3rd and 4th Quarter Interactive Notebook Page Assignments ** Remember, if it is written in blue, copy down the instruction in your notebook. ** ALL responses must be a MINIMUM 50 word count. 50L Write a 4 paragraph essay. Thesis statement Body paragraph 1 Body paragraph 2 Body paragraph 3 NO conclusion paragraph needed 50R Unit 5: Nationalism, Industrialization, and Imperialism 1750-1914 Prompt: Did European industrialization, imperial expansion, and nationalism improve or harm global civilizations? 51L Explain if you have changed your note-taking strategies. If you have not changed, why? 51R HW Week 19 Quiz 52L Answer 3 questions from class activity on 52R developed for the concept of Nationalism. 53L Using the WL data base “Gale Biography in Context” (http://www.apsva.us/Page/9598) complete the handout for Otto von Bismarck. 52R Concept development for Nationalism – class activity. 1. What causes a person to feel pride, loyalty and allegiance to their country? 2. How can a government affect nationalism? 3. Why do nationalist love their country? 4. Why do people feel national pride? 5. How does nationality influence pride for your nation? 6. At what point do people stop feeling pride for their country? 53R German National Unification Timeline 54L 54R Using your textbook pages 338-342, Italian National Unification Timeline complete the handout “Three Makers of Italian Unifiction.” 55L Answer 3 questions from class activity on 55R for the concept of Imperialism. 55R Concept development for Imperialism – class activity 56L Complete placard activity using information from 56R – handout 56R Motives for Imperialism - handout 57L Answer prompt from movie guide “After Watching the Film.” 57R Rabbit Proof Fence – Movie Guide 58L No Assignment 59L Complete Imperialism PPT Handout. 60L NO Assignment 61L When we are completely done with Unit 6, answer the following question: Is liberty or order more important to society? Why? Word process a 4 paragraph essay. 1. Thesis statement 2. Body paragraph 1 3. Body paragraph 2 4. Body paragraph 3 NO conclusion paragraph needed 58R HW Week 21 Quiz 59R Imperialism WebQuest – Handout 60R HW Week 22 Quiz 61R Unit 6: The World in Crisis 19141945 62L 1. Rank-order the causes and give your group’s reasoning for the order. Write it down. 62R Causes of WWI PPT – Handout 2. After groups present, give reasons why you agree or disagree. 63L 63R World War I Web Quest - Handout The Killing Fields – Video Handout 64L No Assignment 65L Russian Revolution PPT Handout 64R HW Week 25 Quiz 65R Class Activity – Causes of the Russian Revolution. 1. On poster sheet create a Faberge egg representing the causes of the Russian Revolution. You will present the poster. 2. Create a 7 question matching quiz on Google Docs. 66L The Treaty of Versailles and The League of Nations - Handout 66R As a group answer the seven (7) questions on the PPT. The questions are numbered 1-7. Be prepared to be called upon to answer. 67L No Assignment 68L The Interwar Period - Handout 69L NO Assignment 70L Causes of WWII DBQ - Handout 71L Key People of WWII – Handout 67R HW Week 26 68R Video Interwar Years: Lost Peace Handout 69R HW Week 28 Quiz 70R 1. Open up the PPT for 70R. 2. Copy down the information on the first slide. 3. As a group, follow directions for the second slide. 71R See directions on PPT slide for 71R. 72L 72R When we are completely done with Unit 7: The Cold War Era 1945 – Unit 7, answer the following 1991 question: Did the polarization of the world by the two superpowers benefit or harm global development? Word process a 4 paragraph essay. 1. Thesis statement 2. Body paragraph 1 3. Body paragraph 2 4. Body paragraph 3 NO conclusion paragraph needed 73L Cold War Web Quest - Handout 74L Vietnam War PPT - Handout 75L Cuban Missile Crisis Political Cartoon – Handout 76L Pretend you are on a panel to stop future genocides from occurring. Write out your plan to prevent genocide. 77L No Assignment 73R Cold War Video – Brave New World Handout 74R Korean War PPT – Handout 75R Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 76R Genocide – Handout 77R HW Week 31 Quiz 78L Do you think the Cold War could have been avoided? Why or why not? 50 words min response. 78R Answer questions from PPT on Mrs. Norton’s webpage. 79L 1. Create a visual collage or poem which represents the various independence movements as depicted in the video. 2. An explanation of collage or poem. 79R Freedom Now Video Questions – handout 80L 1. Listen to podcast from http://15minutehistory.org/2013/04/17/episode19-inside-the-indian-independence-movement/ 80R Independence for India and Consequences – Handout 2. After listening and reading, consider the different scenarios about “What would Gandhi do?” (handout) and answer as a group. 3. As a group discuss if you think India should have been partitioned? Why or why not? Write your response after discussing. 81L 1. Listen to podcast from 15 Minute History on apartheid in South Africa. 81R The Story of Africa – handout http://15minutehistory.org/2013/12/18/ep isode-36-apartheid/ 2. Create a flowchart of events that ended apartheid in South Africa. 82L Create a symbol or visual for each word on 82R. 83L NO Assignment 84L NO Assignment 82R Contemporary Words – Handout 83R HW Week 33 84R To Live – Video Handout