Romeo and Juliet Resources: Synopsis Character Map Character Descriptions Glossary of Common Shakespearean Words Sparknotes' No Fear Shakespeare Original Shakespeare + Modern English translation side-by-side. Caution - not always accurate! Guided Reading Packets Act 1 Act 2 Monday 4/14: Welcome back! New seats. Introduction to Romeo and Juliet and Romeo and Juliet in pop culture. Read the R+J Synopsis. o HW: Go to Use your real name to earn credit. Share your Romeo and Juliet allusions. Block Days - Tuesday 4/15 & Wednesday 4/16: Pick up books from the library. Why read Shakespeare? Understanding Shakespeare's language.Practice Matching Original to Modern. Sonnets 18 and 130. R+J Prologue. HW: 1. Bring your iPad and Naviance log-in info on Thursday for the counselor visit from Ms. Brown. o 2. Literary Devices Handout Thursday 4/17: Counselor Visit from Ms. Brown o Friday 4/18: Romeo and Juliet Prologue, Act 1, Scenes 1. Guided Reading Act 1 to help you review and comprehend the exposition of R+J. You will be able to complete some as we read in class, but you will need to revisit the text and complete the questions thoroughly outside of class. o HW: Review Prologue and 1.1 as far as we got in class. Complete your packet up to that point. Monday 4/21: R+J 1.1-3. o HW: Set a Goal for 4th Quarter Read Act 1, Scene 3. Review in class reading and complete packet through Scene 3. Block Days: Tuesday 4/22 & Wednesday 4/23: R+J 1.4-2.2. o HW: Reread/Review Act 1 and fully answer the questions in your packet. Due Thursday. Thursday 4/24: Packet 1 due. Guided Reading Act 2 Packet. Discuss R+J 2.2. o HW: Review reading and complete packet through Act 2, Scene 2. Friday 4/25: Review 2.2 and compare with 1996 film. Read/Discuss 2.3. Preview 2.4-6. o HW: Read the original and use Sparknotes' No Fear Shakespeare for help on 2.4-6. Complete your Act 2 Packet (remember to cite line numbers). Due Monday. Monday 4/28: Act 2 Packet due. R+J 3.1. o HW: Character Analysis Response due on Block Day Block Days Tuesday 4/29 & Wednesday 4/30: R+J Character Analysis due. Comprehend, Compare, and Evaluate Romeo's and Juliet's reactions to Romeo's banishment: 3.2-3.3 Questions o HW: Start thinking about who is to blame for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths. Write down line #s that you might use in your paragraph. Thursday 5/1: R+J 3.4 and 3.5 3.4 - 3.5 In-Class Questions o HW: Keep thinking about who is to blame for Romeo's and Juliet's deaths. Write down line #s that you might use in your paragraph. Friday 5/2: R+J Act 1 - 3 Review. Who's to blame? o HW: Who's to Blame? Gather line #s. Monday 5/5: Gender Roles in Shakespeare's Time. R+J 4.1-4.3. Act 4 Questions. o HW: Read 4.4-4.5 and answer the corresponding questions on paper or your iPad. Last chance for Character Analysis Re-writes due Thursday 5/8. Block Days - Tuesday 5/6 & Wednesday 5/7: R+J Act 5: The Resolution. Act 5 Questions. o HW: Last chance for Character Analysis Re-writes due Thursday 5/8. R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz Friday. Thursday 5/8: Who's to Blame? Group Activity. Who's to Blame? Final Assignment (due on your block day). o HW: R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz Friday. Who's to Blame paragraph due on your block day (5/13 or 5/14). Speech order drawn at random. Friday 5/9: R+J Acts 4-5 + Literary Devices Quiz. Review Argument Writing Notes. Analyze speech techniques. o HW: Who's to Blame paragraph due on your block day (5/13 or 5/14). Speech order drawn at random. Use the assignment sheet, Academic Writing Notes, Transitional Phrases Notes, etc. to help you write the best paragraph you can. Monday 5/12: Look at the Modified Block Schedule for this week. Identify and critique Elements of a Speech. Examples of speeches we watched in class Friday and today: The Great Dictator, Shark, Pencils, and Ben Affleck, Make Good Art, Ellen Page,Not Who You Want to Be. And some examples of bad speeches: Dropping Books and Marketing o HW: Who's to Blame? paragraph and speech due on your block day. Block Days - Tuesday 5/13 & Wednesday 5/14: Who's to Blame? paragraph and speech due. Speech presentations. Thursday 5/15: Finish speeches. Final Exam Project Assignment (due Monday 6/9). R+J movie. o HW: bring charged iPad and Naviance login info tomorrow. Friday 5/16: Counselor visit. Complete Final Exam Project Planning #1 o HW: Bring your library copy of R+J to return on Monday, so you can check out the final book, The House on Mango Street. Final Exam Video Project Final Exam Project Assignment Due: Monday, June 9 Groups of 2-4 You cannot turn in your video by e-mail! Options for turning your video in: Upload to your own Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive account and send a download link to 2. Burn to a CD and turn in CD with names on it 3. Last Resort: USB stick 1. Video Project Planning #1; Friday 5/16 Video Project Planning #2; Tuesday 5/27 and Wednesday 5/28 Personal Project (click link for assignment and additional information) DUE: Friday 6/6 The House on Mango Street Resources Audio read by the author, Sandra Cisneros Monday 5/19: Library to return R+J and check out The House on Mango Street. Identity: What makes you who you are? Read pages 3-11. o HW: Re-read pages 3-11. Post to discussion page: What's in a Name? 20 points due on block day. Block Days - Tuesday 5/20 & Wednesday 5/21: Poetic prose: What is said --> How it is said. Who is Esperanza? o HW: 1 Read pages 21-42. o HW: 2 Image: Choose one image from pages 21-42 to illustrate. Caption your illustration with a cited quotation. Write 2-3 sentences explaining why you chose this image to illustrate and the literary device. Submit one digital image with your name, illustration, caption, and written explanation to Change Subject of message to the number of your class period ONLY. 20 points due Thursday. Make sure your image is on your (charged) iPad for class Thursday. Thursday 5/22: Share and discuss images with the class. Esperanza learns some life lessons: Read 43-55. o HW: Final Exam Project due Monday 6/9 Friday 5/23: No School Monday 5/26: No School Tuesday 5/27: 3rd and 5th periods: Attend drama class performance on Shakespeare and stage combat. Read and discuss 46-55. Final Project Checkin. Personal Project Assignment (due Friday 6/6) o HW: Read through page 64 Wednesday 5/28: 4th period: Final Project Check-in. Read and discuss 4664. Personal Project Assignment and examples (due Friday 6/6) o HW: Read through page 75 for Friday Thursday 5/29: 3rd and 5th: Discuss 56-64. Personal Project examples (see above); 4th period: Attend drama class performance on Shakespeare and stage combat. o HW: Read through page 75 Friday 5/30: Review/Discussion. Monday June 2: Discuss "Four Skinny Trees." Read and discuss 76-85. What does Esperanza learn from these four women? o HW: Read through page 100. Block Days - Tuesday June 3 & Wednesday June 4: Finish Mango Street. Discussion Groups. o HW: Personal Project due Friday. o Final Exam Project Due Monday. Return iPads Monday. Thursday June 5: (Biology EOC; 30-minute classes). Substitute Ms. Jacob. 1. Return Mango Street books to the library. 2. Course and Teacher Evaluation. 3. Read "Eleven" by Sandra Cisneros. o HW: Personal Project due Friday. o Final Exam Project Due Monday. Return iPads Monday. Friday June 6: (Math EOC; 30-minute classes). Personal Project DUE to dropbox by 3pm. Substitute Ms. Jacob. TED Talk: Chimamanda Adichie "The Danger of a Single Story". Post response to discussion page and finish for HW. o HW: Post to discussion page. Final Exam Project due Monday. Return iPads on Monday. No Block Week Monday June 9: Final Exam Project DUE in class. Group Evaluation. Return iPads. Housekeeping. Opportunity to share Personal Projects. Tuesday June 10: Poetry Week o HW: Bring your favorite poem or video of a slam poetry performance to share with the class. 10 points "Extra Credit" Wednesday June 11: (30-min classes; Senior Assembly) Poetry Week Thursday June 12: Poetry Week Friday June 13: Poetry Week o HW: Remember to bring snacks and treats for your end of the year party! See schedule below.