9:2 Propaganda Techniques

Propaganda Techniques
Same Picture –
Different Feeling Evoked?
The Media is Powerful
Propaganda Techniques
What is propaganda?
• Propaganda is a way of manipulating people using
images and words to achieve a desired affect or
• Propaganda can cloud reality and get in the way of
clear and honest thinking.
• As consumers of media, you should be informed
of the techniques advertisers use to gain favor with
you– sometimes without you even realizing it!
Advertising = Persuasion
Common Forms of Propaganda
• This technique is contrived peer pressure: no
one wants to be left out or behind.
Hop on the bandwagon or else you don’t fit in!
Everyone is doing it, so you should, too!
Bandwagon in Politics
What words in this advertisement suggest the bandwagon appeal?
Bandwagon in Advertisements
• A slogan is a catchword or phrase loaded with
emotion and goodwill.
• Slogans are a type of oversimplification- an entire
product /viewpoint is boiled down to just a single
• Slogans are usually clever and easy to remember
so that consumers remember the product or
What are some memorable slogans ?
Famous Slogans
“Yes we can!” (Obama Campaign)
“Remember the Alamo.”
“Just do it.” (Nike)
“Keeps going and going and going…” (Energizer)
“Maybe she's born with it - maybe it's Maybelline.”
"Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids"
“Snap, Crackle, and Pop” (Rice Krispies)
“They’re grrrreat!” (Frosted Flakes)
“Ford is the Best in Texas.”
“Only you can prevent forest fires.”
“An Army of one.”
How are slogans used in Animal Farm?
Emotional Appeals
• Advertisers use emotional appeals to play
on common human triggers.
• Advertisements can tug on feelings of
happiness, anger, guilt, nostalgia, sadness,
humor, charity, and fear to prompt us into
Emotional Appeals
How does this advertisement appeal to emotion?
Emotional Appeals in
What emotion is being appealed to in this campaign?
But don’t believe
everything you see!
Logical Fallacies
• Sometimes advertisers prey on the audience
not paying attention to how he/she is being
• Fallacies are errors in reasoning, or false
Common Logical Fallacies
• A syllogism is a technique that creates a
comparison in people’s minds between two
unrelated things.
• The fallacy exists when you make a comparison
that can’t be supported.
Ex: All men are alive. All dogs are alive. Therefore
all men are dogs.
Glittering Generalities
• Glittering Generalities are empty words that
make us approve or accept something
without examining real evidence.
• It is called “glittering” because it is falsely
Glittering Generalities
Good or Bad
Better or Worse
Why are these words “glittering”?
• A scapegoat is a person or thing blamed for the
misfortune of others.
• The fallacy is that some people will try to
oversimplify a complicated issue by pointing to a
single cause.
In Sports
Common Scapegoats
In Politics
In Movies
Media Literacy
• It is not media bashing
• It is knowledge and
Questions to Ask Yourself…
Who produced the message?
For what purpose was it produced?
Who is the target audience?
What techniques are used to attract attention; increase
• Who or what is left out; why?
• Who gains by the message
being told in this way?
Be Informed!
• Make informed choices instead of letting others sway
your decision-making.
• You make your own choices when you:
Read and listen to reliable sources
Watch for combinations of truth and lies
Check for hidden messages
Watch for use of propaganda techniques
And, most importantly, remember to…