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Building a Competitive
College Profile
Presenter: Karen Stabeno
Department Chair, Counseling, BHS
Independent College Consultant
Certified Educational Planner
 Understanding What Selective Colleges are Seeking in
the Ideal Applicant
 The Importance of a College Preparatory Curriculum
 Assessing Your Child’s Interests and Strengths as they
Relate to Extra Curricular and Leadership Activities
 Financing a College Education
What is a Selective College?
Most Selective: Harvard 6%, Stanford 6%, Duke
12% , Northwestern 15%
Very Selective: Carleton 21%, Carnegie Mellon 25%,,
Case Western 42%, Boston University, 37%
Somewhat Selective: University of Redlands 67%,
Seattle University 73%
Know What Matters
Rank from 1-12 the importance of the following
components of a college application.
Admission Test Scores
Grades in all Courses
Students Demonstrated
Counselor Recommendation
Teacher Recommendations
Grade/Course Rigor Trend
Grades in College Prep
AP/IB Test Scores
Extra-Curricular Activities
Class Rank
Strength of Curriculum
NACAC State of College
Admissions Report 2013
Ranked as of “Considerable Importance”:
 College prep course Grades (AP, IB and Honors) - For most
selective institutions, college prep courses count more than those
of regular courses. (82.3%)
 Strength of Curriculum - (65. %)
 Standardized test scores - These include the results of the SAT
Reasoning Test, the ACT test, the SAT Subject Tests, and Advanced
Placement (AP) tests. Colleges will let you know which of these
tests you will need to submit. The SAT Reasoning Test and the ACT
scores are the two most requested. (56.1%)
NACAC State of College
Admissions Report 2013 (cont’d)
 Overall high school grades - Your transcript will list every class
that you have taken in high school and the grade you received in
that class. Colleges will be looking to see whether you took
challenging courses or whether you opted for the easier route.
 The admission essay - Almost every application will ask you to
submit an essay or personal statement based on a question the
college provides. You usually choose from several questions. Your
essay is your opportunity to put a “personality” behind the
application. The essay gives you a chance to say why you want to
attend that particular college. A good essay can tip a decision in
your favor, especially at private colleges. (19.7%)
NACAC State of College
Admissions Report 2013 (cont’d)
 Demonstrated interest - Whether it’s showing up for a college visit,
calling admission officers, or an enthusiastic interview, showing that
you really want to attend a college can help your chances - especially at
private colleges. (17.8%)
 Counselor/Teacher Recommendations - (15.6%)
 Class Rank - (13.3%)
 Extracurricular commitment - What you do in your spare time says a
lot about you. Maybe you’ve pursued a sport, spent years developing a
talent, or made a strong commitment to work or volunteering. What
counts most to colleges, especially highly selective colleges, is how
long you have been involved, how much time you allot each week, and
whether or not you have taken a role of leadership in your activity.
The Importance of a Strong
College Preparatory Curriculum
 Rigor
 5+ college preparatory core classes each year
 AP/IB/Honors/Advanced Curriculum
 College classes
 Grade Trend
 Rank in Class
High School Graduation and
College Entrance Requirements
Language Arts
Subject Requirements
Social Studies
• Language Arts
• Social Studies
• Mathematics
• Science
• World Language
Fine/Applied Arts &/or
World Languages
Physical Education
Career Education
Total: 24
Grade Point Average
Admission Test Requirements
Standardized Tests
 ACT Tests
 Explore: 8th & 9th grade
 Plan: 10th grade
 ACT Plus Writing: 11th grade
 SAT Tests
 PSAT: October of the 10th & 11th grade
 SAT Reasoning: Spring of 11th grade, Fall of 12th
 SAT Subject Based: Spring of 10th or 11th grade, Fall
of 12th grade; after completion of AP or IB course
Building Your Resume
 School & athletic activities
 Volunteer service/community activities
 Paid work (after school or summer job)
 Summer enrichment programs
Doing Your Research
 College Guidebooks
 Computer Resources
 College Fairs and Open Houses
 People Resources
 Visits to College Campuses
Basis of Federal, State, College and University
Financial Aid Programs and Calculations
 It is the family’s responsibility to pay for
higher education expenses to the extent it is
 “Financial aid” programs have been
designed to make up the difference between
the family’s ability to pay for college and the
cost of a college education.
What You Actually Have to Pay
 Most financial aid awards are made up of a combination of
“gift aid” (scholarships and grants) and “self help aid” (loans
and work-study). Gift aid reduces your college cost, dollar for
dollar. Self-help aid does not reduce your college cost. You
either have to pay back the money or you have to work for it.
 Further, many colleges simply don’t have enough financial
resources to fully meet the need of every student. So, your
true out-of-pocket, or “net cost”, comes from three sources :
your EFC, your self-help aid, and your unmet financial need.
Net Price Calculator
 6 out of 10 families rule out some colleges because of sticker
price, yet many do not know that the “Net Price” is typically
far lower.
 The “Net Price” of a college is what you pay after
grants/scholarships are subtracted.
 A Net Price Calculator provides families who take advantage
of them, a personalized estimate of what a particular school
will cost them.
Selecting Schools Strategically to gain
the Best Financial Aid Package
 Estimate financial aid need. Use the online expected Family
Contribution (EFC) calculators to determine, at a minimum
what you will have to pay at any school.
 Start using net price calculators. Regardless of your EFC, your
job is evaluating schools to see which would be the most
generous for your child.
 Students should typically aim for colleges where they would
be in the top 25% to 33% of the applicants.
EFC Calculators
Click on Calculators
Click on Expected Family Contribution and
Financial Aid Calculator
Under “For Students”
Click on Pay for College
Click on Financial Aid Easy Planner
Don’t Qualify for Need-Based
 Remember colleges give 98% of the merit scholarships ranging
from $1,000 to full tuition.
 36% of private colleges give merit aid.
 Two types of merit aid: 1) guaranteed – based on GPA and test
scores (grid), 2) competitive aid – involves application, essay,
and/or interview.
 Many colleges have early scholarship deadlines dates: 11/1, 11/15,
 Keep sports in mind as merit money. Only 1 % of athletes get a full