University of California, Irvine
UCI Alumni Association, Academic Regalia Product
RFP Summary
RFP Number:
UCI Alumni Association, Academic Regalia Product
The UCI Alumni Association is seeking proposals for the provision of academic regalia for student and faculty for annual commencement and convocation ceremonies.
RFP Due Date:
RFP Administrator
Friday, October 19, 2012, by 2:00 p.m. PST
Jeff Minhas
Director, Programs and Chapter Development
UCI Alumni Association
Phineas Banning Alumni House
University of California
Irvine, California 92697-1225
(949) 824-4092
RFP Schedule of Events *
Suppliers interested in submitting proposals in response to this RFP should do so according to the following schedule. A Supplier shall be disqualified for failing to adhere to the performance dates and times specified below
RFP issue date
Vendor return of Notice of Intent to submit bid
Bidders submit questions and requests for clarification of RFP
UCI response to questions and requests for clarification of RFP
Issuance of addenda to RFP, if necessary.
Deadline for submission of proposal per
Section 1.4.0.
10/19/12 by 2:00pm PST
To be determined, if necessary Supplier presentations or site visits
(optional, to be determined by UCI)
Anticipated award date
The UCI Alumni Association reserves the right to modify the above schedule of events and make changes to other provisions in this RFP.
It is the Bidder’s responsibility to read the entire document, any addendums and to comply with all requirements listed herein.
4.6.0 Account References and Financial Information …………………………………………………………………15
Exhibits, Appendices, Supplements and Attachments
University of California Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Bid Item Price Matrix
Business Classification Definitions
Business Information Form
RFP Cover & Certification Page
Appendix “A”
Attachment 1
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to invite prospective companies to prepare and submit a proposal (bid) to furnish: Academic regalia products to the UCI Alumni Association (Herein referred to as “UCIAA”), in accordance with the requirements defined elsewhere in this RFP.
University of California, Irvine was established in 1965 and is part a ten-campus statewide University of California system. UC Irvine is a top-ranked university dedicated to research, scholarship and community service. UC Irvine is among the fastest-growing University of California campuses, with nearly 28,000 undergraduate and graduate students and about 1,100 faculty members. The second-largest employer in dynamic Orange County, UC Irvine contributes an annual economic impact of $4 billion. To learn more about UC Irvine, please visit:
This RFP is issued on behalf of the UCI Alumni Association.
Established in 1968 and later separately incorporated in 1975 as a California not-for-profit, the UCI Alumni
Association was established primarily to organize the alumni of, and to advance and assist the general interests of, the University of California, Irvine. The association assists in the recruitment and retention of students and provides services to UCI's more than 135,000 alumni which contribute to the financial and moral support of the university.
UCIAA mobilizes and unifies the alumni voice in an effort to assist in shaping the university's future. Our programs include a number of activities involving volunteers from the university community, faculty, staff, alumni, students and friends. More information about the UCI Alumni Association can be found at:
This RFP and any subsequent addenda to it, is being issued by the UCI Alumni Association. The UCI Alumni
Association RFP Administrator is the sole point of contact regarding all procurement and contractual matters relating to the requirements described in this RFP; and is the only office authorized to change, modify, clarify, etc., the specifications, terms and conditions of this RFP and any agreement(s) awarded as a result of this RFP.
All communications, including any requests for clarification, concerning this RFP should be addressed in writing to the RFP Administrator:
Jeff Minhas Phone: (949) 824-4092
Director, Programs and Chapter Development Fax: Not accepted for bid submission
UCI Alumni Association Email:
Addenda to this RFP will be distributed via email only , to those bidders that have either returned their “Notice of
Intent to Respond to RFP” or have requested the RFP from the UCI Alumni Association RFP Administrator.
Proposals must follow the format specified in this RFP. Bids must be signed by a company officer authorized to enter into agreements on behalf of the Supplier. The submission of a signed proposal will confirm understanding and acceptance of all requirements, terms and conditions of the RFP unless specific exceptions are taken and alternative language or provisions are offered and approved by UC Irvine. Proposals must provide a complete response to all requirements stated in the RFP and comply with the specifications and all applicable regulations.
Proposals must include the same section titles used below (Bid Response Section), and in the same order.
Incomplete proposals are subject to disqualification, as they shall be deemed non-responsive.
Proposals must be submitted in a Microsoft Office Word™ format. Pricing Schedules must be submitted in a
Microsoft Office Excel™ format. Other attachments may be in other file formats, but should only use commonlyavailable programs (i.e., no proprietary file extensions/programs)
Proposals shall be marked:
Name of Bidder
RFP # 082012AA
1. Bidders must submit one (1) hardcopy proposal with Pricing response, Section 4 in a separate sealed envelope to RFP Administrator:
Attention: Jeff Minhas
UCI Alumni Association
Phineas Banning Alumni House
University of California Irvine
Irvine, Ca. 92697-1225
In addition, a complete and signed electronic proposal in Microsoft Word format including a separate , properly formatted Excel price quotation must be submitted to
prior to the close date/time of the
RFP. Proposals sent via fax (facsimile) will be rejected and deemed non-responsive.
Electronic Copies, Signatures, and Amendments or Changes: The parties agree that a copy of the original signature (including an electronic copy) may be used for any and all purposes for which the original signature may have been used. For purposes of this RFP, “original signature” shall include an ink or digital signature.
Any Proposal or modification to a Proposal received after the exact time and date specified for receipt will not be considered, unless it is received before an award is made, and
1. it was sent by registered or certified mail with the date no later than five calendar days prior to the date submission due date and time; or
2. it was sent by mail and it is determined by UC Irvine that the Bidder has demonstrated to the satisfaction of
UC Irvine that it was submitted timely and arrived late through no fault of the Bidder; or
3. late receipt was due solely to mishandling by UC Irvine; or
4. it is the only Proposal received.
This solicitation, the evaluation of proposals and the award of any resulting agreement shall be made in conformance with applicable University policies and California law. The University reserves the right to withdraw this RFP provided it has not already awarded a contract to one of the bidders or began negotiations with the apparent awardee. The University reserves the right to accept or reject quotations in part or in whole, without further discussion. All documents submitted to UC Irvine on behalf of this RFP will become the exclusive property of the University and will not be returned.
Any agreement(s) resulting from this RFP will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder(s) whose proposal, in the opinion of the University, offers the greatest benefit to the University when considering the total value, including, but not limited to, the quality of products, service, and total cost trade-ins, upgrades, available volume discounts, shipping and other miscellaneous charges).
Proposals will be evaluated using a four step evaluation method.
Step 1 : Proposals will be reviewed to determine if they are “administratively responsive” (all required items provided, all deadlines met, all forms filled out completely, proposal formatted and submitted as required, etc.).
Step 2: Technical responses will be evaluated by the University using a quality points system. The evaluator(s) will examine each Supplier’s narrative response through the application of uniform criteria, evidencing its ability to meet or exceed the University’s program requirements for the provision of Academic Regalia Product.
In addition to materials provided in the proposals, the evaluator(s) may request additional information from the supplier and others which may include site visits, oral presentations, product testing, additional material/ information or references to make their determination of quality points awarded. However, UCI will not do internet research or other inquiries for purposes of supplementing Supplier’s Proposal submission in order to assist Supplier in meeting the submission requirements.
Step 3 : Financial (Pricing) Proposals are reviewed to determine Total Cost.
Step 4: (Optional) Supplier (s) may be selected as a finalist and undergo further evaluation or as an apparent awardee. These supplier (s) proposals will be reviewed to determine if they are “Financially Responsible”.
Quality Point Calculations;
Determination of Quality Points Factors that will be used to evaluate proposals may include the following, however other pertinent factors may also be considered:
Supplier Qualifications
Supplier Service Capabilities
Supplier Technology Capabilities [reserved]
Supplier Technical Mandatory Requirement
Supplier Technical Desirable Criteria
All quality points awarded by individual evaluators will be averaged per category and each category will be added together to compile a total quality points score for each Supplier. The total cost is then divided by the total quality points score. The proposal offering the lowest cost per quality point (CPQP) for any of the specified cost factors will be recommended for award. Bidders must meet a minimum Quality Points threshold of 70% to be considered for further analysis.
Should the Bidder with the proposal offering lowest CPQP refuse or fail to accept the tendered contract, the award may be made offered to the Bidder with the second lowest CPQP, or then to the third in the event of further failure to accept.
UCIAA may waive irregularities in a proposal provided that, in the judgment of UCIAA, such action will not materially change the proposal, negate fair competition and will permit proper comparative evaluation of proposals submitted. UCIAA's waiver of an immaterial deviation or defect shall in no way modify the Request for Proposal documents or excuse the Bidder from full compliance with the Request for Proposal specifications in the event the contract is awarded to that bidder.
UCIAA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, make more than one award, or no award. Any contract awarded pursuant to this RFP will incorporate the requirements and specifications contained in the RFP, as well the contents of the Bidder’s proposal as accepted by UCIAA.
All costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals and related documentation, including bidder presentations to UCIAA, will be borne by the Bidder.
If the bidder discovers any discrepancy, error or omission in this RFP or any of its Attachments, Appendices, Exhibits or
Addenda; notify UCIAA immediately and a written addendum which includes clarification/notification will be issued to all bidders who have submitted a “Notice of Intent to Respond” and the addendum will be posted on the Bid and Contract
Opportunities website.
All bids shall remain available for UCIAA acceptance for a minimum of 120 days following the RFP closing date.
This RFP, together with copies of all documents pertaining to any award or agreement, if issued, shall be kept for the period required by law and made part of a file or record which shall be open to public inspection. If the Bidder’s response contains any trade secrets or proprietary information that should not be disclosed to the public or used by
UCIAA for any purpose other than evaluation of the response, the top of each sheet of such information must be marked with the following legend: “CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION”.
All information submitted as part of a response after an award has been made, must be open to public inspection
(except items marked as “Confidential Information” and considered trade secrets under the California Public
Records Act). Should a request for information be made of the University that has been designated as confidential by the Bidder and on the basis of that designation, University denies the request for information; the Bidder shall be responsible for all legal costs necessary to defend such action if the denial is challenged in a court of law.
Any potential agreement, as well as business records including invoices and payroll records associated with performance of the work contracted as a result of this RFP shall be subject to examination and audit by UCIAA and any authorized Federal or State of California Agency for a period of three (3) years after final payment. The examination and audit shall be confined to those matters connected with the performance of the awarded agreement.
The successful bidder shall be prohibited from making any reference to UC Irvine, in any announcement, news release, literature, promotional material, brochures or sales presentations without the express written consent of
The University of California trademarks are protected by Federal Trademark and California State laws and any use, of any UC Trademarks is prohibited, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of UCIAA, as applicable.
If work is to be performed on University premises, bidder(s) shall furnish a certificate of insurance acceptable to the
University (see Appendix “A”, Article 17). All certificates shall name the Regents of the University of California as an additional insured on a separate endorsement. The certificate must be submitted to the RFP Administrator prior to the execution of a final agreement and/or commencement of onsite work.
The University of California Terms and Conditions of Purchase, “A”, Supplements 5 and 5.1, and Exhibits A-C are referenced and made fully a part of this solicitation in the form of attachments as stated on page one (1) entitled
“Exhibits, Appendices, Supplements and Attachments”. Bidders must open, read and agree to or complete the required documents in order to be considered for this bid opportunity.
It is anticipated that the initial term of any agreement resulting from this RFP will be for a period of Three (3) years with two (2) one (1) year options to renew upon mutual agreement under the same terms and conditions of this
RFP and Suppliers response hereto.
In matters of conflicts of terms, the order of precedence shall be as follows: 1.) Final Contract(s) awarded from the
RFP; 2.) The RFP Document and any subsequent Addenda; 3) Supplier‘s response to the RFP; 4.) The University of California Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase – Appendix A.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to seek proposals from academic apparel companies ("vendor'') for the university's convocation and commencement ceremonies in accordance with the accepted code of academic costume, for use by the University of California, Irvine students, faculty, administrators, staff and Trustees.
Vendor will furnish black regalia to the university through the UCI Alumni Association (UCIAA) for bachelor, master and doctoral graduates and faculty. Students, except noted below, will purchase this product. Faculty and certain student regalia will be a rental product.
Students earning J.D., M.D. and M.B.A. degrees receive rental regalia. UCIAA reserves the right to change purchase/rental models for certain student programs on an annual basis within the term of contract.
Rental regalia (includes gown and hood) must be returned after use. Faculty and students keep the tassel and cap.
UCIAA agrees to help vendor in recovering all rented items. Vendor will provide notice to renting students and faculty that they are legally bound to return regalia or pay for replacement cost. UCIAA nor UC Irvine is legally bound or financially required to pay for non-returned rental items.
Please provide your blanket proposal based on both the pricing and service criteria outlined below. Submitted proposals shall detail cost per unit including, but not limited to:
Mortarboard cap
Tassel with standard year date
Tassel with rhinestone year date
Bachelor gown
Master gown
Doctor gown
Master hood
Doctor hood
Bachelor package: cap, gown, tassel
Masters set package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Doctoral package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Mortarboard cap
Tassel with standard year date
Tassel with rhinestone year date
Bachelor gown
Master gown
Doctor gown
Master hood
Doctor hood
Bachelor package: cap, gown, tassel
Masters set package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Doctoral package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Mortarboard cap
Tam with attached gold bullion tassel
Tam with separate standard tassel
Tassel with standard year date
Bachelor gown
Master gown
Doctor gown
Master hood
Doctor hood
Bachelor package: cap, gown, tassel
Master package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Master package: tam with attached tassel, gown, with hood
Doctor package: cap, gown, tassel with hood
Doctor package: tam with attached tassel, gown, with hood
Doctor package: tam with separate tassel, gown, with hood
*If your company provides other apparel options, please include description and pricing details for consideration.
Mortarboard cap color: Black
Tam color: Black
Gown color: Black
Tassel colors:
Ph.D. – Old Gold
J.D. – Purple
M.D. - Green
Master - Black
Bachelor (by field of study, as follows):
Arts – Brown
Biological Sciences – Green
Business – Drab (light brown)
Education – Light Blue
Engineering – Orange
Humanities – White
ICS – Royal Blue
Hood colors
Nursing - Apricot
Pharmaceutical Sciences – Olive
Physical Sciences – Gold Yellow
Social Ecology – Salmon Pink
Public Health – Salmon Pink
Social Sciences – Citron
Base fabric color will be black
Lining and chevron colors will be Gold and Royal Blue (UC Irvine colors) for all students
Lining and chevron colors will be varying alma mater colors for all faculty
Velvet band color will vary as such:
Ph.D. – Royal Blue
J.D. – Purple
M.D. – Green
Master (by field of study):
Arts – Brown
Biological Sciences – Green
Business – Drab (light brown)
Education – Light Blue
Engineering – Orange
Humanities – White
ICS – Royal Blue
Nursing - Apricot
Pharmaceutical Sciences – Olive
Physical Sciences – Gold Yellow
Social Ecology – Salmon Pink
Public Health – Salmon Pink
Social Sciences – Citron
Vendor will pay all ground transportation charges for orders placed at least 30 days prior to the date needed.
Orders that require air shipping to meet an anticipated need date will be subject to transportation charges.
Vendor will provide pricing for drop-ship to customer for student purchase regalia.
Vendor will pay all transportation charges for all used and unused returns for both rental and purchased regalia product. Provided freight company will be responsible for loading and transportation of all products from UCIAA office, and be advised that no loading dock will be available. Single pick up to be scheduled no later than June 30.
Credit for all returned product will be issued within 30 calendar days of freight pickup from UCIAA. Unless otherwise requested, credit will be issued to UCIAA as a single check payment. A report detailing the amount of each product that was returned and credited will be issued to UCIAA. A $1,000 penalty per week will be invoked for each week after the 30-day window that the credit and return report have not been received by UCIAA.
2.7.1 Vendor will provide a 24-hour phone number for emergency needs. All messages must be addressed with a response by phone or email within 24 business hours.
2.7.2 Vendor will provide staff to unload and transport all inventory regalia from delivery truck to appropriate
UCIAA storage room and to organize in a manner suitable for distribution.
2.7.3 Vendor will provide $2,500 toward funding student workers who help in the distribution of regalia
2.7.4 Vendor will provide staff or funding to pick-up used and unused student and faculty regalia and return to the
UCIAA office from UC Irvine commencement ceremonies which do not fall on the primary Commencement weekend, including, but not limited to the School of Medicine and School of Law ceremonies.
2.7.5 Vendor will provide access to an online system that allows easy placement of all available types of regalia orders.
2.7.6 All regalia sales and rentals to students, faculty, staff, departments and schools of UC Irvine will be handled directly by UCIAA. UCIAA may allow purchase of rental-quality academic regalia for individual faculty to occur directly with the vendor on a case by case basis.
2.7.7 At no point will contract pricing be disclosed to any party other than UCI Alumni Association employees.
This is grounds for contract termination.
2.7.8 Companies should have proven track record of high-quality customer service and be financially sound, in business for at least five years. Responses should address the specifications in this Request for Proposals, but alternative specifications may be considered. UCIAA reserves the right to refuse any proposal which does not provide the minimum information requested in this document. Selection will be made solely on criteria determined by UCIAA.
Mandatory Requirements are defined as requirements essential to UCIAA for bid consideration. Automatic disqualification from the bidding process will result from Bidder’s failure to agree and/or be in compliance with any one or more the following requirements. Indicate acceptance by placing an “X” next to “Agree”.
Submit this form along with your bid.
UCI Requirement
Proposals must not contain any provisions reserving the right to
Bidder Acknowledge
2.8.1 Agree____
2.8.3 accept or reject an award or to enter into an agreement containing terms and conditions that are contrary to those in the solicitation.
Bidders must meet a minimum Quality Points threshold of 70%. Please refer to Section 1.6
.0 “Proposal Evaluation and Contract Award” for definition of the quality points system.
Bidders must be able to maintain the necessary insurance (See Article
17 of the enclosed University of California Terms and Conditions of
Bidders must possess all trade, professional, or business licenses as may be required by the work contemplated by this RFP.
All Bidders must complete Attachment 4 “University of California
Business Information Form” and return it as part of the bid. Be sure to include your business classification and any certifications.
Bidders guarantee bids shall remain available for University acceptance for a minimum of 120 days following the RFP closing date.
Bidder confirms understanding and acceptance of all requirements, terms and conditions of the RFP unless specific exceptions are taken and alternative language or provisions are offered.
Bidder’s proposal should be signed by an Officer or employee duly authorized to legally bind the entity submitting the Proposal. See
Attachment 4 “Bidder Response Certification Signature Page.”
1. Please describe your company in detail.
2. Please describe how your company intends to service UCIAA’s needs for the provision of academic regalia to UCI students and faculty.
3. How long has your company been in the academic regalia business?
4. Within your quotation for products, does your company identify the fully delivered cost? Please describe in detail.
5. Describe your company’s ability to fulfill all product types listed in sections 2.1.0 - 2.3.15. Are there any products in those sections which you cannot fulfill?
6. Describe your company’s ability to fulfill all colors listed in section 2.4. Are there any colors which you cannot fulfill?
7. Please identify how your company controls freight costs for the products shipped to UCI or end-user locations. Please describe your current shipping process and companies used. a) Will UCIAA be charged for ground shipping for orders placed at least 30 calendar days prior to the date needed? b) Do you guarantee orders to be delivered to UCIAA by the requested date submitted at the time of order placement?
8. How does your company handle emergency orders placed by
UCIAA with a guaranteed delivery date fewer than 30 days in advance? a) How does your company handle shipping fees and/or surcharges in this circumstance? b) What is the minimum number of business days needed in order to guarantee delivery of product to UCIAA?
9. Are there any colors in addition to those listed in section 2.4 that your company has available?
10. How does your company handle shortages in your product? If you are unable to fulfill an order for a specific product/color, what
is your procedure?
11. How does your company handle returns? a) What support are you able to provide in the recovery and return shipments of returned rental regalia? b) Describe any re-stocking fees or surcharges associated with returned and non-returned rental regalia c) Does your company limit the amount of non-rental product that can be returned for full refund? d) Are there any products described in sections 2.1.0 - 2.3.15 that do not qualify for full refund? e) How does your company handle defective products?
12. Please describe your company’s methods of customer service available to UCIAA.
13. Is your company able to respond to all customer service inquiries within 24 hours?
14. Is your company able to provide staff to facilitate the offloading of the largest shipment of Commencement regalia, from the delivery truck to the appropriate storage room at the UCIAA offices?
15. Is your company able to provide at least $2,500 toward funding student employees to facilitate the distribution of academic regalia for Commencement?
16. Describe all methods available for UCIAA to submit product orders. Does your company have an automated online system?
17. Describe your company’s experience serving customers in
Higher Education and customers with equivalent geographic distribution of operations as UCI?
18. What backup plans and/or systems does your company have in place to maintain operations during emergencies and catastrophic events? How will UCIAA access these services?
19. Describe your company’s ability to accommodate requests by
UCIAA personnel for in-person assistance with the resolution of ordering problems, service issues, invoice disputes, business reviews and other matters which arise during the course of business? If you are not able to accommodate in person requests, please identify how you handle such matters.
20. How does your company measure customer service levels and how can UCIAA be confident our program managers and endusers are receiving an acceptable level of service?
21. Is your company available for receiving orders and providing customer service and support between 8am and 5pm pst (non-web based)? If not, what is your company’s normal business hours for these services?
22. Please describe how your company ensures accurate and valid invoices. Include how invoice mis-matches are resolved and any time bounds your company is able to place on the resolution process.
23. UCIAA’s standard payment terms are net thirty (30) days after receipt of invoice. Do you offer early payment discounts for those invoices promptly paid? What are your early pay options and discounts?
24. Please list all locations and their respective activities (including but not limited to customer service, distribution centers, headquarters, branch offices, repair, etc.) from which this program will be administered if your company is awarded a contract.
Bidder proposals must address all of the listed requirements in the order presented with a response acknowledging an understanding of and approach to fulfilling the requirements.
Below are the instructions and bid matrices for completion. This is a critical portion of the RFP as it provides the means to analyze the information in a consistent format, efficiently and comparatively.
1. Please complete Attachment 1, based on specified UC Irvine requirements as defined in this RFP.
2. Bidders must provide the following product and pricing data: a. Manufacturer name b. List Pricing for requested publication c. Volume discount (Order amount and associated cost, if applicable) d. Bidders are required to provide a price quotation or discount structure for Course Packets and
Case Readings included in the Bid Item Price Matrix and detailed in Section 4 of this RFP. Double click the form below to open and complete. Save often. You may save back into this RFP or to your desktop.
RFP# 082012AA Pricing Matrix
3. Create a separate copy of Attachment 1 if bidder would like to communicate any proposed alternate for a given
Product or Products. Alternates must meet or exceed the quality of the product specified. a. Clearly describe what is being proposed and indicate how it differs from the item specified b. Include complete descriptive literature and/or specifications as proof that the item will be equal to or better than the specifications of item shown
Discounts quoted may not decrease prior to October 31, 2015. Pricing changes after November 1, 2015, if any, shall be made on an annual basis as negotiated by both parties. Any price changes require prior written notification and must be the result of negotiations between the parties. However, in no event shall price increase on an aggregate basis exceed three (3) percent or CPI (textile industry), whichever is less. Price increases for any agreement renewal periods must be supported by documented evidence of price increases.
Manufacturer/supplier price decreases should be passed on to the University immediately.
Further, supplier will provide notice to UCIAA of all such price changes in a timely manner.
UC Irvine recognizes that Product additions and deletions to the selected bidder’s offerings may occur during the life of any resulting agreement from this RFP.
New Products : Similar products will be categorized within awarded categories as defined and agreed to by
UCIAA with respect to discount structure, net price or total cost. If the supplier offers products that are substantially different from awarded categories, UCIAA and the supplier may enter negotiations.
Discontinued Products : Supplier shall notify UCIAA sixty (60) Days in advance of any Products being discontinued. Replacement of any discontinued Product(s) should be offered to UCIAA at the same price structure or better of the original Product and with the expressed consent of UCIAA.
Bidders may quote discounts offered for early payment. UCIAA ’s payment terms for agreements awarded as a result of this RFP will be Net 30 Days with the thirty (30) day clock beginning with the receipt of a valid and accurate invoice and ending upon UC Irvine ’s transfer of funds to the suppliers’ account.
Bidders are encouraged to submit any additional discounts that would provide the University with cost savings.
Refer to Section 3, question #23.
Bidders are required to submit professional references, with a minimum, one (1) reference reflecting the servicing of a similar sized institution. In addition, bidders are to submit financial information (simplified revenue/expense or annual report) which will assist in our understanding of your firm’s solvency.
Refer to Section 3, question #27.
Bidders are encouraged to submit alternate proposals that would further our goal of reducing expenses and offering optimum value. Alternate proposals will be considered only if the original proposal requirements of the RFP are met in the manner specified.
Alternate proposals are to be submitted at the time of original proposal. They are to be separate from the original proposal and clearly marked “ALTERNATE PROPOSALS”.