FROM PARENT TO CHILD Association Between Parental Resources and Child Development in Peru Milo Vandemoortele DSA Conference November, 2013 Overarching Research Question How and to what extent are parental resources associated with child development? A case study of Peru Why do research on this topic? • A “conservative estimate that more than 200 million children under 5 years fail to reach their potential in cognitive development because of poverty…” and its attendant problems.1 • Long term consequences2 • Poor children are more likely to remain poor • Limited research on the topic 1 Grantham-McGregor et al., 2007:60; 2 Walker et al., 2011 Research Questions How and to what extent are parental resources associated with child development? Particularly focusing on: i. Parental resources at birth and each subsequent stages of life ii. Changes in parental resources iii. Differential effect of parental wealth versus parental expenditure iv. Shape of the association – is it linear? v. Does the effect of parental resources differ for poorer children versus wealthier children Analytical Framework Source: Adapted from Haveman and Wolfe (1995), Grantham-McGregor et al. (2007) Data: Young Lives • Four countries: Ethiopia, Andhra Pradesh (India), Peru and Vietnam Total sample of 12,000 children followed over a period of 15 years Sample size used here, younger cohort in Peru ~2000 children born in 2001/02 Three survey rounds (birth, 5/6 yrs and 7/8 yrs) Extremely low attrition rates (7% in Peru) • Limitations • • • • Analytic Approach • Challenge: Omitted variable bias and endogeniety leads to biased estimates • Several approaches available to address this • Latent Trait Modeling to recalculate the wealth index Models 1) OLS with Community Fixed Effects 2) Spline with Community Fixed Effects 3) Child Level Fixed Effects (First-Differences) Control Variables • Child specific: • gender • race/ethnicity • birth weight • chronic health problems • stunting • age • subjective socio-economic status (at age 7/8 yrs) • Household level: • siblings • caregivers level of education • proxies for household non-cognitive environment: • maternal depression • caregiver’s educational aspirations of child • negative child rearing experience • network/social capital • main language spoken at home Model 1: OLS with Community Fixed Effects 2 πΆ πππ,π‘ = π0 + 2 π½π log(π)ππ,π‘−π + π=0 πΎ π ππ π₯πππ‘ + πΌπ + ππ Wππ,π‘−π + π=0 πΏ π=1 π 1 πΎπ π¦πππ‘ + πππ,π‘ π=1 Where: πΆ • πππ,π‘ is the cognitive outcome observed in Round π‘ for child π in community π • log(π)ππ,π‘−π is expenditure (logged) in Round π‘ − π (π = 0,2) • Wππ,π‘−π is household wealth π • π₯πππ‘ are observed child-level factors, where there are πΎ number of variables (π = 1, πΎ) • πΌπ represents the community fixed effects. π • π¦πππ‘ are the unobserved exogenous factors affecting child development, where L is the number of variables (π = 1, πΏ). 1 • ππππ‘ captures measurement error Model 2: Spline with Community FE • Are there non-linear effects? • A prototypical model is represented as follows: 2 πΆ ππππ‘ = π0 + 2 π (log(π)ππ,π‘−π ) + π=0 πΎ π ππ π₯πππ‘ + πΌπ + π (Wππ,π‘−π ) + π=0 πΏ π=1 π 1 πΎπ π¦πππ‘ + ππππ‘ π=1 • The only difference between Equation 2 and Equation 1 is the spline function around the household resources variables π (log(π)ππ,π‘−π ) and π (Wππ,π‘−π ) Model 3: First-difference model • Controls for differences between households and communities • Allows to examine the effect of changes in parental resources on child development πΆ ππ,π‘+1 − πππ‘πΆ 2 = π0 + 2 π½π log ππ,π‘+1−π π=0 ππ Wπ,π‘+1−π − Wπ,π‘−π + π½3 log ππ,0 π=0 2 + π3 ππ,0 + π½4 2 − log ππ,π‘−π ) + log ππ,0 ∗ log ππ,π‘+1−π − log ππ,π‘−π π=0 1 1 ππ,0 ∗ Wπ,π‘+1−π − Wπ,π‘−π + π½5 ππ + (ππ,π‘+1 −ππ,π‘ ) + π4 π=0 πΆ πΆ • πππ‘ − ππ,π‘−1 : changes in the developmental outcome between age 5/6 yrs and 7/8 yrs Results: OLS with Community FE (1) Vocabulary 5/6 yrs Vocabulary 7/8 yrs Math 5/6 yrs Math 7/8 yrs Reading 7/8 yrs VARIABLES (PPVT) (PPVT) (CDA-Q) (Math) (EGRA) Wealth at birth 2.49*** (0.67) -0.56 (0.32) 1.08 (0.57) -0.51 (0.27) 0.14 (0.10) 0.01 (0.05) 0.50* (0.22) -0.13 (0.11) 0.31* (0.15) -0.03 (0.07) Wealth age 5/6yrs 4.55*** (0.64) 2.00** (0.63) 0.31** (0.10) 0.53* (0.25) 0.37* (0.17) Log consumption age 5/6yrs 1.87** (0.62) -0.32 (0.54) 2.87*** (0.61) 0.26** (0.09) 0.22 (0.21) 1.01*** (0.24) 0.08 (0.14) 0.44** (0.16) 0.42 (0.22) 0.28 (0.15) 1,807 82 1,668 82 Log consumption at birth Wealth age 7/8yrs Log consumption age 7/8yrs Observations Number of Communities 1.59** (0.57) 1,806 81 1,765 82 1,849 82 Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, * p<0.05 Consumption appears to have a positive and contemporaneous effect. Wealth too, but also a lagged effect. Results: OLS with Community FE (2) Vocabulary 5/6 yrs Vocabulary 7/8 yrs Math 5/6 yrs Math 7/8 yrs Reading 7/8 yrs VARIABLES (PPVT) (PPVT) (CDA-Q) (Math) (EGRA) Wealth at birth 2.49*** (0.67) 1.08 (0.57) 0.14 (0.10) 0.50* (0.22) 0.31* (0.15) Log consumption at birth -0.56 (0.32) -0.51 (0.27) 0.01 (0.05) -0.13 (0.11) -0.03 (0.07) Wealth age 5/6yrs 4.55*** (0.64) 1.87** (0.62) 2.00** (0.63) -0.32 (0.54) 0.31** (0.10) 0.26** (0.09) 0.53* (0.25) 0.22 (0.21) 0.37* (0.17) 0.08 (0.14) Log consumption age 5/6yrs Wealth age 7/8yrs 2.87*** (0.61) 1.01*** (0.24) 0.44** (0.16) Log consumption age 7/8yrs 1.59** (0.57) 0.42 (0.22) 0.28 (0.15) 1,807 82 1,668 82 Observations Number of Communities 1,806 81 1,765 82 1,849 82 Standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.001, ** p<0.01, * p<0.05 Wealth is a better predictor of children’s math and reading skills at 7/8 yrs old than consumption. Results: Spline with Community FE (1) • The effect of wealth on vocabulary scores at age 5/6 yrs is non-linear, whereas the effect of expenditure is linear. • This is differs with math scores at 5/6 yrs, where the effect of wealth and expenditure in the same time period are broadly linear. Results: Spline and Community FE (3) With maths and reading scores at 7/8 yrs, wealth in the previous period (5/6 yrs) appears to have a nonlinear effect. Results: First-Differences (1) Changes in expenditure between 5/6 and 7/8 years appear to benefit the poorest children more than the better off children. Changes in Expenditure (5/6-7/8yrs) Changes in Expenditure (5/6-7/8yrs) Average Marginal Effect 20 10 0 Math -10 -20 0 -10 Vocabulary 10 Change in Score 5/6-7/8 yrs 30 20 Average Marginal Effect Poorest ppvt_dif Poorer Middle Wealthier Expenditure Group at Birth Wealthiest Poorest math_diff Poorer Middle Wealthier Expenditure Group at Birth Wealthiest Summary • Consumption appears to have a contemporaneous effect, • • • • while wealth has both a contemporaneous and lagged effect on vocabulary test scores. Data on parental wealth are a better predictor of children’s maths and reading skills at 7/8 yrs old than consumption data. The assumption that wealth is linearly associated with cognitive development does not hold. A change in wealth appears to have a lagged effect, while changes in expenditure an immediate effect on both math and vocabulary test scores. This effect appears to benefit poorer children more than better off children. Thank you! Mechanisms Goods inputs and under-nutrition • Stunting - negative and significant effect generally • Long term health problems – no significant effect • Birth weight – no significant effect Time inputs / under-stimulation • Caregiver’s depression – positive with reading at age 7/8 yrs • Parental aspirations – positive and significance with vocabulary at age 7/8 yrs Demographic • Gender - significant differences in math and vocabulary at age 7/8 yrs, but small SES • Subjective SES – small, positive and significant with reading at age 7/8 yrs only Results: First-Differences (2) Changes in wealth between birth and 5/6 yrs appears to benefit poorer children more than wealthier children in both maths and vocabulary scores. Changes in Wealth (birth-5/6yrs) Changes in Wealth (birth-5/6yrs) Average Marginal Effect 10 20 -20 -10 0 Math 0 -10 Vocabulary 10 Change in Score 5/6-7/8 yrs 20 30 Average Marginal Effect Poorest ppvt_dif Poorer Middle Wealth Group at Birth Wealthier Wealthiest Poorest math_diff Poorer Middle Wealth Group at Birth Wealthier Wealthiest