THE LUNCH HOUR: HOW TO EFFECTIVELY USE YOUR LUNCH BREAK “One Cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well”. - Virginia Woolf - Josh Salinas Shea Anderson Grant Johannes OVERVIEW • Basic physical activity information • Examples of short and effective workout routines • Workout demonstration • Basic diet information • Recommendations for quick and easy meals and snacks • Sample healthy recipe preparation The Truth About Exercise • Most people feel they don’t have enough time for a workout in their work day • ANY exercise is better than NO exercise • Exercise will not only keep you energized and increase productivity, but it will also help you feel better throughout the day • Workouts don’t have to be exhausting to make a difference Warm-up and stretching • Often overlooked in a workout regimen • Proper warm-up and stretching techniques help prevent injury • A proper warm-up also leads to a more effective workout • Many methods can be utilized, but easiest and most often used methods are: • Static Stretching • Dynamic Warm-Up Static stretching • Method that involves placing tension on a muscle group • Leads to increased blood flow and tissue elasticity • Most commonly used parameters • Hold stretch position at point before pain occurs • Once comfortable point has been reached, hold position for 30 seconds • Release, and repeat on opposite limb • Cycle through major muscle groups 2-3 times Static stretching • Common Muscle Groups targeted during Static Stretching • • • • • • • Hamstrings Quadriceps Gastrocnemius (Calves) Triceps/Biceps Pectorals (Chest) Shoulders Lumbar Spine Dynamic stretching • Method of stretching that involves progression through a movement to provide a stretch to the targeted muscle or group of muscles • Also called Active Stretching • Very popular method among athletes • Depending on intensity, may have a cardio component • Not to be confused with Ballistic Stretching • Includes a “bouncing” component • Often avoided due to high occurrence of injury from overstretching Dynamic stretching • Most common Dynamic Stretching Movements: • Walking Lunge with a twist • Toe to hand • Butt Kicks • Carioca • High Knees • Shoulder Circles • Arm Crossovers Quick 20 Minute Workouts 20 Minute Workouts • Workouts can be strength based, cardio based, cardiointerval based, etc. • Workouts can be done in your office or in HPER with more options and equipment availability Strength Based Workouts • 1 minute high knees • 1 minute jumping jacks • 1 minute body weight squats • 1 minute pushups • 1 minute lunges • 1 minute rest • Repeat 3-4 times Strength Based Workouts • 10 pushups • 25 crunches • 25 squats • 30 lunges • 50 jumping jacks • 60 second wall sit • Repeat 3-4 times Free Weight Workouts • 10 Goblet Squats • 10 Dumbbell Bench Press • 30 Second Plank • 10 Split Squats each Leg • 10 Dumbbell Row each arm • 30 Second Plank • Repeat 3-4 times Free Weight Workouts • 3 x 10 Barbell Squats • 3 x 10 Hamstring Curls on Swiss Ball • 3 x 10 Bench Press • 3 x 10 Lat Pull-down • 3 x 10 Bicep Curls • 3 x 10 Triceps Extensions Cardio Based Workouts • 20 Minute Walk (outside/treadmill) • 20 Minute Jog (outside/treadmill) • 20 Minute Elliptical • 20 Minute Bike Ride • 20 Minute Stair Climber Cardio/Interval Based Workouts • These can be done outside, on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical: • 15 second run – 45 second rest • 15 second sprint – 45 second rest • 15 second sprint – 45 second jog • Increase sprint/run time and decrease rest time once you become acclimated to the workout Workout demonstration Choosing 6 Meals instead of 3 • Three meals a day -- breakfast, lunch, and dinner -- is a way of life for many of us. Some diet experts believe more frequent meals could be better. • Eating six small meals a day can help regulate blood sugar, control cravings and keep hunger at bay. • As long as you choose the right foods and watch portion sizes, "grazing" throughout the day can help you lose weight while keeping you energized. Hunger & Diet • Hunger is a dieter’s worst enemy. Hunger usually occurs between meals, when blood sugar levels drop. • In theory, if you divide your daily calorie intake into several small meals throughout the day, hunger won’t be an issue. • Eating more frequently could actually mean less nutrition and more calories if you don’t carefully plan out your snacks and meals. Tips for What to choose • Each mini-meal or snack should include lean- or lowfat protein, fiber, and a little healthy fat along with at least one fruit or veggie in each mini-meal. • Good protein sources include lean meat, seafood, low-fat dairy, eggs, nuts and beans. • Fiber-rich foods include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. • Healthy fats come from vegetable oils, avocados, nuts, and fatty fish. If your Goal is to lose weight • If you want to lose weight while eating several times a day, you must control your portions. • Be careful of foods that are easy to overeat, like cheese, pasta, nuts and any of your favorite foods. • Walk when you can. Spending lunch at your desk when you have a long day as it is, isn't a good thing. • If you have to eat at your desk, look for ways to move during the day. Walk to the water cooler, from the farthest spot in the parking lot, to the copy machine, anything you can do to move your muscles. Eating at Work tips • Eating six mini-meals a day can be a challenge when you're at work. Try to prepare your lunch & snacks the night before. • For work parties that have food available, remember to watch portion sizes at lunch. • To keep portions in check, take home part of your food for another meal, or simply choose a salad or a lighter option. • Create a group of your coworkers that will join you in making healthy choices at work during lunch. Quick Snack/meals Examples of some healthy snacks and meals located in the HPER Café: • Chicken Caesar Salad • Tuna Salad Sandwich • Turkey Ciabatta Sandwich • Strawberry Banana Smoothie • Cut Fruit • Veggies & Dip Turkey tacos • Cooking equipment that you will need: • • • • • Oven Range Skillet Strainer Spatula or Wooden Spoon Ingredients: • • • • • • • 1 lb. Ground Turkey, 93% Lean 1 packet Taco Seasoning Taco Sauce Shredded Lettuce Diced Tomatoes Shredded Cheese Whole Wheat Taco Shells • Approximate Prep Time: 10-15 minutes • Macronutrient Breakdown for 1 Turkey Taco: • • • • Carbohydrates: 68 g Fats: 14.5 g Proteins: 35 g Calories: 495 Turkey Tacos • Instructions: • Set burner to medium to high heat • Break up ground turkey in skillet • Cook meat until no longer pink. Stir regularly to prevent burning. • Pour meat into strainer to drain excess grease. • After adding meat back to skillet, pour ¾ cup of water and taco seasoning into skillet. Turn burner to high and stir in seasoning. Bring to a boil. Stir regularly to prevent burning. • Warm taco shells. Add lettuce, tomato, cheese and taco sauce. • Enjoy! Conclusion • For the workout portion of your lunch hour: • Any exercise is better than no exercise • Can complete an effective workout in 20-30 minutes • Important to warm-up and cool down to prevent injury • For the meal portion of your lunch hour: • Portion size is key • Snack or meal should have a good balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins • Many healthy options available on campus • Healthy meals and snacks can easily be made at home References • • • • • • • • Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning by Thomas R. Baechle & Roger W. Earle