First quarter report
Dorothy Sophia Aketch
We need education give us the opportunity, help us
realize our dreams, the heart is willing the brain is
stable but the opportunity is scarce.
We are the future leaders, mothers of the next
generation we need your Support, we need education.
Quarterly- report on the Activity progress
Proposed SI Tororo
This report is composed of the assessment and sensitization training and awareness results from the
sub-county regions visited and reached for assessment in the past three months. The proposed members
carried out sensitization on Address the specific needs of women and girls by improving
environmental sustainability and mitigating effects of climate change and disasters and needs
assessment concurrently to find out the situation at hand. Sanitation and personal hygiene
training was carried out to women and girls differently this was to ensure that environment to
which these people live are basically clean and their surroundings. Home care and personal
cleanliness sessions were also carried out.
The girls were sensitised on the pre, during and post menstrual stages and how to take care
about personal hygiene especially during menstruation. Take care especially for those who
already started menstruation because they can get unwanted pregnancies, drop out of school at a
very tender age when they can not take care of themselves and the baby. And some of these
cases where among the group who said they now realised their mistakes and want to resume
Looking at the fact that the economic activities in Tororo are mainly Agriculture based which
is so much relied on in the whole district, the local consumption is high and the few who sell in
urban areas within the district do it at the harvest time at a very cheap price due to lack of storage
facilities. Crops grown include; Millet, Cassava, Peas, Beans, Sweet potatoes, Simsim,
Sunflower, Onions, Rice, and Maize. They also rear cattle, goats, and sheep for domestic use
only from which they get meat, butter, milk and skins for consumption and making cultural
drums and offer cultural practices respectively which makes the whole economy domestic.
The weak economy is what strains their development and bad saving culture or no saving
idea among the local people hence average income in the district is very low and therefore
cannot adequately support growth locally and not within the homestead.
Section One: Discussion held on the needs assessment, awareness and training during
In general Sensitization carried out was to address the specific needs of women and girls by
improving environmental sustainability, and mitigating effects of climate change and disasters in
different sub counties – Tororo. It was revealed that many locals face a lot of difficulties due to
poverty and lack of awareness on the government programmes. It also reveals that some villages
are not monitored and do not get sufficient sensitization on Government programmes and other
opportunities from development partners.
Not only that; because of ignorance, many women have suffered silently and only look at
themselves as unlucky. They even fear joining groups because they are not sure whether they are
well placed for struggle to arrest their issues or poverty. They look at themselves at the level of
no motion they are stuck life can not change.
The ones who got change through NGOs and development partners after the training have no
where to exercise their skills and it dies off like that. Some do not have start up Capital to open
up a business that can be source of funds for their daily up keep, the children supported at the
end of the programme end up on the way due to uncertainties and others have no market for their
produce or store to keep the excess produce and they are all wasted or sold at harvest bringing no
income to sustain the next production period. Because all is agriculture, during draught most
crops dry up and all is wasted due to wrong timing.
The group dwelt so much on this Topic due to the fact that it evaluates the need of each
individual in the community. It was seen as a key objective to the other objectives that would
interest the women and girls to freely deliberate on their needs and how well they need to be and
the difficulties that disable them from being what they want to be. All in all they saw that some
thing visible for their development would be a multipurpose training centre for which several
skills can be taught and income obtained with time for sustainability. It was noticed that many
organisations come and go with no impact and leave unexpectedly.
Section two- How they have been managing their situation
The few women who are business oriented borrow loans from community saving and start some
small business. Others go for petty jobs like helping in the chambers, giving out their children
(girls) to go for house maid in people’s houses to obtain some income, or fees for their younger
brothers or sisters and so on. This is accompanied with a lot of challenges for these girls but what
to do? The risk is obvious but some time one closed the eye and continues for what ever it could
Section Three: Emerging outcomes or lessons that have been learned during this reporting
period that could be passed on to other projects
The women are hopeful that some of their cry be heard about the situation they are silently facing would
they come out of dependency syndrome, reduce poverty, domestic violence and live healthier lives.
 Find a way of helping girl child in should and dropouts and support them
 Provided with a Multipurpose training centre to obtain skills such as hair dressings,
sweater making, beads making, brick laying name it to obtain income and market their
products( skills)
 Construct a store for their produce so that they can sell during scarcity and produce in
large scale to get some income to school fees for their children and for health care.
 Provision of Social Curriculum material to keep them feet and less ideal such as balls,
recreation activities and the like and encourage competition
 Start up Capital for starting a business to sustain their families and also obtain income
 Adult literacy centre- women are trained on how to read and write for the purposes of record
keeping, business skills to help them know what they save out of their incomes.
Achievements during the quarter
 Recruited some members
 Kept in contact with SIGBI membership Office
 Reserved the organization Name
 Paid for website Domain Name and Hosting
 Had Meetings with the members and carried out assessment meetings some sub
 Visited the FAL office on Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development to
discuss on some of the results from Stakeholders
Challenges in Service delivery;
 Lack of facilitation to the facilitators in terms of transport and some out of pocket hence
discouragement and eventual dropout.
 Failure to provide teaching materials like chalk black board, testing papers and other
materials necessary for training
 Failure of follow ups by the ministry on FAL due to budget constrains they say and also
for some partners in other programmes introduces to the communities. No feed back
 Failure to recognition the candidates who have gone through the formation and classes so
they see no reason continuing with the programme
 Failure to give feed back on the programmes to the stakeholders
Section Four: Way forward
 Encourage follow up meetings with stake holders for results
 Encourage Savings
 Partner with other organisations to handle some issues of great need
 Start up FAL Classes in Partnership with Ministry of Gender Labour and Social
 Sight some needy girls and support them in terms of fees and school requirements
 Train in Some skills
 Advocate for a central place for training
Action Point
 Follow up with different members on the needs assessment in their region
 Reminding members of their obligations to the club
 Sharing the state of the club with members
 Solicit funds for website design from members
Report compiled by;
Sophia Dorothy Aketch