Oracle 12c – Lesser Spotted New features Carl Dudley Tradba Ltd Oracle ACE Director 1 Introduction Working with Oracle since 1986 Oracle DBA - OCP Oracle7, 8, 9, 10 Oracle DBA of the Year – 2002 Oracle ACE Director Beta tester – Oracle8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Regular Presenter at Oracle Conferences Consultant and Trainer Technical Editor for a number of Oracle texts UK Oracle User Group Official Member of IOUC Fellow of British Computer Society 2 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 3 Approximate Count Distinct ( Faster way of finding counts of distinct values ― sales table with 3,675,372 rows SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sales_id) FROM sales; 3675372 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes |TempSpc| Cost (%CPU)| -----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 13 | | 17447 (1)| | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 13 | | | | 2 | VIEW | VW_DAG_0 | 3675K| 45M| | 17447 (1)| | 3 | HASH GROUP BY | | 3675K| 21M| 42M| 17447 (1)| | 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| SALES | 3675K| 21M| | 5552 (1)| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(<<column_name>>) FROM sales; SELECT APPROX_COUNT_DISTINCT(sales_id) FROM sales; 3608058 -------------------------------------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| -------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 1 | 6 | 5552 (1)| | 1 | SORT AGGREGATE APPROX| | 1 | 6 | | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | SALES | 3675K| 21M| 5552 (1)| -------------------------------------------------------------------1- 4 Approximate Count Distinct ( Some initial findings ― sales table with 3,675,372 rows Column name Function Value Timing channel_id Accurate 4 0.21 channel_id Approximate 4 0.21 prod_id Accurate 72 0.18 prod_id Approximate 72 0.21 cust_id Accurate 7059 0.42 cust_id Approximate 7014 0.24 sales_id Accurate 3675372 1.20 sales_id Approximate 3608058 0.26 amount_sold Accurate 3586 0.23 amount_sold Approximate 3616 0.22 % deviation 0 0 -0.64 -1.83 +0.83 1- 5 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 6 The emp and dept Tables dept emp DEPTNO -----10 20 30 40 EMPNO ----7934 7782 7839 7369 7876 7566 7902 7788 7900 7521 7654 7844 7499 7698 DNAME -------------ACCOUNTING RESEARCH SALES OPERATIONS ENAME ---------MILLER CLARK KING SMITH ADAMS JONES FORD SCOTT JAMES WARD MARTIN TURNER ALLEN BLAKE LOC -------NEW YORK DALLAS CHICAGO BOSTON JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- -----CLERK 7782 23-JAN-1982 1300 10 MANAGER 7839 09-JUN-1981 2450 10 PRESIDENT 17-NOV-1981 5000 10 CLERK 7902 17-DEC-1980 800 20 CLERK 7788 12-JAN-1983 1100 20 MANAGER 7839 02-APR-1981 2975 20 ANALYST 7566 03-DEC-1981 3000 20 ANALYST 7566 09-DEC-1982 3000 20 CLERK 7698 03-DEC-1981 950 30 SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-1981 1250 500 30 SALESMAN 7698 28-SEP-1981 1250 1400 30 SALESMAN 7698 08-SEP-1981 1500 0 30 SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-1981 1600 300 30 MANAGER 7839 01-MAY-1981 2850 30 7 Top-N Queries Finding the 'top' set of records is now easier ― Find the employees on the two highest salaries SELECT empno,ename,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS ONLY; EMPNO ----7839 7788 ENAME SAL ---------- ---------KING 5000 SCOTT 3000 — Ties are not handled • FORD has a salary of 3000 and is missing — Can be fixed using WITH TIES syntax SELECT empno,ename,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC FETCH FIRST 2 ROWS WITH TIES; EMPNO ENAME SAL ----- ---------- ---------7839 KING 5000 7788 SCOTT 3000 7902 FORD 3000 8 Top-N queries with Offsets Can 'page down' the data using OFFSET SELECT empno,ename,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC OFFSET 6 ROWS FETCH NEXT 4 ROWS WITH TIES; EMPNO ----7499 7844 7934 7521 7654 ENAME SAL ---------- ---------ALLEN 1600 TURNER 1500 MILLER 1300 WARD 1250 MARTIN 1250 But there are some issues SELECT empno,ename,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC OFFSET 1 ROW FETCH NEXT 1 ROW WITH TIES; EMPNO ----7788 7902 ENAME SAL ---------- ---------SCOTT 3000 FORD 3000 SELECT empno,ename,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC OFFSET 2 ROWS FETCH NEXT 1 ROW WITH TIES; EMPNO ENAME SAL ----- ---------- ---------7902 FORD 3000 The selection of FORD rather than SCOTT is purely random 9 Use of Subqueries in Top-N queries When join sets are not known in advance Example purely for illustration : Number of emp rows to select must be based on highest salary ― Note use of subquery in FETCH clause • Can use any appropriate variable or expression SELECT empno,ename,sal 3.333 3 rows FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC FETCH FIRST (SELECT MAX(sal)/1500 FROM emp) ROWS ONLY; EMPNO ENAME ----- --------7839 KING 7902 FORD 7788 SCOTT SAL ---5000 3000 3000 MAX(sal) = 5000 10 Use of Subqueries in the OFFSET Clause Shows flexibility of the new feature SELECT empno,ename,sal 4.0 4 rows FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC OFFSET (SELECT MIN(sal)/200 FROM emp) ROWS FETCH NEXT (SELECT MAX(sal)/1000 FROM emp) ROWS ONLY; EMPNO ----7698 7782 7499 7844 7934 ENAME ---------BLAKE CLARK ALLEN TURNER MILLER SAL ---2850 2450 1600 1500 1300 5.0 5 rows MIN(sal) = 800 MAX(sal) = 5000 11 Top-N Query – 11g ENAME SAL SELECT ename ------ -----,sal KING 5000 FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY sal DESC) rank SCOTT 3000 ,sal FORD 3000 ,ename JONES 2975 FROM emp) BLAKE 2850 WHERE rank <= 5; |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 14 | 462 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | VIEW | | 14 | 462 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | |* 2 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK| | 14 | 140 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMP | 14 | 140 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------1 - filter("RANK"<=5) 2 - filter(ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY INTERNAL_FUNCTION("SAL") DESC )<=5) 12 Top-N Query – 12c SELECT ename ,sal FROM emp ORDER BY sal DESC FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY; ENAME SAL ------ -----KING 5000 SCOTT 3000 FORD 3000 JONES 2975 BLAKE 2850 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 5 | 230 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | VIEW | | 5 | 230 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | |* 2 | WINDOW SORT PUSHED RANK| | 14 | 140 | 4 (25)| 00:00:01 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMP | 14 | 140 | 3 (0)| 00:00:01 | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------1 - filter("from$_subquery$_002"."rowlimit_$$_rownumber"<=5) 2 - filter(ROW_NUMBER() OVER ( ORDER BY INTERNAL_FUNCTION("SAL") DESC )<=5) 13 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 14 Two-way Outer Joins Project table linked to a cut down version of emp, called empb ― Project number 3 (DESIGN) has no employees empb EMPNO ----7782 7788 7844 7499 ENAME -----CLARK SCOTT TURNER ALLEN JOB -------MANAGER ANALYST SALESMAN SAlESMAN MGR ---7839 7566 7698 7698 HIREDATE ----------09-JUN-1981 19-APR-1987 08-SEP-1981 20-FEB-1981 dept proj PROJ_ID ------1 2 3 SAL COMM DEPTNO PROJ_ID ---- ---- ------ ------2450 10 1 3000 20 2 1500 0 30 1 1600 300 30 1 PNAME --------BPR MIGRATION DESIGN START_DATE ----------01-JUL-2002 12-OCT-2002 01-NOV-2002 DEPTNO ------10 20 30 40 DNAME ---------ACCOUNTING RESEARCH SALES OPERATIONS LOC -------NEW YORK DALLAS CHICAGO BOSTON 15 Two-way Outer Joins – Oracle Style In 11g, Oracle syntax cannot outer join a table to more than one other table SELECT ename,hiredate,d.deptno,dname,p.proj_id,pname FROM dept d, empb e, proj p WHERE e.deptno(+) = d.deptno AND e.proj_id(+) = p.proj_id; ORA-01417: a table may be outer joined to at most one other table 16 Two-way Outer Joins – Oracle Style (continued) Can beOracle12c, imitated using ANSI syntax But in this would be the output SELECT ENAME ename,hiredate,d.deptno,dname,p.proj_id,pname HIREDATE DEPTNO DNAME PROJ_ID -------------------------------------- ------FROM dept d CROSS JOIN proj p SCOTTOUTER JOIN 19-APR-1987 20 RESEARCH 2 LEFT empb e ALLEN 20-FEB-1981 30 SALES 1 ON e.deptno = d.deptno AND e.proj_id = p.proj_id TURNER 08-SEP-1981 30 SALES 1 CLARK 09-JUN-1981 10 ACCOUNTING 1 40 OPERATIONS 1 SELECT STATEMENT | 40 OPERATIONS 2 HASH JOIN OUTER | 40 OPERATIONS 3 MERGE JOIN CARTESIAN| SALES 2 TABLE ACCESS FULL | PROJ 30 30 SALES 3 BUFFER SORT | 1 TABLE ACCESS FULL | DEPT 20 RESEARCH 3 TABLE ACCESS FULL | EMPB 20 RESEARCH 10 ACCOUNTING 2 10 ACCOUNTING 3 PNAME ---------MIGRATION BPR BPR BPR BPR MIGRATION DESIGN MIGRATION DESIGN BPR DESIGN MIGRATION DESIGN 17 Oracle Outer Joins with Subqueries Show each department with its longest serving employee — Subqueries are not allowed in combination with an outer join condition SELECT ename, hiredate,d.deptno,dname FROM dept d LEFT OUTER JOIN emp e ON e.deptno = d.deptno SELECT ename, hiredate,d.deptno,dname AND = (SELECT MIN(e.hiredate) FROMe.hiredate dept d, empa e FROM emp e WHERE e.deptno(+) = d.deptno WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno); AND e.hiredate(+) = (SELECT MIN(e.hiredate) FROM empa e e.deptno = d.deptno); ENAME HIREDATE WHERE DEPTNO DNAME ---------- --------- ---------- ---------CLARK 09-JUN-81 10 ACCOUNTING SMITH 17-DEC-80 20 RESEARCH ORA-01799: 20-FEB-81 a column may not be to a subquery ALLEN 30outer-joined SALES 40 OPERATIONS What about ANSI joins? 18 Lateral Joins Inline views cannot reference columns outside of the view ― Considered to be out of scope SELECT dname ,ename FROM dept d ,(SELECT ename FROM emp e WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno); WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno) * ERROR : ORA-00904: "D"."DEPTNO": invalid identifier Lateral views allow such references ― Used internally Similar to correlated subqueries 19 Lateral Joins in Oracle12c SELECT dname ,ename FROM dept d ,LATERAL(SELECT ename FROM emp e WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno); DNAME -------------RESEARCH SALES SALES : Identical execution plan to equivalent equi-join ENAME ---------SMITH ALLEN WARD : Need to set an event on Oracle11g ― LATERAL keyword can then be used to allow correlation ALTER SESSION SET EVENTS '22829 TRACE NAME CONTEXT FOREVER'; 20 Lateral Outer Join Syntax – Oracle12c SELECT dname ,ename ,job ,loc ,sal FROM dept ,LATERAL(SELECT ename,job,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND (sal < 1000 OR job = 'ANALYST'))(+); DNAME -------------ACCOUNTING RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH SALES OPERATIONS ENAME JOB LOC SAL ---------- --------- ------------- ---------NEW YORK SMITH CLERK DALLAS 800 SCOTT ANALYST DALLAS 3000 FORD ANALYST DALLAS 3000 JAMES CLERK CHICAGO 950 BOSTON 21 CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY Attempts to solve compatibility issues with SQL Server migration tools SELECT dname,ename,job,loc,sal FROM dept CROSS APPLY (SELECT ename,job,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND (sal < 1000 OR job = 'ANALYST')) SELECT dname,ename,job,loc,sal FROM dept OUTER APPLY (SELECT ename,job,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND (sal < 1000 OR job = 'ANALYST')) DNAME -------------RESEARCH ACCOUNTING RESEARCH RESEARCH SALES RESEARCH SALES OPERATIONS ENAME ---------SMITH SCOTT SMITH FORD SCOTT JAMES FORD JAMES JOB --------CLERK ANALYST CLERK ANALYST CLERK ANALYST CLERK LOC SAL ------------- ---------DALLAS NEW YORK 800 DALLAS 3000 800 DALLAS 3000 CHICAGO DALLAS 3000 950 CHICAGO 950 BOSTON 22 Equivalent Outer Join Plans SELECT dname,ename,job,loc,sal FROM dept OUTER APPLY (SELECT ename,job,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND (sal < 1000 OR job = 'ANALYST')); SELECT dname,ename,job,loc,sal FROM dept, emp WHERE emp.deptno(+) = dept.deptno AND (sal(+) < 1000 OR job(+) = 'ANALYST'); SELECT dname,ename,job,loc,sal FROM dept ,LATERAL(SELECT ename,job,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno AND (sal < 1000 OR job = 'ANALYST'))(+); ------------------------------------------| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | ------------------------------------------| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 5 | |* 1 | HASH JOIN OUTER | | 5 | | 2 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DEPT | 4 | |* 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| EMP | 4 | ------------------------------------------23 Use of CROSS/OUTER APPLY When join sets are not known in advance Example purely for illustration : Number of emp rows to join is governed by highest salary in that department ― Note use of subquery in FETCH clause • Can use any appropriate variable or expression SELECT deptno DEPTNO DNAME EMPNO ENAME ,dname ------- ---------- ----- -----,empno 10 ACCOUNTING 7839 KING ,ename 10 ACCOUNTING 7782 CLARK ,sal 10 ACCOUNTING 7934 MILLER 20 RESEARCH 7788 SCOTT FROM dept OUTER APPLY 20 RESEARCH 7902 FORD (SELECT empno 30 SALES 7698 BLAKE ,ename 40 OPERATIONS ,sal FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno ORDER BY sal DESC FETCH FIRST (SELECT MAX(sal)/1500 FROM emp WHERE emp.deptno = dept.deptno) ROWS ORDER BY dept.deptno; SAL ---5000 2450 1300 3000 3000 2850 ONLY) 24 Use of CROSS/OUTER APPLY Previous query does not seem possible using ‘basic’ SQL ― However, there is an alternative using analytic functions ― Maybe CROSS/OUTER APPLY are redundant OUTER APPLY LEFT JOIN SELECT dept.deptno ,dname -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Operation | Name Operation,ename | Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------,sal SELECT STATEMENT | SELECT STATEMENT | FROM dept LEFT JOIN (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER( NESTED LOOPS OUTER | NESTED LOOPS OUTER | TABLE ACCESS FULL |DEPT PARTITION BY deptno TABLE ACCESS FULL |DEPT VIEW ORDER BY sal DESC) |VW_LAT_2880E7C5 VIEW |VW_LAT_9C927C5A rank VIEW |VW_LAT_A18161FF FILTER | ,sal FILTER | VIEW PUSHED PREDICATE| ,ename VIEW | WINDOW SORT | WINDOW SORT | TABLE ACCESS FULL |EMP ,deptno TABLE ACCESS FULL|EMP SORT AGGREGATE | FROM emp) emp1 SORT AGGREGATE | TABLE ACCESS FULL |EMP ON emp1.deptno = dept.deptno TABLE ACCESS FULL |EMP AND rank <= (SELECT MAX(sal)/1500 FROM emp emp2 WHERE emp2.deptno = dept.deptno); • But the plans are different CROSS APPLY and OUTER APPLY with Table Level Functions CREATE TYPE emp_row_type as OBJECT ( empno VARCHAR2(8), ename VARCHAR2(20), deptno VARCHAR2(20)); CREATE TYPE emp_table_type as TABLE OF emp_row_type; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_all_emps(pi_deptno in number) RETURN emp_table_type PIPELINED AS BEGIN FOR cur IN (SELECT * FROM emp where deptno = pi_deptno) LOOP PIPE ROW(emp_row_type(cur.empno,cur.ename,cur.deptno)); END LOOP; RETURN; END; 26 Table Function Joins SELECT * FROM dept, TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)); SELECT * FROM dept CROSS APPLY TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)); SELECT * FROM dept JOIN TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)) ON 1 = 1; SELECT * FROM dept CROSS JOIN TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)); DEPTNO -----10 : 20 : 30 : DNAME -------------ACCOUNTING : RESEARCH : SALES : LOC ------------NEW YORK : DALLAS : CHICAGO : EMPNO -------7782 : 7369 : 7900 : SELECT * FROM dept, TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno))(+); SELECT * FROM dept LEFT OUTER JOIN TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)) ON NULL IS NULL; DEPTNO -----10 : 20 : 30 : 40 DNAME -------------ACCOUNTING : RESEARCH : SALES : OPERATIONS LOC ------------NEW YORK : DALLAS : CHICAGO : BOSTON EMPNO -------7782 : 7369 : 7900 : ENAME -------------------CLARK : SMITH : JAMES : DEPTNO -----10 : 20 : 30 : SELECT * FROM dept OUTER APPLY TABLE(get_all_emps(dept.deptno)); ENAME -------------------CLARK : SMITH : JAMES : DEPTNO -----10 : 20 : 30 : 27 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 28 Adaptive Joins - Oracle12c Oracle can switch execution plans during actual execution ― Can occur in joins (e.g. emp with dept) Generates subplans and uses a statistics collector to buffer rows ― Detects if number of rows coming out of a table are more than a threshold value ― If so, it switches to an alternative subplan The new plan becomes the final plan ― Subsequent executions will ALWAYS use the final plan • Statistics collector is bypassed ― AUTOTRACE/EXPLAIN will show the initial default plan ― dbms_xplan.display_cursor will show the final plan Designed to optimize when an unexpected number of rows are received ― Maybe because of inaccurate statistics 29 Adaptive Joins - Oracle12c Common switch is from Nested Loops to hash join ― Does not work with Sort-Merge threshold exceeded Nested Loops Hash Join Statistics Collector Table Scan dept Index Scan emp_dept_fki Nested Loops Hash Join Statistics Collector Table Scan emp Default plan : Nested Loops Table Scan dept Index Scan emp_dept_fki Table Scan emp Final plan : Hash Join 30 Adaptive Joins - Tipsaj aj Must have ― OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_FEATURES = (or higher) ― OPTIMIZER_ADAPTIVE_REPORTING_ONLY = FALSE (default) • If set to TRUE, the optimizer can only report adaptive plans and not use them New column is_resolved_adaptive_plan in v$sql with values of 'Y' – plan is the final adaptive plan 'N' – plan is adaptive, but final plan has yet to be decided NULL – plan is not adaptive dbms_xplan.display_cursor has new arguments, e.g. format => 'adaptive' ― Shows full plan of query including unused steps • Unused steps marked with ‘-’ A hard parse causes the original plan to be used ― Flushing the shared pool ― Analyzing tables with NO_INVALIDATE set to FALSE 31 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 32 PLSQL in the WITH clause with PLSQL procedures and functions now in WITH clause as part of a SQL statement WITH FUNCTION fw (inempno NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS x NUMBER; BEGIN x := inempno; RETURN x; END; SELECT fw(empno) FROM emptest; / Can run much faster than calling standalone PLSQL from SQL BUT, functions can be designed with PRAGMA UDF ― Almost as fast as functions in the WITH clause ― Efficient as it mitigates effect of context switches due to internal optimisation CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f12 (inempno NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS x NUMBER; PRAGMA UDF; BEGIN x:= inempno; RETURN x; END; / 33 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 34 Moving Datafiles Online Datafiles can be moved when online ― Transactions can be active in the tablespace when the file is moved • Genuine online operation • Datafile number (file_id) can be used for the source file instead of the filename ALTER DATABASE MOVE DATAFILE 'c:\oracle\ora12\orac\orac_user1_f1.dbf' TO 'd:\oranew\orac_user1_f1.dbf'; • If ‘TO’ clause is omitted, the file is moved to DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST The move is designed to delete the old file from the operating system • Has options – KEEP (keep existing old file) – REUSE (overwrite existing file of same name) Files in the system tablespace can be moved in this way —But not tempfiles and redo log files 35 Moving Tables Online Much simplified technique using dbms_redefinition CREATE TABLE moveit (c1 NUMBER) TABLESPACE example; INSERT INTO moveit VALUES (1); COMMIT; SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'MOVEIT'; TABLESPACE_NAME -----------------------------EXAMPLE BEGIN dbms_redefinition.redef_table ( uname=>'SCOTT', tname=>'MOVEIT', table_part_tablespace=>'USERS'); END; SELECT tablespace_name FROM user_tables WHERE table_name = 'MOVEIT'; TABLESPACE_NAME -----------------------------USERS 36 Online DDL Operations A number of DDL statements do not need to take blocking locks DML continues as usual ― DROP INDEX ind1 ONLINE ― ALTER INDEX ind1 UNUSABLE ONLINE ― ALTER TABLE emp SET UNUSED COLUMNS ONLINE ― ALTER TABLE emp DROP COLUMN job ONLINE ― ALTER TABLE emp MOVE PARTITION p1 ONLINE • And others Could consider creating a normal table as a single partition ― Allows easy online move 37 Data Pump dp New TRANSFORM argument can reduce generation of redo logs on import TRANSFORM = DISABLE_ARCHIVE_LOGGING:Y ― The value Y disables logging of changes to tables and/or indexes on import New VIEWS_AS_TABLES argument can export views as tables expdp scott/tiger dumpfile = v.dmp directory = dp_dir views_as_tables = emp_v ― Structure of emp_v and data retrieved by it can be imported as a table 38 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 39 View Expansion view-ex Often a need to show the "full" text of a SQL query that uses views ― Use the SQL text expansion facility New expand_sql_text procedure in dbms_utility ― Allows full text of queries involving views to be shown VARIABLE full_text1 CLOB BEGIN dbms_utility.expand_sql_text (input_sql_text => 'SELECT ... FROM myquery_using_view', output_sql_text => :full_text1 ); END; / PRINT full_text1 40 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 41 Identity Columns Used to generate values from a sequence ― Must also specify primary key to ensure only values unique to the column are allowed Three flavours 1. Values always created automatically in sequence 2. Values generated in sequence if not specified (overridden) by user — Error if NULL is specified by user 3. Values of NULL (specified explicitly by user) result in a generated sequence value Automatic generation uses a sequence ― The generating sequence is unaware of any values ‘manually’ inserted ― Identity syntax allows same options as for sequence creation statement 42 Restrictions Only one identity column per table ― Identity column must be numeric Column Default values clause cannot be specified with identity clause A column cannot be ALTERed to become an identity column CREATE TABLE AS SELECT operations do not preserve the identity property of a column in the source table 43 Auto-Generated Identity Columns CREATE TABLE auto_always( id NUMBER GENERATED AS IDENTITY ,vdesc VARCHAR2(25)); INSERT INTO auto_always VALUES (1,‘y'); ORA-32795: cannot insert into a generated always identity column INSERT INTO auto_always VALUES (null,‘y'); ORA-32795: cannot insert into a generated always identity column INSERT INTO auto_always VALUES (‘y'); ORA-00947: not enough values INSERT INTO auto_always(vdesc) VALUES ('x'); 1 row created. SELECT * FROM auto_always; ID VDESC ----- --------------------1 x 44 Auto-Generation That can Be Overridden CREATE TABLE auto_def_nopk( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY ,vdesc VARCHAR2(25)); INSERT INTO auto_def_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('first'); INSERT INTO auto_def_nopk(id,vdesc) VALUES(3,'my id'); INSERT INTO auto_def_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('next'); INSERT INTO auto_def_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('next2'); INSERT INTO auto_def_nopk VALUES(null,'next2'); ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SCOTT"."AUTO_DEF_NOPK"."ID") SELECT * FROM auto_def_nopk; ID ---------1 3 2 3 VDESC ------------------------first my id next next2 45 Handling Null Values with Identity Columns CREATE TABLE auto_null_nopk( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT ON NULL AS IDENTITY ,vdesc VARCHAR2(25)); INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INTO INTO INTO INTO INTO auto_null_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('first'); auto_null_nopk(id,vdesc) VALUES(3,'my id'); auto_null_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('next'); auto_null_nopk(vdesc) VALUES('next2'); auto_null_nopk VALUES(null,'next2'); SELECT * FROM auto_null_nopk; ID ---------1 3 2 3 4 VDESC ------------------------first my id next next2 next2 46 Using Identity with Primary Keys CREATE TABLE auto_always( id NUMBER GENERATED AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY ,vdesc VARCHAR2(25); — Builds a sequence and a primary key constraint — Without ‘PRIMARY KEY’ builds a NOT NULL constraint that can not be removed SELECT table_name ,column_name ,generation_type ,identity_options FROM all_tab_identity_cols; TABLE_NAME COLUMN_NAME GENERATION_TYPE IDENTITY_OPTIONS ----------- ----------- --------------- ------------------------------------------AUTO_ALWAYS ID ALWAYS START WITH: 1, INCREMENT BY: 1, MAX_VALUE: 9999999999999999999999999999, MIN_VALUE: 1, CYCLE_FLAG: N, CACHE_SIZE: 20, ORDER_FLAG:N x INSERT INTO auto_always VALUES (2,'x'); INSERT INTO auto_always(id,vdesc) VALUES (2,'x'); INSERT INTO auto_always(vdesc) VALUES ('x'); INSERT INTO auto_always VALUES ('x'); x x Must explicitly list non-key column names 47 Primary Key Values Auto-Generated by Default CREATE TABLE auto_def( id NUMBER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY ,vdesc VARCHAR2(25); INSERT INTO auto_def(vdesc) VALUES('first'); INSERT INTO auto_def(id,vdesc) VALUES(3,'my id'); INSERT INTO auto_def(vdesc) VALUES('next'); SELECT * FROM auto_def; ID ---------1 3 2 VDESC -----------------------------first my id next INSERT INTO auto_def(vdesc) VALUES('next2'); ORA-00001: unique constraint (SCOTT.SYS_C0013084) violated 48 Generating Default Values Directly From a Sequence NEXTVAL attribute of a sequence can be used to create a default column value ― MUCH faster than trigger-based methods CREATE SEQUENCE s1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 NUMBER DEFAULT s1.NEXTVAL PRIMARY KEY ,c2 VARCHAR2(20)); INSERT INTO t1 (c1,c2) VALUES (DEFAULT, 'aaaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 (c2) VALUES ('zzzzz'); SELECT * FROM t1; C1 --1 2 C2 ----aaaaa zzzzz 49 Identity Columns - Performance Ten times faster than using triggers ― Similar to explicit reference to standalone sequence in insert statement CREATE SEQUENCE s; CREATE TABLE emp (empno NUMBER DEFAULT s.NEXTVAL PRIMARY KEY ,ename VARCHAR2(30)); 50 Removing Column Identity Identity can be dropped from columns ALTER TABLE auto_always MODIFY id DROP IDENTITY; SELECT table_name ,has_identity FROM dba_tables WHERE table_name = 'AUTO_ALWAYS'; TABLE_NAME HAS_IDENTITY ----------- -----------AUTO_ALWAYS NO 51 Adding Columns to Tables Adding columns with default values can take a long time ALTER TABLE t1 ADD newcol CHAR(1000) DEFAULT 'x'; In 11g a NOT NULL constraint was necessary for a fast operation and to prevent any lengthening of the rows In 12c the NOT NULL constraint is not required ― Reduces time, DDL locking and space usage ― Can also specify that a default value should be used when an attempt to insert a NULL is made ALTER TABLE t1 ADD newcol CHAR(1000) DEFAULT ON NULL 'x'; 52 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 53 12c Valid Time Support—Temporal Validity Allows tables to have one or more valid time dimensions ― Data is visible (“valid”) depending on its time-based validity ― Determined by start and end dates or timestamps of a valid time period Examples include: ― Hiring and finishing dates of an employee ― Valid period for an insurance policy ― Date of change of address for a customer or client Temporal Validity is typically activated with: 1. AS OF and VERSIONS BETWEEN 2. DBMS_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE.enable_at_valid_time Can be set to show all table data (the default) or valid data as of a specified time ― Flash forward to see future database state? 54 Valid Time Dimensions—Additional Columns Two date-time columns result from CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE ― Can be added explicitly or created automatically from PERIOD specification One NUMBER column is also created with same name as specified PERIOD CREATE TABLE emp_vt ( empno NUMBER(6) NOT NULL ,ename VARCHAR2(20), PERIOD FOR emp_vt_time); SELECT column_name ,data_type ,column_id AS col_id ,segment_column_id AS seg_col_id ,internal_column_id AS int_col_id ,hidden_column ,virtual_column FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = 'EMP_VT'; COLUMN_NAME ----------------EMP_VT_TIME_START EMP_VT_TIME_END EMP_VT_TIME EMPNO ENAME user_tab_columns does not show hidden columns DATA_TYPE COL_ID SEG_COL_ID INT_COL_ID HID VIR --------------------------- ------ ---------- ---------- --- --TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 1 1 YES NO TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE 2 2 YES NO NUMBER 3 YES YES NUMBER 1 3 4 NO NO VARCHAR2 2 4 5 NO NO 55 Using Valid Times—SQL Level Control INSERT INTO emp_vt(empno,ename,emp_vt_time_start,emp_vt_time_end) VALUES (1023 ,'COX' Valid from April 1 to 5 ,'01-APR-2013 12.00.01 PM GMT' ,'05-APR-2013 12.00.01 PM GMT'); INSERT INTO emp_vt(empno,ename,emp_vt_time_start,emp_vt_time_end) VALUES (1024 ,'ADAMS' ,'06-APR-2013 12.00.01 PM GMT' ,'05-APR-2014 12.00.01 PM GMT'); SELECT * FROM emp_vt; EMPNO ENAME ----- ------------1023 COX 1024 ADAMS SELECT * FROM emp_vt AS OF PERIOD FOR emp_vt_time '03-APR-2013 12.00.00 PM'; EMPNO ENAME ----- ----------------1023 COX SELECT * FROM emp_vt WHERE emp_vt_time_start > '03-APR-2013 12.00.00 PM'; EMPNO ENAME ----- --------------------1024 ADAMS 56 Displaying Valid Times Must explicitly select hidden columns ― Cannot be combined with '*' SELECT empno ,ename ,emp_vt_time_start ,emp_vt_time_end ,emp_vt_time FROM emp_vt; EMPNO ----1023 1024 ENAME ----COX ADAMS EMP_VT_TIME_START -------------------------------01-APR-13 PM GMT 06-APR-13 PM GMT EMP_VT_TIME_END EMP_VT_TIME -------------------------------- ----------05-APR-13 PM GMT 7339307 05-APR-14 PM GMT 7339307 • Additional periods each require three extra columns No real support for primary keys ― What if employees have numerous valid periods • Cannot have more than one row for each employee 57 Session-Level Control of Visibility Visibility only of data valid at a point in time ― Row must be valid for all PERIODs in use EXEC dbms_flashback_archive.enable_at_valid_time ('ASOF', '01-APR-13 12.00.01 PM') Visibility only of currently valid data EXEC dbms_flashback_archive.enable_at_valid_time('CURRENT') Full data visibility (default) EXEC dbms_flashback_archive.enable_at_valid_time('ALL') Must be uppercase 58 Constraints for Valid Times OWNER CONSTRAINT_NAME CONSTRAINT_TYPE TABLE_NAME SEARCH_CONDITION SEARCH_CONDITION_VC R_OWNER R_CONSTRAINT_NAME DELETE_RULE STATUS DEFERRABLE DEFERRED VALIDATED GENERATED BAD RELY LAST_CHANGE INDEX_OWNER INDEX_NAME INVALID VIEW_RELATED ORIGIN_CON_ID : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : FRED EMP_VT_TIMEA67E83 C EMP_VT EMP_VT_TIME_START < EMP_VT_TIME_END EMP_VT_TIME_START < EMP_VT_TIME_END ENABLED NOT DEFERRABLE IMMEDIATE VALIDATED USER NAME Data obtained from user_constraints 16-sep-2013 23:18:34 A null value appears to get past the constraint 0 Filters in Execution Plans Based on Valid Times filter(("T"."VT_A_START" IS NULL OR Two valid time periods placed on table data SYS_EXTRACT_UTC("T"."VT_A_START")<=SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(TIMESTAMP' ― Execution plan shows combinedAND constraint 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000000000')) ("T"."VT_A_END" IS NULL OR SYS_EXTRACT_UTC("T"."VT_A_END")>SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(TIMESTAMP' 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000000000')) AND ("T"."VT_B_START" IS NULL OR SYS_EXTRACT_UTC("T"."VT_B_START")<=SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(TIMESTAMP' 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000000000')) AND ("T"."VT_B_END" IS NULL OR SYS_EXTRACT_UTC("T"."VT_B_END")>SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(TIMESTAMP' 2010-01-01 00:00:00.000000000'))) 60 Table With User-Generated Start and End Columns CREATE TABLE (empno ,ename ,stime ,etime emp_mine NUMBER VARCHAR2(12) DATE DATE); SELECT * FROM EMPNO ----11 12 ENAME ----COX ALLEN EMP_MINE; STIME --------20-JAN-13 20-JAN-13 ETIME --------21-FEB-13 21-FEB-13 ALTER TABLE emp_mine ADD(PERIOD FOR pd(stime,etime)); SELECT column_name,data_type,column_id AS col_id ,segment_column_id AS seg_col_id ,internal_column_id AS int_col_id,hidden_column,virtual_column FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = 'EMP_MINE'; COLUMN_NAME --------------PD ETIME STIME ENAME EMPNO DATA_TYPE COL_ID SEG_COL_ID INT_COL_ID HID VIR --------------- ------ ---------- ---------- --- --NUMBER 5 YES YES DATE 4 4 4 NO NO DATE 3 3 3 NO NO VARCHAR2 2 2 2 NO NO NUMBER 1 1 1 NO NO User-generated columns can be of type DATE and are not hidden Temporal History Optimization New name for Flashback Data Archive Prior to Oracle 12c, the history tables are compressed and deduplicated • By default, in Oracle 12c they are not compressed nor deduplicated When a table is created with the OPTIMIZE DATA clause, table and LOB compression and LOB deduplication is automatically turned on CREATE FLASHBACK ARCHIVE two_year_archive TABLESPACE tbs1 OPTIMIZE DATA RETENTION 5 YEAR; ― OPTIMIZE DATA requires the Advanced Compression Option ― NO OPTIMIZE DATA is the default FDA history tables already compressed and deduplicated in 11g or before upgrade to 12c will continue to get compression and deduplication To stop optimization on FDA history tables, execute the following statement ALTER FLASHBACK ARCHIVE three_year_archive NO OPTIMIZE DATA; 62 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 63 Row Archival ra Allows rows of data to be archived but still remain online within the table ― Decision on whether to archive out to other media could be difficult • Data may be needed occasionally in the future New column (ora_archive_state) is added initialized to 0 for all rows ― Value can be changed to non-zero based on some criteria • The non-zero rows will be omitted from queries when row archival is active • Session must have row archiving in active state (default) ALTER SESSION SET ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = ACTIVE; ― DML will affect only the rows that are active Table could be partitioned based on ora_archive_state ― Non-zero (archived) rows could be placed in compressed, read only partition 64 Row Archival – Dictionary Information ALTER TABLE emparch ROW ARCHIVAL; SELECT column_name ,data_type ,hidden_column FROM user_tab_cols WHERE table_name = 'EMPARCH'; COLUMN_NAME -------------------EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL COMM DEPTNO SYS_NC00009$ ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE DATA_TYPE --------NUMBER VARCHAR2 VARCHAR2 NUMBER DATE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER RAW VARCHAR2 HID --NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES To optimise performance ― Could append ora_archive_state to primary and unique key indexes • Not to the constraint as it could lead to rows with duplicate ‘key’ values and different ora_archive_state values 65 Online Archiving Set some rows to be archived ― There are a total of fourteen rows in the table UPDATE emparch SET ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE = DBMS_ILM.ARCHIVESTATENAME(1) WHERE hiredate >'01-SEP-81'; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emparch; COUNT(*) --------6 Only 6 rows visible Could simply use a number (Can be reset to zero to remove archiving) Put session out of row archival mode ALTER SESSION SET ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY = ALL; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM emparch; COUNT(*) --------14 All rows now visible 66 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 67 Privilege Capture Views—Full List View Description DBA_PRIV_CAPTURES Existing privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_PRIVS Privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_UNUSED_PRIVS Privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_OBJPRIVS Object privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_UNUSED_OBJPRIVS Object privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_OBJPRIVS_PATH Object privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies, with grant paths DBA_UNUSED_OBJPRIVS_PATH Object privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies, with grant paths DBA_USED_SYSPRIVS System privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_UNUSED_SYSPRIVS System privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_SYSPRIVS_PATH System privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies, with grant paths DBA_UNUSED_SYSPRIVS_PATH System privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies, wiith grant paths DBA_USED_PUBPRIVS All privileges for the PUBLIC role used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_USERPRIVS User privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_UNUSED_USERPRIVS User privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies DBA_USED_USERPRIVS_PATH User privileges used for reported privilege analysis policies, with grant paths DBA_UNUSED_USERPRIVS_PATH Privileges not used for reported privilege analysis policies, with grant paths 68 Benefits of Privilege Analysis Finding over-privileged users ― Too many system privileges ― Gain evidence to convince the application developer to reduce privileges Finding unnecessarily granted privileges of application database users ― Privileges unnecessarily granted to PUBLIC ― SELECT ANY TABLE rather than specific object privileges Can perform ― Role analysis • Provide a list of roles to analyze ― Context analysis • Specify a boolean expression with the SYS_CONTEXT function ― Role and context analysis • Provide list of roles and a SYS_CONTEXT boolean expression for the condition for the context analysis ― Database analysis • All privileges are analyzed except those used by sys 69 General Steps for Managing Privilege Analysis 1. Define the privilege analysis policy with DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.CREATE_CAPTURE 2. Enable the privilege analysis policy with the DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.ENABLE_CAPTURE ― Allows to start analysis at a specific time 3. Let the application or users go about their operations 4. Disable the privilege analysis with DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DISABLE_CAPTURE ― Enables the production of an analysis of privilege usage over a period of time 5. Generate privilege analysis results with DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.GENERATE_RESULT ― Writes the results to the data dictionary views described earlier May also drop a privilege capture—removes all records from the dictionary ― DBMS_PRIVILEGE_CAPTURE.DROP_CAPTURE 70 Privilege Capture—Setup Capture the privileges used by FRED ― Note the use of sys_context to limit capture to sessions owned by FRED BEGIN dbms_privilege_capture.create_capture( name =>'CAPFRED', type => dbms_privilege_capture.g_context, condition => 'sys_context(''USERENV'',''SESSION_USER'') = ''FRED''' ); dbms_privilege_capture.enable_capture('CAPFRED'); END; Any privileges used by FRED will now be captured Fred has (and happens to use in his session under analysis) Direct SELECT access on amy’s table called d • SELECT access on amy’s table called b via the role rf 71 Completing the Privilege Capture The capture must first be ended (disabled) The result can then be generated ― Rows will be placed in the privilege capture views BEGIN dbms_privilege_capture.disable_capture('CAPFRED'); dbms_privilege_capture.generate_result('CAPFRED'); END; CAPTURE OS_USER MODULE OBJ_PRIV OBJECT_NAME USED_ROLE PATH ----------------CAPTURE OS_USER MODULE OBJ_PRIV OBJECT_NAME USED_ROLE PATH : : : : : : : : : : : : : : CAPFRED LTREE1\Administrator SQL*Plus SELECT B RF FRED,RF CAPFRED LTREE1\Administrator SQL*Plus SELECT D FRED FRED “Verticalized” data from dba_used_objprivs_path Fred has used the rf role to access amy’s b table Fred has used the SELECT privilege to access amy’s d table 72 Topics Approximate SQL Functions Top-N Queries New Join Techniques Adaptive Joins PLSQL in the WITH Clause Handling Data – Online and Data Pump View Expansion Identity Columns Temporal Validity Online Archiving Privilege Analysis Bits and Pieces 73 Cascading Truncate Truncating a parent table with referencing child tables gives ORA-02266: unique/primary keys in table referenced by enabled foreign keys New syntax in 12c TRUNCATE TABLE dept CASCADE; ― The referencing foreign keys must be defined with ON DELETE CASCADE • If not, an error is generated ORA-14705: unique or primary keys referenced by enabled foreign keys in table 74 RMAN Oracle 12c simplifies the use of SQL commands ― Simply issue the SQL command RMAN> ALTER TABLESPACE user1 ONLINE; RMAN> SELECT name, dbid, log_mode FROM v$database; New administrative privilege SYSBACKUP ― Includes permissions for backup and recovery, including the ability to connect to a closed database ― Does not include data access privileges such as SELECT ANY TABLE ― Can be explicitly used in an RMAN connection by a SYSBACKUP privileged user $ RMAN TARGET 'sys/rmdb@rmdb' AS SYSBACKUP ― The SYSDBA privilege may also be used for backward compatibility 75 RMAN Beginning in Oracle 12c: ― Level 1 multisection incremental backups are allowed • Oracle 11g allowed multisection only on level 0 incremental backups ― RMAN can take advantage of multisection for image copies • The final result will be a single physical image copy of the source datafile Oracle 12c allows recovery of a single table or table partition from RMAN backups ― Does not affect the remaining database objects ― Reduces time and disk space, compared to the earlier workflow like TSPITR ― RMAN optionally renames the recovered tables or table partitions with the REMAP TABLE and the REMAP TABLESPACE clauses • REMAP TABLE would allow you to recover a table to a different name – Could then compare with the original to ascertain the extent of the differences 76 Managing Memory in the PGA: PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT specifies a limit on the aggregate PGA memory consumed by the instance. Default value is the greater of: 1. 2 GB 2. 200 percent of PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET • So changing the target can affect the limit • Will not exceed 90% of (physical memory size – total SGA size) 3. 3 MB times the PROCESSES parameter Cannot be set below its default value ― Except a value of 0 imposes no limit on PGA memory consumed If PGA_AGGREGATE_LIMIT is exceeded ― Initally, latest calls of sessions using the most untunable memory will be aborted • If still over the limit, sessions using most untunable memory are terminated ― SYS and background processes will not be subjected to these actions 77 Statistics Gathering Statistics are gathered for objects created using Direct Path operations (CTAS) and Insert as select operations Saves the extra full table scan that is required to gather statistics immediately after creating a new object ― Useful in ETL Jobs Histograms are not generated by the online statistics gathering job ― Requires additional data scans • Could impact overall time to create the object or perform batch Insert operation 78 Further Features Maximum length of VARCHAR2 is 32,767 if MAX_STRING_SIZE is set to EXTENDED ― This change is irreversible ― Uses CLOBs - stored out of line above 4000 characters Automatic full database caching Big table caching In Oracle 12c all passwords must be case sensitive ― The parameter SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON is deprecated New routines for password verification ― ora12c_verify_function and ora12c_strong_verify_function generates more stringent limits 79 Undocumented Parameters and Hints Around 2750 undocumented parameters on 11g Around 3968 undocumented parameters on 12c SELECT ksppinm ,ksppstvl FROM x$ksppi I ,x$ksppcv v WHERE v.indx =i.indx AND ksppinm LIKE '%join%'; Listing of hints can be seen in v$sql_hint ― 273 hints on 11g ― 332 hints on 12c 80 Oracle 12c – Lesser Spotted New features Carl Dudley Tradba Ltd Oracle ACE Director 81