October 9, 2012, 1:00 PM AT RVCOG

October 9, 2012, 1:00 P.M. AT RVCOG
MEMBERS PRESENT: Anne Bellegia, Beth Williams, Grace Emori, Howard Owens,
John Irwin, Katharine Danner, Marya Kain, Pat Jenkins, Rosalie Caffrey, Rose Menge,
& Sue Miler (via phone)
MEMBERS NOT PRESENT: Don Reedy, Don Skundrick, Ed Alcantar, Stew Winnick
STAFF PRESENT: Berta Varble, Chelsey Rowell & Connie Saldana
GUESTS: Sherry Newman & Tom Hill
Katharine calls the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
 Katharine has the guests introduce themselves.
 Katharine welcomes the new Advisory Council members, Rosalie Caffrey &
Howard Owens.
Additions to the agenda:
Review and approval of the September 11, 2012 Minutes:
Pat moves and Beth seconds that the minutes be approved as written. Motion passes
 Katharine reminds everyone of the O4AD meeting on November 14 – 15.
 Anne shares information about the OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute)
Vital Issues Forum on the “Healthy Aging Brain,” October 28, 2-4 pm at SOU
Stevenson Union. Register at www.sou.edu/olli.
 Berta announces an AARP “Vital Aging in Southern Oregon” conference being
held at the Smullin Center in Medford, November 3, 9 am to 2 pm.
 Anne announces COHO (Choosing Options Honoring Options) "Conversations
About Death & Dying" series, 5 Tuesdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 13, at the Anne Basker
Auditorium in Grants Pass, 2-3:30. For more info:
 Katharine announces that Dave is at the Oregon Association of Area Agencies
on Aging and Disabilities (O4AD) Annual Planning Retreat.
Committee Reports:
Executive Committee – Katharine Danner:
 Katharine reports that she attended the Aging and Disability Resource
Connection (ADRC) Statewide Advisory Committee meeting in Salem last
week. She learned that the State just received a 2.3 million dollar grant to
expand ADRC to another 5 areas in the state. Katharine also shares that she
attended the 1st of 3 sessions for Options Counseling training that Carol Terry
led. Katharine shares her enthusiasm about both the ADRC and Options
 The Council applauds Connie for her work as an Options Counselor.
Council Development – Grace Emori:
 Grace reminds everyone to look amongst family & friends for potential SAC
 Katharine states that they will be tracking attendance at SAC meetings.
Members who miss a couple of meetings will receive follow-up phone calls.
Outcomes & Evaluation/ Nutrition – Pat Jenkins:
 The O&E Committee looked at the 4 year plan issues areas, goals and
objectives. There is work for the Committee to do in terms of establishing
baselines and surveys. The Committee advised staff to issue a Request for
Applications for all services under $75,000 except for I&A, Transportation and
Respite. Pat reports that the committee is very energized by the work ahead of
them. She encourages others to join the committee.
Marketing and Outreach – Sue Miler:
 Sue reports that the M&O Committee looked at the draft PowerPoint to be used
in presentations to a variety of groups in the 2-county area. Additional
information from 4 year plan was added. The focus of the presentation will be
on the 5 goal areas in the 4 year plan. Some slides were added about care
 Sue will be asking SAC members for contact information for groups that should
be contacted to schedule the presentation.
 Sue also shares that there was a discussion about the speaker’s bureau structure
and process as well as about training those to be able to give presentations. Who
will do what needs to be decided – staff vs. volunteers.
 The next M&O meeting will take place at 11:30 before the SAC meeting on
Tuesday, November 13th.
 Rose is glad that the M&O Committee is close to having a program ready for
presentation to groups.
Advocacy – Connie Saldana:
 Connie states that the Advocacy Committee could use some more members.
 She says that some of the Advocacy Committee activities should dovetail with
the M&O activities.
 She reports that O4AD has drafted a list of issues to address with legislators that
should be coming out soon. Nicole Palmateer, O4AD Director/lobbyist, wants
to start a statewide grass roots advocacy group.
 Pat asks how the Candidate breakfast went. Connie reports that breakfast went
 Rose thanks Marya for sharing her family’s story with the Legislature. Marya
and her dad, who has Alzheimer’s disease, recently testified at an Oregon
Legislature committee meeting. The insight they were able to share into the
personal toll that the disease takes struck a personal note with some of the
Disability Services Advisory Council:
 Connie reports that DSAC had a presentation from Rogue Valley Transportation
District (RVTD) about Translink and other services they offer.
 Pat offers to be a liaison and attend DSAC by phone (2-4 pm the 2nd Monday of
each month). In the meantime, the SAC will continue to search for someone
else to serve as DSAC liaison.
Field Office Report:
 No report is given.
Staff Report:
 Berta states that she will be providing staff support (along with Chelsey) for
SAC meetings. Connie will continue to provide staff support for the Advocacy
committee and will continue to attend the SAC and DSAC. Dave will continue
to take the lead staff role during all of the SAC and DSAC-related meetings.
Review of 4-year plan: Berta Varble
 Berta with Katharine’s help reviews the Four-Year Area Plan for 2013-2016.
She highlights:
o Mission
o Values
o Program Goals:
Healthy Aging
Economic Stability
Community Living
Safety and Rights
That the plan is an ever-changing and evolving document that guides our
Prioritization of Discretionary Funding for Older Americans Act (OAA)
Title IIIB services (in priority order, highest to lowest):
Preventative Screening, Counseling and Referral
ADRC I&A and the Resource Database
ADRC Options Counseling
Respite Support
Contracted Info & Assistance Services
Population Profile
Administration and Services – Some services are provided directly and some
are contracted through other local agencies.
Community Services Not Provided by the AAA
Issue Areas, Goals and Objectives
Comments received:
o What about technology? There is no mention in the 4-year plan about
utilizing technology where possible to meet consumer's needs.
o The definition of care transitions is discussed. Staff clarifies that this
relates to the evidence-based Coleman Model of providing care transition
support to individuals transitioning from one care setting to another. We
hope to sell this service to CCOs. Marya talks about Interim’s care
transition service.
o Anne suggests that ADRC's I&R/A and Options Counseling staff should
know about how to access low cost medications from pharmaceutical
o Anne suggests that the roll out of the ADRC might be a good subject for
an OLLI community forum next fall when the ADRC is open for
operation in Southern Oregon.
o Connie comments that it would be good to think about whether there
could be a charge for some ADRC services since they will be available to
people from all income levels.
Other – Be sure to check out the article on page 22 of the October issue of the AARP
Bulletin. It addresses the impact of being admitted to the hospital versus being held
for observation on what insurance providers will cover.
Meeting adjourns at 2:45 p.m.
The next SAC Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 13th at 1:00 p.m. at the
Rogue Valley Council of Governments Conference Room.