Using HERI Data to Answer Questions about Your School Tools and Techniques HERI Surveys are the MATERIALS & STATISTICS are the TOOLS Materials CSS 2000 Data File from WhatsaMatta University Frostbite Falls, MN • 7,356 Entering Freshmen took the CIRP in Fall 1996. • Every one of them took the CSS in Spring 2000. • File contains 531 variables from both surveys. Tools HERI’s Stat Package of Choice Statistical Package for the Social Sciences Version 10 •Frequency distributions •Crosstabulations •Correlations •Multiple Stepwise Regression •Factor Analysis •Descriptives •Recoding values •Computing new variables as •mathematical functions of old ones. •Subsetting by type of respondent •Only Stat package HERI knows that provides output for CAMBRA. CONTROVERSY AT W.M.U. Coach Bobby Day Dean Primand Proper Does Participation in Intercollegiate Athletics Promote Leadership Ability?? Creating The Environmental Variable COMPUTE intsport=1. IF (colact14=2 OR colact15=2) intsport=2. VARIABLE LABELS intsport ‘ Participated in Intercollegiate Sport?’. VALUE LABELS intsport 1 ‘No’ 2 ‘Yes’. EXECUTE. FIRST TRY INTSPORT v. CSSRAT08 WHAT ABOUT THE PRETEST? INTSPORT v. SIFRAT08 Creating a Change Variable COMPUTE leadchg = cssrat08 - sifrat08. RECODE leadchg (1 thru 4=3)(0=2)(-1 thru -4=1). VARIABLE LABELS leadchg ‘Change in Self-Perceived Leadership Ability’. VALUE LABELS leadchg 1 ‘Decreased’ 2 ‘Same’ 3 ‘Increased’. EXECUTE. AN I.E.O. TABLE INTSPORT v. LEADCHG A “POORMAN’S” I.E.O. TABLE INTSPORT v. SLFCHG08 SO WHAT’S THE ANSWER?? Sorry, Coach Day. Primand Proper was right this time. Our investigation of the available data suggests that although students who participated in intercollegiate athletes are more likely to have a higher self-perception of leadership ability than non-athletes, this tendency is accounted for largely by the fact that athletes already had a higher tendency when they entered college. An examination of changes in self-perceived leadership ability since college entry suggests that the difference between athletes and non-athletes is at best very small. …But Wait a Minute… KORN’S CHEESECAKE THEORY A Claim Made by the WMU Brochure Doris Knight Under Assistant West Coast Promo Person WhatsaMatta University prides itself on creating good citizens. All graduating students will have enhanced knowledge of and dedication to making a difference in the communities they join as workers, neighbors & parents. Answering the Easy Question Not too shabby WMU, but… What about the other 32.6%? Gone Fishin’ A Fast Way to Find Relationships Multiple Stepwise Regression REGRESSION /DESCRIPTIVES mean stddev corr sig n /MISSING listwise /STATISTICS coeff outs r anova change zpp /CRITERIA=PIN(.05) POUT(.10) /NOORIGIN /DEPENDENT slfchg11 /METHOD=FORWARD csssex income hsgpa sifobj10 cssrace1 to cssrace7 sifact10 sifact16 sifact19 sifobj02 sifobj11 sifobj12 /METHOD=FORWARD colact01 TO colact23 genact09. Strongest Predictors of SLFCHG11 Variable Description CSSRACE1 White B -.102 Beta -.050 SIG .002 CSSRACE4 Asian -.104 -.036 .013 GENACT09 Volunteer Work .144 .124 .000 COLACT11 Race/Cult Wkshp .117 .070 .000 COLACT09 Eth Stud Class .102 .067 .000 COLACT13 In Race/Eth Org .107 .051 .000 COLACT10 Women Stud Class .063 .033 .010 COLACT08 Took Remed Class .103 .027 .029 COLACT23 Took Ldr Training .058 .022 .009 Creating a Scale COMPUTE awareact = colact09 + colact10 + colact11 + colac23 + genact09. VARIABLE LABELS awareact ‘Awareness Enhancing Activities?’. FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=awareact.. SO WHAT’S THE ANSWER?? Students that avail themselves of the courses and programs designed in part to increase community awareness definitiely show substantial increases in that awareness. Moreover, the increase is additive, in that participation in more of these courses and programs is connected with a larger increase in community awareness. Not all Analyses are I-E-O The Admissions Director has been concerned that W.M.U. is not listed very high in the US News & World Report ranking of colleges and universities. He is interested in learning about the relationship that may exist between freshmen entrance examination scores and choosing W.M.U. because of its academic reputation. Not all Questions Are Smart Ones But it isn’t very politic to say so. Better to demonstrate how dumb a question is with some hard numbers. First Look -- Correlation Second Look -- Crosstab But wait! We have two big problems here!! The SAT composite score can have as many as 1201 values!! W.M.U also accepts ACT scores!! How to Fix??? How about using frequency distributions to determine logical intervals for SAT and ACT scores? ACTCOMP Recoding & Combining SAT/ACT RECODE satcomp (600 THRU 1076) (1077 THRU 1280) (1281 THRU 1590) INTO tscore1. RECODE actcomp (1 THRU 22) (23 THRU 28) (29 THRU 36) INTO tscore2. COMPUTE entexam = tscore1. IF (Missing(tscore1)) entexam = tscore2. VARIABLE LABELS entexam ‘Combined SAT/ACT Scores’. VALUE LABELS entexam 1 ‘Low’ 2 ‘Medium’ 3 ‘High’. And Finally, the Crosstab If at first you don’t succeed… …try, try again Answering a Question You Weren’t Asked SO WHAT’S THE ANSWER?? We regret that we were unable to find any relationship between students choosing to attend WhatsaMatta University because of its academic reputation and their College Entrance Exam scores. BUT We did find a relationship between the major students intend to enter and W.M.U.’s perceived academic reputation. It would appear that students are more concerned about the academic reputation of individual departments within W.M.U than the university as a whole.