comittee designated donations



January 11, 2015

All Saints’ Episcopal Church

Southern Shores, NC



January 11, 2015

Table of Contents

Agenda 3 Finance 20

Parish Statistics

2013 Annual Meeting Minutes

3 Flower Guild 26

Rector’s Report

4 Healing Team 27

Senior Warden’s Report 6 Incorporation Committee 28

7 Office Volunteers 29

Vestry Candidate Profiles 8 Parish Life 30

Acolytes 10 Pastoral Care 31

Adult Education and Spirituality 11 Servant Ministry 32

After Dark @ All Saints 12 Solo Flight 34

Altar Guild 13 Stewardship 35

Building and Grounds 14 Ushers 36

Christian Education 15 Worship 37

Columbarium and Labyrinth 17

Communications 18

Endowment Fund Board 19

* * *

According to the Bylaws of All Saints’ Episcopal Church ---

* * *

In all church elections those entitled to vote therein shall meet the following qualifications:

[Adult Communicant: in Good Standing, hereafter referred to as “Communicant”] a. Be a person who has received the Sacrament of Holy Baptism with water, whether in the Episcopal Church or in another Christian Church, and whose Baptism has been duly recorded in the Episcopal Church; and b. Be sixteen years of age or older; and c. Have been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God; and d. Have been enrolled as a member of the Church by Letter of Transfer, Certificate of Membership, or other canonical measure; and e. Shall have subscribed to the following declaration: “I do hereby consent to be governed by the Constitution and Canons of the Church, as set forth in and by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal

Church in the United States of America and by the Constitution and Canons of the Diocese of East



2014 ANNUAL PARISH MEETING January 11, 2015


Appointment of Clerk for Annual Meeting

Rector’s Comments

Senior Warden’s Comments

Introduction of Candidates

Vestry Election

Report from Finance Committee

Other Business



Communicants Adults Children / Youth

2014 316 61


Baptisms 2


Confirmations and Receptions 4






Average Sunday church attendance 139

Easter 2014 386

Christmas 2014 304

Year Total Services

Facts and Figures

Total Attendance Average Sunday






































2009 182 10,785 162

2010 191 9,701 177

2011 176 9,423 146

2012 171 9,036 142

2013 179 9,336 141

2014 171 9,541 139


Rector’s Annual Report for 2014

My reflection for the 4 th Sunday of Advent spoke about people preparing a home for Christ. It got me to thinking about my home. This summer I will have lived in that house for 12 years, which is the longest I have ever lived in any one house.

Every time we have homeless people as our guests here at the church, as we will for two weeks this winter, I am struck on how much I treasure my home, the house in which I live. However, if I were to make different choices or even have circumstances beyond my control, I could lose that house. We live in an area of rising sea levels and we as a country are still dithering about what to do about it and the choice to do nothing is a choice to make sure that sea level rise will continue. Beyond that I could make the choice not to keep up the maintenance which would allow the house to decay and fall apart.

I could make disastrous private decisions, or the economy could go south in the church business, and like some of our homeless guests find myself out on the street. I could make decisions that as Pat and I get older then the house will no longer be appropriate after I retire. There is also the option that

God may have something else in mind; every time I get an invitation to an ordination, there is a phrase “God Willing” in the invitation and that is one of the ways we live our lives – God Willing. Lots of choices; some that I will be forced into making and others that I will take willingly. Victor Frankl said

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is the power to choose our response.

In that response lies our growth and our freedom.”

At Christmas we remembered the choices that Mary made, She chose to agree to follow God and bear the child that would be the Savior of the World. She made a choice to marry Joseph and then to obey the decree to go make an arduous journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem, not knowing what would befall her in the last stages of her pregnancy. She made a choice that she world go into the stable. She made a home in that stable in which she allowed those who needed hope to come and receive what they need from her family.

I received a note from Hilary West in Mexico as she told me of the Posadas Processions which are part of the Christmas preparation where they remember “Mary and Joseph searching for posada – a place to shelter and lie down – and the processions follow, accompanying them on their journey.


’re all, somehow, some way, looking for where to lay our heads ¿no?”

She included a poem, “If You Want” by St. John of the Cross, a 16 th Century Spanish Monk and

Mystic, translated by Daniel Ladinsky:

If you want the Virgin will come walking down the road pregnant with the holy and say,

“I need shelter for the night, please take me inside your heart, my time is so close.”

Then, under the roof of your soul, you will witness the sublime intimacy, the divine, the Christ taking birth forever, as she grasps your hand for help, for each of us is the midwife of God, each of us.

Yes there, under the dome of your being does creation come into existence externally, through your womb, dear pilgrim

— the sacred womb of your soul,


as God grasps our arms for help; for each of us is

God ’s beloved servant never far.

If you want, the Virgin will come walking down the street pregnant with Light and sing . . .

Thank you for making a home at this church for me and for all the other strangers.

I especially want to thank our vestry who have worked so hard this year. I thank Tom “O Brien who gave his time, energy and organizing skill lovingly and faithfully to this church, and while he took the work seriously, he never took himself too seriously. Thanks to Tim McKeithan who brings passion to our church ’s commitment to serving the community in Christ’s name. Thanks to Sandy Briggman who continues to serve as mother to her grown children and to those of us who have never seemed to grow up either. The church has been well served in their ministry and I have been blessed by their gifts.



Senior Warden’s Report

At our Vestry retreat eleven months ago we set specific near term objectives aimed at better incorporation of existing All Saints members into our parish family and increasing new membership and incorporating those new members into All Saints. Both these two areas target Incorporation. We also targeted four additional longer term areas of focus: Financial sustainability

– we rely heavily on fund raising; Alternative Worship Service opportunities – alternative times, styles, etc; Christian

Education for chil dren youth, and adults; and Fr. Tom’s mandatory retirement at age 72.

I believe we have made great strides in our Incorporation initiatives and I am deeply appreciative of the work of our Vestry and interested parishioners who have been engaged in all these focus areas.

We have had great participation in discussions exploring possible additions to our Worship experiences. We have seen positive responses to opportunities for fellowship and study like Movie

Nights and Book studies. We are continuing to be blessed with new members joining with us to share their own spiritual journeys and gifts. And we continue to be a Christian witness and have an impact in our broader community through our participation and support of many service organizations and our own outreach initiatives.

We still have opportunities to grow and refine our goals. I believe that the leadership of this parish

Vestry, committees, and individuals – have the abilities, interests and desire to continue to work together to serve God in this community. I believe God continues to bless us. I give thanks for each of you and your commitment to All Saints

– your gifts of money and time, your expressions of love and care for each other and this parish, and your openness and acceptance to all who visit or participate with us.

Peace in Christ,

Tom O’Brien



January 12, 2014, 9:30-10:10am

The meeting was called to order by Fr Tom Wilson at 9:30am. Fr Tom opened with prayer.

Approval of minutes of 2012 Annual Meeting: Motion was made and seconded to accept the 2012 Minutes.

Appointment of Clerk for the Annual Meeting: Pat Kinney was appointed as Clerk for the Annual Meeting.

Rector’s Comments:

Father Tom gave thanks for Judy Mumma, retiring Andy Mohr and Steve Blackstock and all that they do for the church.

He gave thanks for outgoing vestry members: Jim MacDonald, Brewster Brown (senior warden).He thanked

God for giving us Julie Hamilton and thanked Tia Edwards for filling Julie’s post. He thanked the current wardens and vestry for their patience and skill.

Father Tom stated that when he was asked to name all the ways our church contributes time and energy to community outreach programs he was happy to report at least 14 ways we are committed to the community.

Senior Warden’s comments:

Tom O’Brien also thanked the outgoing vestry and introduced the candidates/nominees for this year’s vestry,

Tia Edwards, Tom Secules and Arline Arnold.

All were approved.

Report from the Finance Committee: Tess Judge gave thanks for Judy and Jennifer and especially Deb

MacDonald for all the work they do.

Tess was happy to announce that $19,702 was given back to local charitable needs largely due parishioners giving to outreach and fundraising efforts like Holly Days, After Dark etc.

Tess noted the phrase coined by Anita Edwards many years ago “Different Gifts, Equal Sacrifice” on stewardship commitment.

Tom O’Brien thanked Tess for all her tireless work.

Other Business:

Phyllis Porcher thanked the office volunteers and handed out certificates.

She announced after 6 years she would resign her position as office volunteer chair and Sandy Fricker would take over duties.


Tim McKeithan asked for volunteers for After Dark and help with distributing posters.

Father Tom commented on the significant positive impact of All Saints After Dark on the larger community of the outer banks.

Tom Secules thanked everyone for signing up for Room in the Inn and expressed the need for more volunteers.

Paula Myatt asked for signups for Altar Flowers.

Joe Beckett announced the next pot luck supper.

Fr Tom thanked everyone for coming to the Annual Meeting and concluded the meeting with a prayer at 10:10 am.

Respectfully submitted

Pat Kinney, Clerk



Jeanne Pool-Coppage

I grew up in a Navy family and therefore, moved around a lot. At a young age, I was introduced to different people and cultures making me open minded concerning all the diverse people I meet.

After my dad’s retirement, we settled in VA Beach where I met my first husband and became a

Navy wife. Once again, off to places all over the world, but with a different prospective as an adult, still enjoying the difference in all the people I met along the way. Charles and I met after the demise of my first husband. Charles introduced me to St Andrews Episcopal Church and I was immediately drawn to the Episcopal Church and the feeling that I was home at last.

Since moving to All Saints’, I have come to feel the love of all who worship here and I am very proud to be a part of the important work All Saints’ does in our community. At this time, I work with the Altar Guild, Flower Guild, and the LEMs and Reader program. I also help with the Room on the Inn each year when our church invites those in our community that have a need, which we can provide with a hot meal, some conversation, and a warm, safe place to sleep in the cold months. Preparing and sharing meals with our guests is one thing in which I believe I can make a small difference in an overwhelming need.

If allowed to become a vestry member, I would hope to be of service to our church and community as I am needed. Whatever talents I have, I will cheerfully share to help our Church better meet the challenges that are before us all.

Joe DeYoung

We come to the Outer Banks as our permanent home naturally. Mary Anne and I first came to the Outer Banks on our Honeymoon in July 1974 and continued to come here for our vacations over the next forty years. We purchased our little beach cottage in Duck in May of 1999, after it had been moved off the ocean front lot where it was built. It was going to be the place we spent our retirement years together. Finally in January of 2014 we realized our goal of retirement to the

Outer Banks.

During our many visits since buying our house, often on a monthly basis, we searched for a place where we felt comfortable and felt welcome within the church community. We did not get to conduct an extensive search, because our first visit to All Saints’ was such a profound experience.

After we attended services for the first time, before we ever retired here, it seemed a natural progression for us to make All Saints’ our choice. It did not take long for our involvement in the church to expand. It started with the simple act of washing dishes after one of our many meals together as a congregation and has worked its way from learning about the people of All Saints’, through helping out with the

Trumpeter, to Lay Ministry and now to being asked to join the Vestry.

My goals would be to continue the good work done to date to grow the All Saints’ congregation, to identify as many stewardship moments as I can, and to be a valuable member of the All Saints’ community.

Bob Riche

I grew up in southern California, and was both baptized and confirmed in the Episcopal

Diocese of Los Angeles. Half way through my high school years my family moved to northern

New Jersey, where I was fortunate enough to meet Lynn. We were married the day after I graduated from the Naval Academy, and have been blessed with two daughters and two grandchildren. I spent 29 years as a surface line officer in the Navy. After Navy retirement I worked for nine years as an executive with Lockheed Martin. At Lockheed I continued to support our Navy by focusing on ship air defense and sea-based ballistic missile defense.

Lynn, Lynn’s mother Annelies, and I moved to the Outer Banks in 2013, and moved into our new home in Corolla in March of this year. Now that we are settled I hope to contribute more to All

Saints. I currently serve as a Lay Eucharistic Minister.

I served as a founding vestry member and Senior Warden for a mission in San Diego. We met in an elementary school auditorium for several years before becoming a parish with our own church building. As the Navy moved us around the country, Lynn and I were members of many different parishes, but none have been


as warm and welcoming as All Saints’. Also, we have never been involved in a parish that does so much for its community. I understand the responsibilities of vestry service. I have nothing but admiration for the outstanding work of our vestry, and would like to contribute my share of that effort in service to the parish.

Linda Wilson

My husband Joe and I just celebrated our 40 th Anniversary. We love to travel and have lived in many locations during our marriage. Our moving has been necessitated by Joe’s employment.

We count our numerous relocations as blessings. We have lived in ten states and two foreign countries and have met many wonderful people along the way. We have one daughter, Kerry

Katherine, who is married and has two daughters, Zoe and Linde. Kerry and her husband Jef live in Winchester, VA. Of course, we look forward to their visits to the Outer Banks.

My husband Joe and I are newer members at All Saints’. We are still settling in and learning about the events and services All Saints’ organizes internally, as well as participates with in community outreach. My husband and I were involved with Lobster Fest for the last two years.

We have both volunteered for Food for Thought and I have volunteered for the Food Pantry. I have also volunteered as an afternoon office assistant. We provided baked goods for the

“Goodie” table at Holly Days and thoroughly enjoyed the festivities. I attended several of the

“After Dark” classes last year and am planning on doing the same this year.

I am a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University, with a BS degree in Business

Administration with a major emphasis in Finance. I am also a graduate of the College Business Management Institute, University

Kentucky. I was employed 22 years in some phase of business finance and management. The job I am the proudest of was a volunteer job. I was a Board Member and helped set up a new women’s shelter. The Board purchased, renovated and set up guidelines and rules for the successful continued operation and funding of a women’s shelter. My goal in running for the vestry is to bring my willingness to work and contribute, where needed, at All Saints’.

Matt Witter

I have been a resident of the Outer Banks since 2001 and a member of All Saints’ for over 3 years. I live in Kill Devil Hills with my wife Jessica, our 3-year old daughter Genevieve, our newborn son James, and our dogs Chewy and Gus. Until becoming a stay-at-home father, I worked for many years in the areas of human resources and management/supervision. While

Jessica is out on maternity leave, I am currently substituting for her in her classroom for students with severe disabilities at Manteo Middle School. I also work part-time managing and maintaining our rental property business.

I have been involved at All Saints’ by regularly attending the 10:30am service, by volunteering at Lobster Fest, Holly Days, and as an usher, by helping to host coffee hour, by participating in the Christian Education Focus Group, and by moving tables, chairs, etc. anytime I’ve been asked!

Jessica and I are very thankful for everything we have received from our All Saints’ family. I think my work experience coupled with my volunteer experience with the Dare County Youth

Council (former Advisor and current Board member) and Outer Banks Running Club (currently serving as President) would enable me to serve effectively as a member of our Vestry. My main hope would be to help continue the good work of All Saints’ while also spreading the good word about All Saints’ in an effort to attract more members to this special place and group of people.



Acolyte Masters : Sandy and Dave Briggman


Monthly Meeting Time : N/A

Mission : Schedule and train acolytes.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities : Acolytes available for most Sundays.

Additional needs :

More acolytes, however, no children of the appropriate age are attending

2015 Vision : Continue.

Dave & Sandy Briggman





Adult Education and Spirituality

Committee Chairperson and members: Kaye White, Chair; Dick Calhoun, Jim MacDonald, Ellen

Newsom, Vicki Parker, Craig Peel, Jane Williams, Tom O’Brien (Vestry), Fr. Tom Wilson

Regular scheduled meeting time: Quarterly – Third Sunday at 11:45 – January, April, July,


Committee Mission/Purpose: The role of this committee is to offer educational opportunities and experiences for our spiritual formation and growth.

Summary of major accomplishments/activities for the past year:

Opportunities for a variety of retreats and conferences were noted in the Trumpeter throughout the year.

This was the fifth year of the publication of the All Saints’ Lenten Meditations written by our own All

Saints’ family based on “Reflections on Resurrection.” We thank all for their participation. This will be done again in 2015 with meditations on “Lenten Reflections on Prayer.”

The office of morning prayer was read weekdays at the church during Lent. The Lenten Study Series

(five sessions) which followed soup/salad suppers, led by Fr. Tom focused on “Exploring the Spiritual

Dimension of Dreams.” A study book by John A. Sanford, Dreams and Healing: A Succinct and

Lively Interpretation of Dreams was recommended reading.

Adult Bible Study continues to be held on Sunday mornings between services and on Mondays at noon led by Fr. Tom.

Discussion Series:

Sylvia Wadsworth led a threesession discussion series on the book by Mitch Albom, “The

Timekeeper” in January with 15 persons attending.

John Fricker and Craig Peel led a lively discussion on “Let’s Talk Abut Continuing Care Retirement

Communities,” in May attended by 30 persons. Several persons from the community attended along with All Saints members.

Ignacio Gotz led a two night movie and discussion program on the German movie, “Vision,” from the life of Hildegard Von Bingen, in September. He led a book discussion in October on Anthony De

Mello’s book, “Awareness: The Perils and Opportunities of Reality.”

Quarterly labyrinth walks were held in March, June, September and December for church family and community members to walk the labyrinth along with a short meditation led by Pat Wilson.

Dream Group continues to meet on the first and third Tuesdays each month led by Pat Wilson with a second Dream Group added on Mondays. A third Dream Group was led by Fr. Tom for two six-week series in the evening. A Dream Retreat was held in June at Trinity Center.

Additional Needs: Program ideas from church members with suggestions for leaders.

2015 Vision: Provide a larger variety of programming with more participation by the church family in programs offered. Present a local retreat.




Committee Members : Tim McKeithan, John Tucker, Sandy and John Fricker, Mary Lou and Joe

Beckett, Beth and Tom Secules, Mary Moynahan, Nancy Kay, Dick Calhoun, Tess Judge, Judy

Mumma, Pat and Fr Tom Wilson, Leckie Conners, Candy Roberts, David Feyrer, Maureen McGrath and John Gualtieri, Sally and Jack Myers, Kay and Tom O’Brien

Monthly Meeting Time : as needed

Committee Mission : Organize and operate the annual program of community evening courses and workshops to people of all ages.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities : The program supported local agencies and organizations helping many of our friends and neighbors in need on the OBX, generating $12,600 which was given to support five agencies – Interfaith Community Outreach, Food For Thought,

Community Care Clinic, Beach Food Pantry, and Room in the Inn. Since the program began, we have given back $46,550 to agencies and organizations serving our community.

Additional needs : New members interested in helping this special opportunity to serve our community. Volunteers – recruit teachers in the fall, prepare the catalog in November, organize and run the program before Lent begins.

2015 Vision : We have 63 classes scheduled for 2015

– Jan 19 th through Feb 12 and hope to have fun generating money for needing service organizations identified by our Servant Ministry.



Altar Guild

Traditionally, the Altar Guild has been a group of women within the church whose duties were to insure that the church was set up properly for all worship services. Today, Altar Guilds are a ministry of Lay People, both, male and female, young and old. Our duties include the care and cleaning of linens and Eucharistic vessels, polishing brass, as well as service set up. We order all consumables that are used weekly. This includes sanctuary candles, candle oil, wine and wafers as well as cleaning supplies.

At All Saints, the Altar Guild is divided into teams, each of which is responsible for one week a month.

We are a flexible group, helping as needed. We work together to cover holiday services. This group of ladies is to be commended for its faithful service to our church.

We would be delighted to welcome new members, (male, female, young or old). If interested please call Beth Secules at 255-0971.

Altar Guild members: Jennifer Adams, Jeanette Anderson, Mary Lou Beckett, Jeanne Coppage,

Sandy Fricker, Vivian Gould, Lucille Levan, Carole Kimmel, Ann Laughner, Sally Myers, Elaine

Piddington, Beth Secules, and JoAnn Small.

We thank the following gentlemen who helped frequently: George Laughner, Charles Coppage, John

Fricker, Jack Myers, Ralph Lasiter, Joe Beckett and Tom Secules



Building and Grounds


Three major projects were undertaken and completed relative to building maintenance:

1. Mold was removed from the sanctuary ceiling, exposed beams and speakers; the ceiling was repainted where necessary; modifications were made to the sanctuary HVAC systems which will, hopefully, keep this problem from recurring.

2. The oldest HVAC system servicing the sanctuary was replaced

3. The majority of the exterior was painted including the administrative/classroom building, the gazebo, the shed and two walls of the church.

Others building maintenance issues were minimal (or the usual) this past year. I am especially grateful to Craig Peel for his help with some smaller but important maintenance projects and to Suzi

Weaver and North Beach Services for maintaining our HVAC systems. Our sexton, Jamie Livingston, has been with us for a year and has done an excellent job of cleaning the church as well as helping out at all fundraising events.


Paul Garrett did an excellent job of mowing and maintaining the church grounds this past year. In addition, I am grateful to Joe Newsom for mowing the grass mid-week in the summer as well as the path through the woods, the Labyrinth, Columbarium and Pet Cemetery area. Thank you also to Joe

Beckett, Lecky and Jim Connors for their work in these areas.

Under the leadership of Nancy Burnett, the planting of native plants in Julie’s Garden was begun this fall.

A new All Saints sign on Pintail Trail was designed and then installed with Craig Peel’s help.

2015 Vision

One specific vision that I have for 2015 is the completion of landscaping in the “back” of the church – the area by the handicapped parking spaces. We began this project by planting a beautiful crepe myrtle in this area this spring, but there is more to be done.

While the maintenance of the building and grounds is the responsibility of the Jr. Warden, it is a task that cannot be done without the help of all parishioners. I know there are so many others who have helped during the past year and I have not thanked specifically in this report. I appreciate all that you have done. Whether you have moved chairs and tables, replaced paper towels, swept the floor or cleaned up after a project or event, you have helped. I am continually reminded that we are a parish family – as a member of this family, each contribution of time and talent whether small or large is a valuable contribution to All Saints and the appearance and maintenance of our buildings and grounds.

Paula Myatt, Jr. Warden



Christian Education

Committee Members : Arline Arnold, Betsy Brown, Brewster Brown, Katie Blanchard, Michael


Monthly Meeting Time : Youth Group meets every other Sunday. Kids Church and the Nursery is every Sunday except June thru August. Parents Night Out is once a month and during the summer a

Bible story is added to the curriculum with games that are related to the Bible story.

Committee Mission : The mission of Christian Education is to provide an environment where the

Youth Group attendees feel free to discuss their religion and other life issues while the Kids Church environment helps each child understand the Christian concept of Jesus and God.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities :

Overall Christian Education Activities and Achievements

Betsy, Katie and I gave Ministry Moments presentations concerning All Saints Christian

Education activities: Parents Night Out, Youth Group Program, Kids Church and the


Teacher/ Student recognition Sunday was organized where gifts and certificates were handed out to our Youth, Kids and Acolytes and our Sunday School Volunteers

An Education Focus Group was formed to determine the needs of our Christian Education

Program. A need was identified for a paid Sunday school teacher. The focus group created a flier to hire a Sunday School Teacher and supplied it to Dare Country school district

An Ice cream social was provided for the start of the fall Christian Ed season

Presented a Christmas Pageant to the congregation where youth and kids participated.

Kids Church and Parents Night Out/ Bible Study Activities and Achievements

While Betsy and Brewster were on vacation in January and Betsy was convalescing in

February, many of the congregation volunteered to teach Kids Church on Sunday. This was a great help to our Christian Education program.

An Easter Egg Hunt was organized for the kids on Easter Sunday

3 Bible Study Nights were conducted during the summer months. Volunteers supplied the meals and taught some of the crafts. The Children were told Bible stories by Father Tom and volunteers.

A nursery support volunteer list was implemented

Volunteers helped children create Chrismons to put on the church Christmas tree

Youth Group Activities and Achievements

Lead the Heifer Project and collected over $1000.

Volunteered to serve at the pancake Supper in February


Several youths volunteered for Holly Days

Attended and supported the Relay for Life Charity

Helped with Angel Tree Sorting and labeling

The Youth group had several fun meetings which included an end of year pool party, attending and participating in a Murder Mystery play, a kick-off picnic in September at

Trinitie Park, a Laser Tag outing, and Thanksgiving Dinner and a Christmas party

Additional needs : A Kids Church Teacher for every Sunday except in the summer.

More volunteers to provide ideas and participate in youth and kids programs. A Sunday school for our older youths.

2015 Vision :

To continue to build upon the many Christian Education activities and achievements that we have started the past several years and more participation by our Congregation.



Columbarium Garden and Labyrinth

In this year of 2014, Judith ten Hove Engelken and James Peter Mac Donald were interred in the All

Saints Columbarium Garden.

Many folks have helped with the maintenance of this area. Jennifer Adams and Leckie and Jim

Connors have most definitely done the lion’s share of the work. We appreciate their zeal and kindness. Plaques with the names of most all of those interred have been affixed on the north facing side wall of the Columbarium.

Labyrinth walks marking the solstices were led by Pat Wilson; the winter solstice walk was begun after the 10:30 Sunday Service and was especially lovely, with a bright sun and a seasonable temperature.

In the latter part of this year we learned that, with no permission or reference to our Church, unknown persons created a geocache site in our Labyrinth. With aid from Tom O’Brien and his brother and our stalwart Parish Secretary, Judy Mumma, this site has been taken down. We continue to note that the middle of the Labyrinth receives more than its fair share of animal refuse. We must remember that the humans responsible are indeed “children of God” and need our continued prayer.

Any Parishioners interested in joining this committee would be most welcome; contact Joe Beckett at


Respectfully submitted,

Joseph M. Beckett, for the Columbarium Garden and Labyrinth Committee



Communications Committee

Committee Members : Sandy and Dave Briggman

Monthly Meeting Time : N/A

Committee Mission : Facilitate communication with parish members and local newspapers.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities : Edited Trumpeter, maintained web page, placed articles and advertisements in local newspapers. Joe DeYoung stepped up and edited the Trumpeter for much of the last half of the year.

Additional needs :

Trumpeter: Need articles submitted for the Trumpeter in a timely fashion (by the 20 th of the preceding month deadline) and submitted ready to print. May need permanent Trumpeter replacement.

Web Page: Need activity and 2015 schedule updates for web page in a timely fashion.

2015 Vision : Continue.

Dave & Sandy Briggman





Endowment Fund Board

Committee members include Ron DeVeau, Rob Holmes, Ed Cowell, Tom O’Brien, John Tucker, Chair

The committee meets every other month or when called by the chair. The mission of the committee is to bring awareness to the members of the church of the opportunity to establish planned gifts/estate gifts to create an endowment for the long term sustainability of the church.

Accomplishments in 2014 included changes to the enabling resolution and the finalization of board policies. The relationship, status, and activity of the Gifts and Memorials sub-committee and the location of the Gifts and Memorial Book was also reviewed. Discussions commenced on how to launch the planned giving program to the congregation. It was agreed to invite Charles Nunn of

Endowment Horizons to make a presentation to those interested. Mr. Nunn met with about 20 parishioners on December 2, 2014 in an one hour review of what planned gifts/estate gifts can mean to a church. Endowment brochures were distributed and discussed. Furthermore endowment brochures have been placed in the pew racks of the church. Committee members will periodically remind parishioners of the opportunities that are available to make a long term gift to All Saints.

Several members have already indicated that they have remembered the church in their wills. The church is most grateful to these thoughtful families.

Donors benefit from planned giving by becoming eligible for tax and estate planning advantages.

Donors also benefit from knowing that their gift will ensure the church for the future.



Finance Committee

Committee Chair: Tess Judge

All Saints in 2013 was blessed to exceed budget revenue projections by over $24,000 primarily due to greater than expected Loose Plate and Operating Donations from non-pledge parishioners as well the faithfulness and commitment of those who pledged and gave more. Due to great efficiency with the constraints of a conservative budget, overall expenses were as projected. This along with the successes of our fundraising events has delivered a much needed carry forward for our 2015 operating budget. While non-pledge income is important, it is the pledge commitments that help us develop a budget.

In 2014 there were major building expenditures; sanctuary ceiling and rafters cleaning, maintenance and painting, the sanctuary building A/C unit was replaced and exterior painting on the admin building and sanctuary building. This reduced our Contingency Fund at year end to $12,645. Our goal in

2015 is to replenish this fund in preparation for capital maintenance as the buildings continue to age.

Father Tom used funds from the Sabbatical Funds for studies with the Hadden Institute which will finalize in 2015.

In 2014 the balance on our Southern Bank mortgage was reduced by $ 86,282.02. This reflects the amount that was allocated to be paid from the budget as well as additional contributions by parishioners throughout the year.

All Saints was pleased to be able to give back $16,592 to our local community charitable needs and are ending the year with $4,963 available to disburse in the community. All these were made possible by the caring and generous spirit of our parishioners who make designed donations through the year for Outreach, by our 10% tithe of fundraising efforts and especially the After Dark program which contributed $12,600 of the $16,592 for community outreach.

In planning for the 2015 budget, the vestry identified priorities which included an increase in salary for our very hard working and loyal staff, which had a minimal increase in 2014, as well as the hiring of a part-time Christian Ed teacher. The vestry and finance committee have discussed and allocated in

2015 budget funding provisions for a Transition Contingency Fund. The fund will provide resources as All Saints prepared for the future retirement of our beloved Father Tom in five years.

As we review the last several years it is recognized that our fundraising efforts are providing the additional funds needed to present a balanced budget, to meet our operational expenses and provide for a reasonable Carry Forward Reserve for the following year.










Flower Guild

Committee Members :

Jennifer Adams, Ruthie Charlton, Donna Gouldin, Kay O’Brien, Lilias Morrison, Mary Moynihan, Fran

Peel, Beth Secules, Helen vanLaer, Pat Wilson and Arlene Price and Paula Myatt, Co-Chairman

Committee Mission :

The flower guild is responsible for altar flower arrangements for weekly Sunday worship services, altar flowers for funerals when requested, floral centerpieces for special receptions, as well as for decorating the church for Easter and Christmas. Following Sunday services, altar flowers are delivered to parishioners who are ill or dealing with difficult times and also to those at Spring Arbor.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities :

Jeanne Coppage and Lois Moore retired from the Flower Guild this year. We thank them for their years of dedication and hope that they may be able to return sometime in the future. We were delighted to welcome three new members: Jennifer Adams, Donna Gouldin and Kay O’Brien.

The Flower Guild met twice this year and both meetings provided a chance for fellowship and to share and suggest ideas to improve our ministry.

A Chrismon tree was added to this year’s Christmas decorations. Decorations were made by members of the Flower Guild under Kay O’Brien’s guidance. In addition the Sunday School children decorated Chrismons for the tree. We hope that this will become a continuing tradition.

The Flower Guild is grateful to parishioners for contributions that provide for altar flowers for Sunday services, poinsettias for Christmas and lilies and plants for Easter. Plants given at Easter are planted around the church so they may continue to be enjoyed during the summer and become part of our ongoing landscaping efforts.

As chairman, I am thankful for the dedication and creativity of our members who create a wide variety of lovely and inspiring arrangements which enhanced our worship each week.

2015 Vision :

We would be delighted to welcome new members who would like to join this ministry whether experienced in flower arranging or not. All that is needed is an interest in flowers. New members are paired with existing members, and we all learn from and teach one another as we arrange the flowers for each Sunday service.



Healing Team

Committee Members: 15

Monthly Meeting Time: Second Saturday of every month (except for June, July, and August) at 10:00 a.m.

Committee Mission: To pray for and with anyone who joins us every Sunday at 10:30 and twice monthly at 8:30. We offer prayers for comfort, healing, thanksgiving or any need. We are also available if needed other than Sundays by calling the church office or Tia Edwards.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities: We continued our ministry throughout the year with

Tia Edwards taking over leadership of the group after Fr. Ted and Joan Bishop moved from the area.

Additional needs: none

2015 Vision: To continue to explore ways to be more available to our parish and to encourage more people to seek us out during services.



Incorporation Committee

The Committee is composed of all current members of the Vestry and the chairs of all standing committees and guilds. However, the principal work of the Committee is performed by and through a number of "focus groups," each of which deals with a specific subject matter.

The Committee meets as a whole only as frequently as its co-chairs, Leckie Conners and John

Fricker, deem it appropriate or necessary. The Committee had such a meeting on December 2,

2014, to review in general the progress of the focus groups and to consider in particular the recommendations of the Worship Focus Group resulting from the church-wide survey conducted over the summer.

The Committee's mission is to develop and champion ideas, strategies, activities and programs that will foster and advance the action plans approved by the Vestry at its March 18, 2014 meeting with respect to the following Vestry goals:

Goal #1: Significantly improve the incorporation of existing church members.

Goal #2: Use intentional hospitality to increase membership and

purposeful incorporation to retain committed new members.

Much has been accomplished through purposeful incorporation since the endeavor was launched in the late spring. In the welcoming area, over 30 newcomers have been identified, and several were

"received" by the Bishop. Reaching out to newcomers has been better organized and more effective.

The use of "welcoming coordinators" has been helpful to bring people and events together such as the Info Hour program held in mid October and attended by 16 newcomers. The framework for a mentoring program has been developed by that focus group whose members have agreed to serve when and if they are needed. Small groups of individuals interested in various activities called

"adventures" have been identified; movies and book readings have been done and a cultural activity and craft project are in the planning stage. The education of our youth is being re-examined with enthusiasm by Arline Arnold, Katie and Michael Blanchard and the other members of that focus group. And the work of the worship focus group has been simply marvelous. A summary of the responses to the worship focus group's survey was sent to all congregants with email addresses, as were the 10 specific recommendations of the focus group that the Incorporation Committee, at its

December meeting, considered and approved without a dissenting vote. Those recommendation have since been adopted by the Vestry at its December meeting.

The Vestry's goals and the Committee's mission with respect to incorporation will not change in 2015 because what we are trying to do is not a temporary endeavor. It needs to be permanent, and it needs everyone's support. Please carefully consider what you can do to help.



Office Volunteers

Committee Chair: Sandy Fricker

Phyllis Porcher chaired this committee for many years and was instrumental in having it be a smooth, reliable committee of dedicated volunteers.

The office volunteers provide coverage Monday – Thursday afternoons and at other prearranged times when the Administrative Assistant is out of the office. They are the “real live” voices you hear when you call so that the church doesn’t always have to rely on an impersonal answering machine.

They are the friendly, human face of All Saints when visitors come to “check us out” in the afternoon.

Duties of the volunteers include greeting visitors, answering phones, relaying messages, and making calls as needed. In addition, they perform miscellaneous office duties as requested, including weekly bulletin-folding and registering people for events such as After Dark@All Saints. The volunteers make weekly calls to “Those Who Serve” on Sunday mornings to remind them of their duty for that day – including LEMS, Lay Readers, Ushers and Greeters, Acolytes and Torch Bearers, Coffee Hour hosts, and Nursery Volunteers.

In an effort to ensure that the church office has current information on all parishioners, the office staff recommends that each member of the congregation complete/update a Parish Information Form

(always available in the office or the Narthex).

We appreciate that all volunteers respect the confidentiality and sanctity of the church.

The following have served faithfully in 2014 and deserve our thanks for representing us:

Joe Beckett Maureen McGrath Carol Sparks

Mary Lou Beckett Tim McKeithan Pam Szymanek

Karen Belford Betty Medlock Sylvia Wadsworth

Dick Calhoun Barbara Mercado Barbara White

Carol Cowell Carlos Mercado Linda Wilson

Ed Cowell Caroline Morisseau Merikay Winter

Mary Dail Sara Munford Liesel Witzel

Elizabeth Davenport Ellen Newsom

Mary Anne DeYoung

Kay O’Brien

Tia Edwards Tom O’Brien

John Fricker Vicky Parker

Sandy Fricker Phyllis Porcher

Carol Galloway Candy Roberts

Donna Gouldin Rosemary Rosenburg

John Gualtieri Lorraine Saviano

Nancy Kay Beth Secules

Lucille Levan Tom Secules



Parish Life Committee

Committee Members : Fr Tom Wilson, Jack and Sally Myers, John Fricker, Paula Myatt, Nancy

Burnett, Arlene Arnold, Glen Baldwin, Fran Peel

Monthly Meeting Time : 2 nd Thursday of month as needed

Committee Mission : To make visitors and members feel welcome and included

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities :

We monitored the visitor’s log weekly. If visitors expressed an interest in All Saints we then visited and gave two All Saints coffee mugs, a mini loaf of bread and an All Saints Booklet. Name tags for new members as well as replacement name tags are made as necessary. We coordinate the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the Lenten Soup and

Salad Suppers, and the June Parish Picnic. In 2014 we also had two Parish Dinners which were purely social. They we well attended and enjoyed by all. We also assisted the Hospitality Committee on several occasions.

Additional needs : We are always appreciative of the donations of food and helping hands at our functions. .

2015 Vision : We will be sponsoring all of the above listed events again in 2015. We are always open to suggestions for making our committee more beneficial to All Saints.



Pastoral Care

Committee Members : Joe Beckett, MaryLou Beckett, Joan Bishop, Father Ted Bishop, Nancy

Burnett, Ruthie Carlton, Tia Edwards, Carole Kimmel, Kay O’Brien, Tom O’Brien, Beth Secules, Tom

Secules, Barbara Tucker, and Maureen McGrath, chair

Monthly Meeting Time : Quarterly or as needed

Committee Mission : To be there for parishioners “when things fall apart,” i.e., to provide for parishioners earthly and spiritual needs, especially for the sick, home bound, hospitalized, bereaved or those in need of support.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities : Thank you to all the members of the Pastoral Care

Committee for their caring and hard work this past year. Also thank you to all those non-Committee members who have stepped forward to help others within our faith community. God surely is working through each and every one of us who reaches out to help another at All Saints’.

The Committee provides prayer mechanisms via the Prayer Chains and the Prayers of the People.

Currently, members of the Healing Teams are available on all Sundays for prayer. Prayer shawls continue to be knitted and given to those within and without the church family in need of comfort.

Home Eucharist is taken to the home bound. Sympathy and get well cards have been sent. The

Committee has prepared meals for ill and recovering parishioners. It also has organized meals to be brought to families the evening before a funeral or memorial service.

Father Ted and Joan Bishop have headed up the Healing Teams since their inception. They have moved this year to Richmond to start a new phase in their lives. Tia Edwards has graciously stepped forward to head up this very important ministry.

This year, the Committee has done some “advertising” to the parish in the form of a “Did You Know ..” article highlighting the pastoral care services available to parishioners. Also Ministry Moment talks were given by several members of how their particular ministry functions and how it makes them feel closer to Christ’s message.

The list of community resources is still available in the church office. It is a helpful starting point for members who need help. Both governmental and private agencies are listed along with their phone numbers.

Additional needs : Better communication of the needs of our parishioners and some additional members on the Committee and as volunteers.

2014 Vision : To continue to be there to help one another “when things fall apart.”



Servant Ministry Committee

Committee Members: Ed Cowell, Anita Edwards, Sandy Feyrer, David Harden, Carole

Kimmel, Tim McKeithan, Barbara Mercado, Jane Welch, Perry White, Arlene D’Agosto and Father

Tom Wilson

Monthly Meeting Time: Third Tuesday of the Month, 1:00

Committee Mission : God calls us to be attentive to the needs of the community; to communicate those needs to the congregation; and to provide, to the best of our ability, the volunteer and financial resources to meet those needs.

Summary of 20l4 Achievements and Activities: ln addition to financial support, the committee has coordinated providing volunteers for Food For Thought, The Beach Food Pantry, Missions of Mercy

Dental Clinic, Room In The Inn, Outer Banks Pride Fest, Ruthie’s Kitchen, Community Care Clinic of

Dare and activities/services at Colony Ridge. Over 600 All Saints’ volunteer hours have been devoted to these programs.

Parishioners have prepared and served dinner to 150+ guests at Ruthie's Kitchen, provided 450 weekly lunches to school children in the Food For Thought Program and purchased Christmas gifts for 13 children as part of the Angel Tree project. As individuals, many of the members of All Saints volunteer and provide support to many other local agencies and projects than the ones stated above.


Colony Ridge $490

Dare County Prison Ministry $342

Jarvisburg Elementary student school supplies $200

OBX March for the Babies $100

Episcopal Farm Workers Ministry $200

Mano al Hermano $300

Angel tree Gifts $341

Dare CASA (in Memory of Jim MacDonald) $500

Dare Challenge (in Memory of Jim MacDonald) $500

OBX Pride Fest

Playground Equipment for School Children



in the Dominican Republic

Ruthie’s Kitchen $350

Room In The Inn $315

TOTAL $3,923

AFTER DARK lnterfaith Community Outreach

Food for Thought

Community Care Clinic

Room In The lnn





Beach Food Pantry $2,520

After Dark Total $12,600

Heifer International (pass thru) $1,013


Additional needs: To increase the size of the Servant Ministry Committee and to encourage new church members to volunteer to be part of the Outreach ministry.

2015 Vision: To encourage the spiritual practice of service to the local and larger communities. "To

Love Our Neighbors As Ourselves."



Solo Flight Singles Ministry

Committee members: Pat Kinney (chair), Phyllis Porcher (honorary chaplain) and 20 plus members to include members not in our congregation, part time and long distance members.

Monthly meeting time: Every Sunday brunch whether two or twenty are gathered in his name.

Monthly at varied times for scheduled events.

Committee mission: To provide fellowship for those who would otherwise be alone due to death of a spouse, divorce, or other single status by providing events and outings as well as encouragement to participate in church worship, committees and other functions.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities: Celebration of many birthdays, participation in concerts, movies, luncheons, dinners.

As a result of the ministry moment speech we had two new interested parishioners to include 5 new members: Karen, Judy, Etta, Barbara and Mary.

Additional needs:

2015 Vision: To recruit new members, find new and varied activities and grow into what God wishes for us.



Stewardship Committee

Committee Members : Jim MacDonald, John Tucker, Sylvia Wadsworth, Tom Secules, Jeff Edwards,

Tess Judge, David Feyrer, Tom O’Brien

Monthly Meeting Time : as needed

Committee Mission : Plan and conduct the annual stewardship program and Fall pledge campaign.

Summary of 2014 achievements and activities : Jim MacDonald served as chair of this committee until his untimely death in December. Jim’s commitment to All Saints and his leadership set a caring and loving tone throughout the four week program and follow-up. Beginning at our kickoff Sunday breakfast, generously provided by Dawn and Nick Kiousis, Jim reviewed our operating expenses and our fund raising efforts. He asked each of us to simply consider our blessings and, if possible, increase our pledges for 2015.

Our parishioners responded as they were able in increasing their commitment to fully fund the budget as well as providing for some additional funding for Building Contingency. Through year-end 2014, we have received 124 pledges totaling $325,901 for our 2015 Operating Budget, up from last year’s 118 pledges of $306, 970. Importantly, we have received 21 new pledges for 2015.

Additional needs :

2015 Vision :




During 2014 we have been able to recruit a few new ushers to replace some who requested to be taken off the list. There are 23 ushers currently serving the Sunday Services. We am always keeping my eyes open for possible ushers.

There has been some discussion regarding the proper procedure for funeral services when ushers are requested. We need to have better communication with the funeral directors.

In 2015 we plan to be more punctual with my usher schedules. We will continue to seek out additional parishioners who will agree to help with the usher program.



Worship Committee

The Worship Committee meets on a regular basis with the Rector to review what we have done and how we will prepare for the coming seasons. Representatives for the different elements of the worship experience (choir, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers, Greeters, Christian Education, and our

Music Director) provide input. We were faithfully led by our chairs, Sylvia and Bill Wadsworth. They have stepped down and a search for a new chair is underway.

We tried an experiment in preaching based on the Rector’s study in Dream Group Leadership and feedback was given and incorporated into a paper written by the Rector for his upcoming graduation from the Haden Institute in March 2015. We have tried to incorporate the suggestions by the Worship

Focus Group.

