Lefkowitz - GOVT name ____________ documents analysis What is Public Opinion? use the 4 documents to answer the questions below: DOC A 1. what inferences can you make about polling? 2. what are the advantages and disadvantages of having polling results? 3. why might you not take poll results at face value? 4. can you find any contradictions between the poll results from question to question? DOC B 1. what does the cartoonist want us to think about “the public”? Why? 2. do you think this is an accurate or fair critique of the American public? Examine the critique from both perspectives. DOC C 1. what is the cartoonist’s message about TV news? ..about its viewers? 2. do you think this is an accurate or fair critique of TV news? Examine the critique from both perspectives. 3. do you think this is an accurate or fair critique of TV news viewers? Examine the critique from both perspectives. DOC D 1. what wording differences are causing the varying poll results here? how can you account for this? 2. what can you infer about polling in general? How does this document affect your interpretation of document A? ALL 1. create a complex, all-encompassing definition of “public opinion” based on all the information and perspectives you’ve gained here.