Lowering Your Carbon Footprint

Year 6 Home Learning
Set: Friday 27th November 2015 Due in: Wednesday 2nd December 2015
This week in spelling we are focusing on synonyms. Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. For example,
synonyms for the word ‘angry’ could be ‘cross’ or ‘livid’.
How many synonyms can you think of for different words? Write these into your home learning books. Here are a few to
start you off: fast = quick, speedy
scared = frightened, terrified, petrified
large = _________, __________
scent = _________, ___________
Maths is set by your Maths Teacher in your Maths book.
Class Home learning
This week was Sustainable St Albans. In lessons and assemblies we have been focusing on lowering our carbon footprint.
For your home learning this week, we would like you to try and lower your carbon footprint at home. We would like you
to monitor how you have saved energy from Friday until Monday. See below for details.
Lowering Your Carbon Footprint
Using electricity, gas, petrol, fuel and natural resources produces CO2. This is a gas that harms the Earth.
We all have a carbon footprint, which is a way to measure how much CO2 we produce.
Let’s imagine at home:
 Switching your lights off saves 1
every hour.
 Switching your computer/electronic devices OFF saves 1
 Cycling or walking on a journey saves 2
every hour
every journey.
 Recycling: every 5 items you recycle saves you 2
 Turning the heating down by 1 notch saves 2
a day.
Using the graph paper you have been given, colour in a square to represent every carbon footprint
you save
over the weekend. How many can you save in total? Will you save more than anyone else in your class?
Hint: Turn off your computer overnight and you can save 12
Don’t forget to tell us how you saved some of your carbon footprints.
Year 6 Home Learning
Set: Friday 27th November 2015 Due in: Wednesday 2nd December 2015
This week in spelling we are focusing on synonyms. Synonyms are words that have a similar meaning. For example,
synonyms for the word ‘angry’ could be ‘cross’ or ‘livid’.
How many synonyms can you think of for different words? Write these into your home learning books. Here are a few to
start you off: fast = quick, speedy
scared = frightened, terrified, petrified
large = _________, __________
scent = _________, ___________
Maths is set by your Maths Teacher in your Maths book.
Class Home learning
This week was Sustainable St Albans. In lessons and assemblies we have been focusing on lowering our carbon footprint.
For your home learning this week, we would like you to try and lower your carbon footprint at home. We would like you
to monitor how you have saved energy from Friday until Monday. See below for details.
Lowering Your Carbon Footprint
Using electricity, gas, petrol, fuel and natural resources produces CO2. This is a gas that harms the Earth.
We all have a carbon footprint, which is a way to measure how much CO2 we produce.
Let’s imagine at home:
 Switching your lights off saves 1
every hour.
 Switching your computer/electronic devices OFF saves 1
 Cycling or walking on a journey saves 2
every hour
every journey.
 Recycling: every 5 items you recycle saves you 2
 Turning the heating down by 1 notch saves 2
a day.
Using the graph paper you have been given, colour in a square to represent every carbon footprint
you save
over the weekend. How many can you save in total? Will you save more than anyone else in your class?
Hint: Turn off your computer overnight and you can save 12
Don’t forget to tell us how you saved some of your carbon footprints.