Combined Goal Team Meeting October 22, 2010 Goal Organizational Morning Sessions Goal Team 4 Table Notes Table 16 Goal Team 4 Moderator: Rachel Allen Recorder: Craig Blazejewski Combined with Table 18 Table 17 Goal Team 4 Moderator: Mike Bosley Recorder: Leslie Golden External Question 1 Because of new normal,” years need to change Further defining change and what it means Specific needs / areas like Workforce Development, technology, etc. “Significant” should focus on students & community & what they deem significant External Question 2 Using partnerships we currently have to create new partnerships – serve as a link between partners Make determination of what detracts all or proposition, rather than and Is detract the right word? External Question 3 Issue of competitions is even more important now because of trends towards for profit institutions and criticism of them Competitions with in terms of resource development, particularly in philanthropy How can Valencia get more than its fair share of higher level donors? How do competitors negatively impact Valencia & our abilities to serve our students? For Goal 4, we have to broaden scope of who competitors are because every educational & non-educational organization in town is counting the same donors Competitors for environment are different than competitors for community partners and philanthropic dollars Example of Allied Health and Nursing programs competing with hospitals for opportunities Convenience for students may override being in our service area in terms of their choosing a competition over us Is there an issue of our competitors preparing our students better than we are? Who do our students think our competitors are? We need to look at particular areas of service provided by our competitors so we can compare ourselves at different points on the spectrum and in multiple respects External Question 4 No one would have predicted that we would end up where we are Clients – Valencia Enterprises, where we train more than educate Do we strategize difficulty with respect to clients than with students? All students are the same for purposes of this Tables 18 & 16 Goal Team 4 Moderator: Rachel Allen Recorder: Donna Marino & Craig Blazejewski Continuing collab, _______, restricting access to higher ed – preparation - _______ change perception Q1 Internally we are ______ - does that mean transfer to UCF or something else? How do we make sure there is an _________ on Workforce Development? The perception is higher ed does not include workforce development [cc is not synonymous with higher ed.] Is the new normal – definition – expand definition to include…”and workforce development” Community college is not synonymous with higher ed. expand the definition to include workforce development Q2 Q3 Correct students relates to an internal question; prospective students implies an external question [could be broken into two parts / questions] Concern: changing the perceptions of “community college” Current student (internal) student experience → internal Prospective student (external) access → external Revise to address o What are the actions that need to be taken to change perception… o What actions affect the perception of… Clarify the question…”what measures of learning are available to us?” o Clarify What do we offer that is value added and how do we measure it? Know the difference of why students drop out and why do they succeed Question is o Setup ____ that help students succeed First part Second part is only to be asked after we answer the first question Questions to guide data analysis Q1 Community college is not synonymous with higher education Expand the definitions to include Workforce Development – where does Work. Dev. fit in? Q2 Q3 Q4 Current students (internal) students experience → internal Prospective students (external) → access → external Break question into two parts o Question needs to be changed to explore: what actions we take to change perceptions o What are we going to do to change perceptions? First part is valid: second art is to be asked after we answer the first question; not together Know the difference of why students drop out and why / how they succeed Who are our students? How do they experience learning? Valid. All encompassing. Just massive question. Separate to 7 questions Table 19 Goal Team 4 Moderator: Barbara Frazier Recorder” Christie Pickeral Edits External #1 Add Question – how will we know? What are the “listening posts?” What instruments to measure those changes? o Possibilities – student satisfaction surveys o Advisory board External #2 Add Question How do we build new relationships with industries? How can we broaden/grow current relationships? Need to be intentional about staying connected External #3 External #4 New Questions What message do we send to community? How do we define community? A Ha Response to External #1 Economic changes o Fewer jobs o Fewer taxes o More difficult to offer programs Who is the customer? o Answer determines our next decisions o Employer o State next university UCF o Students External #2 Some can detract by shifting focus away from goals Relationship with UCF is solid Need to look and ask what is needed from local industries, not guess Let them know what we do Are there other industries we are not aware of? How can we reach them? What message do we send to the community? Need to expand concept of community beyond business to include parents External #3 Do we need this question? Students come to us because they need us Online and proprietary schools growing – need to keep our eye to stay competitive Competitors could work together to advocate for CC in state External #4 State share will continue to decrease Political environment tenuous Look to business and industry to sponsor program, school, scholarship, student Have business + industry + parents speak on our behalf o Be advocates for community colleges Table 20 Goal Team 4 Moderator: Elisha Gonzalez Bonnewitz Recorder: Erin Smith Strategic conversations with community leaders The college is what the students experience (designing for them not for us) Video Big picture, and result, reflect back Diversity, impact on one person o What’s the difference that “we” make? 1. Understanding the “new normal” (public / leaders) in higher education 2. How do we build and operate “new normal” 3. Create a new normal (how can Valencia) Traditional college students today 17% a. Traditional right out of HS, live on/near campus, work part-time) b. Comm. college = 60% of all freshman Orange county 33% comm.. college (other grad from HS) Access to UCF 75% accepted (10yrs also) (almost “open access”) now 45% VCC students – mirrors diversity of the community a. Value prospection b. VCC create _______ access c. UCF not cut off from the community Direct Connect VCC – UCF (biggest move in 25yrs) Tell the community leaders why they should care = structure change permanently a. i.e. Upp/Med class students → free (university) b. Single mothers → Pay their own way (nursing degree) Funding Financial Aid How are we understood → what we provide and what it’s so important: why the community should care How / what we do is so important Broader skills for employees New normal for VCC Heavy dependency on tuition, less on state Tight budgets Keep it cheap but provide access to all (massive growth) o EC – 30,281 o WC – 28,270 o OSC – 15,876 o WP – 6,805 o Credit ______ ________ 2010 9.4% of total FTE college prep classes – students Funding budget $4800 FTE (full time equivalent) per student Peer o ______, GA o Piedmont, GA o Broward, FL #2 Revenue Streams Tips to manage tight margins (4% increase per year in tuition) o Grow tuition & ______ o Increase ____ funds (capital improvements) o Partner / co-developing o Change cost structures o Self service (on-line) #3 Economic development (skip) #4 Threshold (70,000 serving students per year) SL – Student leader > student success course Internal Questions: Suggested edits to questions: #1 Valencia restricts access to higher education by sheer capacity availability Responsibility to increase capacity o Space o Cost o Professors 4,000 → what course / majors (increase space/prof) in those areas Public institutions → what barriers (classes just not offered?) Need based vs. merit based scholarships o Factors “turned away” why / how College prep, space Required: FCAT, transcripts, non-English o Programs of interest Focus on increasing classes / prof #2 Perceptions of students = Valencia Perceptions of access Broadening how we sell ourselves What we offer → make it known who we serve #3 “Value Added” What is “success” to students “ “ “ “ VCC o Same? Competing degree Passing a class “C” (?) Registering: incomplete / fail Drop /withdrawal o Competitive percent Communality of drop out /fail Experience of student: Characteristics of students: (GPA, single mom, age, disciplined / driven, living, transportation) Too many variables: qualitative vs. quantitative in question