Munday Purple Cloud Band Student Handbook 2014 - 2015 Introduction The Munday Purple Cloud Band Handbook is intended to give all readers an idea of what being a member of the Munday Band is really like. You will find out what to do, what to expect, what to look forward to, what to look out for, and most important - how to be a successful and contributing member of one of the greatest organizations in the Munday CISD. As a member of the Munday Band, a student can look forward to a positive, rewarding, exciting, enjoyable, and hard working experience. The most successful member of the Munday Band is one who loves to excel and understands the commitment required to achieve their goals. A student in the Munday Band is actively involved with a large group of bright, talented, hard working, dedicated people committed to the same goal. This makes the Band a very positive peer group. The band actually becomes a second family to its members. Even though the families of Munday Band students tend to be loving, nurturing ones, having an additional family like the Munday Band can provide countless positive skills that can be used for a lifetime. Parents of Munday Band students immediately become a vital part of this second family. Parents work together, get involved with the band, and become the most enthusiastic fans. Many parents have commented that involvement with the Munday Band has brought their families closer, because they get to spend more time with their child and experience so much together. Being a member of the Munday Band encourages academic excellence and promotes greater self-discipline. The Texas “no-pass, no play” rule has become a great tool used to assist students in promoting high academic standards. Band members will naturally want to participate in the activities of the band and spend time with fellow band members. A student that fails to keep grades up misses out on so much. Students soon learn that keeping grades up in all academic classes must be a priority. In order to keep up with the extra rehearsal hours and maintain high grades, students must use other hours effectively. Thus, students in the Munday Band quickly learn the positive trait of self-discipline. Students graduating from high school after completing four years of high school band are proven to be among the most successful students at the collegiate level. Research shows that much of the reason for this success is directly attributable to the discipline learned while a member of the band. Thus, members of the Munday Band are becoming better prepared to be successful college students. In a typical classroom, a student’s main objective is to learn as much as possible and earn as high a grade possible. In the Munday Band, a student gathers much personal knowledge and skill, but also, the student has a crucial role to play in the success of others. Band students are constantly judged as a group, a team, a band, not as individuals. To realize that everyone else in the band is counting on you to do your job perfectly is an awesome responsibility. A sincere commitment to excellence is a most important first step on the road to success and handling this task. All the actions of a particular student reflect (for better or worse) on the entire Munday Band. It makes membership in the band a responsibility to be taken seriously. It makes the job both exciting and demanding. It also builds friendships that last a lifetime. Munday Band members are proud of each other, cheer for each other, cry with each other, are concerned for each other, and stand by each other forever. Lifetime friendships do develop. The reason this handbook has been compiled is to inform students and parents of some of the responsibilities that go along with the privilege of membership in the Munday High School Band. Read the handbook carefully. Learn it. Live it. Work hard. The end result is worth it. Welcome to the Munday High School Purple Cloud Band! General Rules of Conduct The Munday Band cannot function without rules. The list below is not intended to be all encompassing. There are additional rules and policies of the Munday Band that are not listed, but this list is intended to give a general outline of expectations for student conduct and parental responsibilities. Parents are expected to be aware of these rules and help their children follow the rules at all times. It is the belief of the Band Director of Munday that students choose how they act. If a student chooses to act inappropriately, the student is in fact choosing the consequences of that action. 1. Students will be ON TIME (which means PRIOR TO the start of the event) for all rehearsals, performances, and activities of the Band. Students that are late will be counted tardy and will be required to run one lap around the track or march 50 yards for every minute they are late . 2. Students will have all appropriate equipment (uniform, instrument, etc) and a great attitude toward the goals of the band. Students that continually violate this rule will lose their third quarter break for a time specified by the directors. 3. Students will not verbally or non-verbally disrupt instruction at any time. All rehearsals must be conducted in a quiet controlled atmosphere. Students will use appropriate language at all times. Foul or profane language will not be tolerated. 4. Students will follow instructions from directors, instructors, designated band chaperones, and elected student leaders. Instructions will be followed cheerfully and the first time they are given. Students will not argue with an authority figure. Students will show respect for all fellow students, directors, staff members and band chaperones. 5. Students will treat all equipment and facilities of the Munday Band (this includes all instruments, uniforms, music stands, sheet music, etc) carefully at all times. Students will play only instruments belonging to them or instruments checked out to them. 6. Students will not eat or drink (exception - water) in the Munday band hall. Further, food of any type should not be brought into the band rehearsal area at any time. Chewing gum, candy and drinks (except water) are not allowed in the rehearsal areas. 7. Cell phones or other electronic devices will NOT be allowed during rehearsal unless approved by the director. 7. Students will follow all bus rules and travel policies set forth by MCISD and Munday Band. 8. Students will follow all rules and policies set forth in the Munday CISD Student Code of Conduct. Attendance Policy Philosophy: The Munday High School Band operates under the policies set by the Texas Education Agency and the Munday CISD Curriculum Guide, and policies set by administrators and the Director of Bands of Munday High School. In any high school band, success is based not upon a student’s individual skills, but rather on the entire group’s collective ability to work together as a BAND. This is one of the most important reasons that high school bands exist; to let students of all ability levels reach extremely high levels of accomplishment while working together as a unit. When even one member of the unit is missing, for even a moment, with even a valid excuse, the total group fails to be its very best. For this very obvious reason, parents and students wishing to see the Munday High School Band reach its highest possible goals must constantly strive to eliminate all absences for all reasons. After School Activities Fall Semester All students enrolled in the Munday High School Band attend all after school rehearsals of the marching band. All students of the Munday High School Band attend all performances using the following guidelines: Certain performances are considered co-curricular. This means that they are considered extensions of the classroom that happen outside of the regular class time. Co-curricular performances therefore require attendances by all band students, regardless of their current eligibility status. Examples of cocurricular activities would be: Monday night rehearsals, sectionals, and concerts. Certain other performances are considered extra-curricular. This means that these performances are competition-oriented or require a loss of class time other than band class. According to TEA Guidelines, students must earn a grade of 70 or above in all classes in order to participate in any school sponsored extra-curricular performance. A student is considered “eligible” for all performances in a six weeks grading period if the previous grading period he has earned a grade of 70 or above in all classes. Students who fail to meet eligibility requirements are suspended from performances with the Munday band until the next reporting period (three weeks). A student becomes “eligible” by earning a grade of 70 or above in all classes at the end of the three week grading period. All students in the Munday Band will be expected to attend all after school and evening rehearsals regardless of eligibility. Excused absences are possible. Some examples of excused absences are: student’s personal illness (under physician’s care), death in the immediate family, extreme family emergency, or other Munday sponsored activities worked out by the other sponsor/coach and the band director AT LEAST 72 hours in advance. Some examples of unexcused absences are: part time job, no transportation, family outings, family reunions, family vacations, babysitting siblings, dance class, piano lessons, regularly scheduled doctor’s appointment, driver’s educations, hunting trips, etc. Any student that receives an unexcused absence from a curricular activity can expect his grade to be lowered and may find himself removed from an upcoming performance. A written parent note explaining an absence for an unexcused reason is appreciated. However, the director’s acceptance of the written note does not automatically turn the unexcused absence into an excused absence. Unexcused absences must be made up in order to stay eligible. After School Absences If a student misses (or needs to miss) a band rehearsal for one of the excused absences listed, a written parent note must be turned in to a band director within 24 hours of the student’s return to school (just like handling an absence from school.) Whenever possible, parent notes should precede a student’s absence. Failure to turn in a note will be recorded as an unexcused absence. Eligibility / Academic Progress Many of the activities of the Munday Band are considered extra-curricular. For this reason, the “NoPass, No-Play” rule affects the students of the Munday Band. Students must pass all classes to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular performances of the Munday Band. Grades will be checked regularly for all students in the Band program. If a student begins to struggle or have problems in an academic subject, the band staff will begin encouraging the student to work harder or attend tutorials in particular academic area in order to stay eligible for Band activities. Monday Night Rehearsals Fall Semester The Munday Band is a very active organization. The Band is required to perform on a weekly basis during the fall semester. Because of these performance demands and the desire to perform at the highest level of perfection, it is absolutely necessary that all students attend all rehearsals of the band. Some students may try to manipulate the rehearsal process by choosing not to attend a required rehearsal. This absence will jeopardize the overall performance of the band. The Marching Band will rehearse every Monday evening from 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. (rain or shine). Any student that has an unexcused absence during a week of rehearsals will be suspended from third quarter break for a minimum of one game. They will also be responsible for helping load and unload trailer and cleaning buses after returning from an out of town game. Attendance will be checked on a weekly basis. Continued unexcused absences from rehearsal could lead toward permanent suspension from the Munday Band. Cell phones will not be allowed at any rehearsal or performance for any reason. Violations will be followed by school disciplinary policy. After School Rehearsals Spring Semester The Munday Band faces many challenges during the school year. One of the major challenges will be to rehearse the concert band during the spring semester. Students should plan to spend a minimum of one hour per week for section rehearsals. These rehearsals will be a requirement of the course and will be handled under the curricular rules. Students involved in special activities (small ensemble groups, medium ensemble groups, etc.) will need to be available for additional help above and beyond the regular assigned rehearsal time. While concert bands are preparing for competition it may be necessary to have full band rehearsals either after school or during some evenings. We will accommodate our rehearsal schedules in cooperation with other school activities. Grading Policy The Munday High School Band and its directors and instructors believe that all members can learn, achieve goals, and improve as players, performers, students, and citizens. Munday High School recognizes the importance of Band in the total curriculum and considers Band an academic class. Students’ eligibility and participation in school-related activities are also affected by the grade earned in Band. Student grades in band are calculated in the following manner. Daily Participation = 25% Daily participation will include being ready to rehearse and perform on time, with all the necessary equipment that is needed. Participation also includes rehearsal discipline. Behaviors which are often considered a part of the conduct grade in other classes are often a part of the earned grade in Band. Test = 25% This includes any playing test of skills learned during class, memory test, scale tests, specific marching band skills, exams, and similar assignments. Tests will be administered by directors only. After School Rehearsal Attendance = 25% All students attend school rehearsals of the band. This includes all full band marching and concert band rehearsals as well as scheduled section rehearsals. Students are expected to be present on time, dressed appropriately, with necessary equipment. Students are expected to remain at the rehearsal the entire length of the rehearsal. Early departure from rehearsal can reduce this portion of the earned grade. The director may call extra rehearsals as the need arises. All rehearsals that are curricular are part of the earned grade in Band. Performances = 25% Many performances of the Munday Band are curricular. At all of these performances, students earn a grade for their individual performance. Students are expected to be present on time, dressed appropriately, behave correctly and remain for the entire time of the performance. Any student that misses a performance for any reason will be expected to play their music off before a director and/or the band in order to receive credit for the performance SUMMER BAND ACTIVITIES The Munday Band holds rehearsals each summer in August before the beginning of the fall semester. The purpose of the rehearsals is to allow the band to adequately prepare for the upcoming marching season. This is also an important time for students in the band to meet and greet each other. Students need to have time to establish bonds of friendship and work ethic. Students build a true “esprit de corps” during summer rehearsals. This relationship with each other and the group as a whole makes “Summer Band” the most important time of the year for the Munday Band. No grades are assigned based on attendance, work habits and skills taught during the summer rehearsals. Students who miss all or part of summer band are immediately behind the rest of the group and may battle the rest of the marching season just to “catch up” instead of striving to excel and enjoying the experience. Parents wishing to see their child excel in the Munday band should make travel and vacation plans with this schedule in mind. August / Summer Rehearsals Summer rehearsals will be held for ALL Munday HIGH SCHOOL BAND STUDENTS. Specific dates for summer rehearsals will be announced during the spring semester. Summer Band rehearsals will be the first opportunity to start working on the upcoming marching show. All Munday band students are expected to make every attempt possible to attend these very special summer rehearsals. Failure to attend summer band rehearsals could cause a student to miss out on fundamental marching skills, rehearsal techniques that will be used during the school year and the fundamental development of drill design for the marching competition drill. Attendance will be checked at all summer band rehearsals to insure that students attending these rehearsals be given priority placement in the competition drill. Marching Fundamentals Students will need to become familiar with the Marching Band Vocabulary. Students will be taught marching band vocabulary during Fish Camp and Summer Band Camp. The following terms will be taught to all students. 1. Attention 2. Parade Rest 3. Horns Up 4. Horns Down 5. Mark Time 6. Forward March / Glide Step 7. Backward March 8. Slides 9. Adjusted marching stride Marching Season / Football Games Performance Guidelines Members of the Munday Band must represent themselves, the band, Munday and MCISD in a positive way at every performance. Anytime the band plays for an audience it is considered a performance. This includes pep rallies, football games, guest appearances and marching competitions. Each member should strive to make a good impression at each performance. The guidelines below will be helpful in fulfilling this requirement. Uniforms Every band member must meet the assigned uniform requirements at each performance. The assigned requirements will depend on the type of performance. One of two uniforms will be used for all performances. Uniform # 1: For pep rallies, consists of the current year’s band T-shirt, blue denim jeans or shorts and tennis shoes. The band shirt should always be worn in accordance with school policy. There should not be a reason to defer from this policy. Students are required to wear their band T-shirts to school on Fridays and to the pep rally. Students not following this policy will lose their third quarter break for that week and their participation grade will be lowered. Uniform 2: For formal performances, (varsity football games, marching competitions, parades, etc.) the Munday High School Band uniform will be worn. The uniform consists of one pair of long black slacks, uniform jacket and accessories such as gloves and hat. Each time the band performs the students will be notified as to the exact uniform requirements. Students should be prepared to wear shorts (non-denim) and the current year band t-shirt underneath their uniform. No other shirt other than the current year’s band shirt will be allowed under the uniform. Each student will be expected to wear an approved pair of black marching shoes with solid black socks when in full dress uniform. Each member of the band is expected to arrive early for each performance event to check out all parts of the appropriate uniform. Failure to have all uniform parts including black marching shoes and black socks will result in that member’s revocation of third quarter break for that game. Music Every band member must meet the assigned music requirement at each performance. The assigned requirements will depend on the type of performance. This requirement includes not only knowledge of the piece, but also the actual possession of each piece at that performance. All music should be kept neatly in a football music “flip folder”. All “stands” music will need to be in your possession at every pep rally and football game regardless if you have it memorized or not. No students should share music at a football game. Requirements will be laid out prior to each performance. Any student not in possession of their own music and flip folder will lose third quarter break for that game and their participation grade will be lowered. Instruments Every member will be responsible for making sure his/her instrument is clean and in excellent working condition at each performance. This includes mouthpieces, reeds, mallets, sticks, etc. Every student is responsible for making sure his or her assigned instrument is loaded and unloaded for each road trip. Football Game Guidelines The Munday Band will perform for all Varsity Football Games during the fall semester. Members of the Munday Band will assemble and depart from the Munday Band Hall. All departures will take place from the Munday Band Hall. Scheduled departure time will depend on the destination of the performance. Uniforms: Students will wear the assigned uniform. The complete uniform will be worn. Sloppy appearance will not be tolerated. Pant suspenders will be worn correctly, coats will be buttoned and zipped up and proper shoes and socks will be worn. The full uniform will be worn at all times in public unless the Band Director gives special directions. Do not assume you have permission to remove your uniform. Wait for instructions given by the band directors. Bleacher behavior: When seated in the stands, all Munday Band members are expected to follow these guidelines: 1. Munday Band students will be in full dress uniform as assigned by the director. 2. Remain seated with your section at all times. Brass and percussion are expected to stand while playing. A seating chart will be used if necessary. 3. No food, candy, gum or drinks of any kind in the stands without permission. 4. Be ready to play your instrument at all times. Flip folders and music lyres are required during football games and pep rallies. 5. Never play an instrument in the stands independently. Never play an instrument that is not specifically assigned to you. Written excuses from a doctor must be provided to the director if you are unable to play your instrument. 6. No instrument cases, book bags, backpacks, tote bags, etc. will be allowed in the stands unless approved by the Director. 7. Restroom breaks will be given at appropriate intervals. Students will need to ask permission to be dismissed from a performance. A chaperone may be assigned. 8. Hats may be worn if it is a band hat purchased from the band. No other hats or caps will be allowed without the approval of a director. 9. Cell phones will be allowed in the stands. If they become a nuisance or cause students to not perform their duty as a band member, they WILL NOT be allowed. After game / performance procedures: Upon return to the Munday Band Hall, all equipment must be unloaded from the band truck. All equipment must be put away in the proper storage place as quickly as possible. Each student is responsible for his/her own equipment. Band uniforms will be checked into your Section Leader at the band hall after each performance. All uniforms are subject to inspection and must be hung properly for storage. Failure to return a uniform will be dealt with by the Director. Socks, shoes, band t-shirt and other personal belongings should be taken home after each performance. Do not leave personal items in the Band Hall for storage. Personal items will be removed from the band hall. Uniform Policy The parts of the Munday Band uniform that are property of MCISD are: one pair of black pants, one jacket, black hat, garment bag and hanger. All uniform parts are numbered and will be issued to students by specific number of the uniform part. Any or all of these uniform parts may be issued to the student depending on the type of performance that the band will present. Each student will be responsible for returning each piece of the uniform that has been issued. The student that does not return an assigned uniform part will be held responsible for the cost of replacing the lost uniform piece. The parts of the uniform that each student is expected to provide is: solid black crew socks, official band T-shirt (*approved style only) and a pair of shorts. Shorts and t-shirt are to be worn under the uniform at all times. During extremely cold weather, warmer clothes may be worn under the uniform, provided they do not detract from the outward appearance of the uniform. The Munday Band uniform must never be worn next to the skin. When a Munday Band uniform is not being worn it should be neatly hung and protected by the uniform garment bag. After each performance all uniforms will be returned to the Munday Band Hall for proper storage. Students are not allowed to take a uniform home for any reason. With director approval, special arrangements can be made for a student to check out a uniform for the purpose of having portraits made. Uniforms must be returned for storage promptly. *Munday Band Shirt: As designed by the Munday Band Director. The Munday Band uniform represents Munday High School and the city of Munday, Texas. The uniform is to be worn with PRIDE at all times. If a student refuses to wear the band uniform in the correct manner, as assigned by the director, the student may have uniform privileges removed. Students without a uniform will not be allowed to perform with the Munday Band and their performance grade will be affected. Inspection The following checklist should be used when preparing for marching uniform inspection: 1. Clean / polished black marching band shoes. 2. Solid black crew length socks. (No ankle length socks allowed) 3. Lightweight (suggest nylon) shorts to be worn under band pants. 4. Munday uniform pants hemmed correctly, with shoulder straps worn properly. 5. Official Munday Band T-shirt (Current year only may be worn under uniform) Included in the inspection, but not part of the uniform: 1. Instrument - cleaned and in excellent playing condition. 2. Music - in a flip folder with student name on each piece of music. 3. Marching Music Lyre 4. Accessories - neck strap, extra reeds, valve oil, etc. Other considerations include: 1. No jewelry of any kind is worn with the Munday Band uniform. This includes rings, watches, bracelets, or large earrings unless approved by the Director. 2. No colored nail polish is to be worn. Clear polish is permitted. 3. When wearing the marching band hat, hair must be pulled up off the collar and inside the hat. 4. While in uniform, eating is permitted. Students will be responsible for cleaning if any food or drink is spilled on uniform. Student may also lose eating privileges for a time as specified by the Director. All food and drink must be eaten and drank before the beginning of the fourth quarter. Inspection will be held prior to each performance, especially competitions. Failure to meet the standards of the Munday Band will result in loss of third quarter break and lowering of the student’s performance grade. In the event of a serious infraction, marching privileges will be lost for that game. A student’s drill position can be taken away permanently for repeat offenses. Third Quarter Privileges Third quarter privileges are just that: A PRIVILEGE! Each member of the Munday Band has to earn that privilege each and every week. Being on time for all rehearsals, being courteous to other band members, booster members, chaperones and directors as well as being cooperative in all rehearsals will earn you the privilege of third quarter. Any violation of these or any other rules set forth in this handbook will result in loss of third quarter privileges. A list of those not having third quarter privileges will be posted each Thursday afternoon for the next day’s game. If a student has lost third quarter privileges, their third quarter will consist of a restroom break and sitting in the stands with only water to drink. The student will have to make arrangements to eat before or after the game and will not be allowed to eat during the third quarter. Students having third quarter MUST be back in their seat BEFORE the clock hits 0:00. Anyone not back before that time will lose third quarter privileges for the next game. Repeat offenders will have privileges revoked for the entire season and may result in the ENTIRE BAND losing privileges for a time decided on by the director. Bus Riding Rules The Munday Band travels a great deal by MCISD school bus. It is imperative that the following rules be followed so that the Band can maintain a good reputation and rapport with the MCISD Transportation Department and other Charter Bus companies. 1. Observe all rules of the bus driver. 2. Cooperate with the directors and adult chaperones. 3. Be courteous, use no vulgar or improper language. 4. Do not use alcohol, tobacco or other illegal substances. 5. Keep the bus clean. Pick up all trash. 6. Do not be destructive. 7. Be courteous to other riders. (On long trips some students may wish to sleep.) 8. Stay in your seat. Do not stand or sit on the back of seats. 9. Keep your head, hands, feet and belongings inside the bus. 10. Electronic devices with external speakers are not allowed. Only personal electronic devices with earphones can be used during a bus trip. MCISD will not be responsible for loss or damage to your personal belongings. 11. Personal belongings such as pillows, blankets, etc. should be kept to a minimum. 12. Band Directors, staff, bus drivers and adult chaperones are authorized to maintain and enforce bus rules. Please cooperate. 13. Upon arrival, stay seated and wait for instruction. Expenses to Expect As with most extra-curricular activities, there will be some expenses incurred with the Munday Band. MISD provides much of the funding for the Munday Band as does the Band Booster Club. However, there is a limit to these funds. Thus, there are a number of items that students/parents will be expected to provide for the successful participation in the Munday Band. 1. Official Band T- Shirt - approximately $15.00 2. Socks (Black crew style, no ankle socks) School Owned Instruments: Check Out, Care, Maintenance MCISD makes available to all students certain instruments and equipment. If a piece of equipment is available and the student has received adequate instruction concerning appropriate care and maintenance of the equipment, a student may check-out or be issued a MCISD-owned equipment. Check Out If enough instruments are available, students will be issued an instrument owned by MCISD. Occasionally, there are more students performing on a particular instrument than there are instruments available. If this situation occurs, the directors will work out a solution to the problem. Upperclassmen who have previously been members of the Munday Band will be given first consideration for all school owned instruments. Any student found abusing a school-owned instrument will lose their privilege of playing that instrument and will be responsible for any damages. Care and Maintenance Some of the instruments provided by MCISD are older and not very pleasing to the eye. These instruments are however in adequate playing condition. Negligent damage that occurs will be the responsibility of the student/parents. Students/parents will be required to pay for all repairs of a damaged instrument before another instrument will be issued. Students who have been issued a school instrument to play should never allow anyone else to use their instrument. Any damage to the instrument will be assessed to the original student who was issued to the instrument. Band Camps and Other Clinics Most major colleges and universities in Texas sponsor summer band camps. These camps are usually held during the months of June or July and vary in length from one to two weeks. Summer camps are extremely valuable to high school band students. Students at band camps receive instruction from some of the finest directors and instrumental specialists in the nation. Usually college faculty members and the most respected band instructors from all over the country are the instructors at band camps. Some camps are even offering scholarship opportunities to campers who have achieved the most successful placements at ATSSB auditions or UIL All-State Solo competition. Some Universities are offering “tuition free” to members of the All-State Band. It is our professional opinion that any student attending a summer band camp will enhance their personal skills, which will then be brought back to the Munday Band program. The rewards of attending a summer band camp are many and considering the cost of a camp, very reasonable. During the spring semester, students will see brochures from many of the Texas Colleges and Universities offering summer band camps. We will be happy to advise students as to which camps we feel will best suit their individual needs. Please do not hesitate to ask for information about summer band camps. Many colleges offer “Master classes” or special teaching seminars during the school year. Some of the classes are specifically geared toward the ATSSB All-State audition materials and can be very beneficial to all students. During the year, the MCISD staff may encourage students to attend one or more “Master Classes” that will most certainly be offered. Appointed Officers (As needed) Student Leadership - This is the group of student leaders appointed by the band director that will comprise at least one student in each class and each section of the band. Drum Captain - will be appointed by the Band Director, if necessary. Uniform Manager (2) - must be a sophomore, junior or senior in good standing with proven organizational skills. Officers by Audition Drum Major - must be a junior or senior in good standing, have proven leadership skills, have proven organizational skills, have a loyal and cooperative attitude toward the goals of the Munday Band, must demonstrate upper level musician skills and must attend a summer drum major training camp. The number of drum majors selected will be determined by the number of students enrolled in band and by a competitive audition in the spring semester. Twirler - must have had at least one year of marching band experience, have proven leadership skills, have proven organizational skills, have a loyal and cooperative attitude toward the goals of the Munday Band, must demonstrate upper level musician skills and must attend a summer color guard training camp. The Band Directors will select a Twirling Captain from those selected as Twirler. Band Officer Representatives Football Games The following Band Officers will represent the Munday Marching Band during Varsity Football Games: Drum Major(s), Twirler Captain and Student Leadership members. Any others must be approved by the directors. No student who fails more than one six week period will be allowed to hold an office in the Munday Band. A student elected, appointed or chosen by audition who fails a reporting period in a school year will be required to step down from their respective office. Student Fund Raising The director selects student fund-raising activities. Proceeds from fund raising activities will be used for Band trips and other expenses. All money due the band through fundraising must be turned in promptly. Failure to clear your debt can result in disciplinary action. Band Trips The Munday High School Band has been known to take extended overnight Band trips. These trips are specifically designed so that the band students can experience competitions in different parts of Texas as well as the United States. The educational value of traveling far outweighs the cost. Travel depends on many factors. The most important factor is the availability of funds. Extended trips are usually planned to take place during the spring semester. At this time of the year, the band is usually in a performance mode and is generally ready to compete in any type of Band competition. Destinations are usually subject to cost. Band trips must be approved by the Munday CISD Board of Trustees on an individual basis. The Munday Band Boosters must also support band trips. We will make every attempt to find a suitable destination for competition during the Spring Semester. Students will be personally responsible for the expense of any Band trip beyond what is provided by the school district and/or Band Booster organization. Overnight Trip Rules The Munday High School Band takes great pride in itself and the accomplishments of its members. This is never more evident than when the band travels on overnight trips. When traveling, each member of the band is expected to be on his/her very best behavior. The Munday Band usually receives high compliments from travel agencies, tour groups, hotels, bus lines and similar groups because of the excellent behavior of our students. The reason this is true is because of the very strict, but fair, rules outlined below. 1. There will be no student allowed in a room of the opposite sex for any reason unless in the presence of a band director or school administrator. Any student violating this rule will face disciplinary action when returning home. 2. Students will not be outside of their assigned rooms after curfew for any reason unless accompanied by an adult chaperone. Students will be given a reasonable curfew and are will remain inside their room. Students will be given a chaperone’s telephone number to call in case of an emergency. Any student violating this rule will face disciplinary action when returning home. 3. The possession or use of any form of tobacco product, alcohol product, illegal drugs, chemicals, inhalants or any other intoxicants or mood-altering drugs is prohibited. Prescription drugs are allowed as long as the drug is in the original bottle with the label attached. Students should let the band director or an adult chaperone know that they are in possession of it. Any student violating this rule will face disciplinary action when returning home. 4. Any student involved in any property damages will be responsible for paying for them before leaving the property. 5. Any additional hotel charges that are incurred by a student will become the financial responsibility of the student. The student must clear these charges before leaving the property. 6. Students are not to leave an assigned area for any reason. Students are not to get into any vehicle other than school designated transportation. Any student violating this rule will face disciplinary action when returning home. 7. Any student in violation of local, state or federal laws will be turned over to law enforcement authorities. If the student is returned to the care of the band, he or she will be sent home immediately at the expense of the parents. Proper school authorities will be notified of the incident. 8. Students will follow all policies set forth by the Munday Band Handbook and the MISD student code of conduct. 9. Violations of any of the rules listed above may result in permanent removal from the Munday Band. 10. Live by this rule: If you think you might get caught, what you’re contemplating is wrong, so DON’T DO IT!!! Handbook Policy Agreement I,____________________________________, a student in the Munday High School Band, in (student name) the Munday Independent School District, agree to conduct myself in accordance with all policies set by Munday ISD and the Munday Band Handbook in the 2014 – 2015 school year. _____________________________________ Student Signature _______________________ Date _____________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________ Date Travel Permission Agreement _____________________________________, a student in the Munday High School Band, is (student name) Now under my control and custody, I hereby give him/her my permission to travel on school-provided transportation for school-sponsored trips with the Munday Band during the 2014 - 2015 school year. I understand that Munday ISD, its trustees, officers, employees and organization sponsors are not liable for any accident or injuries that may occur to the above named student as a result of his/her participation on any band trip. I agree to indemnify and hold Munday ISD, its trustees, officers, employees and organization sponsors from any and all claims made by third parties which result from the above named student’s actions while on any band trip. In consideration of the above named student being permitted to participate in these trips, I expressly waive all claims to which I may otherwise be entitled, including, but not limited to, claims for medical expenses and wages. I have read this travel permission agreement and understand all of its terms. I have executed it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. _______________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________ Date Student Health History Permission to Treat Student’s Full (Legal) Name:__________________________________________________________ Male____ Female_____ Present Grade_______ Date of Birth________________________ Present Mailing Address:_____________________________________________________________ Home Phone:____________________ Current Email Address (Student):_______________________________________________________ Current Email Address (Parent):________________________________________________________ My child has the following diagnosed medical conditions:___________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ My child takes the following medications (prescribed or not) on a regular basis:_________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide the following information about your family’s Health Care Insurance: Company Name:___________________________ Policy No.________________________________ Father’s Work and Number:___________________________________________________________ Mother’s Work and Number:__________________________________________________________ If an emergency medical situation arises, and neither parent is available by phone, please name another responsible adult that you wish us to contact: Name:_______________________________ Phone:_______________________________ I authorize Munday CISD Band Director to give my child Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen when necessary. ______________________________________ _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date I authorize Munday CISD personnel to seek emergency medical treatment for my child. ______________________________________ _________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date