Virginia Henderson Theory Presentation By Kirsten Kulkarni Neeta Monteiro Pierre Nkurunziza Why this theorist’s model/theory? “The Nightingale of Modern Nursing.” “Modern-Day Mother of Nursing.” “The 20th century Florence Nightingale.” “The first lady of Nursing” “First truly international nurse” Nursing Theorist Virginia Avenel Henderson 1897-1996 Background • Born in Kansas City Missouri, in 1897 • Received a Diploma in Nursing from the Army School of Nursing at Walter Reed Hospital, Washington, D.C. in 1921 • Worked at the Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service for two years after graduation Background • In 1923, she started teaching nursing at the Norfolk Protestant Hospital in Virginia • In 1929, she entered Teachers College at Columbia University for Bachelor’s Degree in 1932, and Master’s Degree in 1934 • In 1939, she revised: Hamer’s classic textbook of nursing for its 4th edition, and later wrote the 5th edition incorporating her personal definition of Nursing (Henderson, 1991) Background • Joined Columbia as a member of the faculty, remained until 1948 • Since 1953, a research associate at Yale School of Nursing • Recipient of numerous recognitions • Her work influenced the nursing profession throughout the world • A well known nursing educator and a prolific author Background • Honorary doctoral degrees from the Catholic University of America, Pace University, University of Rochester, University of Western Ontario, Yale University (held honorary degrees from 13 universities). • In 1985, honored at the Annual Meeting of the Nursing and Allied Health Section of the Medical Library Association • Died: March 19th , 1996 Theory history • Henderson did not intend to develop a theory of nursing • She attempted to define the unique focus of nursing • She emphasized on basic human needs as the central focus of nursing practice. • Two events that lead to the creation of the definition of Nursing * Helped revise a Nursing textbook * She was concerned that many states had no provision for nursing licensure Nursing defined by Henderson Virginia Henderson’s definition of nursing was one of the first statements clearly delineating nursing from medicine: “ The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible” (Henderson, 1966). Henderson’s philosophy “She emphasized the importance of increasing the patient’s independence so that progress after hospitalization would not be delayed. She described the nurse’s role as: *substitutive (doing for the person) *supplementary (helping the person) *complementary (working with the person) with the goal of helping the person become as independent as possible.” Original purpose • Improving patient’s outcomes by application of nursing process • Collaborative care • Patient centered care • Amelioration of health in general Virginia Henderson’s 14 Components She categorized nursing activities into 14 components, based on human needs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Breathe normally Eat and drink adequately Eliminate body wastes Move and maintain desirable postures Sleep and rest Select suitable clothes-dress and undress Maintain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying the environment Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions Worship according to one’s faith Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment Play or participate in various forms of recreation Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Breathe normally Eat and drink adequately Eliminate body wastes Move and maintain desirable postures Sleep and rest Select suitable clothes-dress and undress Maintain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying the environment Keep the body clean and well groomed and Breathe8.normally protect the integument 9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others 10. Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions 11. Worship according to one’s faith 12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment 13. Play or participate in various forms of recreation 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities The 14 components 1. Breathe normally 14 components 2. Eat and drink adequately 14 components • 3. Eliminate body wastes 14 components 4. Move and maintain desirable postures 14 components 5. Sleep and rest 14 components 6. Select suitable clothes- dress and undress 14 components 7. Maintain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying environment 14 components 8. Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument 14 components 9. Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others. 14 Components 10. Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions 14 Components 11. Worship according to one’s faith 14 components 12. Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment 14 components 13. Play or participate in various forms of recreation 14 components 14. Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities. The 14 components • • • • Physiological : Psychological: Spiritual : Sociological : The first 9 components 10th and 14th 11th component 12th and 13th Comparison with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Internal Theory Analysis • Relative importance of concepts. Is each given equal weight? Each of the 14 components as described by Virginia Henderson are given equal importance. Nevertheless the patient may need assistance with only some of the components at a given time depending on the patient’s health condition. The Collaborative Team Henderson’s Theory and the four major concepts 1. Individual – Have basic needs that are components of health – Requiring assistance to achieve health and independence or a peaceful death – Mind and body are inseparable and interrelated – Considers the biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual components – The theory presents the patient as a sum of parts with biopsychosocial needs, and the patient is neither client nor consumer Four major concepts 2. Environment Settings in which an individual learns unique pattern for living All external conditions and influences that affect life and development Individuals in relation to families Minimally discusses the impact of the community on the individual and family Supports tasks of private and public agencies Four major concepts Environment (continued) • Society wants and expects nurses to act for individuals who are unable to function independently. In return she expects society to contribute to nursing education. • Basic nursing care involves providing conditions under which the patient can perform the 14 activities unaided. Four major concepts 3. Health • Definition based on individuals ability to function independently outline in the 14 components. • Nurses need to stress promotion of health and prevention and cure of disease. • Good health is a challenge. Is the individual able to meet these needs independently? Four major concepts 4.Nursing • Temporarily assisting an individual who lacks the necessary strength, will, and knowledge to satisfy one or more of the 14 basic needs. • Assists and supports the individual in life activities and the attainment of independence • Nurse serves to make patient “ complete”, “whole” or “independent.” Four major concepts Nursing (continued) • Henderson’s classic definition of nursing • Carry out physician’s therapeutic plan. • Individualized care is the result of the nurse’s creativity in planning care. Four major concepts Nursing (continued) • Use nursing research – Categorized Nursing: nursing care – Non nursing: ordering supplies, cleanliness and serving food • In the nature of Nursing “that the nurse is and should be legally an independent practitioner and able to make independent judgments as long as s/he is not diagnosing, prescribing treatment for disease, or making a prognosis, for these are the physicians function.” Four major concepts Nursing (continued) • Nurse should have knowledge • In the nature of Nursing, nurse role is, “to get inside the patient’s skin and supplement his strength will or knowledge according to his needs.” Four major concepts Nursing (continued) • Nurse has responsibility to *assess patient’s needs *help individual meet their need *provide a safe environment Assumptions The major assumptions of the theory are: • “Nurses care for patients until patient can care for themselves once again”. • Patients desire to return to health (not explicit). • Nurses are willing to serve and that “nurses will devote themselves to the patient day and night”. • Nurses should be educated at the university level in both arts and science. External Analysis Semantic clarity The terminologies that are used in this theory are clear, easily understandable and simple. Structural Clarity There is no model to represent this theory. Simplicity This theory is simple and easy to use External analysis Generalizability This theory is applicable to people of all age groups, cultures, gender, health conditions and different settings. Accessibility Information regarding this theory is accessible, but newer theorists have since then developed ideas that are built from the concepts proposed in this theory.(An example of this is Orem’ s basic needs theory) External Analysis How is this theory applicable to nursing clinical practice or education or administration? Practice • Assists nurses in everyday experiences • Serves as a guide in the nursing process • Provides a rationale for effective decision making and implementation • Nursing care evaluation criteria • Facilitates communication among the health care team members • Ideas are developed and words are defined • Enhance autonomy External Analysis Education • Provide a general focus for curriculum design • Guide curricular decision making Research • Offers a framework for generating knowledge and new ideas • Helps discover knowledge gaps • Gives a foundation for other theories Bibliography of Virginia Henderson • 1956 (with B. Harmer)- Textbook for the Principles and Practices of Nursing • 1966- The Nature of Nursing. A definition and its implication for practice, research and education • 1991- The Nature of Nursing Reflections after 20 years • 1950-1970- Analysis of Nursing Theory Images of Nursing • The development of Henderson’s definition of Nursing School of thoughts in Nursing theories 1950-1970 Need Theorists Abdellah Interaction Theorists King Henderson Orlando Johnson Orem Peterson and Zderad Paplau Levine Travelbee Roy Wiedenbach Outcome Theorists Rogers Analysis of Nursing Theories According to 1st School Problem Focus Human Being A set of needs or problems A development being Patient Need Deficit Orientation Illness, disease Role of nurse Dependent on medical practice Beginnings of independent functions Fulfill needs requisites Decision making Primarily health care professional Henderson’s Theory Background • Henderson’s concept of nursing was derived from her practice and education, therefore her work is inductive • She called her definition of nursing her “Concept” (Henderson 1991) • (Henderson, 1991) Henderson’s Theory Background Henderson’s Theory and Nursing Process • Summarization of the stages of the nursing process as applied to Henderson’s definition of nursing and to the 14 components of basic nursing care. – Nursing process – Nursing assessment – Nursing diagnosis – Nursing plan -- Nursing Intervention -- Nursing implementation -- Nursing Evaluation Characteristic of Henderson’s Theory • Interrelation of concepts • Concepts are borrowed from other disciplines • Her definition and components are logical and the 14 components are a guide for the individual and nurse in reaching the chose goal • Theories should be relatively simple yet generalizable- Henderson’s theory can be applied to individuals of all ages Characteristics of Henderson’s theory • Theories can be the bases for hypotheses that can be tested- Her definition of nursing cannot be viewed as a theory, therefore it is not possible to generate testable hypotheses. However some questions to investigate the definition of nursing and the 14 components may be useful. Characteristics of Henderson’s Theory • Theories contribute to and assist in increasing the general body of knowledge within the discipline through research implemented to validate them - Her ideas of nursing practice are well accepted throughout the world as a basis for nursing care. However, the impact of the definition and components has not been established through research. Characteristics of Henderson’s Theory • Theories can be utilized by practitioners to guide and improve their practiceIdeally the nurse would improve nursing practice by using her definition and 14 components to improve the health of individuals and thus reduce illness. Usefulness • Nursing education has been deeply affected by Henderson’s clear vision of the function of the nurse. • Published in nursing textbooks from 1930’s 1960’s. • Still important in evaluating nursing care in the 21st century • Henderson’s other concepts have been used from 1930’s to present. Limitations • Lack of conceptual linkage between psychological and other human characteristics • No concept of the holistic nature of human being • The relationship between the components is unclear • Lacks inter-relate of factors and the influence of nursing care Limitations (continued) • Assisting the individual in the dying process she includes that the nurse helps, but there is little explanation of what the nurse does. • “Peaceful death” is curious and significant nursing role Purposes of Nursing Theories • • • • In practice In Education In Research Personal practice Conclusion • Henderson provides the essence of what she believes is a definition of nursing • She didn’t intend to develop a theory of nursing but rather she attempted to define the unique focus of nursing • Her emphasis on basic human needs as the central focus of nursing practice has led to further theory development regarding the needs of the person and how nursing can assist in meeting those needs. • Her definition of nursing and the 14 components of basic nursing care are uncomplicated and selfexplanatory. References