Trip Dates: June 16

Trip Dates: June 16-July 6, 2014
Graduate-Level Study Intensive at Jerusalem University College
DUE to Office of the Deans by: Monday, January 20, 2014, 4:30pm
Note: separate application due to Jerusalem University, also. Download their
application: (click on
application “for Consortium Schools”)
June 16-July 6, 2014
(Due to the time required for travel, the actual timeframe may be June 15/16 - July 6/7.)
Current Northern master’s degree program students are eligible to apply for a one-time scholarship. This
is a highly selective scholarship. A maximum of 4 scholarships will be awarded. The scholarship of
$1,750 will pay for a significant amount (if not all, depending on ticket prices) of the travel costs, $250
administrative fee, and medical and trip insurance related to participation in a 3-week study intensive at
Jerusalem University College (JUC), Mount Zion, Israel. Additional costs for participation, for which the
student is responsible, will include 2013-14 program costs which are subject to change without notice.
Students will be expected to raise approximately $3,000 in support in order to pay for the program tuition
and fees, JUC application fees, room and board, study materials. Exact costs (with the exception of
insurance costs) may be found on the JUC website:
Jerusalem University offers studies for graduate credit during the summer. The main areas of study are
Biblical History, Geography, and Middle Eastern Culture and Religions. Jerusalem University functions as
an extension campus to over 85 colleges, universities and seminaries. Most of the coursework is done
on-site, in the field. Prior map-work and classroom discussions provide the necessary context for fieldwork. Because many of the field trips include sustained hiking over sometimes very rugged terrain and in
intense heat, participants must be in excellent physical condition. Course instructors are faculty of
Jerusalem University and qualified professors from associated schools.
An optional excursion to Jordan is offered by JUC and occurs at the end of the 3-week course. The
Jordan trip will extend the amount of time in Israel by 2 1/2 to 3 days. Sites visited will include: Petra,
Mt. Nebo and Decapolis. The cost for the excursion will be an additional $819. Students must indicate
their intent to participate in the excursion on both the Northern and JUC applications.
Applications for the scholarship are due to the Dean’s Office by Monday, January 20, by 4:30
pm along with a non-refundable deposit of $100 (which will be applied to the total costs of the trip).
Participants must also apply directly to Jerusalem University for admission to the ”Geographical and
Historical Settings” course. Entrance Requirements and Application materials may be found at Students should work closely with Jerusalem
University in regard to passport and visa requirements as well as recommended or required
Checks should be written and sent to “Northern Seminary” with “Jerusalem University” listed in
the note field. Students do NOT pay Jerusalem University for study – JUC will bill Northern
Seminary directly. (Program costs and scholarship awards will be applied to the student’s
Northern student account.)
Contact person for Jerusalem University College:
Amelia Nakai, Program Coordinator, Jerusalem University College
North American Administrative Offices
4249 E. State St., Suite 203
Rockford IL 61108
1-800-891-9408 toll free U.S and CDN
815-229-5900 voice, 815-229-5901 fax,,
Contact Information
Street Address
City ST ZIP Code
Home Phone
Cell Phone
E-Mail Address
Country(ies) of Citizenship
Degree Program and Course for which you are applying for a scholarship
Expected year of graduation: ______
___ MDiv
(This course serves as a General Elective.)
___ MACM (This course serves as a General Elective, if you have a general
elective remaining in your program.)
Statement of Interest
Attach a type-written 2-3 page essay. Explain 1) how your understanding of historical Israel relates to
your Christian faith, 2) your readiness and attitude in regard to relating to both Jews and Palestinians
during your travel, 3) how you feel God may have been preparing you for this course in Jerusalem, and
4) what do you hope to gain from this experience if you are selected for participation?
Have you applied for this scholarship in the past? ___ yes ___ no
Please describe any special medical condition that the course leaders should be aware of (diet, physical
limitations, medication, medical treatment, etc.) Explain how you are prepared to handle the hot
climate and how your physical health will allow you to participate in rigorous classroom field
experiences. You must be able to sustain a moderate to fast walking pace for distances of 1-2 miles:
Previous Mission Experience
Please describe previous cross-cultural ministry experiences (when, where, duration). What were
the highlights of these experiences?
Person to Notify in Case of Emergency
Street Address
City ST ZIP Code
Home Phone
Work Phone
Emergency person’s
E-Mail Address
Agreement and Signature
A maximum of four students will be selected by the Jerusalem University Scholarship Committee and
will be offered a scholarship of $1,750. The availability and number of scholarships will be dependent
upon the availability of sufficient funding. The decision of the committee will be final. If upon receipt
of the scholarship a student fails to successfully complete the summer intensive and/or does not
submit an official transcript of the Jerusalem University work by the end to the following quarter, the
exact amount of the scholarship will be charged to the student’s Northern Seminary account.
By submitting this application, I consent to the stipulations listed in this application and agree that the
scholarship committee may request access to my academic transcript from the Registrar.
I affirm that the facts set forth in this application are true and complete. I understand that if I am
offered this scholarship, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on
this application may result in my immediate dismissal.
□ Yes.
I intend to participate in the 2 ½ day OPTIONAL JORDAN EXCURSION.
I understand that I will be responsible for the additional $819 in costs, and that participation in the
excursion will extend my time in Israel by 2 ½ - 3 days.
□ No. I am not adding the Jordan excursion.
Name (printed)