Romeo and Juliet - Mercer Island School District

Romeo and Juliet Resources:
Character Map
Character Descriptions
Glossary of Common Shakespearean Words
Sparknotes' No Fear Shakespeare Original Shakespeare + Modern English translation
side-by-side. Caution - not always accurate!
Guided Reading Packets
Act 1
Act 2
Monday 4/14: Welcome back! New seats. Introduction to Romeo and
Juliet and Romeo and Juliet in pop culture. Read the R+J Synopsis.
o HW: Go to Use your real name to earn
credit. Share your Romeo and Juliet allusions.
Block Days - Tuesday 4/15 & Wednesday 4/16: Pick up books from the
library. Why read Shakespeare? Understanding Shakespeare's language.Practice
Matching Original to Modern. Sonnets 18 and 130. R+J Prologue.
HW: 1. Bring your iPad and Naviance log-in info on Thursday for
the counselor visit from Ms. Brown.
o 2. Literary Devices Handout
Thursday 4/17: Counselor Visit from Ms. Brown
Friday 4/18: Romeo and Juliet Prologue, Act 1, Scenes 1. Guided Reading Act 1 to
help you review and comprehend the exposition of R+J. You will be able to
complete some as we read in class, but you will need to revisit the text and
complete the questions thoroughly outside of class.
o HW: Review Prologue and 1.1 as far as we got in class. Complete your
packet up to that point.
Monday 4/21: R+J 1.1-3.
o HW: Set a Goal for 4th Quarter Read Act 1, Scene 3. Review in class
reading and complete packet through Scene 3.
Block Days: Tuesday 4/22 & Wednesday 4/23: R+J 1.4-2.2.
o HW: Reread/Review Act 1 and fully answer the questions in your
packet. Due Thursday.
Thursday 4/24: Packet 1 due. Guided Reading Act 2 Packet. Discuss R+J 2.2.
o HW: Review reading and complete packet through Act 2, Scene 2.
Friday 4/25: Review 2.2 and compare with 1996 film. Read/Discuss 2.3. Preview
HW: Read the original and use Sparknotes' No Fear Shakespeare for help on
2.4-6. Complete your Act 2 Packet (remember to cite line numbers). Due
Monday 4/28: Act 2 Packet due. R+J 3.1.
o HW: Character Analysis Response due on Block Day
Block Days Tuesday 4/29 & Wednesday 4/30: R+J Character Analysis due.
Comprehend, Compare, and Evaluate Romeo's and Juliet's reactions to Romeo's
banishment: 3.2-3.3 Questions
o HW: Start thinking about who is to blame for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths.
Write down line #s that you might use in your paragraph.
Thursday 5/1: R+J 3.4 and 3.5 3.4 - 3.5 In-Class Questions
o HW: Keep thinking about who is to blame for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths.
Write down line #s that you might use in your paragraph.
Friday 5/2: R+J Act 1 - 3 Review. Who's to blame?
o HW: Who's to Blame? Gather line #s.
Monday 5/5: Gender Roles in Shakespeare's Time. R+J 4.1-4.3. Act 4 Questions.
o HW: Read 4.4-4.5 and answer the corresponding questions on paper or
your iPad. Last chance for Character Analysis Re-writes due Thursday
Block Days - Tuesday 5/6 & Wednesday 5/7: R+J Act 5: The Resolution. Act 5
o HW: Last chance for Character Analysis Re-writes due Thursday 5/8.
R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz Friday.
Thursday 5/8: Who's to Blame? Group Activity. Who's to Blame? Final
Assignment (due on your block day).
o HW: R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz Friday. Who's to Blame
paragraph due on your block day (5/13 or 5/14). Speech order drawn at
Friday 5/9: R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz. Review Argument Writing
Notes. Analyze speech techniques.
o HW: Who's to Blame paragraph due on your block day (5/13 or 5/14).
Speech order drawn at random. Use the assignment sheet, Academic
Writing Notes, Transitional Phrases Notes, etc. to help you write the best
paragraph you can.
Monday 5/12: Look at the Modified Block Schedule for this week. Identify and
critique Elements of a Speech.
Examples of speeches we watched in class Friday and today: The Great
Dictator, Shark, Pencils, and Ben Affleck, Make Good Art, Ellen Page,Not Who
You Want to Be. And some examples of bad speeches: Dropping
Books and Marketing
o HW: Who's to Blame? paragraph and speech due on your block day.
Block Days - Tuesday 5/13 & Wednesday 5/14: Who's to Blame? paragraph and
speech due. Speech presentations.
Thursday 5/15: Finish speeches. Final Exam Project Assignment (due Monday
6/9). R+J movie.
o HW: bring charged iPad and Naviance login info tomorrow.
Friday 5/16: Counselor visit. Complete Final Exam Project Planning #1
o HW: Bring your library copy of R+J to return on Monday, so you can
check out the final book, The House on Mango Street.
Final Exam Video Project
Final Exam Project Assignment
Due: Monday, June 9
Groups of 2-4
You cannot turn in your video by e-mail!
Options for turning your video in:
Upload to your own Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive account and send a
download link to
2. Burn to a CD and turn in CD with names on it
3. Last Resort: USB stick
Video Project Planning #1; Friday 5/16
Video Project Planning #2; Tuesday 5/27 and Wednesday 5/28
Personal Project
(click link for assignment and additional information)
DUE: Friday 6/6
The House on Mango Street Resources
Audio read by the author, Sandra Cisneros
Monday 5/19: Library to return R+J and check out The House on Mango
Street. Identity: What makes you who you are? Read pages 3-11.
o HW: Re-read pages 3-11. Post to discussion page: What's in a Name?
20 points due on block day.
Block Days - Tuesday 5/20 & Wednesday 5/21: Poetic prose: What is said -->
How it is said. Who is Esperanza?
o HW: 1 Read pages 21-42.
o HW: 2 Image: Choose one image from pages 21-42 to
illustrate. Caption your illustration with a
cited quotation. Write 2-3 sentences explaining why you
chose this image to illustrate and the literary device.
 Submit one digital image with your name, illustration,
caption, and written explanation to Change
Subject of message to the number of your class period
ONLY. 20 points due Thursday.
 Make sure your image is on your (charged) iPad for class Thursday.
Thursday 5/22: Share and discuss images with the class. Esperanza learns
some life lessons: Read 43-55.
o HW: Final Exam Project due Monday 6/9
Friday 5/23: No School
Monday 5/26: No School
Tuesday 5/27: 3rd and 5th periods: Attend drama class performance on
Shakespeare and stage combat. Read and discuss 46-55. Final Project Checkin. Personal Project Assignment (due Friday 6/6)
o HW: Read through page 64
Wednesday 5/28: 4th period: Final Project Check-in. Read and discuss 4664. Personal Project Assignment and examples (due Friday 6/6)
o HW: Read through page 75 for Friday
Thursday 5/29: 3rd and 5th: Discuss 56-64. Personal Project examples (see
above); 4th period: Attend drama class performance on Shakespeare and stage
o HW: Read through page 75
Friday 5/30: Review/Discussion.
Monday June 2: Discuss "Four Skinny Trees." Read and discuss 76-85. What
does Esperanza learn from these four women?
o HW: Read through page 100.
Block Days - Tuesday June 3 & Wednesday June 4: Finish Mango
Street. Discussion Groups.
o HW: Personal Project due Friday.
o Final Exam Project Due Monday. Return iPads Monday.
Thursday June 5: (Biology EOC; 30-minute classes). Substitute Ms. Jacob.
1. Return Mango Street books to the library.
2. Course and Teacher Evaluation.
3. Read "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros.
o HW: Personal Project due Friday.
o Final Exam Project Due Monday. Return iPads Monday.
Friday June 6: (Math EOC; 30-minute classes). Personal Project DUE to
dropbox by 3pm. Substitute Ms. Jacob. TED Talk: Chimamanda
Adichie "The Danger of a Single Story". Post response to
discussion page and finish for HW.
HW: Post to discussion page. Final Exam Project due Monday. Return
iPads on Monday.
No Block Week
Monday June 9: Final Exam Project DUE in class. Group Evaluation. Return
iPads. Housekeeping. Opportunity to share Personal Projects.
Tuesday June 10: Poetry Week
o HW: Bring your favorite poem or video of a slam poetry performance to
share with the class. 10 points "Extra Credit"
Wednesday June 11: (30-min classes; Senior Assembly) Poetry Week
Thursday June 12: Poetry Week
Friday June 13: Poetry Week
HW: Remember to bring snacks and treats for your end of the year party! See
schedule below.