1. True or false: A series circuit is also known as a voltage divider circuit (True) 2. True or false: The voltage drop across a series circuit is proportional to the value of the resistor. (True, if R increase the voltage drop across R increase) 3. State the voltage divider formula with the aid of a circuit diagram. R1 V1 V R1 R 2 R2 V2 V R1 R 2 4. Which component can be used as a variable voltage divider? Variable resistor / Potentiometer 5. List the three basic problems that can occur with components in a series circuit. Problems in series circuits A component will open a component’s value will change over a period of time a component will short 6. How can an open component be detected in a series circuit? Using the example: Since all the source voltage is dropped across lamp 3, it’s open. 7. True of false: If a series connected resistor’s value were to decrease, the voltage drop across that same resistor would increase. (False, if R decrease the voltage drop across R decrease) 8. How could a shorted component be detected in a series circuit? Using the example: Since Lamp 2 is off and V2 is zero, then lamp two is shortened 9. The voltage divider formula states that the voltage drop across a resistor or multiple resistors in a series circuit is equal to the ratio of that _____________ to the ______________ multiplied by the ________________. a) Resistance, source voltage, total resistance. b) Resistance, total resistance, source voltage. c) Total current, resistance, source voltage. d) Total voltage, total current, resistance. 9. Calculate the value of resistors needed to divide up a 90 V source to produce 45 V and 60V outputs, with a divider circuit current of 1 A. V = I*R V 1 45 45 I1 1 V 2 60 R2 60 I2 1 R1 10 . If R1 = 4.7 kΩ and R2 = 6.4 kΩ and both are connected across a 9 V source, how much voltage will be dropped across R2? 4.7 k V1 * 9 3.81 v 4.7 k 6.4k 6.4k V2 * 9 5.18 v 4.7 k 6.4k 11. If three equal value resistors are series connected across a dc power supply adjusted to supply 10 V, what percentage of the source voltage will appear across R1? V1=(10/3)v 12. If three lamps are connected across a 9 V battery in series, and the filament in one of the lamps burned out, causing an open in the lamp, would the other lamps be ON? Explain why. No, because the circuit is open and the current will not flow 13. If one of three series-connected lamps is shorted, will the other two lamps be on? Explain why. Yes, because the circuit is close and the current will flow 14. When one resistor in a series string is open, explain what would happen to the circuit’s: a) Current. (Zero) b) Resistance. (Increase) c) Voltage across the open component. (All the source voltage will be dropped across the open component) d) Voltage across the other components. (Zero) 15. When one resistor in a series string is shorted, explain what would happen to the circuit’s: a) Current (increase) b) Resistance. (Decrease) c) Voltage across the short component. (zero) d) Voltage across the other components. (increase) 16. Redraw the circuit below and add one more lamp connected in series. a) Will the lamp become brighter or dimmer when more lamps are connected in series? More lamps R Increase I decrease the lamps are dimmer b) What happen to the ammeter reading now? Read less current c) If one of the lamps in the circuit fails what happen to the other lamp? If the lamp is open , the circuit will be open, and the other lamps will be off d) Repeat the questions with a lamp connected in parallel.