9th – Jones – Theology I

Westminster School at Oak Mountain
Theology 1 Syllabus (9th Grade)
School Year: 2015-2016
Instructor: Ken Jones (kjones@ompc.org)
Purpose of the Course:
To overview the whole counsel of the Word of God as referenced in the ten theological categories,
which will give the students the theological grammar to build themselves up in the Holy Christian faith
(Jude 20) and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus (2 Peter 3:18).
Required Texts:
The Holy Bible. The English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible is recommended.
Wayne A. Grudem, Christian Beliefs: Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know, Zondervan, 2005.
Class Schedule:
Soteriology = Study of Salvation: What Does It Mean to be a Christian? (Chap. 13, Preface) August 10-14
Bibliology = Study of the Word: What Is the Bible? (Chapter 1, CSBI) August 17-28
+ Take Home Quiz: Belief Portfolio Journal Assignment 1.0 Due
Theology Proper = Study of God: What Is God like? (Chap. 2, Apostles’ Creed) August 31-September 11
+ Reading Quiz 1
Theology Proper = Study of God: What Is the Trinity? (Chapter 3, Chalcedonian Creed) September 14-25
* Pneumatology = Study of the Spirit (+ Attribute of God Research Essay Due)
Theology Proper = Study of God: What is Creation? (Chapter 4) September 28-Ocotber 9
+ Reading Quiz 2
Theology Proper = Study of God: What is Prayer? (Chapter 5) October 12-16
Angelology = Study of Angels: What Are Angles, Satan, & Demons? (Chapter 6) October 19-November 1
+ Writing a Personal Psalm Due
Anthropology = Study of Mankind: What is Man? (Chapter 7) November 2-13
+ Reading Quiz 3
Hamartiology = Study of Sin: What Is Sin? (Chapter 8) November 16-27
+ Take Home Quiz: Belief Portfolio Journal Assignment 2.0 Due
Christology = Study of Christ: Who Is Christ? (Chapter 9, Nicene Creed) November 30-December 11
+ Take Home Exam
Soteriology = Study of Salvation: What Is the Atonement? (Chapter 10) December 14-18
Eschatology = Study of the Last Things: What Is the Resurrection? (Chapter 11) January 4-8
Soteriology = Study of Salvation: What Is Election? (Chapter 12) January 11-22
+ Take Home Quiz: Belief Portfolio Journal Assignment 3.0 Due
Soteriology = Study of Salvation: What Are Justification and Adoption? (Chap. 13) January 25-February 5
+ Reading Quiz 4
Soteriology = Study of Salvation What Are Sanctification and Perseverance? (Chapter 14) February 8-19
Eschatology = Last Things: What Is Death? (Chap. 16) & What Is Heaven? (Chap. 20) February 22-26
+ Reading Quiz 5
Ecclesiology = Study of the Church: What Is the Church? (Chapter 17) February 29-March 4
+ Take Home Quiz: Belief Portfolio Journal Assignment 4.0 Due
Eschatology = Study of the Last Things: What Will Happen When Christ Returns? (Chap. 18) March 7-11
+ Reading Quiz 6
Eschatology = Study of the Last Things: What is the Final Judgement? (Chapter 19) March 14-18
+ Writing a Christian Creed of What and Why You Believe
Soteriology = Ordo Salutis April 1-May 2016
+ Take Home Exam
Class Participation . . . 15%
Reading Assignments and Quizzes . . . 10%
Belief Journal Portfolios . . . 25%
Essays . . . 30%
Exams . . . 20%
Course Rules:
Plagiarism: Students have a responsibility to uphold the principle of academic integrity in all of their
academic work, which prohibits cheating or plagiarism. Cheating normally will result in a 0 on the
assignment, in addition to any other consequences deemed appropriate by the administration.
Late Work: Assigned work turned in late will be deducted 11 points per day.
Teachability: Let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does
not produce the righteousness of God. Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and
receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls. (James 1: 19-21)