Big Picture

Do Now
• List three differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
• Enumere tres diferencias entre las
células procariotas y eucariotas.
• Liste três diferenças entre células
procariotas e eucariotas.
• Sorolja három közötti különbségek
prokarióta és eukarióta sejtek.
Do Now
Part 1.
Which of the following organelles are only found in plant cells?
(There are two answers).
Cell wall
Endoplasmic reticulum
From your answer in part 1, describe these organelles.
Write your answer in your science journal.
Big Picture
LS1.A: Structure and Function
All living things are made up of cells, which is
the smallest unit that can be said to be alive.
An organism may consist of one single cell
(unicellular) or many different numbers and
types of cells (multicellular).
Identify the different parts of a eukaryotic cell.
Explain the function of each part of a eukaryotic cell.
Learning Target
Today I will: Learn the parts and their
functions in a eukaryotic cell.
 So that I can: Understand how a
eukaryotic cell functions.
 I will know I got it if: I can name the
parts and their functions in a
eukaryotic cell.
cell wall
cell membrane
Today we will:
Watch a video
endoplasmic reticulum
Teacher presentation with notes.
Reading packet.
Golgi complex
Microscope stations.
Exit Ticket
Identificar las diferentes partes de una célula eucariota ??. Explicar la función de
cada parte de una célula eucariota.
Objetivo de Aprendizaje
Hoy voy a: Aprender las partes y
sus funciones en una célula
Para que yo pueda: Comprender
cómo funciona una célula
Sabré lo tengo si: Puedo nombrar
las partes y sus funciones en una
célula eucariota.
orden del día
Hoy vamos a:
Mira un vídeo
Presentación por la maestra con
Lectura de paquetes.
Estaciones microscopio.
Salir de entradas
cell wall
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Identificar as diferentes partes de uma célula eucariótica. ?? Explique a função
de cada parte de uma célula eucariótica.
aprendizagem alvo
Hoje vou: Saiba as partes e suas
funções em uma célula
Para que eu possa: Entenda como
funciona um células eucarióticas.
Eu sei que eu tenho que se: Posso
citar as partes e suas funções em
uma célula eucariótica.
Hoje nós iremos:
Assista a um vídeo
Apresentação do professor com
A leitura de pacotes.
Estações de microscópio.
Ticket Exit
cell wall
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Határozza meg a különböző részeit egy eukarióta sejt. ?? Tájékoztatni kell a
minden egyes része egy eukarióta sejtek.
tanulási cél
Ma fogok: Ismerje meg a részeit és
azok funkcióit eukarióta sejtben.
Így én is: megérteni, hogy egy
eukarióta sejtek funkcióit.
Én tudom, hogy megvan, ha: tudok
megnevezni a részeit és azok
funkcióit eukarióta sejtben.
Nézze meg a videót
Tanár prezentáció jegyzetek.
Olvasás csomagot.
Mikroszkóp állomások.
Exit Ticket
cell wall
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
cell wall
cell membrane
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex
Cell Membrane
• All cells have cell membranes. The cell membrane is a protective
barrier that encloses a cell.
• The cell membrane is the outermost structure in cells that lack a cell
wall. In cells that have a cell wall, the cell membrane lies just inside
the cell wall.
• The cell membrane contains proteins, lipids, and phospholipids.
• Lipids are a group of compounds that do not dissolve in water. Lipids are “water
fearing” or hydrophobic.
• Phospholipids are lipids that contain phosphorus. The phosphorus containing
ends of phospholipids are “water loving” or hydrophilic.
Cell Membrane
• All cells have cell membranes. The cell membrane is a protective barrier
that encloses a cell.
• The cell membrane is the outermost structure in cells that lack a cell wall.
In cells that have a cell wall, the cell membrane lies just inside the cell wall.
•Todas las células tienen membranas celulares. La membrana celular es
una barrera protectora que encierra una célula.
La membrana celular es la estructura más externa en las células que
carecen de una pared celular. En las células que tienen una pared celular,
la membrana celular se encuentra justo dentro de la pared celular.
•Todas as células têm membranas celulares. A membrana da célula é uma
barreira protectora que envolve uma célula.
A membrana da célula é a estrutura externa em células que não possuem
uma parede celular. Nas células que têm uma parede celular, a membrana
celular situa-se no interior da parede da célula.
• Minden sejt van a sejtmembránon. A sejt membrán egy olyan védőgátat, amely magába zár egy cella.
A sejt membrán a legkülső szerkezet sejtekben hogy hiányzik egy sejtfal. Azokban a sejtekben, amelyek egy
sejtfalat, a sejt membrán fekszik csak belül a sejtfal.
Cell Membrane, continued
• The cell membrane is made of two layers of phospholipids. It
allows nutrients to enter and wastes to exit the cell.
Cell Wall
• Some eukaryotic cells have cell walls. A cell wall is a rigid
structure that gives support to a cell. The cell wall is the
outermost structure of a cell.
• Plants and algae have cell walls made of a complex sugar
called cellulose. The cell walls of plant cells help plants retain
their shape.
Cell Wall
• Some eukaryotic cells have cell walls. A cell wall is a rigid structure that gives
support to a cell. The cell wall is the outermost structure of a cell.
•Algunas células eucariotas tienen paredes celulares. Una pared celular es una
estructura rígida que da apoyo a una célula. La pared celular es la estructura más
externa de una célula.
•Algumas células eucarióticas têm paredes celulares. Uma parede de célula é uma
estrutura rígida que dá apoio a uma célula. A parede da célula é a estrutura mais
exterior de uma célula.
•Néhány eukarióta sejtek sejtfalakat. Egy cella falon van egy merev szerkezet,
amely támogatást nyújt a sejt. A sejtfal a legkülső sejt szerkezetének.
• The cytoskeleton is a web of proteins in the cytoplasm. It acts as
both a muscle and a skeleton.
• The cytoskeleton keeps the cell’s membranes from collapsing
and helps some cells move.
• The cytoskeleton is made of three types of protein. One protein
is a hollow tube and the other two are long, stringy fibers.
• The cytoskeleton is a web of proteins in the cytoplasm. It acts as
both a muscle and a skeleton.
•El citoesqueleto es una red de proteínas en el citoplasma.
Actúa como un músculo y un esqueleto.
•O citoesqueleto é uma teia de proteínas no citoplasma. Ele actua tanto como um
músculo e um esqueleto.
•A citoszkeleton egy webes fehérjék a citoplazmában. Úgy viselkedik, mint a két izom
és egy csontváz.
• The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle that contains the
cell’s DNA. DNA contains the information on how to make a cell’s
• Messages for how to make proteins are copied from the DNA.
These messages are then sent out of the nucleus through the
• The nucleus is covered by two membranes. Materials cross this
double membrane through pores.
• The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle that contains the
cell’s DNA. DNA contains the information on how to make a cell’s
•El núcleo es un orgánulo unido a la membrana que contiene el ADN de la
célula. ADN contiene la información sobre cómo hacer que las proteínas de
una célula.
•O núcleo é um organelo ligado à membrana que contém o ADN da célula.
DNA contém a informação sobre a forma de fazer proteínas de uma célula.
•A sejtmag egy membránhoz kötött organelle, amely tartalmazza a sejt
DNS-ébe. DNS információkat tartalmazza, hogyan lehet a sejt fehérje.
• Organelles
that make proteins are called ribosomes.
Unlike most organelles, ribosomes are not covered by
a membrane.
• Proteins are made of organic molecules called amino
acids. All cells need proteins to live. All cells have
• Organelles that make proteins are called ribosomes. Unlike most
organelles, ribosomes are not covered by a membrane.
•Orgánulos que hacen que las proteínas se llaman ribosomas. A
diferencia de la mayoría de los orgánulos, los ribosomas no están
cubiertos por una membrana.
•Organelas que tornam as proteínas são chamados ribossomas.
Diferente da maioria das organelas, ribossomos não estão cobertas
por uma membrana.
•Sejtszervekbe amelyek fehérjéket nevezik riboszómák. Ellentétben
a legtöbb sejtszervekbe, riboszómák nem terjed ki a membránt.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of
folded membranes in which proteins, lipids, and other
materials are made.
• The ER is part of the internal delivery system of the
cell. Substances move through the ER to different
places in the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
• The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of
folded membranes in which proteins, lipids, and other
materials are made.
• The ER is part of the internal delivery system of the
cell. Substances move through the ER to different
places in the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum, continued
• Endoplasmic reticulum is either rough ER or smooth ER. The part of the ER
covered in ribosomes is rough ER. ER that lacks ribosomes is smooth ER.
• A mitochondrion is the organelle in which sugar is broken down to produce
energy. Mitochondria are the main power source of a cell.
• Chloroplasts are organelles in plant and algae cells in which
photosynthesis takes place. Photosynthesis is the process by which
plants and algae use sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to make
sugar and oxygen.
Golgi Complex
• The organelle that packages and distributes proteins is
called the Golgi complex. The Golgi complex modifies lipids
and proteins to do different jobs.
Cell Compartments
• The bubble that forms from the Golgi complex
membrane is a vesicle. A vesicle is a small sac that
surrounds material to be moved into or out of cell.
• Vesicles also move material within a cell. Vesicles
carry new proteins from the ER to the Golgi complex.
Other vesicles distribute material from the Golgi
complex to other parts of the cell.
Cellular Digestion
• Lysosomes are vesicles found mainly in animal
cells that are responsible for digestion inside a cell.
Lysosomes are organelles that contain digestive
• Lysosomes destroy worn-out or damaged
organelles, get rid of waste materials, and protect
the cell from foreign invaders.
Cellular Digestion, continued
• Vacuoles are vesicles.
• In plant and fungal cells, some
vacuoles act like lysosomes. The
large central vacuole in plant cells
stores water and other liquids.
Exit Ticket
are the parts and their
functions in a eukaryotic cell?