DRAG POLARS Slope of a Straight Line Let (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) be any two points on a straight line in Cartesian 2space The slope of the line is defined as (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1) Example: Let y = 2x+1 o If x1 = 2, then y1 = 5 o If x2 = 6, then y2 = 13 o Slope of the line is (y2 – y1) / (x2 – x1). = (13 - 5) / (6 - 2) = 8 / 4 = 2. The slope of a straight line is everywhere the same For any point (x, y) on a straight line drawn through the origin, the slope of the line is just y / x, , since (x1, y1) can always be chosen as the origin (where x1 = y1 = 0) Tangent Line to a Curve Straight line from the origin drawn tangent to a curve If (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) as shown above are points on the tangent line, the slope of the tangent line is y1/x1 = y2/x2 = y3/x3 = &c. When determining the slope of straight line from a plotted graph (as opposed to an equation), the slopes will vary slightly from point to point due to inaccuracies in o the graphical reproduction of the line o reading the coordinates of the points you choose on the graphical reproduction 1 Drag Polar: Definition: a plot of cL vs. cD for an airplane in SS SL flight for various airspeeds / AOAs A straight line drawn from the origin of a drag polar tangent to the curve has slope (cL / cD)MAX = (L/D)MAX Why? o A straight line drawn from the origin to any point (cD, cL) on the curve—including the tangent point—has slope cL / cD o For the airspeed / AOA corresponding to that point L C L EAS S / 295.37 C L D C D EAS 2 S / 295.37 C D 2 o Any line steeper than the tangent line misses the curve o Any line shallower than the tangent line has a smaller slope, thus intersects the curve where the ratio cL / cD = L / D is smaller Important Points The axes of drag polars plots used in AS310 have different scales o x is labeled 0.0, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, … o y is labeled 0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, … The origin may not be located at the intersection of the x and y axes as drawn on the graph. This facilitates plotting the drag polar in a restricted portion of Cartesian 2-space, making the diagram smaller and more readable. 2 Given a drag polar plot, find (L/D)MAX = GRBEST as follows: 1. Locate the origin. 2. From the origin, “draw” a tangent line to the curve 3. Locate 5 points on the tangent line, and record cD (x-axis) and cL (yaxis) for each point, pick either cL or cD on a major grid line pick the points (cL, cD) along the full length of the cure 4. For each point located in step 3, calculate the quotient cL / cD (All quotients theoretically should be the same. If the various cL / cD values do not lie very close together, you have made an error somewhere) 5. Average the quotients calculated in step 4, omitting any outliers. cD (x-axis) 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 cL (y-axis) 0.195 0.4 0.58 0.78 0.975 cL / cD 19.5 20.0 19.3 19.5 19.5 Figure 4.5. B767 Low Speed Drag Polar, Clean Configuration 3 CD (x-axis) 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.11 CL (y-axis) 0.565 0.87 1.15 1.45 1.61 CL / CD 14.1 14.5 14.4 14.5 14.6 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.0 0 .00 Figure 4.14. B767 Drag Polar at Flaps-15, Gear Up 4 Glide Distances and Glide Angles at Different Flap Setting GR= (L/D)MAX for the 767 is approximately 19.5 clean and 14.4 at Flaps 15 Extending flaps increases wing camber and hence increases lift However, it also increases drag faster than lift Hence GR = L/D goes down, so glide distance goes down and glide angle gets steeper Example 1: Glide Distances from 40,000’ Clean and at Flaps 15 Clean GD = GR (AA) = 19.5 (40,000 feet) / (6076 feet/NM) = 128.4 NM Flaps 15 GD = GR (AA) = 14.4 (40,000 feet) / (6076 feet/NM) = 94.8NM Example 2: Glide Angles Clean and at Flaps 15 Recall that GR = GD / AA = L / D = 1 / tan a, where a is the glide angle GR = 1 / tan a tan a = 1 / GR a = tan-1 ( 1 / GR) Clean glide angle a = tan-1 ( 1 / GR) = tan-1 (1 / 19.5) = 2.94o rounded (2.9335673446) Flaps 15 glide angle a = tan-1 ( 1 / GR) = tan-1 (1 / 14.4) = 3.97o rounded (3.972495941) Important Observations: From the Total Drag Curve, one can find the airspeed VBG corresponding to (L/D)MAX, i.e. the airspeed corresponding to best glide ratio. One cannot find (L/D)MAX from a DT plot. From the drag polar, one can find (L/D)MAX = GRBEST. One cannot find the airspeed VBG corresponding to this glide ratio. 5