PSC Reflective Essay guidance Once you have amassed 8 PSC stamps in a single academic year all you have left to do gain your PSC certificate and have your achievement recognised on your degree transcript is complete a short, reflective essay about your experience. The title of the essay is ‘What I gained from the PSC.’ Here is some guidance you may find useful: The essay should be between 1-2 sides of A4 (single spacing). Aim for 1000 words. This is not an academic essay, so there’s no need to research or reference. Reflect back on what you’ve gained from each of the 8 workshops you undertook. Helpful questions to ask yourself might be: Is there anything that made an impression on you? Did you learn anything about yourself? Did your behaviour change in any way? Did you learn anything about your preferred learning style (e.g did you prefer to learn online, via lectures or via practical skills sessions)? Have you been able to implement anything you learned in a practical situation? What did you enjoy most and why? What did you enjoy least and why? How do you think your PSC learning might benefit you? In what ways have you changed over the course of your PSC studies? As it’s a reflective essay, you should write in the 1st person i.e. “I think…”, “I have learned…” It made me think about…” etc. You will receive a pass/fail mark for the essay. You will only fail if the essay is too short, there is not enough evidence of reflection or insufficient effort has been put into writing it.