Example Slide for AP - Mrs. Harrison AP Literature and Composition

A.P. Literature Agenda – Free Response Essays - Q3
14 October 2014
Boot Camp – Day 33
Do Now:
* Take an AP Literature Anthology from the windowsill.
* Put your name inside the front cover
* You may leave your anthology in the room if you put a (removable) book cover on it so that you
can identify and acquire it easily when needed. The more unique the cover the better.
Mini-Lesson: Peer Review and Revision
Revision Guide
Transition Toolbox
Phrase Toolbox
Work Period: Q3
1. In pairs score the essay using the rubric.
2. Complete the revision guide analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of your partner’s essay.
3. Review the guides in pairs – celebrate what was done well and give each other constructive criticism.
Closing: Class discussion/reflection
• What was easy/hard about timed writing?
• Did you see any trends?
• What do we need to work on the most?
Wednesday- Research Charles Dickens: Find and read a brief biography. Victorianweb.org has a good one.
Thursday - Edit, revise, and re-write your Q3 essay– use the phrase and transition toolbox handouts.
Friday – Mythological Allusion Poster #29-35
Friday 10/17 – AP Poetry – “Blackberry Picking” by Seamus Heaney – (D- Rachel & Ashley, E- Grace & Maddie, F-)
Monday 10/20 – The Great Gatsby – Quotation Exam
Friday 10/24 – Gatsby Book File Due
**Writing needs to become a vehicle for learning what you are thinking.
Students will:
Vocabulary: Close
Reading, Annotation,
Formalism, Methods,
Meaning, Denotation vs.
Connotation, Rubric,
Abstract, Concrete,
Introduction, Thesis
Statement, Thematic Idea,
Thematic Statement,
Identify analyze, explain
and interpret:
• Strategies for writing the
open ended essay. Q3
• The elements of AP
• How to write an AP level
Use textual evidence to
back up your assertions.
Read, Write, & Discuss