Before the First Class Meeting


EGL 1320-LD01

Before the First Class Meeting

Complete the following reading and writing assignments before the first class ( June 10 ). All readings are from M: Business Communication, 2 nd

edition , except where otherwise noted.

NOTE: Pace yourself with the reading. I advise reading as much as possible prior to the start of the class.

Reading : The calendar lists the dates we will discuss each chapter, except for Chapter 11. ( Chapter 11 discusses employment communication. The related assignments are due on the first day of class.

) o Chapter 1: Communicating in the Workplace o Chapter 2: Understanding the Writing Process o Chapter 3: Using Visuals o Chapter 4: Using an Appropriate Style o Section 62, pp. 539-43: Avoiding Plagiarism, in Rules for Writers ( RW )

Writing :


Write a memorandum , due June 10 (following, as best as you can, proper memorandum format), addressed to me, which does the following: a.

Introduces yourself to me (i.e., where you are from originally, where you live, your favorite dessert, and so on) b.

Explains what you are studying, and why (e.g., your major) c.

Explains what you expect to get out of this class, and what you plan to put into this class

(other than an 'A')


Log onto and complete the UMUC Plagiarism

Module and Plagiarism Post-test. When you have completed the Post-test with a 100 percent score, you will be prompted to complete and print a Certificate of Completion. Submit the certificate to me on June 10 . Without the completed certificate, I will not accept any assignments from you.


Write a résumé

( chronological or functional ) and cover letter responding to a real job advertisement. You must s ubmit the advertisement with the assignment. I will grade each document separately; follow the formats discussed in the textbook. Pay particular attention to

"You" view. Refer to the enclosed Résumé/Cover Letter Assignment Sheet (due June 10 ).


Complete the homework assignments for chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4, as noted on the enclosed

Homework Assignment sheet (due June 11 ); the homework sentences are also enclosed.

Complete the following reading assignments before the second class ( June 11 ).

Reading : o Chapter 8: Researching and Writing Reports o Chapter 9: Writing Short Reports o Supplementary Chapter D: Long Reports (located on Blackboard) o Section 63, pp. 543-50: Integrating Sources, in RW o Section 64, pp. 550-78: Documenting Sources, in RW

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EGL1320-LD01 – Before the First Class Meeting (continued)

Complete the following reading and writing assignments before the third class ( June 12 ).

Reading : o Chapter 5: Good-News (Routine) Messages o Chapter 6: Bad-News (Negative) Messages o Chapter 7: Persuasive Messages o Supplementary Chapter A: Document Formats (located on Blackboard)

Writing :

Prepare a correspondence portfolio made up of one rough draft each of a good-news message, bad-news message, and persuasive message, from the choices outlined in the attached assignment sheets. The portfolio is due for peer evaluation on Wednesday, June 12 . Final drafts of each message are due on

Thursday, June 13 . For each final draft, you will submit an electronic copy in Blackboard.

Prepare one Good-News message (based on Chapter 5). Choose one case from the following choices:

Routine Inquiry – Case 7

Routine Inquiry – Case 9

Favorable Response – Case 10

Favorable Response – Case 21

Claims – Case 25

See the attached list of Good-News Message Topic Choices. Read each scenario carefully.

Prepare one Bad-News message (based on Chapter 6). Choose one case from the following choices:

Refuse Requests – Case 2

Refuse Requests – Case 8

Adjustment Refusal – Case 15

Negative Announcements – Case 20

Negative Announcements – Case 28

See the attached list of Bad-News Message Topic Choices. Read each exercise carefully.

Prepare one Persuasive message (based on Chapter 7). Choose one exercise from the following choices:

Persuasive Request – Case 2

Persuasive Request – Case 3

Persuasive Request – Case 6

Sales – Case 11

Sales – Case 20

See the attached list of Persuasive Message Topic Choices. Read each exercise carefully.


I will grade your correspondence portfolio assignments separately, based on:


– appropriate for the audience, complete, organized logically (

50 pts.


Mechanics/grammar – punctuation is correct, words are spelled correctly, etc. ( 25 pts.



– appropriate pattern, logical order, smooth flow (

10 pts.


Format – appropriate for the situation, formatted correctly ( 10 pts.


Completeness – all required documents (final draft, critical thinking memo, rough draft, peer evaluation forms, e-version) ( 10 pts.


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