The Missouri Compromise was worked out. (see previous notes?)

Causes of Secession
1. Concerns regarding the expansion of slavery into
newly acquired territories.
• 1787 The Northwest Ordinance:
USA’s northwest.
Keeps slavery out of the new
Most Americans felt slavery would die...
Causes of Secession
1. Concerns regarding the expansion of slavery into
newly acquired territories.
• 1787 The Northwest Ordinance:
USA’s northwest.
Keeps slavery out of the new
Most Americans felt slavery would die...
• The Louisiana Purchase:
As land-hungry southerners with slavebacked agriculture spread into this new part of the USA, Northerners halt
Missouri’s application for statehood, as slave states would outnumber
non-slave states.
The Missouri Compromise was worked out. (see previous notes?)
Causes of Secession
1. Concerns regarding the expansion of slavery into
newly acquired territories.
• 1787 The Northwest Ordinance:
USA’s northwest.
Keeps slavery out of the new
Most Americans felt slavery would die...
• The Louisiana Purchase:
As land-hungry southerners with slavebacked agriculture spread into this new part of the USA, Northerners halt
Missouri’s application for statehood, as slave states would outnumber
non-slave states.
The Missouri Compromise was worked out. (see previous notes?)
• The Mexican Cession (the USA’s “southwest” that we took from Mexico):
Northerners fight politically and physically to keep slavery from
expanding into there.
Causes of Secession
1. Concerns regarding the expansion of slavery into
newly acquired territories.
• 1787 The Northwest Ordinance:
Keeps slavery out of the new
USA’s northwest. Most Americans felt slavery would die...
• The Louisiana Purchase:
As land-hungry southerners with slavebacked agriculture spread into this new part of the USA, Northerners halt
Missouri’s application for statehood, as slave states would outnumber
non-slave states.
The Missouri Compromise was worked out. (see previous notes?)
• The Mexican Cession (the USA’s “southwest” that we took from Mexico):
Northerners fight politically and physically to keep slavery from
expanding into there.
An argument over Political Power!
Instead of “Party Politics,”
we saw “Regional Politics.”
Deadly to any country!
Causes of Secession
1. Concerns regarding the expansion of slavery into
newly acquired territories.
• The Louisiana Purchase:
The Missouri Compromise was worked out. (see previous notes?)
• The Mexican Cession (the USA’s “southwest” that we took from Mexico):
Northerners fight to keep slavery from expanding into there.
An argument over Political Power!
Instead of “Party Politics,”
we saw “Regional Politics.”
2. Federal Power v. “States Rights”
• Tariffs hurt the South and(can
greatly helped the industrialized North.
you fully explain?)
Thus came the “states rights” doctrine.
• Fear of future laws (or even an amendment) restricting or
outlawing slavery. And thus, further rhetoric of
But really, the loss of slavery would destroy the Southern economy.
(slave-backed agriculture)
Causes of Secession
2. Federal Power v. “States Rights”
• Tariffs hurt the South and(can
greatly helped the industrialized North.
you fully explain?)
Thus came the “states rights” doctrine.
• Fear of future laws (or even an amendment) restricting or
outlawing slavery.
And thus, further rhetoric of
• Yet, the Fugitive Slave Law helped slave owners.
- so here’s the Federal Govt. working FOR the South too...
Then Northern states made “personal liberty laws,” which...
- In this the North must be claiming a “states rights” argument.
Overall, these are arguments of Political Power with a bit
of regional Economic Concerns.
3. General Abolitionist Activities
• Rise of Abolitionist Societies in the North and in “Border States.”
- Shunned and burned down in the 1820’s,
but by 1850‘s listened to and grew.
Causes of Secession
3. General Abolitionist Activities
• Rise of Abolitionist Societies in the North and in “Border States.”
- Shunned and burned down in the 1820’s,
but by 1850‘s listened to and grew.
by 1860, these
bordering slave states
had growing abolitionist
Causes of Secession
3. General Abolitionist Activities
• Rise of Abolitionist Societies in the North and in “Border States.”
- Shunned and burned down in the 1820’s,
but by 1850‘s listened to and grew.
• Publications & speeches
by 1860, these
bordering slave states
had growing abolitionist
- Stephen A. Douglas’ newspaper.
- Frederick Douglas’s speaking and writing.
- Book: Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beacher Stowe.
#1 National Best Seller for five years!
Alarms the North, stirring resentment against the South.
Annoys and angers the Southerners, stirring suspicion and resentment...
This is what northerners think of us?!!
Moral Concerns.
4. RADICAL Abolitionist Activities
• John Brown, his followers, and others who advocate violence.
- In Kansas.
- In Harper’s Ferry.
Causes of Secession
4. RADICAL Abolitionist Activities
• John Brown, his followers, and others who advocate violence.
- In Kansas.
- In Harper’s Ferry.
Because of these radical actions, Southerners begin to arm
and organize to protect themselves against this rising trend
in the North. - Militia’s form and drill;
the beginning of what will become the Confederate Army!
5. Rise of the Republican Party
meant the South’s loss of the Executive Branch and ALL of the
Legislative Branch.
• Republican Party platform is _____________________________
- Thus, it ends up being strictly a Northern party.
Loss of ALL of the Legislative Branch:
• The North had ALWAYS had a majority in which house?_____
Causes of Secession
5. Rise of the Republican Party
meant the South’s loss of the Executive Branch and ALL of the
Legislative Branch.
• Republican Party platform is _____________________________
- Thus, it ends up being strictly a Northern party.
Loss of ALL of the Legislative Branch:
• The North had ALWAYS had a majority in which house?_____
• From 1820 - 1850, the South could stop major legislation that
would hurt it in which house?___ because _________________________
• The Compromise of 1850
upsets the balance in...?
Define, explain...
Then, how and why was the compromise broken...
And the end result is...
Loss of ALL say in the Executive Branch:
• Abraham Lincoln (Republican) is elected President, despite the
fact that he didn’t win in ANY Southern state; and despite the fact
that he wasn’t even on the ballot in 11 southern states!!!
Causes of Secession
5. Rise of the Republican Party
meant the South’s losses Executive & Legislative Branches...
• Republican Party platform is _____________________________
Loss of ALL of the Legislative Branch:
• The North had ALWAYS had a majority in which house?_____
• The Compromise of 1850
upsets the balance in...?
This is not
Define, explain...
Then, how and why was the compromise broken...
And the end result is...
Loss of ALL say in the Executive Branch:
• Abraham Lincoln (Republican) is elected President, We
have no
power inthe
fact that he didn’t win in ANY Southern state; and despite
that he wasn’t even on the ballot in 11 southern states!!!
An argument over Political
- The South has no say in who sits in the
Executive Branch. For the future this means...
The Social Contract is argued by the South:
This is not a government that will look out for our needs...
This is a