First John 3:3-10 in PPT

I am writing
these things
so that
Born of God
That you
may know
The Letters of John
First John 3:3-10
Page 1035 in Pew Bibles
First John 3:3-10
3. And everyone who has this hope in
Him purifies himself just as He is pure.
4. Everyone who commits sin also breaks
the law; sin is the breaking of law.
5. You know that He was revealed so that
He might take away sins, and there is
no sin in Him.
6. Everyone who remains in Him does
not sin; everyone who sins has not
seen Him or known Him.
7. Little children, let no one deceive you!
The one who does what is right is
righteous, just as He is righteous.
8. The one who commits sin is of the
Devil, for the Devil has sinned from the
beginning. The Son of God was
revealed for this purpose: to destroy
the Devil's works.
9. Everyone who has been born of God
does not sin, because His seed
remains in him; he is not able to sin,
because he has been born of God.
10. This is how God's children—and the
Devil's children--are made evident.
Whoever does not do what is right is
not of God, especially the one who
does not love his brother.
Sin Makes Your Life a
Living Contradiction
First John 3:3-10
Page 1035 in Pew Bibles
• Vs. 4 “Everyone who commits sin also
breaks the law; sin is the breaking of
• Failure: Sin is an archery term… to miss
the target
• Rebellion: “the breaking of the law”
Warren Wiersbe
“Sin is basically a matter of the will.
For us to assert our will against God's
will is rebellion, and rebellion is the
root of sin. It is not simply that sin
reveals itself in lawless behavior, but
that the very essence of sin is
lawlessness. No matter what his
outward action may be, a sinner's
inward attitude is one of rebellion.”
Five Ways Sin Makes Your
Life a Living Contradiction
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 5a “You know that He was
revealed so that He might take away
HL >
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 5a “You know that He was
revealed so that He might take away
Literally, “Lift up and carry away”
HL >
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 5a “You know that He was
revealed so that He might take away
Securing, in a once-for-all event, the
forgiveness of our sins
HL >
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 5a “You know that He was
revealed so that He might take away
Jesus dealt, not just with the
penalty of our sins, but with the
sins themselves
Vs 8 >
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 8 “…The Son of God was revealed
for this purpose: to destroy the Devil's
HL >
1. Sin Contradicts the Purpose
of Christ’s Coming
• Vs. 8 “…The Son of God was revealed
for this purpose: to destroy the Devil's
Not annihilate; but literally, to loosen or
dissolve. Idea: "to render inoperative, to
make powerless."
2. Sin Contradicts the Nature
of Christ’s Person
• Vs. 5b “…and there is no sin in Him.”
• Vs. 6 “Everyone who remains in Him
does not sin…”
• How can we say we have a vital
connection to Jesus, when we practice
3. Sin Contradicts the Effect
of Knowing Christ
• Vs. 6 “…everyone who sins has not
seen Him or known Him.”
HL >
3. Sin Contradicts the Effect
of Knowing Christ
• Vs. 6 “…everyone who sins has not
seen Him or known Him.”
• The Transforming Power of a Clear
View of Jesus
– Vs. 2 “When He appears, we will be like
Him, because we will see Him as He is.”
HL >
3. Sin Contradicts the Effect
of Knowing Christ
• Vs. 6 “…everyone who sins has not
seen Him or known Him.”
4. Sin Contradicts Our Claims
of Being Righteous
• Vs. 7-8 “Little children, let no one
deceive you! The one who does what
is right is righteous, just as He is
righteous. The one who commits sin is
of the Devil, for the Devil has sinned
from the beginning.”
5. Sin Contradicts the Power
of the New Birth
• Vs. 9 “Everyone who has been born of
God does not sin, because His seed
remains in him; he is not able to sin,
because he has been born of God.”
HL >
5. Sin Contradicts the Power
of the New Birth
• Vs. 9 “Everyone who has been born of
God does not sin, because His seed
remains in him; he is not able to sin,
because he has been born of God.”
HL >
5. Sin Contradicts the Power
of the New Birth
• Vs. 9 “Everyone who has been born of
God does not sin, because His seed
remains in him; he is not able to sin,
because he has been born of God.”
Amplified: “No one born (begotten) of
God [deliberately, knowingly, and
habitually] practices sin, for God's
nature abides in him…”
James Montgomery Boice
“…The sin a Christian cannot commit is lasting
or habitual… Although a Christian may sin, and
in fact often does sin, it is impossible of him to
go on persisting in sin indefinitely.”