The Odyssey, by Homer Guided Reading Questions Name______________Period ______ Name _______________________ Date ______________ English 9R The Odyssey Part I 1. Who is speaking in the opening scene? (page 599) __________________________________ 2. What happened at Troy? ( Page 593) 3. Where is Odysseus trying to go? _________________________________________ 4. How long did the Trojan War last? How long has Odysseus been trying to get back home? (page 593) _________________________________________________ 5. Describe what happened on Odysseus’ stop on the land of Cicones. The Lotus Eaters (pages 601-602) 6. What dangers did Odysseus and his men face when they landed on the land of “The Lotus Eaters?” 7. How does Odysseus face these obstacles? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ The Cyclops (pages 602- 615) 8. Describe the Cyclops. 9. How did the Cyclops react when Odysseus told him of the shipwreck? 10. What plan did Odysseus devise to divert the Cyclops? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 11. What is ironic about use of the name “Nohbody” by Odysseus? 12. How do the men escape the cave? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 13. What qualities does Odysseus exhibit as a leader to his men. Provide examples. 14. How does Odysseus endanger his men? (page 614) The Sirens (pages 617-620) 15. Describe the Sirens. What dangers do they possess? 16. How does Odysseus keep himself and his men safe when going past the Sirens? Scylla and Chrarbydis (pages 621-624) 17. Describe Scylla and Charybdis. 18. Which of the two, Scylla or Charybdis, was the lesser of two evils? Why? The Cattle of the Sun God (pages 624-629) 19. What did Odysseus warn his men about? 20. How did Helios and Zeus react to the men’s decisions? What was the result? Part II The Odyssey Father and Son (pages 631-636) 21. How does Athena transform Odysseus just before he reveals his identity to Telemachus? 22. Describe Odysseus plan to kill the suitors. Argos (pages 637-638) 23. What does Argos (Odysseus’ dog) reveal about Odysseus? The Suitors (pages 638-640) 24. Why is it ironic that Odysseus’ returns to Ithaca in beggar’s rags? 25. How do the suitors react to the beggar? Penelope (pages 641-644) 26. How was Penelope able to trick the suitor for three years? 27. What does the beggar tell Penelope? How is this dramatic irony? (the reader knows something that the character does not) The Challenge (pages 645-646) 28. Describe the challenge Penelope proposes to the suitors. Odysseus’ Revenge (pages 646-650) 29. Is Odysseus’ revenge on the suitors excessive? Explain why or why not. Penelope Tests Odysseus (pages 651-653) 30. What role does the goddess Athena play in this part of Odysseus’ journey back home? 31. How does Odysseus prove to Penelope that it is really him? 32. What characteristic do both Penelope and Odysseus have in common? Explain.