John Locke


John Locke

Jason Beneducci, James Petriello and Jack Sudnikovich

Early Years

• Born on August 29, 1632 in

Wrington, Somerset, England to the parents of Agnes Keene and

John Locke the elder

Father was a lawyer in the town of Pensford and also served as a captain of the Calvary of the


During his infancy his mother died

• Locke began to reject the king’s right to divine rule at the age of



Attended Westminster


• He then went to Christ’s

Church Oxford and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in medicine

After collaborating with the famous scientist Robert

Boyle, medicine played a major role in his life


He moved to London and became the personal physician of Lord Ashley

Assisted him in political and commercial affairs as well as business

Obtained a government role from Lord Ashley

(the new Earl of Strasburg


Essay Concerning Human Understanding

-Outlined his views of the human mind and served as one of the principal sources of the empiricism philosophy

A Letter Concerning Toleration

- Discusses Locke’s ideas on religious toleration

Two Treatises of Government (1690)

- Everyone is equally created

- People own their own body

Philosophical Ideas

Humans could govern themselves

Felt that a centralized government was necessary

-Main duty is to protect the natural rights of the citizens

-Citizens able to overthrow a tyrannical rule

Religious toleration

Believed that humans were generally good however they are born with “tabula rasa” or a blank slate

-The environment in which one lives influences whether a person is good or bad it is undecided before birth

Ideas behind his thinking

Guided by his deep Christian beliefs

- Accepted the existence of God and believed that all the humans on Earth are his servants

Beliefs in Government

Instituted by the consent of those being governed

Government should protect the natural rights of citizens

Legislative body should be central

Create laws that are enforced

“for the common good”

• Government should be founded upon a social contract

Majority rules, and equality should be spread (Democracy forming)

Power separated between legislative, executive, and judicial branch

New Ideas

Popularized the idea of natural rights

-All people are born with the rights of life, liberty and property

Promoted religious freedom for all

A Letter Concerning Toleration

Social Contract

- Argued that the people should form a “neutral judge” to protect the natural rights

Influence on American Separation from England

Theory of natural rights-

- If the government does not protect the natural rights of the people it can be overthrown

• Government Rules for the “common good”

-Britain was using the colonies as a source of income

Tabula Rasa

-People are born with a blank slate and anyone could become anything
