula been proven
to be effective?
Some Questions to Ask Ourselves
• What opportunities exist to decrease training
time and cost, while increasing effectiveness
and safety?
• How has curricula redesign been used (or
might it be used) to create more attractive
programs to students and the latent market?
Integrated Training Curricula:
New Opportunities for Re-design
John Bertrand, Ph.D.
Middle Tennessee State Univ. (ret)
Windsong Aviation, Inc
Two Worlds of Flight Training
MTSU vs. Windsong
• At MTSU, training is on the forefront, using
modern avionics, progressive curricula, and
scenario based interactive training.
• At Windsong, training is much as it has always
been, using traditional avionics and maneuver
based training.
• At MTSU, the instrument license is reached
with great efficiency and produces a superior
pilot. The pilot then remains for the multiengine license and most become CFIs.
• At Windsong, customers may or may not
reach the instrument license, and most
operate their own aircraft immediately.
The Future for Each
• At MTSU, it is reasonable to predict great
things for every graduate. They are more
capable and better trained than any group
before them.
• At Windsong, graduates operate their own
aircraft in the system with outcomes based on
personal criteria.
David McVinnie, MCFI DPE FAAST
There’s nowhere you need to be or nothing you need to do that’s more important than Safety!
The Industry Perspective
FAA Industry Training Standards (FITS)
FITS is a joint project of the FAA, the FAA-sponsored Center for
General Aviation Research (CGAR), Embry Riddle Aeronautical
University, The University of North Dakota, and various
organizations and associations representing the General Aviation
Included in the GA Flight Training Modernization Roadmap 2005–2008
• Focused on scenarios versus individual tasks
• Presented new grading concepts
– Maneuver, skill or task grades
• Describe/Explain/Practice/Perform
– Single Pilot Resource Management grades
• Explain/Practice/Manage – Decide
– Joint instructor/student lesson assessments
TAA Transitions
• Originally intended for transition training
– G-1000
– Garmin 400/500 series
– Aircraft transitions
• Light Turbine
– Single Pilot Resource Management
• FITS transitions into commercial and
instrument training programs (examples in
March 2007)
• Middle Tennessee State University tests a FITS
syllabus for a combined Private/Instrument
course (One student completes in 55 hours)
– More confident
– Fewer setbacks
– More comfortable with automation
Arlynn McMahon
2009 CFI of the Year
Where are we now?
• Jeppesen and King Schools have integrated
FITS concepts into their courseware.
– Evidenced in pre-lesson planning and lesson
• Scenario based training (SBT) is covered in the
current aviation instructors handbook.
– It is not correlated to the FAA FITS program.
Where are we now?
• A few large organizations have implemented
FAA approved courses (exceptions of course)
• The FAA offers little incentive for schools to
implement “official” FITS programs
• Course approvals are completed by local
FSDOs as a low priority (in their workload)
Where are we now?
• Less flight training competition in this
economy – less motivation to change.
• Little or no motivation to save the customer
money by providing more efficient training.
• High resistance to change (RC) factor. “The
old way works just fine.”
Is there good news?
• Professional instructors have heightened
awareness of advantages of SBT and its impact
on decision making and single pilot resource
management – thus enhancing safety!
• Students involved with FITS-based programs
are generally happier and more likely to
Can we improve?
• FITS was never intended as a mandate.
• As we train new CFIs, we can advocate the
advantages of SBT as it relates to safer pilots.
• Could the FAA supplement 14 CFR 61 to allow
reduced certificate requirements with proper
documentation? (Assuming we can get CFIs to
Sometimes we
hesitate to accept
something, even if
it’s good for us!
Developing Effective Transition
and Recurrent Training
A little instruction can go a long way toward increasing safety
Thomas P. Turner
Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
“I can fly anything with wings”
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
Federal Guidance
• Airplane Flying Handbook
• AC 61-9B, Pilot Transition Courses for Complex
Single Engine and Light, Twin-Engine Airplanes
• AC 90-109, Airmen Transition to Experimental
or Unfamiliar Airplanes
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
Toward Type-Specificity
• Insurance requirements
• Commercial products
• Type-club programs
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
Culture Shift
• Emphasis on type-specific transition training
• Moving down as well as moving up in airplane
• Develop type-training guidance for instructors
• Regulatory requirement
• Constant reinforcement
©2011 Mastery Flight Training, Inc.
Creating and Delivering Innovative,
Effective Training Curricula
Mike Shiflett – CEO MS Aviation
The case for a change
1. Students stop flying near solo or shortly after
2. Most aeronautical knowledge starts after solo
3. Books/DVDs do not offer a great opportunity
for marketing or gathering metrics
4. Students see academics as overwhelming
Paper vs. eBooks
• October 2010 – Survey of 655 College Students
Paper vs. eBooks
• March 2011 – Survey of 655 College Students
Likes and Dislikes
• October 2010 – Survey of 655 College Students
Likes and Dislikes
• March 2011 – Survey of 655 College Students
Preferring Paper – Reasons
• 50% - Preferred print to digital
• 14% - Lose access at the end of course
• 7% - No buyback or resell option
Preferring Digital
• 83% - Reduces weight in their backpack
• 78% - All course materials are in one place
• 42% - Prefer the technology
• Research by OnCampus Research –
Clearly, paper books will not be
obsolete in the near future
The goal should be to do what digital books do best:
1. Searchable
2. Tight integration to the lesson
3. Open to exact, constrained, chapters and pages
relative to the topic presented
What’s the proposition?
It can’t just be a digital replacement
It must add value that a book/DVD cannot
It must be integrated
It must offer ALL of the benefits of being
online. Not just that it is online:
 Forums
 Social Sharing
 Research – Wikis, PDF annotation etc.
Delivery Systems
Traditional Media
Paper, DVD, Software
Online/Cloud based
Lifetime access, Time limited,
Subscription based
Resident or streaming content,
Advantages of each
Physically Own, Re-installable, no
internet connection
Allows quizzing, tracking and metrics
collection, easy to keep up to date,
easy to modify database
Always available to the customer, no
additional burden, resident content, all
other online benefits (with internet,
data connection)
Enabled Benefits for Online/Mobile
 Integration of advertising and location based ads
 Social sharing – New opportunities for schools
 Ability to change content quickly
 Reacting quickly to industry recommendations
 Happier students
Summary – The Goals
 Not to replace all paper or DVD
 Let digital technology play out it’s strengths
where it can do this best
 Make a more flexible delivery platform
 Measure students progress and modify
content or change syllabus when required
Summary – The Goals
 Training materials should help sell Aviation
 Enable additional revenue streams to flight
schools by enabling social sharing
How it can look